Term 1 Weekly Overview WK 9 October 6

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Weekly Overview D4 Date: 6.10.

A fun week with activities based around our 5 senses. We have our Teddy Bear Picnic/Portfolio Sharing scheduled for Wednesday 8 ctober fro!"#$%&'#'%.
Please co!e in and (oin the fun if you have ti!e.
Walk )*Wheels will be on +riday "% ctober fro! 8#$%&,#$%. -f your child would like to .artici.ate and use wheels for the event/ .lease don*t forget to dro.
your child*s bicycle/scooter/roller blade to school this week. 0indly label it clearly with your child*s na!e and class.
Ter! Break will be fro! Saturday "" ctober 1 2onday '% ctober.
Learner Profle Focus 3isk&taker/ Thinker and Balanced
PYP ttitu!es 4onfidence and 4oo.eration
Personal" #ocial" $ealt% &
5istening Skills 1 5earning to listen at a..ro.riate ti!es and use our whole bodies to show we are listening 6eyes
looking/ ears listening/ legs crossed/ hands in la./ li.s closed7
-nde.endence& learning to do things for ourselves/ i.e. .acking bags/ .utting shoes on/ sorting and .utting things in
the right .lace in the classroo!/ eating
8ealing with 4onflict in a .ositive way through role .laying and using the acrony! 9Talk/ Walk/ 4halk:. Talk is try to
resolve conflict through words/ Walk if it is not working/ 4halk is when you go and tell the teacher because you*ve
tried all of the above and nothing is being resolved.
Thinking about healthy eating
Lan)ua)e Speaking and Listening# We will be role !odelling how to .resent a Portfolio and the children will then get an o..ortunity to
.ractise this in .airs with their class!ates.
Phonics: 3eview of letters learnt so far s/ t/ !/ h/ n/ l/ f and fun ga!es linked to these.
Reading/Books: Charlie and Lola: I Spy with my Little Eyes 6follow this link for the you tube video of this story
http://www.yot!e.com/watch"#$%&rSPh'(P)* A..les are ;u!!y htt.#//www.youtube.co!/watch<v=oB+&>?2ku@8
Pre+writing skills# The children will continue to .ractise writing and drawing which assists in building their fine !otor skills.
Songs and chants# ABarney 5 senses song& %tt*:++www.youtu,e.co(+watc%-v.'/'0#61WDu0 and
htt.s#//www.youtube.co!/watch<v=eBer0)@BlWo 4runchy 2unchy @oney 4akes 6Wiggles7
2at%s ,m!er: Re#ision o% Pattern and shortest to longest or 5earning Aodd one out* using fruits and vegetables.
3evision of '8 Sha.es# http://www.yot!e.com/watch"#$htcPen-g./
3.O.4+ rt & 5ra6t 3evise the 5 sensesC .lay ga!es associated with this. We will be having !essy .lay this week writing letters in shaving
crea!/ .laying with gloo./ wet/coloured sand and ice. 2aking !asks to highlight the sense of sight/ having a !ystery boD for
the sense of touch/ !aking .otato/.lay dough bodies and tasting a variety of sweet/ sour/ bitter and salty foods etc.
5o(*uters Starfall 1in the A5earning to 3ead* section www.starfall.co!. 0ee. revising the letters Ss/ Tt/ 2!/ )n/ @h/ +f E 5l. This link
will take you to a letter sounds video called the 9al.hablocks* 1 great .honics fun show. htt.#//youtu.be/FFG+0(%!Ws
Please use the following links to sing along with our 5 senses songs %tt*:++www.youtu,e.co(+watc%-v.4*,0s'w*W7o
P.'. 2s 2ichelle 6Beetles class7Tuesday and Thursday
2s Bulie 68ragonflies class7 Tuesday and Thursday 0 don1t %orget to send in sports shoes
#wi((in) 2s 2ichelle & 2onday "%#%%&"%.G5 1 hel.ers .lease !eet at .ool "%#%%a!
2s Bulie 1 2onday "%.G5&"".$%1 hel.ers .lease !eet at .ool "%.G5a!
Beetles& 2onday and Thursday/8ragonflies 1 2onday and +riday
2usic Tuesday and +riday
Li,rary 2s 2ichelle&Wednesday/2s Bulie & 2onday 6don*t forget the library bag7
Please be aware that so!e classes !ay change due to students* interest and focus.
-f you have any Huestions/ .lease dro. us a note in the diary or co!e in any ti!e to visit us in the classroo!.
0ind regards 1 The S0 tea!

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