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What is Acne Vulgaris?

Acne vulgaris is a common chronic skin

disease involving blockage and and
inflammation of pilosebaceous units (hair
follicles and their accompanying sebaceous
gland). Acne can present as noninflammatory
lesions, inflammatory lesions, or a mixture of
both, affecting mostly the face but also the back
and chest.
Acne vulgaris has a multifactorial
pathogenesis, of which the key factor is
genetics. Acne develops as a result of an
interplay of the following four factors:
1.) follicular epidermal hyperproliferation with
subsequent plugging of the follicle
2.) excess sebum production
3.) the presence and activity of the commensal
bacteria Propionibacterium acnes , and
4.) inflammation

What are its Causes?
Hormonal- Hormonal activity, such as
menstrual cycles and puberty, may contribute
to the formation of acne. During puberty, an
increase in sex hormones called androgens
cause the follicular glands to grow larger and
make more sebum.
Genetic- The tendency for individuals
to acne is explained by genetic component,
which is likely polygenic.
Psychological- Scientific research
indicates that increased acne severity is
associated with increased stress levels.
Infectious- Propionibacterium acnes is
widely concluded to cause acne. These
either have the capability of changing, or
adapting to, the abnormal cycle of
inflammation, oil production, and sloughing
activities of acne pores.
Diet- A high glycemic load diet is
associated with worsening acne.
What are its Signs and
Typical features of acne include:
Seborrhea- increased oil-sebum
secretion, large papules or nodules , and
possibly scarring. The appearance of acne
varies with skin color. It may result in
psychological and social problems.
The large nodules called cysts usually
appear on areas where sweat collects in hair
follicles and perspiration ducts. Cystic acne
affects deeper skin tissue than does common
Scars -Acne scars are the result of
inflammation within the dermis brought on by
acne. The scar is created by the wound
trying to heal itself resulting in too much
collagen in one spot.
Pigmentation- Pigmented scars are usually
the result of nodular or cystic acne (the painful
bumpslying under the skin). They often leave
behind an inflamed red mark.

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