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California Condor Score: ______ / 10


Question 1: What is our animal name?:

A) Massachusetts Condor
B) Nevada Condor
C) California Condor
D) San Marcos Condor

Question 2: What is the main threat of our animal?

A) Turtles
B) Humans
C) Grizzly Bears
D) The Weather

Question 3: What does our animal eat?

A) Fruits
B) Live Animals
C) Veggies
D) Dead Animals

Question 4: How big is our animals wingspan?

A) 2 -3Feet
B) 20 -21 Feet
C) 10 -11 Feet
D) 9 -10 Feet

Question: 5: Where does our animal not have feathers?

A) Head
B) Wings
C) Tail
D) Chest

Question 6: How much does the California Condor eat?

A) 10 pounds
B) 1 pound
C) 2-5 pounds
D) 2-3 pounds.

Question 7 How has the California Condor evolved?

Question 8: What was the lowest amount of condors in the wild in the 1900s

Question 9: How often does the condor lay eggs?

Question 10: Why should we save the Californian Condor

Bonus Question: What is the Scientific Name of our Animal:

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