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Art Lesson Plan

Title: Maasai Color Wheel Necklace Unit: African Art

Grade level (s): 3-4 Mediu: Mi!ed Mediu
"u##ested Tie: $ class %eriods
Instructional Objectives (2-3):
&') (dentif) the arran#eent of Colors on a Color Wheel' (M*)
$') +eco#ni,e the relationshi%s -et.een histor)/ culture/ and visual arts (0")
Elements of Art (&-3) line/ color/ sha%e/ for/ s%ace/ te!ture/ value
Principles of Desin (&-3) re%etition/ %attern/ oveent/ -alance/ e%hasis/ contrast/ unit)
!aterials an" E#uipment: 1a%er %late/ Colored Markers/ "cissors/ 1eranent Marker/
"ta%ler/ Whole %uncher/ No 2$ 1encil/ and red color )arn
$ocabular% (&-'): 1riar) colors/ "econdar) Colors/ Color Wheel/ and 3ue
Art Pro"uction (-ased on Madeline 3unter odel)
&'antici%ator) set $' state o-4ectives 3' (n%ut: art histor)/ instructions 4'deonstration/ odelin#
5' check for understandin# 6' #uided %ractice 7' inde%endent %ractice 8' closure
&') "ho. a video of Maasai Tri-e dancin#
$') 9!%lain the Maasai necklace
3') 9!%lain the color .heel/ #ive the a .orksheet and have the color in the .heel
4') :ra. the Wheel into 6 sections on to the %a%er %late
5') Color each section a color on the .heel
6') Cut the center out/ and cut the center %iece into a rectan#le
7') "ta%le the rectan#le on the o%%osite side of the o%enin#' Whole %unch 5 holes into
the -otto of the rectan#le
8') Tie )arn throu#h the .holes/ decorate the %late .ith a shar%ie'
Art (istor% ) *esources (2-&): &') 1o.er1oint of Maasai tri-e dancin#
$') (nteractin# color i!in# htt%:;;...'color.ithleo'co;art>color.heel'%h%
Aest+etic ,uestions (--2): &') 3o. .ould )ou feel if )ou had to live in a cla) house<
$') What if a Maasai tri-e .oen .alked into the classroo/ .hat .ould )ou ask her<

Art .riticism ) Anal%sis ,uestions (3-'): &') 3ave the %ut on the necklace and do a
aasai dance around the roo'
$') 3ave the line u% into $ lines across fro each other and have the nae a
1riar) Color and "econdar) color'
3') "%lit the class into 6 #rou%s/ each #rou% has one color' The #rou%s have to #o to
each other and find t.o other #rou%s that ake its color that the #rou% has'
Evaluation .riteria (s+oul" relate to objectives): 3ave the co%lete the color
.heel .orksheet and turn it in'

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