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HEADLINE1 = Education Station: Giving students the edge

HEADLINE2 = Plan for our child!s success at Education Station
If you are looking at specialised one-on-one instruction for your school going children
so they can excel academically, then Education Station in New Lynn is highly
!hether it"s maths, reading or writing, right up to N#E$ examination le%els, their
highly &ualified teachers will gi%e your child personal attention tailored to their
learning style and indi%idual needs ' in a %i(rant atmosphere
$t Education Station they focus on more than )ust fun *+un is simply the (y-product
of (eing successful ' this is the real fun,"" #entre ,irector Eden -urgess says
.heir goal is success Education Station is a new name, (ut this is their /0st year in
(usiness ' that"s long enough to see a whole generation of students go through their
education system from 1ear 0 to year 02
,uring the past two decades, they ha%e assessed taught and monitored the progress of
many thousands of students in catch up, consolidation and extension work Such
experience is hard to duplicate and is essential in planning your child"s success
$lthough New 3ealand"s schools are the (edrock of our education system, sometimes
despite the good work accomplished in classrooms (y teachers, some students fall
through the gaps .he tutors at Education Station understand this 44!e are dedicated
to indi%idualised fact-to-face tutoring using New 3ealand specific resources,
strategies and language that your child will hear in the classroom,"" Eden says
44I"m mindful as a parent and educator that o%er the 02 years your child is at school,
you as the parent are the only one constant factor in your child"s education,"" Eden
says 44Is your child happy and on track5 6oin us as team manager in the coaching
1our child"s and your family"s details will stay with the centre and (e su()ect to the
New 3ealand 7ri%acy $ct
#all 8/9 /:;; or ;/0 <0= 9<; for a free assessment Let"s find the missing pieces of
the )ig-saw pu>>le and plan for success
?@O.EA *.he pathway of success takes us through a %ariety of emotions,
culminating in successB " Eden #urgess$ Education Station

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