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Welcome to Cub Scout

Pack 421
A Parent & Leader


I. About Pack 421 ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Armadillo District ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Pack 421 Committee ................................................................................................................................. 3
II. Scout Meetings ..................................................................................................................................... 4
When does Pack 421 meet?...................................................................................................................... 4
When are den meetings? .......................................................................................................................... 4
What does Pack 421 wear? ....................................................................................................................... 4
III. Budget and Dues ................................................................................................................................... 5
IV. Communication ..................................................................................................................................... 5
How often will I hear from Pack 421? ....................................................................................................... 5
Communication Tools ............................................................................................................................... 6
Scout Track ................................................................................................................................................ 6
MyScouting ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Committee Member Specific Tools ........................................................................................................... 6
Other Important Links ............................................................................................................................... 7
V. Camp Out and Overnighters ................................................................................................................. 7
Where do we go for Pack campouts and overnight trips? ....................................................................... 7
VI. Other Activities throughout the Year.................................................................................................... 7
VII. Volunteering what is expected of me? .............................................................................................. 8
Rotating Den Ownership of Pack Events................................................................................................... 8
VIII. Training ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Youth Protection Training ......................................................................................................................... 9
Optional Adult Leadership Training .......................................................................................................... 9


Cub Scout Pack 421
2014-2015 General Information
I. About Pack 421

The majority of Scouts come from Davis Elementary or nearby private schools, although any 1

grade boy is welcome to join. Covenant United Methodist Church is our chartering organization and
provides us with the facilities we need for our monthly pack meetings.

Armadillo District
Pack 421 is part of the Armadillo District, which is in turn, part of the BSA Capitol Area Council. The
District Roundtable meeting is held the second Thursday of the month at the brand new Frank
Fickett Center, located at 12500 N. IH 35. All adults who are interested in becoming volunteer
leaders are encouraged to attend. The Armadillo District provides lots of opportunities to get
trained as well as conducts activities for Scouts throughout the district.

Name Position Phone Email
Joel Rice
(Joel is a professional Scouter who helps
start new Scouting units and supports
existing ones)
office: 512-617-
cell: 512-944-7748
Tom McClure District Chair cell: 512-293-6754
James McClure Unit
cell: 512-794-6344 commissioner@pack421.

Pack 421 Committee
The Pack Committee is responsible and approves a budget annually, planning and coordination
of key events, ensuring scout advancement. The committee meets once a month and meeting
minutes will be emailed out following each meeting.

Position Volunteer Name Email
Advancement Gloria Walls
Camping Coordinators Open
Chaplain Open
Committee Chair Kathy Burgess
Cubmaster Doug Burgess
Pack Trainer Paul Clarke
Popcorn Kernel Dani Potoff
Registration/Recharter Coordinator Michael Herst
Treasurer Meredith Clarke/Elizabeth

Webmaster Leslie Saunders
Volunteer Coordinator
Assistant Cub Master

II. Scout Meetings
When does Pack 421 meet?
Pack meetings are usually held the third Monday of the month from 6 - 7 p.m. at Covenant UMC
(4410 Duval Rd) or Davis Elementary playground. Pack meetings are an opportunity for Cub
Scouts from all of the dens to get together to enjoy each other and learn new things. The Pack
Cubmaster, Doug Burgess, runs the Pack meetings.
Den meetings are held at the discretion of the Den leader(s) for each grade level of Scouts,
typically 1-2 times each month. Dens are made up of Scouts from the same grade level / rank.
Pack Committee meetings for adult Den Leaders and Pack Committee members are held the
second Sunday each month from 4-6 p.m. at 11000 Alhambra Dr. The committee works on
planning and logistics for pack events. Parents are encouraged to attend.

When are den meetings?
The den leader arranges den meetings at a date, time, and location suitable to the activities being
planned and with parental input. Most dens meet once a month but, as boys gets older, dens are
encouraged to meet at least twice a month.

Den Leader/Assistant Leader Email
Tiger Cub / 1
grade TBD after den forms
Wolf Cub / 2
grade Brandon Phipps
Bear Cub / 3
grade Teron Evertson
Webelos I / 4
grade Paul Clarke, Kevin Miller
Webelos II / 5

What does Pack 421 wear?
Pack 421 follows a waist-up uniform policy. The Class A Uniform consists of a Scout shirt (with the
appropriate patches), neckerchief, slide, and belt. This is the uniform for Pack Meetings and many Den
meetings. Scout caps are optional but non-scouting caps should be tasteful. Some scouts buy the official
socks and official Scouting pants, but this is up to each family to decide. Scouts also will need a
handbook for their rank, which explains all of the necessary requirements to earn their badge and move
to the next rank. Closed toe shoes are always recommended. Adult leaders should wear a Scout shirt,
and all registered adults are encouraged to do so but not required.

All Class A uniform parts can be purchased at the Scout Shop, located at 12500 N IH 35. Just let the
employees here know what rank your child is and they will get everything you need together for you.
We also have a Pack 421 Closet, which consists of a bin of gently used uniform parts, donated by other

Pack 421 families. Everyone is encouraged to give and take out of the Pack 421 as they see fit.

The Class B Uniform is the Pack 421 T-shirt, available for purchase through the Pack. The Class B
uniform is used at Den meetings, during less formal times of campouts, and other Pack activities.

III. Budget and Dues

The Pack Committee develops and approves a budget annually, and uses the budget to set the pack fees
and den dues; the budget is always available for your review. BSA membership runs January through
December of each year. The Committee meets once a month.

For 2014-2015, Pack 421 fees which include BSA membership fees, a subscription to Boys Life Magazine,
insurance, and a Pack fee. Assistance for some fees may be available, please talk to the Pack Committee
Chair. See Fees below
Fee Description Amount Notes
Registration Fee $ 25.00 Includes $1 for insurance
Boys Life $ 12.00 Only one needed per family
Pack Fee $ 20.00 This comprises our operating budget along with
popcorn sales and donations
Per Boy Total $ 57.00

Note: Each family only needs one copy of Boys Life Magazine. So for families with additional scouts, the
fee would be $45 for each additional scout.
IV. Communication
How often will I hear from Pack 421?
E-mail is the primary form of communication for Pack 421. We rely on you to keep your email address
up to date in our system by making you update it each year with leadership. Pack-wide communication
is sent through an application called Mailchimp. Communication from your sons den leader(s) may be
through Mailchimp or another method. Please remember to check your email.

Pack 421 also has a website please get in the habit of checking it regularly ( We do
use Google Calendar to post Pack events, so most people can add the Pack Calendar to their own

electronic calendar with little effort.

This year we have added Facebook to our communication tools. This is a closed group visible only to
those invited and approved by our webmaster. The page is called Cub Scouts Pack 421. All parents will
receive an invitation to join and this provides an opportunity to share stories, view or upload event info,
and receive reminders of key dates. there is any discrepancy in dates, the website remains the source of
record for calendar.
Communication Tools
Scout Track

Purpose: Track contact information and advancement information

ScoutTrack ( is the web-based tool we use to track contact information for our
Pack families. Parents also use ScoutTrack to enter advancement information for their sons so that den
leaders can keep tabs on everyone's progression towards the next rank. It is critical that all contact
(especially your email addresses) and advancement information is up to date. Parents of new Scouts
should receive an email invitation to ScoutTrack within the first couple weeks of registering with the
Pack. If you have any questions about using ScoutTrack, please don't hesitate to contact your den leader
or someone else in pack leadership.

The Advancement coordinator will be checking ScoutTrack regularly for progress and work with the
Scout Shop on obtaining earned awards (ex: badges, beads, belt loops, etc). Awards earned will be
presented at Pack meetings.

Purpose: Online training for youth protection

Every parent will need to complete Youth Protection training in order to attend campouts or

Committee Member Specific Tools

1. MailChimp
Purpose: A service used by Committee Members to send email to the group.

2. Dropbox
Purpose: Drop box is used by the Pack Committee to store important Pack information. Each
Committee Member has a dropbox account

Other Important Links
Boy Scouts of America Capital Area Council (
Armadillo District (
Cub Scout Pack organization is explained at

V. Camp Out and Overnighters
Where do we go for Pack campouts and overnight trips?
Pack campouts and overnight trips are scheduled by the Pack Committee and conducted for the benefit
of the entire pack. Families are encouraged to attend together and, with sufficient notice, assistance can
be provided to borrow or share camping equipment. Pack 421 conducts fall and spring campouts,
usually located within a 1-2 hour drive of Austin. The campouts have nominal costs associated with
them. Overnighters are typically held in the fall. We've planned overnighters at the Cameron Park Zoo
(Waco), Moody Gardens (Galveston), and Battleship Texas (Houston). The costs for overnight trips are
typically higher than the costs for campouts.

Look for more information coming on the dates and times of these upcoming events.
VI. Other Activities throughout the Year
Popcorn Sales
Pack 421 encourages all Cub Scouts to sell popcorn as it teaches boys valuable skills and leads to one of
the goals of Cub Scoutingpersonal achievement. Tiger Cubs are encouraged but not required to sell
popcorn. Last year, Pack 421 sold over $12,000 of popcorn. There are three ways we sell: Show and Sell,
Online, and Door-to-Door. For Show and Sell, Scouts sell in front of a business (for four weekends
starting in August). Online sales are for selling to out-of-town relatives that support Scouting. For Door-
to-Door sales (which take place in October), Scouts take popcorn orders from friends, family and
neighbors. The income from our popcorn sales helps subsidize our campouts and other fun activities.

Pinewood Derby

This is held in late January. Boys create racecars out of blocks of pine to race against each other in a
Pack-wide contest. Adults and siblings are encouraged to enter cars into the Outlaw categories.

Blue and Gold Banquet
The Blue and Gold is a catered dinner typically held in late February. This is a time to celebrate, as most
Scouts are ready to earn their rank badge at this event.

Service Projects
Each year the Pack chooses 2-3 ways to give back to the community. Past examples include singing
Christmas Carols at a nursing home, sorting coats for Coats for Kids, planting trees and coordinating a
road cleanup effort.

Summer Activities
During the summer, several events are planned so that Cub Scouts can earn their Summertime Activity
Awards. Examples in previous years include the Zilker Park Musical, Austin Symphony in the Park, Tours
of the UT Tower, rock climbing at Main Event, visits to area museums and more.

Summer Camps
Our Pack has a strong tradition of participating in camps offered by our Council. The Armadillo District
Cub Scout Day Camp (one example) is a fantastic opportunity for Scouts to take part in canoeing,
swimming, bbgun shooting, archery, fishing, woodworking and more.

VII. Volunteering what is expected of me?
We are all busy, but the fact remains that Scouting is entirely volunteer-led at the Pack level. We ask
that at the bare minimum, parents be ready to assist their sons den leaders. Adult leaders are not
supposed to be women or men both are encouraged to participate.

Rotating Den Ownership of Pack Events
Each den will have one major Pack activity during the year to be in charge of. This is a great way for
someone other than the den leader to step forward and assist the Pack. Please make plans to participate
in the activity that your den owns.

grade: Spring Campout
grade: Spring Campout (with the Tigers)

grade: Blue and Gold Banquet
Webelos I/4
grade: Pinewood Derby
Webelos II/5
grade: Fall Campout

The Pack Committee is another way to get involved. Most of the positions require 1-2 hours per month,
some even less time. The best way to get involved is to start attending Pack Committee meetings. Dates
and times will be posted on the Pack calendar.

VIII. Training
Boy Scouts of America offers a wide variety of training opportunities for adult leaders. Training is open
for all parents. Youth Protection training is all that is required for all parents attending campouts or
overnighters. This year our training coordinator is Paul Clarke. He will be available to provide additional
details on any desired training.

Youth Protection Training
All adults should take the Youth Protection Training course available online at You will need to create a user name and password if you do not already
have an account. Send a copy of your course certification to or print one out
and bring it to a Pack meeting. Please note, the course certification is only good for two years. If yours
has expired, you must take it again. Other trainings are required for adult leaders, depending on the
volunteer position. The Pack committee will assist leaders in determining what they need to be

Boy Scouts of America offers a wide variety of training opportunities for Adult Leaders. Key Cub Scout
training includes
Optional Adult Leadership Training
BALOO (Basic Adult Leadership Outdoor Orientation)
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OWLS (Outdoor Webelos Leadership Skills)
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