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EDU 3216

Shared Praxis Activity

AssessmentTalk about the basics

Step I. Invite students to articulate experiences with the topic
at hand.


A. Describe an assessment form (test, project, cooperative project, rubric) that did
not seem to reflect or assess how much you really knew regarding a particular
topic or skill. What was the flaw in the assessment form?

B. Have you ever had a teacher who was excellent at providing formative feedback?

Did that feedback help you and/or your classmates reach greater success in
mastering a skill or concept? How?

Step II. Encourage your students to question one another. The
intent is to probe their understanding, and in doing so enlarge the
concepts they are working with.

Pair and Share: Look over the following questions that highlight some of the key points
from the readings for today and discuss your responses with one person sitting next to

Why is it important for a teacher to use a variety of assessment types?

How does a teacher create a fair assessment tool?

How can a teacher establish a fair grading system?

Step III: The third step of a shared praxis is the element of direct
input. This can be a reading, a lecture, a video, web quest, or
Socratic discussion. Remember this must relate to the topic
discussed in steps one and two.

Academic Language Focus
Clarification of Key Terms

Functions of Key TermsLanguage Frames

______________________ means I will be evaluating students at
________________ and, this information tells me________________________.

An assessment can be described as ____________________ if it
________________ .

Step IV. Students must demonstrate and/or practice the new
understanding of concepts. This can be done in a variety of
ways. This is one place to consider variety for individual needs.

Test Question Assignment

The assignment is to write a series of test questions for material that connects with your
unit plan theme/topic and relates to your content field. These questions should be typed
and you must include directions explaining how you expect your students to answer the
questions. We will use these during a workshop secession.

Please write:

5 True or False statements
5 -10 Multiple Choice Questions
One set of matching containing five items to be paired
1 Essay questions
Add one additional form of questioning that is appropriate for your content area

(Adapted from The Craft of Christian Teaching, Van Dyk, 2000, 196-199)

Diagnostic Evaluation Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation
Reliability Validity Fairness Norm- Referenced Test
Criterion Referenced Test

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