Shelagh Election Flyer

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Some of you know me from being on stage

with The Kincardine Theatre Guild or from
my gym Silver Lake Fitness.

I have had many careers from personal
trainer to business woman.

For the past 2 years I have been writing my
first book,

Shining the Light
on Municipal Politics

Did you know..
Brian Mulroney (former PM) signed Canada
on to the global initiative United Nations
Agenda 21 in 1992?

All municipalities have been quietly forced
to implement Agenda 21, also known as
Sustainable Development.

Kincardine did their local Agenda in 2012
& called it Integrated Sustainable
Community Plan. Its on their website.

PROBLEM.Its a foreign agenda based on
bad climate science, illegal government
conversion & deceitful usurpation of public

FACT - The agenda was quietly
implemented in 3 stages:
1. regionalize local governments
through amalgamation
2. create both a public & private
governing tier system
3. create the Municipal Act, 2001
outlining what these new tiers
can & can not do

FACT - This is why we saw:
mayor secret meetings, councilors
silenced & ineffective
public assets sold without our
knowledge or consent
huge infrastructure projects made in
secret - privately owned but
publically funded

FACT - Since 2000, we have seen:
amalgamation of our hospitals
privatization of our hydro company
secret meetings & side corporations
48% increase in property taxes
no audit of the Municipal accounts
illegal sale of our phone company &
other public assets
CEO/CAO offering Kincardine as a
willing host for nuclear waste
burial with NO local consent
industrial wind turbines
unwanted water pipeline contract
a natural gas pipeline proposal that
includes local fracking plans
increase in intensity & number of
O.P.P. police in the area

FACT - what COULD be coming:
more & bigger secret meetings
a bigger nuclear waste site -
Pickering & Darlington are
decommissioned by 2020. Owned by
OPG. Where will the waste go..?
more pipeline contract breaches
this natural gas one could involve
LOCAL fracking to supply you
more wind turbines even though the
science is flawed & Kincardine could
be facing huge law suits
more police presence to ensure
compliance when people voice
concerns or get sick.or both

Enough is enough.

Its time for a change.

Randy Roppel has been representing this
area for over 10 years.

Did he explain this foreign agenda to
Did he stop your hydro bills or taxes
from climbing?
Did he tell you about the upcoming
secret energy deals?

Randy says he will remain silent again if
he is asked to. UNACCEPTABLE!

Ward 3 deserves better

FACT Your representative MUST:
immediately report secret meetings;
they ARE against the law
carefully read & understand every
document & REFUSE if its fudged,
forged or unsigned
demand an independent, forensic
audit on all the corporate books

On October 27
, 2014, vote

McFarlane, Shelagh

For your health,
your safety,
your property,
your children
your future



Skype: free.she


Shelagh McFarlane -
Kincardine Council

** I will not have election lawn signs.

I feel this is:

environmentally UNSUSTAINABLE
unnecessary when my message is

Help me help you. Its time.
Thank you


....any one who knew
about secret meetings,
AND chose to remain

A felony.subject to
14 years in prison

Ward 3

It is time for
(**Please see back panel)

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