Geometry Syllabus 2014-2015

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Contact Information
Teacher: Mrs. Haskell
Ph: 517-521-3447 x.311 Room: 144

Materials Needed
1 to 2 3 Ring Binder
Lined Notebook Paper
Pencils and erasers
Colored Pencils
Highlighters (at least 2 colors)
I will supply a spiral notebook to
be used for your ISN.
Ruler, Compass, Protractor
Glue sticks or Scotch Tape

Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned on most days, so it is
important to keep track of daily assignments in your
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out
what you missed by checking the homework calendar
and Absent Work bin at the front of the class. It will
be your responsibility to complete any ISN pages you
All assignments must be labeled.
All assignments, warm-ups, quizzes, tests, etc. need
to be kept in your math binder. These will be checked

Classroom Management
offense: Verbal warning
offense: Seat change and stay after class
offense: Detention
offense: Call home and detention
5th: Discipline Referral
**Consequences may not follow this progression and may vary
depending on the offense. See School policies for more

Grading Scale
94-100%=A 90-93=A-
87-89% =B+ 83-86=B 80-82%=B-
77-79% =C+ 73-76%=C 70-72%=C-
67-69%=D 63-66%=D 60-62%=D-
59% and below=E

Your grade will be based on your
mastery of skills, based on the 4
point rubric, as explained in the
Standards Based Grading

Daily participation is important to
your success in this class and your
Grading Policy
Your grade each marking period will be
determined by a total points system. The
semester grade will be determined as follows:
each quarters work will be worth 80% and the
semester exam will be worth 20%.
Grades will be posted on PowerSchool. Official
progress reports will be sent home mid-quarter.
Otherwise, the teacher will send them home
periodically. Please see attached Policy.

Geometry Course

Simply put, Geometry is the study of the
size, shape and position of two-
dimensional and three-dimensional
figures. In this course, students will
study basic geometric figures and facts
using correct reasoning in proofs to
prepare for further work in mathematics
and science. In studying Geometry,
students will develop foundational skills
which help to build the thinking skills of
logic, deductive reasoning, analytical
reasoning, and problem solving.
100% Responsibility
for your OWN success


Students will be given unit tests and
quizzes to check for skill mastery.
Students may reassess any skill if they
wish to receive a higher score.
Please see attached information on
the Standards Based Grading policy.

Label Your Assignments

Heading should
appear in the upper
RIGHT corner of
your paper.

Policies and Procedures
All school policies will be enforced in this class.
Hall Passes?
Passes will be given on the basis of extreme emergency at the discretion of the teacher.
Passes will not be given during the first 15 minutes or last 5 minutes of class.

Entering the room?
You are to come prepared for class and ready to work. iPad, paper, sharpened pencils, binder, ISN notebook, etc.
should be brought to class each day, unless you are instructed to do otherwise by the teacher.
Enter the room quietly and calmly before the bell.
Get all materials before you find your assigned seat, and follow the instructions given on the board/projector.

Throwing things away?
You dont have to ask.
Please quietly get up, one at a time. If the teacher is talking to the class, wait until finished.
Please do not throw things across the room.

Sharpening your pencil?
Please make sure you have at least 2 sharpened pencils for the start of class.
Try to sharpen all pencils before the bell or during work time.
You dont have to ask during the designated times.
If the teacher or other students are talking to the class, please wait until they are finished.

Eating and drinking in class?
No eating in class.
The only drink permitted in class is a bottle of water with a twist on lid and must be kept away from computer area.
This is a privilege! If the privilege is abused, it will be taken away.

Participation in Class?
Students may not place their head on their desk for any reasonstudent participation is mandatoryNO EXCEPTIONS.
Respect teachers and classmates ideas during group work. Do NOT make derogatory comments for ANY REASON.

iPad/Computer Use?
iPad/Computer & Internet activity is for class work ONLY.
You are not permitted to access unauthorized websites (including listening to music) or change the programming of
the computer or desktop.

Guests in the classroom?
Please respect all guests in our room.
Treat them as you would want to be treated.
If someone walks in the room, they will address you if they need something.
Just smile and keep working.

Asking questions?
Students are encouraged to ask for help whenever needed!!!
Please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Please use the appropriate voice level.
If working in groups or pairs, please ask two peers before asking the teacher.

Leaving class?
The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does!
When the bell rings you may start to pack up, but do not leave.
Students will be dismissed once all directions have been followed and work areas are in order.

*All policies and procedures are subject to change

Parent and Student Contract:

Parent: Please sign showing you have read and understand the class
policies and procedures on the previous pages. On a daily or regular
schedule, try to ask what your son/ daughter learned in class and to see
their notes, homework, or returned papers.

Print Name: _______________________________________


Contact Number: ( ) ___________ - __________________

Contact Number: ( ) ___________ - __________________

E~Mail:_________________________________________@_____ _______

E~Mail:_________________________________________@_____ _______

Student: I have read and understand the class policies and procedures
on the previous pages. I promise to abide by these guidelines and to
provide notes, homework, and returned work to my parent(s) or
guardian(s) on a regular basis and discuss the lesson from class when

Print name: _______________________________________

Sign: _______________________________________________

E~Mail:_________________________________________@__ __________

Please keep your copy of the syllabus in your ISN to refer to.
If you are overwhelmed or are having trouble, talk to me immediately. It
is better to approach me for extra help than to wait until work is late, or
not to do it at all. I am here to help you any way I can.
Success takes TEAMWORK!

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