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Kinder News

August 29, 2014

Wow! What a great start to this
new school year. We love getting to
know our new little friends. Thank
you parents for all your help,
support, donations and willingness to
volunteer. The kinder team feels
very grateful for all your kindness.
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept.
!School "oliday
! #ate Start $ay %&'()
Sept. (
*') ! +ewcomer,s -offee
Sept. )
. /nternational $0T $ay
1Staff and students dress in dots2
Sept. (&
.3ack to school 4ingo night
Sept. 5&
.School picture day
6lease send 7(.&& -8S" in an envelope
marked with your child,s name to class 4y
ne9t Wednesday.
This will purchase your child,s grade level
kindergarten t.shirt which we will wear every
spirit assem4ly and on field trips.
6lease send the following items to school
if not done so already'
Water 4ottle 1with child,s name2
8 daily snack
$aily folders travel to and from school
each day
E9tra change of clothes 1with child,s name2
"ead phones 1with child,s name2
This Week in Kindergarten
:$emonstrating and practicing procedures.
:;elationship 4uilding.
:Math placement assessment.
:<oca4ulary' first, second, third, fourth,
fifth, si9th.
:+ew "igh =re>uency words' /, am.
:;esponding to literature.
8sk ?our -hild@
What happened with the Gingerbread Man
Thank you for signing up for your 8pple
/$. /f you have not yet done so please
note we will 4e setting up apps on i6ads.
We cannot set up your child,s unless
their /$ has 4een set up first.
Thank you!
Grade level wide volunteer need:
If you are coming to eat with your
child we would GREATLY
areciate any hel oening
things for our little friends or
heling them get situated to eat
as well as encouraging them to
eat more of their food!

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