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Title: Going Beyond the Classroom

Client/ Sponsor: The Elon Challenge Course
Length: 30 seconds
Medium: Online media, ETV
Air dates: Jan. 1-March 1 and Aug. 1-Oct. 1
Black screen with Elon Challenge
Course Logo (:02)
WS: Someone jumping off pamper
pole with people cheering at the
CU: Someone walking across the
high ropes (:05)
MS: Someone doing trust fall
blindfolded (:03)
WS to MS: The last person getting
over the wall and everyone at the
top pulling them over (:03)
WS: Group huddled making a plan
and one person is directing (:03)
MS: Group doing WAH
CU: Group laughing doing knee
tag (:05)
WS: Someone going down the zip
line (:05)
Black screen with contact
information (:04)
Fades black
Music: Wake Me Up Avicii
VO: Find your adventure
TEXT: Adventure
VO: Learn to trust
TEXT: Trust
VO: Embrace teamwork
TEXT: Teamwork
VO: Develop leadership
TEXT: Leadership
VO: And have fun
VO: The Elon Challenge Course. Going
beyond the classroom. Commit. Challenge.
TEXT: Commit. Challenge. Succeed.
TEXT: Free for all on campus
organizations! Contact Kendall Gardiner to learn how
you can experience the Elon Challenge
!"# %&'"()

8ex WaLer's connecLlon Lo ouLdoor experlenLlal educaLlon began aL a young age Lhrough
Lhe advenLure programmlng offered by Lhe 8oy ScouLs of Amerlca. lrom LhaL polnL on
hls passlon for ouLdoor recreaLlon programmlng only grew.

When 8ex came Lo Llon ln 1990, Lhe unlverslLy was uslng
Cedarock ark's hlgh and low-ropes course for sLudenL
developmenL ln Llon 101 classes. As demand grew, Lhe need for
an on-campus ropes course lncreased exponenLlally. under
8ex's dlrecLlon and leadershlp, Lhe Llon Challenge Course low
ropes was bullL ln 1994 and Lhe hlgh-ropes elemenLs were bullL
several years laLer.

1he Llon Challenge Course offers a dlsLlncLlve experlence LhaL
you can'L [usL buy or geL anywhere," sald WaLers. lL allows our sLudenLs Lo dedlcaLe
Lhemselves Lo Lhelr organlzaLlon, come LogeLher Lo focus on Lhelr goals and ulLlmaLely
achleve Lhose goals off Lhe course."

Whlle 8ex ls currenLly Lhe dean of sLudenL developmenL, he began hls nearly 23-year-
long career aL Llon as Lhe dlrecLor of campus recreaLlon. 8ex has been a promlnenL
flgure on campus by headlng many ma[or campus lmprovemenLs and developmenLs,
predomlnanLly wlLhln Lhe fleld of leadershlp.

8ex has a 8achelor of Sclence ln exerclse sporLs sclence and a masLer's ln hlgher
educaLlon admlnlsLraLlon from vlrglnla 1ech unlverslLy.

Pe currenLly resldes ln 8urllngLon, n.C. wlLh hls wlfe Clndy and Lhelr chocolaLe Labrador,
8ond. ln Lhelr spare Llme Lhey en[oy ouLdoor acLlvlLles, golng wlne LasLlng and spendlng
Llme aL Lhelr second home ln 8lacksburg, va.


New Student & Transition Programs
News Release

October 2013 Kendall Gardiner
Director of the Elon Challenge Course
(336) 278-7777

Third annual haunted trail

Star-crossed lovers, murder and betrayal are all themes of this years Haunted Trail,
which will take place at the Elon Challenge Course Tuesday and Wednesday from 8-10
p.m. The Haunted Trail tour and refreshments are available for free to Elon students with
a valid Phoenix card.

This year Campus Recreations third annual Haunted Trail will feature the Feud Over
Moonelon: a fictional tale of what two families were willing to do to acquire the deed
for the Moonelon property.

The Haunted Trail will be a great activity for students that are looking for a free, scary
event, said Danielle Prongay, student director for the Haunted Trail. Campus Rec is
excited to share in the festive Halloween spirit.

Campus Recreation launched the first Haunted Trail three years ago at the intramural
fields and it has become an Elon Halloween tradition.

About the Elon Challenge Course:

Since 1994, the Elon Challenge Course has provided the Elon community the opportunity
for outdoor experiential education that enables participants and their organizations to
translate the skills they learn on the course to everyday life. Participants are challenged
both physically and mentally through a series of more than a dozen low and high-ropes
elements. Contact for more information.


The Elon Challenge Course propels into fall

Weve had an exciting semester so far on the Elon Challenge Course! Weve already had over
350 student participants from various Elon 101 classes, study abroad groups and fellows
programs. This has meant busy weekends for our facilitators, but weve enjoyed the course
being used so frequently.

In October one of our annual traditions is collaborating with Campus Recreation to host the
Elon Haunted Trail. In addition to the Haunted Trail we will be busy continuing to take
groups out on the course.

We are dedicated to helping participants reach their goals by leveraging their greatest
resource: their people. With over 20 years of experience in challenge course consulting,
leadership development and outdoor team building, the Elon Challenge Course is a leader in
providing creative solutions to groups in times of transition. Elon Challenge Course
provides the Elon community with the opportunity for outdoor experiential education that
enables participants and their organizations to translate the skills they learn on the course to
everyday life. Contact for more information.

October 1, 2013
Nathan Rode-Editor in Chief
The Pendulum
Moseley 233
Elon, N.C., 27244


Adrenaline junkies no longer have to study abroad to Costa Rica, Switzerland or New
Zealand to obtain that rush they seek from jumping off a cliff or out of a plane. All Elon
students have to do is walk 10 minutes down the road to the high and low-ropes challenge

The Elon Challenge Course offers a series of over a dozen low-ropes elements as well as a
high-ropes course complete with a zip line that challenge participants both physically and
mentally. Not only does the Elon Challenge Course provide the experiential outdoor
education opportunity that students pay thousands of dollars to take part in, but they
provide this service for free to on-campus organizations.

Our challenge course offers unique programs that promote group collaboration, leadership,
confidence, trust and communication skills, all in an exciting outdoor setting. Whether it is a
newly formed organization or a group in transition, the Elon Challenge Course provides an
irreplaceable experience that all Elon student organizations should know about.

Currently the challenge course is lacking the publicity around campus that we need to be
successful. The Pendulum has a strong following among students and we believe it would be
beneficial for us if an article could be written about the Elon Challenge Course to get the
word out about this incredible resource.

I would love to offer you the opportunity to come out on the Challenge Course this
Saturday from 2-6 p.m. to experience what our participants do every day. If this time does
not work for you, wed be happy to schedule an alternative date. Additionally, I can set up an
interview for you with Dean Rex Waters, the visionary who built the Elon Challenge Course
from the ground up.

If you have any questions or need more information please feel free to call me at (336) 278-
7777 or email

I am looking forward to hearing from you!


Kendall Gardiner
Director of the Elon Challenge Course

New Student & Transition Programs

Dear Applicant:

Thank you for your interest in the Elon Challenge Course. The challenge
course is housed within New Student and Transition Programs, an office
that provides assistance and resources to students during times of transition.
In this application you will find job descriptions for the director and
coordinator positions, an application coversheet and application questions.

You must submit your written application by Friday, November 8 by
5:00 p.m. to the New Student and Transition Programs office in
Moseley 206.

A complete application, professional resume and personal
interview are required to apply.

Yours in leadership,

Kendall Gardiner
Director, Elon Challenge Course

Will Stirn
Coordinator, Elon Challenge Course

Katie Hight
Director of New Student & Transition Programs

Challenge course student director
! Recruit on and off-campus participants on the course (goal of 2000+
! Organize request form binder and master schedule database via PBworks
! Schedule groups including staff facilitation and group itineraries
! Distribute evaluations to group advisors/participants and analyze
! Schedule service work and restitution hours as needed to help with course
! Prepare the payroll and work on other office responsibilities
! Maintain weekly meetings with the challenge course coordinator
! Attend bi-monthly Compass Counsel meetings
o Compass Counsel is a group of student leaders within NSTP who
collaborate to ensure the collective success of each program
! Maintain weekly meeting with the director of NSTP
! Assist with NSTP events as needed
! Contribute at least eight office hours per week

Challenge Course Coordinator
Promote the Elon Challenge Course to Elon 101 classes and student
Market the Elon Challenge Course in conjunction with Kendal and Doug, the
marketing coordinators, including website re-design, brochure creation and
updated pictures
Recruit, select and train Elon Challenge Course facilitators
Serve as new facilitator contact regarding shadowing, training and CPR/First
Maintain facilitator files (contact information, certifications, shadowing forms,
Oversee course conditions including safety inspections and overall needs
Assist with scheduling and logistics for all Elon Challenge Course events
Maintain weekly meeting with the challenge course director
Maintain weekly meeting with director of NSTP
Assist with NSTP Programs events as needed
Contribute at least 6 office hours per week

Director and coordinator position descriptions

This application is due to Moseley 206 by Friday, November 8 at 5:00 p.m.

Name: ___________________________ Year in school:____________________

Position(s) for which you are applying (in order of preference):

Campus box: ________ Cell phone: ______________ Email: _________________

Please list one on-campus reference who can speak to your ability.

Name: ______________________________ Extension:_________________________
Email:_______________________________ Campus box: ______________________

Please answer the following questions. When you have completed all the necessary
information, submit your typewritten application and professional resume to the office of
New Student and Transition Programs in Moseley 206. If you have any questions about
the application, please contact Kendall Gardiner (

Please answer the following questions on a separate page (typed):

1. What strengths and or skill sets are you bringing to the position(s) for which you are
2. What are your goals for the position(s)?
3. What is your experience with challenge courses and/or outdoor experiential
4. Why are you applying for a leadership position within the Elon Challenge Course?
5. What are the other possible commitments you will have next year in addition to
holding a leadership position within the Elon Challenge Course?

Thank you so much for your interest! We look forward to meeting you in the near future.



We have had a busy and successful semester on the Elon Challenge Course. This report will
include an overview of our semester as well as areas of improvement to focus on in the
coming months.


This semester we had 655 participants on the high and low-ropes course. Although specific
numbers are unavailable from last fall, this is significantly higher than the spring numbers of

Types of groups:
Elon 101classes (18)
Teaching Fellows
Business Fellows (2)
Honors Fellows (2-low and high-ropes)
College Democrats
Handmade Co-op
Elon MBA program
Study abroad (Turkey and Dubai, Greece, Vietnam, New Zealand)
Triad Power volleyball team (outside group)
International Fellows

The variety of groups we had on the course this semester was impressive, however, we still
could improve on leveraging the Elon 101s. While 18 is a good number, there are far more
Elon 101 groups than that and we should look into another way to approach these groups. I
think that opening up weekdays and letting TAs be the supervisor onsite was a good start;
however, since we made that decision late in the summer teachers werent aware of these
changes. Increasing awareness of this and making other adjustments to make coming out on
the course even easier will increase our numbers.


This semester we had 10 active facilitators: Andrew Brady, Cara McClain, Christine Fortner,
Eric Halperin, Gardner Allen, Jill Capotosto, Kendall Gardiner, Laura Orr, Noah Sakin and
Wesley Ann Barden.

Travis Knaggs was abroad.

Rachel Pileggi and Brogan Boles have been fairly inactive. Both have been approached about
their commitment to the course and will be dealt with accordingly. Having uncommitted
members of our team creates a negative dynamic for all the facilitators.

Unfortunately we lost three valuable facilitators this semester (Claire Mayo, Sam Gertzog
and Savannah Chaisson) due to other jobs that have a more consistent schedule.

In the spring five of our experienced facilitators will be graduating, which is something that
will need to be addressed by the new co-coordinators during the hiring process.


Our bi-weekly meetings have been successful. I think an important thing to note is that we
do not have meetings unless there is a clear purpose for them. In the past we have had
meetings just to have meetings and I think that having solely targeted meetings has helped
facilitator relations and have made the meetings we do have more effective.

We had two very successful training sessions this semester. Changing training sessions from
four to three hours has helped facilitator morale.

The first was with Evan Small and Katie Hight on the high-ropes. Facilitators learned the ins
and outs of the equipment, safety technique and preparation for a high-ropes group. While
none of our facilitators can lead a high-ropes group on their own from this session, all who
attended feel comfortable assisting professional staff with high-ropes facilitation. This
creates an opportunity to utilize our high-ropes elements more.

Our second training session was with Evan Small. This was one of our most successful
training sessions yet. Evan went over new and unique activities to do with groups. Since
many participants come out multiple times with different organizations, this is extremely
useful for facilitators. Some of the new activities include a variation for Bridge, Knee Tag,
Jump In/Jump Out, Jedi Warrior, Popper Tag and Gotcha.

The only issue we have had with trainings has been a lack of ability to hold facilitators who
choose not to attend accountable. These are unpaid trainings, which means that there are no
repercussions for missing them besides either Katie or myself approaching facilitators about
their commitment. This is something that needs to be improved.


At the end of November we hired two people to replace Will and I in the director and
coordinator positionsNicole Doolen and Andrew Brady. Instead of a director and
coordinator, we decided that we would turn the Elon Challenge Course leadership positions
into two co-coordinator positions. We believe this will provide role clarity, make it easier for
the leaders to work as one cohesive unit and will enable each coordinator to work to their


While it is naive to think that our numbers will be as high in the spring as they were this fall,
it is crucial that we keep our numbers up. Will and I have already contacted all the Greek
new member educators in order to get new member classes out on the course. They provide
significant numbers and help us tap into different organizations on campus. Other groups
that the new coordinators should reach out to are organization executive councils (many
change over on January 1), sports teams (club and varsity) and religious organizations (small
group, CCM, Hillel, etc).


As said above, we need a system for accountability. I still firmly believe that trainings
should be paid, but we have run into roadblocks with this from administrators. I hope that
the new coordinators are able to address this issue.

Additionally, with facilitators trained to assist with high-ropes I believe we can expand this
program. Perhaps even finding the funding to get a few facilitators certified in high-ropes

Hiring will be crucial for this upcoming semester. The coordinators will need to select a
diverse group of individuals who can be fully trained in time for the fall. I think that the new
facilitator process needs to be more involved. Especially for facilitators who dont take Rexs
class there needs to be some classroom sessions for these facilitators. Additionally, they
need to be taken out on the course and walked through each element so that facilitators are
being consistent and feel both comfortable and confident in their ability to facilitate groups.


Overall, I am proud of where we are leaving the course. We have made significant
improvements with facilitator training, which is something that has been a weakness in past
years. Evan Small has been amazing for training. He connects with our facilitators, creates
targeted trainings and never wastes our time. I believe we should utilize him for all training

Obviously there is always more we can do, but given the chaos in transitioning to a new
department, I believe that weve been successful. With clarified roles for the coordinators
and the training I will give them over winter term, I feel confident and comfortable with
where the Elon Challenge Course is going.

Kendall Gardiner

Director of the Elon Challenge Course



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Bello !"#$%&' )&*+#",+'")#-#%. /%/0%& %123+')& #+/% 4%&%5!

Ny name is ("#$%&' #+/% 4%&%5 anu I am the stuuent uiiectoi of the Elon Challenge
Couise. With ieciuitment fast appioaching anu new membei peiiou in the coming
months, I woulu like to ieminu you of the Elon Challenge Couise anu what an
excellent iesouice it is!

The Elon Challenge Couise offeis a seiies of ovei a uozen low-iopes elements that
challenge paiticipants both physically anu mentally. Not only is this iesouice iight
on oui campus, but it's completely fiee to all on-campus oiganizations!

The Elon Challenge Couise is a wonueiful oppoitunity foi new membeis to have a
fun time outuoois while also cieating an enviionment that fosteis tiust, cieates
bonus anu helps paiticipants leain to iely on one anothei.

Please keep us in minu as you scheuule youi new membei activities foi this spiing.
If you have any questions feel fiee to email challengecouiseelon.euu oi to call me
at (336) 278-7777.

I look foiwaiu to woiking with you!

Thanks so much,

(6#$%&' #+/% 4%&%5



Facilitator email to send:

Thank you so much for your participation on the Elon Challenge Course on (insert date
here) with (insert group name here)!

We hope that your organization had a rewarding and successful experience on the course.
We feel confident that you can transfer the skills and resources you maximized on the
course to everyday life within your organization!

In order to improve the course and provide an optimal experience for all Elon Challenge
Course participants, we would appreciate if you could fill out this short survey. All
comments, both positive and negative, are extremely beneficial to us!

(Insert survey link here)

If you took any photographs during the day that you feel comfortable being used for
marketing purposes, please email them to

Thanks again,

(Insert facilitator name)

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