Learning Log 1

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Ghiecel S.


1. How do I get students to pay attention and to be actively participating?

Teachers were oriented with different strategies, learning styles and approaches in dealing with
learners in the class. According to the constructivists approach learner must be engaged in
learning process that learner must have the chance to relate and connect their past experience to
new meaningful experience. Providing an active learning in the class could lessen the learners
boredom and can capture, and keep their focus on the lesson that teacher might give. Active
learning process- in which learner is actively engaged in the learning process and by providing
meaningful learning, discovery learning and generative learning wherein learners are attended to
learning events and generate meaning from experience.

2. How do I keep the flow of events moving with smooth and rapid transition?

: According to Dr. Jacob Kounin the connection between the actions of the teacher while
teaching, and student behavior. He believed that effective teaching and effective classroom
management is established through the mastery of the following five areas: with-it-ness,
overlapping, movement management, smoothness, and group focus. Additionally, he purported
that classroom organization, planning, proactive interventions, and student involvement were
essential to a well-run, productive classroom. When it comes to keeping the flow of events
moving with smooth and rapid transition in classroom the movement management and
smoothness must be utilized. Movement management refers to a pace of lesson, that lesson
must be modulated to keep the attention of students and because teacher is prepared, the
teacher knows what s/he will do next in the lesson, what the students will be doing next, and
facilitates smooth transitions between parts of the lesson. Unexpected happenings and
interruptions are handled quickly and smoothly so that the lesson flows well, and keeps students
attentive and on-task. Smoothness refers to the teachers ability to keep the classroom running in
an organized fashion. Teaching a lesson while maintaining the students focus, transitioning from
one subject to the next without losing the students or having a lot of disruption. By developing
professional and personal attributes and utilizing these. It will help a teacher in having a smooth
sailing discussion in the classroom.

3. How do I communicate to students what I expect of them and are my expectations appropriate?

The first thing teacher do before starting a lesson is that she introduces the learning objectives for
the learners to be aware what to learn and acquire after a certain lesson. Just like the said
thing. Respect and creating a positive classroom environment leads to have a good
communication with learner. With that, learner will not be afraid of showing them everything that
they learn from you and as a teacher you have to be approachable in dealing with your diverse
learners. Through good communication learners will not be afraid to share without losing respect
from you as their teacher. And teacher must do the same to his/her learner to have a better

4. How do I build good personal relationships with students?

Answer: A teacher-student relationship is very important for children considering the fact that teacher is
more often seen by learners since teacher is known to be the second mom of the learners in school. To
have a good relationship with students, teacher must establish a positive relationship with them. The
qualities for a positive relationship can vary to set a learning experience approachable and inviting the
students to learn. A teacher and student who have the qualities of good communications, respect in a
classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student
will establish a positive relationship in the classroom. Another is by being fair to everyone in the class and
creating a classroom that is a non-threatening classroom and the classroom that learners feel that they
are belong. With that positive climate of the classroom it will develop a good relationship between teacher
and learner. Professionalism and having a personal attributes is very much needed in dealing with
learners and establishing a good relationship with them.

5. How do I deal with very resistant students?

Answer: Having diversity of learners in classroom is inevitable it always happen in a classroom setting.
One of it is dealing with resistant students- it is passively act of students by mentally withdrawing and not
attending to task. And there are reasons behind these attitudes of learners. Teachers should establish
positive ways of breaking walls of resistant learners by giving a reason to act, creating enthusiasm in
the teaching and learning processes, and tapping into forces determining behavior, such as biological,
emotional, cognitive, or social forces that activate and direct behavior (Encarta Dictionary: English [North
America]). Resistant learners happened to be not motivated. So teachers role is to develop and help
them to be intrinsically and not just extrinsically motivated. If the learner is motivated they are more likely
willing to learn and might be competitive enough since they are motivated well and eager to learn for the

6. What does it takes to explain things clearly?

: Just as clear as your direction in every test and policies, rules and regulation in classroom.
Teacher is one factor that could be a model of her/his learner. In explaining things clearly teacher
must be very careful in her/his words and it must be clear. Another is that she has to be
knowledgeable on the concept that she/he wanted to explain.

7. How do I make lesson more interesting and effective?

: Aside from having a good lesson plan with SMARTER learning objectives. To have an
interesting and effective learning process, teacher must apply and make use of different
strategies that could make learners more interested on the subject matter. Simply possessing
your teaching style and by utilizing the principle of learning is fun and by using different
teaching/learning styles for the learning to be more meaningful for them. Engaging them on the
learning process, using discovery learning. Furthermore relating the topic to the level of learners
that they could apply the knowledge to real world situations. With these strategies, it differentiated
the role of teachers traditionally from constructivism approach.

8. How do I get the most out of my space and furniture?

In a classroom setting we often seen classroom that is full of furniture that there is no more
enough space for things that are intended for learning. Its a normal thing in the classroom
however teacher must weigh the important things that must be left in the classroom. Things that
is more relevant for learners. Space is important for the learners to feel freely, to move in huge
space. Teacher must be very careful also in pitting decorations in her/his classroom that may not
related to school.
9. How can I vary my teaching style?

Before employing teaching style the first thing teacher must do is that she has to know the
learning style and level of his/her learners. With that, it gives the idea to the teacher to be more
aware on what to use that is suited to different learning style a learner might have. It is said that
teaching methods that match students' learning styles can improve their academic performance
significantly. Thus, teachers should adopt a balanced teaching style to help more students learn
effectively and become more flexible in the way they learn. A learner-centered teacher must
employ different teaching methods to address students' varied learning needs.

10. How can I adjust the students learning style?

One of the attribute that teacher must possess is to be flexible. Flexible in her/his way of
teaching. As what I had mention earlier that every learner has a unique and authentic learning
styles and so teacher must be equipped enough of his/her learner to deliver the knowledge
appropriately with respect to the learning styles they have. Teachers must not accommodate only
one teaching styles without considering the learning styles of others. So that is why teacher may
utilize different strategies and approaches for the teaching and learning process to be effective.

11. What is my hidden curriculum?

: Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and
perspectives that students learn in school. Since teacher must be a good example. Having
respect, fairness, kind, patience and God fearing personality is the hidden curriculum that must
be shred to every learner. Having different positive values and attitudes happens always in
classroom setting. I was not able to know myself better since I never been experienced teaching
alone in the field. But I am trying my best to be a good example of a teacher in the near future. I
do believe that someday in this world I could find my center, my hidden curriculum that could
complete me as a teacher in the near future.

12. How do I know what students have really learned?

: By assessing the learner, a teacher could find out if the learner really learned what is intended to
learn. It involves setting goals and standards for student learning and then systematically
gathering and analyzing evidences to determine how well student performance matches those
expectations and standards. Through assessment teacher could find out on what and where
aspects of learning his/her learner excel. Another is to give teacher the judgment if his learner
pass or failed.

13. How do I build or adjust curriculum for maximum effectiveness?

Teacher can make his/her own curriculum however we are talking about for maximum
effectiveness that a teacher might build for a more effective teaching and learning process. By
using your personal characteristics, teaching technique and creating a positive classroom climate
a child might develop who you wanted them to be regarding with positive classroom climate it
would involve implementing values or hidden curriculum that is needed to be learn also by

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