2014 15 Apush Period3 Presentation 10 6

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Declaration of Independence

Identify three truths and five lies (as to what was part
of the final draft of the Declaration of Independence,
and what wasnt)
Identify the two most important historical themes that
apply to this document set
Declaring Independence
July 4, 1776 Philadelphia Independence declared
A war for independence would still need to be fought
Declaration logistics and
Thomas Jefferson wrote declaration of independence signed by
delegates from all 13 colonies
Anti-slavery sections deleted pressure of SC, GA
John Lockes natural rights major influence
Foundational document of United States

Summer 1776 New York
British retreat from Boston, move war to Middle States
32,000 British soldiers invade New York
General William Howe
Admiral Richard Howe
G. Washington assembled 23,000 soldiers -

Summer 1776 New York
August 27, 1776 - Washingtons army retreats
west from New York
Late fall less than 8000 soldiers left with
Washingtons army retreated across New Jersey
into Pennsylvania by late Fall
Winter 1776-77
Washington needed a victory to prevent men from
Camped out in Pennsylvania near Delaware River
Battle of Trenton
Christmas Eve, 1776 Washington crosses Delaware River
Americans ambush Hessian (German mercenary) soldiers on
X-mas morning
900 Hessian prisoners, 6 cannons

Battle of Princeton
January 3, 1777
March from Trenton to Princeton another American victory
Washington then marched to winter camp, Morristown, NJ

Fight for Philadelphia
General Howe (British) made move to take
Philadelphia (capital) Spring 1777
Howe, captured capital - Aug. 1777, G. Washington
failed to defend city, Continental Congress fled
Washington failed to dislodge British
Brandywine and Germantown

Road to Saratoga
Summer 1777
General Burgoyne (British) Gentleman Johnny
Strategy divide and conquer = meet up with General Howe never actually

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