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Task Analysis/Content Outline & Script
Task Analysis
1. Go to
1.1 Click on Try Smore now (its free) to create a new account
1.2 Click the Log in button (if you are already registered)
1.1.1 nter your email address and password
1.1.2 Click Start using Smore nowwor Sign up with facebook account
2. !ocate the "ew #lyer $ab
2.1 Click Start a new flyer or the New Flyer .button on the toolbar
%. &elect a $emplate or Start from blank l
'. Click Start by picking a title
'.1 Create a $itle
'.2 Create a &ubtitle (optional)
'.% or &elect Skip this step p
(. Click on anything on the flyer to edit it
(.1 $o add te)t:
(.1.1 Click on te)t to add content/description
(.2 $o add pictures or *ideos:
(.2.1 +rag pictures from your desktop
(.2.2 or ,pload pictures from a file
-. &croll to bottom of flyer to add more stuff
.. &elect esign to change the theme of flyer (optional)
..1 $o change background:
..1.1 Click on icon and select background
..2 $o change colors
..2.1 Click on icon and select color
..% $o change fonts
..%.1 Click on icon and select font
/. Click Sa!e Now (to ensure pro0ect sa*ed)
1. Click "one #diting$ $
12. &hare flyer
12.1 Choose from different sharing tools
12.2 3ick friends to *iew flyer
Scene Action on
4pening #56$ .2%%
&creencasting #all
221' 6nstructor: +r.
merson Chester
&tudent: $ina 7urns
8re you ready to
8udio : opening music (optional) or none
&cene 1 6ntroduction ;ello< =y name is $ina 7urns and 6 would like to
introduce you to a Cool >eb 2.2 $ool? $eachers< 8re
you tired of reading the same old flyers and
newsletters that you retrie*e from your school
mailbo)es or meetings only to collect dust or read
once and discard in the trash9 >ell< look no further
&more@s is for you? Colorful< paperless< and accessible
online this digital format is 0ust a click away? >on@t
you try it today9 8re you ready9 !et@s 7eginA.
&cene 2 >indows +esktop
;ello and welcome to this *ideo tutorial on how to
use &more >eb 2.2 $ool to design flyers to promote
school acti*ities< e*ents or something online. #irst<
you will need to locate your 6nternet web browser. 6n
the search engine< type in Bou will
automatically be sent to the &ignCin page to create an
&cene % &ign 6n $his is the &ignCin page. Click on Try Smore now
(its free). 6f you are new you will ha*e to sign up to
create an account. Bou will need to pro*ide an email
address< a username and password. 4nce you ha*e
created an account< you will Log in each time you
*isit this site. &ince 6 am already registered< 6 will
Log in.
&cene ' ;ome 3age "ow we ha*e entered the ;ome 3age. $o create a
new flyer< either click on the Start a New Flyer
button or the New Flyer button on the toolbar.
&cene ( &tart a "ew #lyer/
&elect $emplate
4n this page< you will be gi*en two options: 1)
+esign an awesome new flyer by choosing from these
si) templates or you could Start from blank. &o !et@s
select "ews 7ulletin.
&cene - 3ick a $itle "ow you will be asked to Start your flyer by picking
a title or if you do not ha*e a title at this time< you do
ha*e the option to Skip this step, so while we@re here<
6@m going to go ahead and type in a title. !et me see
A Cool >eb 2.2 $ools ... and then 6@ll say A #or
=iddle &chool. Click. +one.
&cene . #lyer ditor 3age "ow this is the fun and easy part of this tool that 6
think teachers will en0oy. Bou can click on anything
on the flyer to edit it. #or e)ample< you can click on
the te)t to add information or you can click on
pictures. &o in order to add a picture< you can either
drag it from your desktop or you can upload it like
6@m doing here from any documents in your computer.
&o 6@m going to check blue hills. Click on open and
Diola? >e ha*e blue hills. !et me try another one.
>e@ll do the sunset. Click. "ow we ha*e a sunset and
the last picture. >e@ll do water lilies and 0ust as
simple as that we ha*e added pictures.
&cene / #lyer ditor 3age 8s you see< 6@*e scrolled down to the bottom of the
flyer. ;ere you will see A more st!ff to yo!r flyer
b!tton you can add *ideos< links< um.. photo galleries<
forms and e*en buttons. 8dd as many as you like or
if you are not satisfied< you may also delete the
&cene 1 #lyer ditor 3age &o< Teachers check out these tools that you can use
for instruction! Dont delay start using them today!
. enjoy being a part of the learning process! $here
you go?
&cene 12 #lyer ditor 3age &o now< after you ha*e created your flyer< you may
want to change your design. &o< you may select from
the *arious themes. &o< say for instance< 6 want to
change it to =inimal or ;andwritten. 6 think that will
be cool< so 6@ll lea*e that one. Bou may also select
from *arious backgrounds. !et@s go back. >e@ll go
here since it@s the classroom. 6f we wanted to change
our color< we can change it to a nice orange or blue<
lime green. 6@ll stay with blue. 4r if you want to
change your font< you can do that as well.
&cene 11 #lyer ditor 3age "ow click on the Sa"e Now button to ensure that your
pro0ect is sa*ed.
&cene 12 #lyer ditor 3age >hen you are finished< click #one $iting to share
your flyer online.
&cene 1% 4nline #lyer "ow your flyer is online< but we ha*e one last step.
$o share the flyer select Share C either share from
se*en different sharing tools. >e also ha*e a new
feature. 6t is pick friens. &o you can choose any one
of these options to share your flyer.
&cene 1' Closing 3age 6 thank you for taking time to watch this *ideo tutorial
and 6 hope to see you E&moring?F
&cene 1( Credits Credits:
6ntro G &creencast by $ina 7urns
=usic: 6ntro G 4utro : Hustin =aharC3umped
=usopen I
>eb 2.2 $ool : &more I
&creencasting &oftware : Camtasia &tudio I
Dideo 3roduction $ool : >indow
Dideo &haring >ebsite : Boutube I
$he nd?

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