Bosnia Genocide

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Hello Readers,

I am a reporter from the United States and right now I am located in

Sarajevo. I originally came to Sarajevo to find proof about a genocide
that could be happening and tell the outside world about the sick and
inhumane things that are happening here. When the genocide began the
Serbs began to fill concentration camps up with the non-Serbs whom
had not fled the country in time. I witnessed families being torn apart
from each other as the Serbian Soldiers forced the father and male
children to fall under their custody.
I hope after this letter is released that the UN or whatever other
military force will come and save the innocent people who are being
slaughtered because of their ethnicity before it is too late. While talking
to citizens of the town of Sarajevo I heard a rumor about what could be
mass graves filled with Bosnian Muslims that were murdered. I went to
investigate but it was way to dangerous to get close enough to get the
evidence that I needed. As every day goes by more and more innocent
people are being killed because of their ethnicity. It is obvious that an
ethic cleansing or genocide is occurring in Sarajevo and throughout the
entire country. Bosnian Muslims along with other non-Serbians needs
help defending themselves from the vicious Serbian military before they
are slaughtered in cold blood just because of their ethnicity.
The genocide is now over and the country is safer. I was not able
to send out the letter that could have saved thousands of lives because I
was taking shelter and hiding in an abandoned warehouse while the
Serbians took over and ethnically cleansed the town of Sarajevo. In the
end more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed due to the Ethnic
Cleansing. Also, 30,000 people are listed as missing and are suspected
to be dead and buried in mass graves. Justice will be served to those
who deserve it and the entire world must work to make sure nothing
this terrible ever happens again.

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