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Askarel transformers, also known as PCB transformers, were manufactured prior to 1977 and were
deliberately insulated with PCBs as a dielectric. The PCBs were diluted in a mix a tri- and tetra-
chlorobenzene solvent in concentrations of 30% to 70% or 300,000 to 700,000 ppm PCBs.

There are several hundred askarel transformers still in service across Canada and many of them are
concentrated in the Greater Toronto Area.

For years, the federal government encouraged owners of askarel transformers to place serialized
OR stickers on them to get an idea of how many units were still in service across the country in an
attempt to establish a national inventory.

Unfortunately, the data base was never very accurate for a number of reasons.

1) First it wasnt made mandatory so many PCB transformers are not in the database.

2) Second, when transformers were removed from service, many owners didnt notify the
government so the database could not be accurately up-dated.

3) Third, some owners placed two stickers on their transformers instead of one per unit.

4) And fourth, some PCB owners are still placing these stickers on drums of PCB waste rather
than transformers and capacitors.

As a rule of thumb, 99% of the time askarel transformers are situated in in-door substations due to
the fact that askarel is a great dielectric, a superior heat transfer agent and an excellent fire
retardant. In fact, it will not ignite even when you hold a match to it.

However, they can occasionally be found in outdoor substations as well.

A good reason for not having askarel transformers outdoors is the potential release of very high PCB
levels into the environment in the event of leaks, spills or catastrophic failure. Askarel by definition
contains several hundred thousand ppm PCBs whereas PCB-contaminated oil transformers may
only be a few hundred to a few thousand ppm.

Also, because the PCBs in askarel are mixed with chlorobenzenes to make the PCBs less viscous, this
solvent phase may facilitate PCB movement away from the site and to make matters worse, because
the benzenes are volatile, when they evaporate, the pure PCB resin is deposited along the route as a
sticky to brittle layer depending on the matrix, temperatures and type of Aroclor. As a rule most
askarel transformers are insulated with Aroclor 1260, the highest chlorinated mix.

Finally if askarel with a specific gravity of 1.5 finds its way into water with a specific gravity of 1.0, it
will sink to the bottom whereas oil, with a specific gravity of 0.85, will float on top of the water.

Some readers may recall the St. Clair River blob incident in 1985. In this case, the accidental release
of 11,000 litres of perchloroethylene, with a similar specific gravity to askarel, resulted in the
contamination of 14,000 square metres of sediment. In the end 13,000 cubic metres of sediment were
vacuumed up at a cost of $15,000,000.

If this had been an oil spill, the cleanup costs would have been significantly less.

Re-Coring of Askarel Transformers

At one time re-coring of askarel transformers was offered as an option and although it was proven to
be a viable alternative, it is no longer offered in the market.

Reclassification of Askarel Transformers - The Perc Process

For many years the market offered reclassification of askarel transformers to non-PCB status
using what became known as the PERC process.

For those of you who may not be familiar with this process, perc is perchloroethylene or
tetrachloroethylene, the highly toxic solvent used by the dry-cleaning industry and the culprit in
the blob incident just mentioned above.

Compared to askarel liquid which is not acutely toxic, a concentration of just 6000 ppm of perc in the
atmosphere is sufficient to cause almost immediate death of exposed workers.

In a confined space such as a transformer substation, a catastrophic failure of a transformer
insulated with perc could cause death of an unprotected worker entering the vault in just a few

When dealing with askarel, a respirator equipped with an organic vapour cartridge is sufficient to
provide protection against the PCBs and tri and tetra-chlorobenzene mixture.

In contrast, workers exposed to perc must wear self-contained breathing apparatus or equivalent,
especially in confined spaces.

Workers who were wearing respirators as opposed to SCBA, in a confined space containing perc
have died when their respirator cartridges reached their adsorption capacity allowing the perc to
bleed through, killing the workers before they could escape.

The perc reclassification process involved the removal of the askarel and replacing it with
perchloroethylene. The transformer was re-energized and the perc was continuously circulated
through a distillation unit to keep the PCB levels sufficiently low to allow the PCBs in the core and
coil to leach out over time.

Although the process had some successes, there were several notable failures that lead the companies
who were using this approach, to abandon it altogether.

It is noteworthy that perc-insulated transformers are still in service. Some are below 50 ppm PCBs
and others have leached back to over 50 ppm. In any case, the owners we have talked to are targeting
them for replacement despite spending a lot of money on the reclassification process.

Removal and Disposal of Large Perc Transformers

One reclassification project in particular was noteworthy due to the time and expense involved. Two
10,000 KVA askarel transformers were subjected to perc distillation for more than 10 years and in
the end, the transformers were replaced anyway since the PCB levels would not stay below 50 ppm.

A brief discussion of the disposal phase of this project will serve to demonstrate how large
transformers can be removed from an outdoor substation that has good access.

First the perc was drained from the transformers.

Workers wore respirators equipped with organic vapour cartridges rather than a SCBA because the
work area was outdoors with very good ventilation.

Before the transformers could be removed, the transformer base and spill pans were cut away.

After draining, the fins were removed to facilitate transport of the transformer otherwise it would
have been far too wide for the road.

Once the fins were removed, the transformer tank was lifted out of the substation and placed on the

Due to the height of the transformer, it had to be moved using a float.

Clearly, a great deal of money could have been saved by simply replacing the transformers in the
first place not to mention the ten-year period where perc was kept in transformers as a dielectric. A
failure resulting in release of the perc contents would have been a serious health and environmental

In the normal course of the events, if the PCB concentration in a perc-insulated transformer was
considered sufficiently below the 50 ppm level, the perc was drained from the transformer and it was
retrofilled with silicone, R-Temp or some other dielectric fluid.

Again depending on the internal construction of the transformer in question, the PCBs in some cases
continued to leach slowly into the new insulating liquid giving rise to another problem, PCB-
contaminated Silicone or PCB-contaminated R-Temp. The transformer owners we have talked to
are choosing to replace these units with new transformers.

Preparing a Budget

When faced with the replacement of an askarel transformer, the disposal cost is determined by the
volume of liquid and the weight of the empty carcass, both of which are on the name plate of the

Prior to the promulgation of the new PCB regulations, during budget discussions, when asked by
management to justify the replacement of PCB transformers, the reasons most often given by
electricians and engineers were as follows.

Liability in the event of an incident
Bad publicity if there's a PCB accident
To become Environmentally friendly
Make a claim of being PCB free
Insurance rate reductions
Lead time for replacement equipment
Maintain good relations with Unions
Spread out costs over a suitable time frame
Avoid bankruptcy in the event of a catastrophic event.

Access to a transformer substation is probably the most significant factor affecting project costs. For
transformers at ground level where the access door is large enough to remove the unit intact, a PCB
transformer can be drained and removed and the new unit placed into the vault in less than a day.

Similarly, if below grade substations are accessible, a crane can lift out the PCB transformer intact
and drop in the new unit in just a few hours.

However, in those cases where substations are totally inaccessible, it can take several days to get a
PCB transformer removed and a new unit installed.

If you have PCB transformers that need to be replaced, you should determine as soon as possible
what type of transformer you need for your particular site.

It is also an opportunity to:

replace aging switchgear
install a larger KVA transformer
change from liquid to dry type units
relocate a substation within a building
increase or decrease redundancy
move indoor substations to outdoors
upgrade to new technology equipment

As the Dec 31/09 deadline for replacement of askarel transformers approaches, delivery times for new
equipment are expected to become increasingly longer and disposal costs are expected to increase.

Team Effort

Transformer replacement projects are complex and typically involve the coordinated effort between
the PCB owner, transformer manufacturer, consulting engineers, electrical company and the PCB
disposal company.


From a liability and insurance point of view, PCB Disposal Inc. indemnifies and saves harmless our
customers and names them as additionally insured for a total of $15,000,000 under our insurance
policies for coverage relating to Comprehensive, Automobile, Environmental Impairment and Errors
and Omission.

Regulatory Issues

Before a project can begin, there are a few regulatory issues the PCB owner in Ontario must satisfy.

1) They must go on-line to the MOE's "HWIN" (Hazardous Waste Information Network)
Internet site to obtain a Generator Number if they don't already have one.

2) They must register PCBs as waste class 243-D solids and 243-D liquids when transformer
disposal is involved. The Generator No. will be used for completing the Transportation of
Dangerous Goods (TDG) manifest for removal of the PCBs from site.

3) They must submit a letter to the local MOE office requesting "Director's Instructions" for
greater than 50 litres of PCB liquid, providing all of the pertinent details of the proposed

Transformer Replacement Projects

The PCB crew will arrive on site

go through any orientation specific to the site
set up emergency spill response equipment
cover catch basins or floor drains
erect enclosures and ventilation systems
position drums in secondary containment areas
bring in pumps, hoses, generator, tools, first aid kit, fire extinguisher and so on to prepare
for the work at hand.

Before work is begun, the transformer is locked out as a safety feature that prevents the unit from
being re-energized.

Transformers are drained into 205-litre, 16-gauge drums.

Where there is access, as long as there is a crane that can reach the substation, this one is on the 33

floor, the owner has the option of installing silicone or other liquid-insulated transformers.

However, some of the extractions and installations can be challenging when the transformer access is
on the side of the building.

In this particular job, special platforms had to be constructed to facilitate removal and installation of
the transformers.

In those instances where the access to the vault is on the roof, a giant crane may be able to remove
the PCB units and lift the new transformers into place.

The cranes that are large enough to do these lifts can cost tens of thousands of dollars a day so a
decision needs to be made as to whether it is economically feasible to use them or not.

These huge cranes can take 8 to 12 hours to assemble and they require the shutdown of the entire

Also, the job requires permits, police at both ends of the block and if the TTC is impacted, it may
involve additional costs for removal and re-installation of street car cables.

If a project is time critical, using a crane will enable extraction of the PCB transformers and
placement of the new units inside the vault in just a few hours.

When the last new transformer is securely placed in the substation,

the vault cover is replaced and secured and the crane is disassembled; a process that can take
another 8-12 hours to complete.

Following installation of the new transformers, the vault is cleaned and usually painted to return it to
a pristine state.

Poor Access Substations Transformer Cut Down

What do you do if the transformer substation has poor access or is totally inaccessible?

In situations where a site is being demolished, if transformers are inaccessible, it may be possible to
cut a pathway out of the building to facilitate extraction.

However, when an inaccessible transformer needs to be changed out, there may be only one option,
and that is cut-down of the PCB unit and installation of dry-type transformers in situ.

It is surprising how many askarel transformers fall into the category of inaccessible. They are
particularly abundant in high-rise buildings where substations were constructed in a manner that
never took into account that the transformer would have to changed-out one day.

PCB Disposal Inc. did the first project ever involving the transformer disassembly process. Several
years ago, when we were faced with removal of thee 2000-KVA transformers from the top of the CN
Tower, we had to develop the more radical transformer cut-down approach.

The transformer substation was directly situated under the roof of the pod and the hole through
which the transformers were originally lifted was permanently closed up after the original lift.

We had no choice but to cut the transformers into small enough pieces to get them down the elevator.

Transformer Disassembly Process

The cut-down process in general terms involves using saws rather than torches to minimize heat.
First, the transformer fins and the top of the transformer are cut away.

Next the tank is cut down into pieces small enough to be man-handled.

The tank walls are cut away until the core is completely exposed.

Once the tank walls have been removed, the core is taken apart piece by piece.

All of the core components are placed in drums, about 18 drums for a 2000 KVA core.

Depending on the construction and the size of the transformers, it may be possible to remove
individual coils with a hoist and place them right into a drum.

As each PCB transformer is removed from the vault, the dry-type replacement transformer is
brought into the vault in pieces and is re-assembled after being assembled and tested at the
manufacturing facility.

Associated Electrical Equipment

In addition to transformers, there are other electrical components that are typically part of the
substation such as cables and potheads that may or may not be contaminated with PCBs.

Although the new PCB Regulations do not require that cables and potheads be replaced or even
analyzed for PCB content, many owners are changing out PCB-contaminated potheads and in some
cases, PCB contaminated cables as well.

Electrical Cables

The feasibility of replacing cables is assessed on a case-by-case basis. In some buildings it would be
too time consuming and prohibitively expensive.

Not all cables are PCB contaminated. However, analyses have confirmed that many of old PILC
cables are contaminated with PCBs, sometimes to several hundred ppm.

In situations where sites are being demolished or decommissioned, cables are notorious for leaking
after theyve been cut. To prevent possible release of PCB contaminated oil, they should be properly
wrapped and sealed.


When you look at cables as potential sources of PCB contamination, it is important not to ignore the
potheads to which cables are attached.

Sampling and analysis have confirmed that the pitch that insulates the pothead can also contain
several hundred ppm PCBs.

Potheads can usually be easily sampled through their plug even though some potheads themselves
may not be easily accessible.

Again, if you see a black tar-like substance leaking from a pothead or cable, it should be tested for
PCB contamination prior to disposal.


Under the new federal PCB Regulations passed September 5, 2008 and published in the Canada Gazette
September 17, 2008, all in-service PCB transformers must be removed from service by December 31,

For more information see New PCB Regulations.

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