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Maria Angelou D.

Reaction Paper on Intensify Zumba Party

Personally, most of my first times arent
good but this one is great!
I am not into dancing or any other physical
activities. I seldom go to parties with loud music. So at
first, I was hesitant to go to this Zumba party. If it
wasnt required, I wouldnt attend. But the night
proved me wrong. It was a night filled with great
music, great lights and great people.
Everyone was driven by the energy of the
instructors who danced as if it was their last. The
participants were cooperative enough that they danced
to every step the instructor has been dancing. As I
have seen it, everyone enjoyed the party.
I personally liked the atmosphere when I got
in- the lights and the music. They contributed a lot to
make the venue vibrant.
However, I wasnt able to finish the party
because I cant go home late. There were just two
things I wished to be altered- the venue and the time. It
was inconvenient for me because the gymnasium has
less access to transportation and the way to the place
was dark. The time, although I dont have an idea of
the usual scheduled time for zumba parties, I think if it
was scheduled earlier, many would have finished the
entire party.
But regardless of my venue and the time
issues, the CHK successfully carried out the event.
Aside from the fact that many of us enjoyed, I think
many of us too are now motivated to be inclined to
physical activities.

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