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By: Neeka Mostafavi

Daily Life and Protection in Constantinople
Don't you want to have a good life? Then move to New
Rome! Constantinople is a beautiful place also considered as New Rome. If
you dont want to live in fear, why don't you move here! New Rome has a
great military protection! But then, we also have a natural protection so we
are extra safe. If you are afraid of invaders just pack up and head on here! Not
only do we have one side protected by 3 different walls that are very tall and
thick, the rest of the city is surrounded by water (peninsula). There is no way
anything could happen now! But if you are thinking 'wow, what about the
harbor? there is a chain spanned across to stop invaders. So why just sit at
home all scared, come to New Rome and start again!

Emperor Justinian, Theodora and The Justinian Code of Law
In 527-565 A.D we have the 16th ruler of the Byzantine Empire,
emperor Justinian. Justinian was a man highly influenced by his wife,
Empress Theodora. So many ways that will improve life and equality for all
citizens in New Rome, based on Justinian's and Theodora's relationship. For
instance, at Theodora's urging, Justinian granted more rights to women. This
makes things a lot better now. At that time, Justinian was writing the code of
law, and asked for Theodora's advice on laws and policies. And in that period,
we have the finished code of laws. Justinian's code of law included, equal
treatment, people are innocent until they are proven guilty. The 12 tables were
the first time there was an attempt at fairness and giving rights. Those were
just a few key principles of the code.

Recreation and Entertainment
Now, there are also fun things to do in Constantinople. Like the
Hippodrome! The Hippodrome is the center of the city. It is a stadium where
chariot races were held. In Rome, they called it Circus Maximus. These are
not as gruesome as gladiator fights, but people often die in races. Even
though, it is fun to watch!

Religion and The Hagia Sophia
There are also religious beliefs in Constantinople. New Rome was the
rise of Christianity. This emerged in the Roman Empire, based on the
teachings of Jesus. Jesus was Jewish and Roman. There were apostles who
preached the messages of Jesus, who claims to be the son of God, and
Christianity throughout Rome. In AD 380 Constantine converted to Christianity
and declared it the official religion. People did not immediately convert, and
those people were called pagans=non-Christian. In New Rome one of the
most delightful, beautiful places in the world is the Hagia Sophia.
Hagia Sophia means "Holy Wisdom." In 532 AD there was a huge riot in the
city that caused a lot of destruction. Justinian rebuilt on a grand scale, addition
to civic buildings. He built 25 new cathedrals, and the most magnificent of
them all is the Hagia Sophia. It is a mixture of Roman and Eastern
architecture! Hagia Sofia was extravagant, beautiful, decorated with mosaics
and marble on the inside. This grand dome is 12 stories tall and 107 feet
wide. Even though it is plain looking on the outside, it is magnificent on the
inside! So, what are you waiting for come on to New Rome!

The Fall of the Byzantine Empire. Several factors lead to the fall of the empire. A few
contributing factors also caused this fall. Big point is in 1204 where the crusaders invaded
Constantinople. This is the turning point in the decline.

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