Art Lesson Plan 1 Maasai Necklace

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Art Lesson Plan

Title:Maasai Color Wheel Necklace Unit: African Art

Grade level (s):4-5 Mediu:Mi!ed Media
"u##ested Tie:$% ins
Instructional Objectives (2-3):
"tudents &ill identif' the arran#eent of colors on a color &heel( (M))
"tudents &ill identif' and create an alternatin# *attern((M))
Elements of Art (+-,) line- color- sha*e- for- s*ace- te!ture- value
Principles of Desin (+-,) re*etition- *attern- oveent- .alance- e*hasis- contrast- unit'
!aterials an" E#uipment:
/a*er *late- Markers- "cissors- "har*ie Marker- "trin#- 0ole *unch- *encil
$ocabular% (&-'):
Color Wheel- co*lientar' colors- *attern- *riar' colors- secondar' colors
Art Pro"uction (.ased on Madeline 0unter odel)
+(antici*ator' set 1( state o.2ectives ,( 3n*ut: art histor'- instructions 4(deonstration- odelin#
5( check for understandin# 4( #uided *ractice 5( inde*endent *ractice 6( closure
+( Go over *o&er *oint a.out Maasai tri.e and e!*lain the i*ortance of &h' the' &ear
the( /ass out *a*er *lates and arkers(
1( "tudents &ill identif' the arran#eent of colors on the color &heel and the' &ill
identif' and create an alternatin# *attern(
,( 7outu.e videos- talk a.out &ho akes Maasai Necklaces and &h'( What t'*e of
aterial that is actuall' used to ake the( 8irst after #ettin# the *lates *assed out
have the find a startin# *oint on the *late and count si! s9uares over and dra& a line(
And do that until 'ou #o co*letel' around the *late( After dra&in# 'our lines ake sure
that there are si! even s*aces( Then have students color the color &heel onto the *late(
4( "ho& the students &hat their necklace &ill look like &hen it is co*leted( After the'
have their colors colored on the *late tell the to #o a.out a inch inside the *late and
cut a circle out of the iddle( After the' have their circle have the resi:e it to a
rectan#le( Ne!t the' need to attach the rectan#le to the .otto of the *late and *unch 5
*unch holes on the .otto( 8inall' #et 5 *ieces of red strin# and tie the ho& 'ou
&ould like to the 5 holes on the .otto of the rectan#le(
5( Make sure students understand &h' the' &ear the and &hat the' s'.oli:e in
Africa( Also ake sure students understand the instructions 'ou 2ust #ave the(
4( As 'ou let the students &ork on their necklaces .e &orkin# on 'our o&n necklace so
that &a' kids can see ho& 'ou are doin# soethin#( ;eonstrate a#ain if needed(
5( Allo& students to &ork on their o&n &hile 'ou &alk around the classroo
encoura#in# the and co*leentin# the on the #ood &ork the' are doin#(
6( Make sure the class understands the activit'(
Art (istor% ) *esources (2-&): colorful examples interactive color mixing!w"#$e%&w 'aasai life through a child(s life.
Aest+etic ,uestions (--2):
0o& did doin# this assi#nent ake 'ou feel<
What does the color &heel ean to 'ou<
Art .riticism ) Anal%sis ,uestions (3-'):
What &as ne& to 'ou that 'ou learned a.out colors<
0o& can doin# this necklace hel* 'ou .etter understand color<
What did 'ou like a.out doin# this *ro2ect<
Evaluation .riteria (s+oul" relate to objectives):
Cross&ord /u::le for color &heel(
!o"ifications ) /pecial 0otes ) Dra1in

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