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Cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver along with poor function of the liver. It is also
the final stage for liver diseases.
1. Chronic Alcoholism.
2. Viral Hepatitis.
3. Fat build up in the liver.
4. Bile Duct disease.
5. Genetic Diseases.
1. Pre-existing symptoms.
2. Blood Tests.
3. Medical History.
4. Physical Examination.
5. Possibly a liver biopsy.
1. Jaundice because of bilirubin in the blood.
2. Fatigue.
3. Weakness.
4. Loss of appetite.
5. Itching.
6. Easy bruising from decreased production of blood clotting factors.
1. Depend on the cause and the level of severity.
2. Goals are to prevent further liver damage and reduce complications.
3. Depending on the cause medications and lifestyle changes are required.
4. If treatments do not work a liver transplant may be needed.
How to avoid Cirrhosis
1. Healthy diet/Exercise regimen.
2. Limit salt intake.
3. Stop drinking alcohol.
4. Talk to your doctor about medications, vitamins, and supplements.
5. Hep A and Hep B vaccinations.
6. Practice safe sex.
7. Clean needles for tattoos.
8. Do not share razors, toothbrushes, and other household items.

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