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Islam Research Assignment

You will be assigned one of the following sections. You will be required to nd all of the
following information in that section, and answer it in complete sentences. You must also keep
track of the websites you use to nd that information. You must have at least 2 websites that
corroborate information for each answer.

Day 1: You will draw a card, whatever card you get will tell you what section you research. You
will have the rest of the period to research that information. By the end of the period you must
have 3 of the bullets answered. You must have the websites that each bullet as well. 15 pts
Day 2: You will be responsible to nd the rest of the bullets for your section. You must have 2
websites for each bullet once more. You must show all bullets answered by the end of the
period. 15pts
Day 3: You will be separated into groups of 6 based on the section you have. Each person will
be responsible for sharing all of the information on his or her section. At the end of class all
students should have all 6 sections of notes. 10 puts
40 pts for assignment
Life of Muhammad and creation of Islam
What was life like for the average Arab in the time of Muhammads birth?
When did he live?
Where did he travel?
What is his story with the creation of Islam?
How did Islam continue after his death?
How and what did Arabs worship before him?
What is the leader known as? What does the name mean?
Basic Beliefs of Islam and 5 Pillars
Where do Muslims worship?
How is the story of Abraham and his son different in Islam?
What is the holy book of Islam? What is the other important book?
What are the 5 pillars? Explain the 4 other than the Hajj.
What is the meaning of the word jihad?
What is Shariah? Explain it.
The Hajj and other important cities.
What is the hajj?
What does it represent?
Where do people travel? (City)
Why is the city the hajj occurs in the holiest city?
What happens during the hajj, explain step-by-step.
What are other major cities in Islamic history? Ex. Cordoba (Cordova in some cases) and
Why are the other cities important?
Islam Research Assignment
Ottoman Empire
What time were they around?
When did they reach their height?
What was the name of 2 of their great leaders? Why were they great?
What was their capital city? How did they take it?
What did they call their most talented warriors?
When and why did they fall?
What areas of the world did they conquer?
Safavid Empire
What area of the world did they conquer?
When did the empire begin?
When did they fall and why?
What was the name of 2 of their famous rulers? Why are they important?
What was their capital city?
What group of people did they represent?
What skills did they have in war?
Mughal Empire
What area of the world did they conquer?
When did they empire begin?
When did they fall and why?
What famous building was built under this empire?
Why was it built?
How did they excel militarily?
What was the name of 2 famous rulers? Why are they important?

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