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Above the old man's head was the dovecote a tall w!"e#netted shel$ on st!lts $%ll o$ st"%tt!n&
'"een!n& b!"ds( The s%nl!&ht b"o)e on the!" &"e* b"easts !nto small "a!nbows( H!s ea"s we"e l%lled b*
the!" c"oon!n& h!s hands st"etched %' towa"ds the $avo%"!te a hom!n& '!&eon a *o%n& 'l%m'#bod!ed
b!"d wh!ch stood st!ll when !t saw h!m and coc)ed a sh"ewd b"!&ht e*e(
'+"ett* '"ett* '"ett*' he sa!d as he &"as'ed the b!"d and d"ew !t down $eel!n& the cold co"al claws
t!&hten a"o%nd h!s $!n&e"( ,ontent he "ested the b!"d l!&htl* on h!s chest and leaned a&a!nst a t"ee
&a-!n& o%t be*ond the dovecote !nto the landsca'e o$ a late a$te"noon( In $olds and hollows o$
s%nl!&ht and shade the da") "ed so!l wh!ch was b"o)en !nto &"eat d%st* clods st"etched w!de to a tall
ho"!-on( T"ees ma")ed the co%"se o$ the valle*. a st"eam o$ "!ch &"een &"ass the "oad(
H!s e*es t"avelled homewa"ds alon& th!s "oad %nt!l he saw h!s &"andda%&hte" sw!n&!n& on the &ate
%nde"neath a $"an&!'an! t"ee( He" ha!" $ell down he" bac) !n a wave o$ s%nl!&ht and he" lon& ba"e
le&s "e'eated the an&les o$ the $"an&!'an! stems ba"e sh!n!n&#b"own stems amon& 'atte"ns o$ 'ale
She was &a-!n& 'ast the '!n) $lowe"s 'ast the "a!lwa* cotta&e whe"e the* l!ved alon& the "oad to the
H!s mood sh!$ted( He del!be"atel* held o%t h!s w"!st $o" the b!"d to ta)e $l!&ht and ca%&ht !t a&a!n at
the moment !t s'"ead !ts w!n&s( He $elt the 'l%m' sha'e st"!ve and st"a!n %nde" h!s $!n&e"s. and !n a
s%dden access o$ t"o%bled s'!te sh%t the b!"d !nto a small bo/ and $astened the bolt( 'Now *o% sta*
the"e' he m%tte"ed. and t%"ned h!s bac) on the shel$ o$ b!"ds( He moved wa"!l* alon& the hed&e
stal)!n& h!s &"andda%&hte" who was now loo'ed ove" the &ate he" head loose on he" a"ms s!n&!n&(
The l!&ht ha''* so%nd m!n&led w!th the c"oon!n& o$ the b!"ds and h!s an&e" mo%nted(
0He*1' he sho%ted. saw he" 2%m' loo) bac) and abandon the &ate( He" e*es ve!led themselves and
she sa!d !n a 'e"t ne%t"al vo!ce3 'H%llo G"anddad(' +ol!tel* she moved towa"ds h!m a$te" a l!n&e"!n&
bac)wa"d &lance at the "oad
'4a!t!n& $o" Steven he*5' he sa!d h!s $!n&e"s c%"l!n& l!)e claws !nto h!s 'alm( An* ob2ect!on5' she
as)ed l!&htl* "e$%s!n& to loo) at h!m(
He con$"onted he" h!s e*es na""owed sho%lde"s h%nched t!&ht !n a ha"d )not o$ 'a!n wh!ch !ncl%ded
the '"een!n& b!"ds the s%nl!&ht the $lowe"s( He sa!d3 0Th!n) *o%'"e old eno%&h to &o co%"t!n& 6he*5'
The &!"l tossed he" head at the old#$ash!oned 'h"ase and s%l)ed 'Oh G"anddad1'
'Th!n) *o% want to leave home he*5 Th!n) *o% can &o "%nn!n& a"o%nd the $!elds at n!&ht5'
He" sm!le made h!m see he" as he had eve"* even!n& o$ th!s wa"m end#o$#s%mme" month sw!n&!n&
hand !n hand alon& the "oad to the v!lla&e w!th that "ed#handed "ed#th"oated v!olent#bod!ed *o%th
the son o$ the 'ostmaste"( 7!se"* went to h!s head and he sho%ted an&"!l*3 'I'll tell *o%" mothe"1'
'Tell awa*1' she sa!d la%&h!n& and went bac) to the &ate( He hea"d he" s!n&!n& $o" h!m to hea"3
'I've got you under my skin, I've got you deep in the heart of ...'
'R%bb!sh' he sho%ted( 'R%bb!sh( Im'%dent l!ttle b!t o$ "%bb!sh1'
G"owl!n& %nde" h!s b"eath he t%"ned towa"ds the dovecote wh!ch was h!s "e$%&e $"om the ho%se he
sha"ed w!th h!s da%&hte" and he" h%sband and the!" ch!ld"en( B%t now the ho%se wo%ld be em't*(
Gone all the *o%n& &!"ls w!th the!" la%&hte" and the!" s8%abbl!n& and the!" teas!n&( He wo%ld be le$t
%nche"!shed and alone w!th that s8%a"e#$"onted calm#e*ed woman h!s da%&hte"(
He sto''ed m%tte"!n& be$o"e the dovecote "esent!n& the abso"bed coo!n& b!"ds( F"om the &ate the
&!"l sho%ted3 'Go and tell1 Go on what a"e *o% wa!t!n& $o"5'
Obst!natel* he made h!s wa* to the ho%se w!th 8%!c) 'athet!c 'e"s!stent &lances o$ a''eal bac) at
he"( B%t she neve" loo)ed a"o%nd( He" de$!ant b%t an/!o%s *o%n& bod* st%n& h!m !nto love and
"e'entance( He sto''ed 'B%t I neve" meant(((' he m%tte"ed wa!t!n& $o" he" to t%"n and "%n to h!m(
'I d!dn't mean((('
She d!d not t%"n( She had $o"&otten h!m( Alon& the "oad came the *o%n& man Steven w!th someth!n&
!n h!s hand( A '"esent $o" he"5 The old man st!$$ened as he watched the &ate sw!n& bac) and the
co%'le emb"ace( In the b"!ttle shadows o$ the $"an&!'an! t"ee h!s &"andda%&hte" h!s da"l!n& la* !n the
a"ms o$ the 'ostmaste"'s son and he" ha!" $lowed bac) ove" h!s sho%lde"(
'I see *o%1' sho%ted the old man s'!te$%ll*( The* d!d not move( He st%m'ed !nto the l!ttle
wh!tewashed ho%se hea"!n& the wooden ve"anda c"ea) an&"!l* %nde" h!s $eet( H!s da%&hte" was
sew!n& !n the $"ont "oom th"ead!n& a needle held to the l!&ht(
He sto''ed a&a!n loo)!n& bac) !nto the &a"den( The co%'le we"e now sa%nte"!n& amon& the b%shes
la%&h!n&( As he watched he saw the &!"l esca'e $"om the *o%th w!th a s%dden m!sch!evo%s
movement and "%n o$$ th"o%&h the $lowe"s w!th h!m !n '%"s%!t( He hea"d sho%ts la%&hte" a sc"eam
'B%t !t's not l!)e that at all' he m%tte"ed m!se"abl*( 'It's not l!)e that( 4h* can't *o% see5 R%nn!n& and
&!&&l!n& and )!ss!n& and )!ss!n&( Yo%'ll come to someth!n& 8%!te d!$$e"ent('
He loo)ed at h!s da%&hte" w!th sa"don!c hat"ed hat!n& h!msel$( The* we"e ca%&ht and $!n!shed both
o$ them b%t the &!"l was st!ll "%nn!n& $"ee(
',an't *o% see5' he demanded o$ h!s !nv!s!ble &"andda%&hte" who was at that moment l*!n& !n the
th!c) &"een &"ass w!th the 'ostmaste"'s son(
H!s da%&hte" loo)ed at h!m and he" e*eb"ows went %' !n t!"ed $o"bea"ance(
'+%t *o%" b!"ds to bed5' she as)ed h%mo%"!n& h!m( 'L%c*' he sa!d %"&entl* 'L%c*(((' '4ell what !s !t
'She's !n the &a"den w!th Steven('
'Now *o% 2%st s!t down and have *o%" tea('
He st%m'ed h!s $eet alte"natel* th%m' th%m' on the hollow wooden $loo" and sho%ted3 'She'll
ma""* h!m( I'm tell!n& *o% she'll be ma""*!n& h!m ne/t1'
H!s da%&hte" "ose sw!$tl* b"o%&ht h!m a c%' set h!m a 'late( 'I don't want an* tea( I don't want !t I
tell *o%(' 'Now now' she c"ooned( '4hat's w"on& w!th !t5 4h* not5' 'She's e!&hteen( E!&hteen1'
'I was ma""!ed at seventeen and I neve" "e&"etted !t('
'L!a"' he sa!d( 'L!a"( Then *o% sho%ld "e&"et !t( 4h* do *o% ma)e *o%" &!"ls ma""*5 It's *o% who do
!t( 4hat do *o% do !t $o"5 4h*5'
'The othe" th"ee have done $!ne( The*'ve th"ee $!ne h%sbands( 4h* not Al!ce5'
'She's the last' he mo%"ned( ',an't we )ee' he" a b!t lon&e"5'
',ome now Dad( She'll be down the "oad that's all( She'll be he"e eve"* da* to see *o%('
'B%t !t's not the same(' He tho%&ht o$ the othe" th"ee &!"ls t"ans$o"med !ns!de a $ew months $"om
cha"m!n& 'et%lant s'o!led ch!ld"en !nto se"!o%s *o%n& mat"ons(
'Yo% neve" d!d l!)e !t when we ma""!ed' she sa!d( '4h* not5 Eve"* t!me !t's the same( 4hen I &ot
ma""!ed *o% made me $eel l!)e !t was someth!n& w"on&( And m* &!"ls the same( Yo% &et them all
c"*!n& and m!se"able the wa* *o% &o on( Leave Al!ce alone( She's ha''*(' She s!&hed lett!n& he" e*es
l!n&e" on the s%nl!t &a"den( 'She'll ma""* ne/t month( The"e's no "eason to wa!t('
'Yo%'ve sa!d the* can ma""*5' he sa!d !nc"ed%lo%sl*(
'Yes Dad wh* not5' she sa!d coldl* and too) %' he" sew!n&(
H!s e*es st%n& and he went o%t on to the ve"anda( 4et s'"ead down ove" h!s ch!n and he too) o%t a
hand)e"ch!e$ and mo''ed h!s whole $ace( The &a"den was em't*(
F"om a"o%nd the co"ne" came the *o%n& co%'le. b%t the!" $aces we"e no lon&e" set a&a!nst h!m( On
the w"!st o$ the 'ostmaste"'s son balanced a *o%n& '!&eon the l!&ht &leam!n& on !ts b"east(
'Fo" me5' sa!d the old man lett!n& the d"o's sha)e o$$ h!s ch!n( 'Fo" me5'
'Do *o% l!)e !t5' The &!"l &"abbed h!s hand and sw%n& on !t( 'It's $o" *o% G"anddad( Steven b"o%&ht !t
$o" *o%(' The* h%n& abo%t h!m a$$ect!onate conce"ned t"*!n& to cha"m awa* h!s wet e*es and h!s
m!se"*( The* too) h!s a"ms and d!"ected h!m to the shel$ o$ b!"ds one on each s!de enclos!n& h!m
'ett!n& h!m sa*!n& wo"dlessl* that noth!n& wo%ld be chan&ed noth!n& co%ld chan&e and that the*
wo%ld be w!th h!m alwa*s( The b!"d was '"oo$ o$ !t the* sa!d $"om the!" l*!n& ha''* e*es as the*
th"%st !t on h!m( 'The"e G"anddad !t's *o%"s( It's $o" *o%('
The* watched h!m as he held !t on h!s w"!st st"o)!n& !ts so$t s%n#wa"med bac) watch!n& the w!n&s
l!$t and balance(
'Yo% m%st sh%t !t %' $o" a b!t' sa!d the &!"l !nt!matel*( '9nt!l !t )nows th!s !s !ts home(' 'Teach *o%"
&"andmothe" to s%c) e&&s' &"owled the old man(
Released b* h!s hal$#del!be"ate an&e" the* $ell bac) la%&h!n& at h!m( '4e'"e &lad *o% l!)e !t(' The*
moved o$$ now se"!o%s and $%ll o$ '%"'ose to the &ate whe"e the* h%n& bac)s to h!m tal)!n&
8%!etl*( 7o"e than an*th!n& co%ld the!" &"own#%' se"!o%sness sh%t h!m o%t ma)!n& h!m alone. also
!t 8%!etened h!m too) the st!n& o%t o$ the!" t%mbl!n& l!)e '%''!es on the &"ass( The* had $o"&otten
h!m a&a!n( 4ell so the* sho%ld the old man "eass%"ed h!msel$ $eel!n& h!s th"oat clotted w!th tea"s
h!s l!'s t"embl!n&( He held the new b!"d to h!s $ace $o" the ca"ess o$ !ts s!l)en $eathe"s( Then he sh%t
!t !n a bo/ and too) o%t h!s $avo%"!te(
'Now *o% can &o he sa!d alo%d( He held !t 'o!sed "ead* $o" $l!&ht wh!le he loo)ed down the &a"den
towa"ds the bo* and the &!"l( Then clenched !n the 'a!n o$ loss he l!$ted the b!"d on h!s w"!st and
watched !t soa"( A wh!"" and a s'atte" o$ w!n&s and a clo%d o$ b!"ds "ose !nto the even!n& $"om the
At the &ate Al!ce and Steven $o"&ot the!" tal) and watched the b!"ds(
On the ve"anda that woman h!s da%&hte" stood &a-!n& he" e*es shaded w!th a hand that st!ll held
he" sew!n&(
It seemed to the old man that the whole a$te"noon had st!lled to watch h!s &est%"e o$ sel$#command
that even the leaves o$ the t"ees had sto''ed sha)!n&(
D"*#e*ed and calm he let h!s hands $all to h!s s!des and stood e"ect sta"!n& %' !nto the s)*(
The clo%d o$ sh!n!n& s!lve" b!"ds $lew %' and %' w!th a sh"!ll cleav!n& o$ w!n&s ove" the da")
'lo%&hed land and the da")e" belts o$ t"ees and the b"!&ht $olds o$ &"ass %nt!l the* $loated h!&h !n the
s%nl!&ht l!)e a clo%d o$ motes o$ d%st(
The* wheeled !n a w!de c!"cle t!lt!n& the!" w!n&s so the"e was $lash a$te" $lash o$ l!&ht and one a$te"
anothe" the* d"o''ed $"om the s%nsh!ne o$ the %''e" s)* to shadow one a$te" anothe" "et%"n!n& to
the shadowed ea"th ove" t"ees and &"ass and $!eld "et%"n!n& to the valle* and the shelte" o$ n!&ht(
The &a"den was all a $l%ste" and a $l%""* o$ "et%"n!n& b!"ds( Then s!lence and the s)* was em't*(
The old man t%"ned slowl* ta)!n& h!s t!me. he l!$ted h!s e*es to sm!le '"o%dl* down the &a"den at
h!s &"andda%&hte"( She was sta"!n& at h!m( She d!d not sm!le( She was w!de#e*ed and 'ale !n the
cold shadow and he saw the tea"s "%n sh!ve"!n& o$$ he" $ace(

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