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Configuration Pack
Published by Team of SAP
Consultants at SAPTOPJOBS
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic or
mechanical including photocopying, recording or any information storage and
retrieval system without permission in writing from SAPTOPJOBS
1. OVER VIEW:- 4
2.1 Defining Order type and Order type dependent parameters 12
2.2 Define Number Range for Orders 22
2.3 Define status profile 27
2.4 Define selection profile 40
3.1 Define production scheduler 50
4.1 Define Checking Rule 57
4.2 Define Scope of check 60
4.3 Define Checking control 64
9.1 Define Repetitive Manufacturing Profile 85
9.2 Creating product cost collector 91
9.3 Required Material Master Settings Rep. Mfg.:- 95
10.1 Define Valuation of Goods Received 102
10.2 Define Valuation variant:- 104
10.3 Define Costing Variant 110
11. SUMMARY: - 114
1. Over view:-
We have so far seen the Master data and production
planning steps in PP. In this document we will go thru
the nuts and bolts of Production Execution. Alright lets
breeze through this.
There are three types of production process in SAP.
Discrete Manufacturing
Repetitive Manufacturing
Production Process Industries.
Configuration settings related to Discrete Manufacturing and
essential Repetitive manufacturing is discussed in detail here.
First let us understand what is happening in the system prior
to the production execution process.
a. Planning quantities are derived and maintained in
the system.
b. Material Requirement Planning run will generate
the planned order for the net required quantity with
the start date of the production process
c. Master data (BOM and Routing details) will be
copied in to the planned order automatically during
MRP run.
Guys, I believe you got an idea about the steps involved prior
to the production execution process. OK, lets discuss about
the production execution process now.
Production Execution process contains five important steps.
They are
Converting planned order to production order
Releasing the production order
Goods Issue for production order
Confirmation of production order
Goods Receipt against production order
a. Converting planned order to production order:-
Planned order has to be converted to production order to
account the entire production.
Production order or process order type has to be
mentioned when converting the planned order. Entire
master data will be copied to the respective order when
converting the planned order.
Order type is the most important configuration setting for
production execution.
b. Releasing the production order:-
Release of production order is an important step in
production order. Releasing of production order indicates
the commencement of production. Unless the order is
released, further processing of order is not possible.
While releasing the production order system can perform
Material availability
Capacity availability
Creation of Batch
Reservation creation
Configuration settings related to the above functions are
covered in Availability check, order type parameters.
c. Goods Issue for production order:-
Goods issue covers issuing required components to make
the finished product to a production order. While making
the goods issue, the document number can be updated in
the production order.
Configuration setting related to this is discussed in order
type parameter.
Goods issue can be made in parallel during confirmation
of operation. Relevant configuration settings related to
goods issue during confirmation are discussed in
confirmation parameter.
d. Confirmation of production order:-
Reporting of usage of components and activities are
termed as confirmation.
Confirmation to the each operation will be executed
according to the control key attached with each
Confirmation configuration setting controls
Adhering to the sequence of operation
Under delivery / over delivery tolerance
Back-flush components
Proposal and calculation of activity standard value
Above configuration settings are discussed in
confirmation parameter.
e. Goods Receipt against production order:-
Once the production is completed, finished products will
be received from the production order into the respective
storage area.
This can be achieved through two ways
1. Through confirmation
2. Through separate transaction.
Document number will be generated for each goods
receipt. This document number can be updated in the
production or process order.
Configuration settings related to these are discussed in
Production scheduling profile and order type parameter.
Now you will easily understand what is backflush? It is the
process of issuing components automatically while confirming
the production or process order.
Hope the above briefing has given you the enough idea to go
ahead for configuration of production execution process.
2. Define Order Type
This configuration setting enables to define order type.
Order type governs the parameters relevant to controlling and
defines what type of master data are to be picked up during
the production or process order creation.
There can be more than one order type for different production
method. E.g. one order type for regular production and
another order type for rework processing.
Create order type YP01 for plant IND6
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production shop floor
control Master Data Order Define order types.
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Order category Order category defined by
SAP. Leave it as it is.
Order type Key identifying the order type.
E.g. enter YP01 to refer the
production order type.
Description Enter the description. E.g.
Basic production order type.
Classification check box Tick mark in this check box
will classify the production
order internally.
Resident time 1 and 2 Related to Archiving the
object. It indicates, there
should be one month gap
between deletion indicator
setting and deletion flag. E.g.
Enter 1 in Resident time 1
and in resident time 2.
Settlement profile Profile defining how the order
is to be settled. Related to
costing. E.g. enter 30
Status profile Header User created status profile
applicable to this order type.
E.g. Leave it blank
Operation Status profile User created status profile for
operation applicable to this
order type.
E.g. Leave it blank
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Order type is a mandatory entry while creating production or
process order.
Number range and controlling parameter (like settlement rule)
are picked during creation of production or process order
according to the configuration setting defined in the order
2.1 Defining Order type and Order type dependent
This configuration setting enables to define the order type
dependent parameters.
When creating process or production order, order type
dependent parameters defines
Selection of master data (BOM and Routing)
Creation of Batch
Updating the document numbers in the order
Creation of reservation
Define order type dependent parameter for Plant IND6 and
order type YP01.
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production shop floor control
Master Data Order Define order type dependant
Note: - It is suggested to create plant parameter by copying
form the standard settings.
Select 1000 and PP01 line by clicking the grey box in the left.
Press Pg Dn key in the key board to look at the balance
portion of the screen.
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Plant Plant to which this order type
is applicable. E.g. IND6
Order type Key identifying the order type.
E.g. enter YP01 to refer the
production order type.
Production version Indicating how the production
version is to be selected while
creating production order. E.g.
0 to select automatically.
Routing Selection ID Selection id number according
to which routing will be
selected. Recollect the
Creation of routing selection
id creation.
E.g. Enter 01
Routing Selection Requirement and selection of
routing. To indicate whether
routing mandatory or not.
E.g. Enter 6 to indicate
routing as Mandatory and
automatic selection.
Sequence Exchange Selection of sequence in the
routing. E.g. Enter 2 to
indicate manual selection of
Tick the check box to indicate
the alternate sequence can be
copied into the order from
Task List type What type of task list this
order type to pickup, whether
Reference operation set,
Routing. E.g. Enter N to
indicate Routing.
Operation detail check check
While transferring routing
operation to Production order,
it will check all the entries.
E.g. Tick this check box
Routing Text Routing header text will be
copied to the production order
if this check box is ticked.
E.g. Tick this check box
Operation increment Incremental to the operation.
E.g. Enter 0010
BOM Application Indicating which BOM is to be
used to this order type. Please
refer for more detail. E.g.
Enter PP01
Batch search procedure If required maintain the
standard search procedure.
E.g. Leave it blank.
In the General tab screen
below explained details are to
be maintained
Assignment of substitute MRP
controller and production
Leave it blank.
Reservation Purchase
To indicate when to generate
purchase requisition. E.g.
Enter 3 to indicate
Tick this check box to raise
purchase req. collectively for
all externally processed
operations in an order.
Field name Field description and value
Tick in the check box will
record the changes to the
order at header level
Tick in this check box will
update the document details
in the Logistic Information
System which will help to view
the document from the order
Tick in the check box will
create document for respective
goods issue.
Costing variant planned Costing variant is the one
which contains valuation
variant which indicate what
price to pickup to calculate
planned price calculation. E.g.
enter as per CO module
advise. Can be left blank, as
CO also can maintain through
their module
Costing variant actual Same as above, to pickup the
actual price calculation. E.g.
Enter as per CO module
advice. Can be left blank, as
CO also can maintain through
their module.
Results Analysis key Related to CO module. Get the
value from CO module.
E.g. Maintain the SAP
Planned cost calculation Indicating when to calculate
the planned cost of a
production order. E.g. Enter 2
to calculate planned cost
while saving.
Distribution rule Related to CO to indicate how
to distribute cost. E.g. Enter
Tick in this check box will not
allow the change the net price
when copying from Purchase
Request to Purchase Order.
E.g. Leave this check box
This tab screen controls the parameter related to display.
Leave it as it is with the SAP standard settings.
Note: - If required separate display profile can be created and
attached to the order type to have a desired display of reports
(missing part list, goods movement details in the order).
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
When creating the production order or process order, system
will perform according to the configuration setting done for a
specific order type and plant combination settings.
Order type parameter governs Selection of routing and
updating document for production order, determining planned
and actual cost parameter for any given order type and plant
Order type is a mandatory entry while creating the production
2.2 Define Number Range for Orders
This configuration setting enables to define number range to
the order type.
For each production or process order a unique number has to
be assigned. Internal number will be picked up from the
number range defined and it will be assigned automatically at
the time of saving the production or process order.
Define Number Range for order type YP01.
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production shop floor control
Master Data Order Define number range for orders
Note: - to create the number range intervals
to display the number range intervals
to change the current number range status
Order type which is already assigned to one group is
displayed. YP01 not appearing here as it is yet to be assigned.
Click to reach bottom of this page
Click on the line YP01
Click check box of
Click to assign
The number range assigned to order type YP01
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
While saving the production or process order, number will be
assigned automatically to the order.
If an order type does not have a number range assignment,
abnormal termination of program will be displayed while
saving the production or process order.
2.3 Define status profile
This configuration setting enables to define the status profile.
Status profile along with the selection profile will be used to
restrict the processing of transactions for particular status of
the order.
With the system status TECO, it is possible to carryout
confirmation. It is to be restricted with the user defined status.
I.e. when the status is TECO, confirmation of order should not
be possible.
Define status profile to meet the above scenario.
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production shop floor control
Master Data Order Define status profile
Maintain the status profile name. E.g. NOCONF
Maintain Text. E.g. No confirmation after TECO
Maintain Language. E.g. EN to indicate Englsh.
Double click on
Field name Field description and value
Stat Serial number. Enter the
sequence number for status.
E.g. 1
Status Name of the status. It can be
any alphanumeric with four
digits. E.g. CRTD to indicate
the status created. Maintain
your own status
Short text Maintain the short description
of the status.
Init. St Tick this check to indicate the
status as initial status. E.g.
CRTD will be the initial status
in this status profile. Any
status can be defined as a
initial status.
Lowest This is used to assign the
status in an order.
E.g. Status A has status
number 30 and the 'lowest
status number' 10.
Status B has status number
40 and the 'lowest status
number' 20.
o Once status B was active
for the object, only statuses
with numbers 20 or higher
may be activated, even if
status A is currently active..
Highest This is similar to the lowest
E.g. Status A has the status
number 30 and the 'highest
number' 50.
If status A is active, only
statuses with status numbers
50 or less can be activated.
Continue the above process till you maintain all required
Select the objects as shown above
Click in the status 3 to which status the further processing is
to be restricted.
Note: - restriction for further processing is to be done on with
the status TECO.
Below is the list of object to which the control is to be
Click to go to the next page
Note: - On selecting each radio button it has to be saved.
Other wise without saving you will not be able to select more
than one radio button in a page.
Click to go to the next page
Field name Field description and value
Business transaction Transaction performed in SAP.
E.g. Confirm order refers to
the order confirmation process
through transaction code
No Influence Indicator specifying that this
status does not influence the
corresponding business
Permitted Indicator which specifies that
the business transaction can
be carried out if this status is
Warning Indicator which specifies that
the business transaction may
be carried out. However, the
system issues a warning
message during processing of
the transaction.
Forbidd. Indicator specifying that the
business transaction cannot
be carried out if this status is
Next action Indicator which specifies that
the status is to be activated
when this business
transaction is carried out.
Click to go to the next page
Click to go to the next page
Click to go to the next page
Click to go to the next page to look for more possible
Click till you reach the main configuration menu.
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Status profile with controls to further processing will be
assigned with the selection profile.
2.4 Define selection profile
This configuration setting enables to define the selection
Selection profile defines when the user defined status is to be
activated. Selection profile will be assigned to the process
Selection profile contains the status profile which controls the
business transaction.
Define selection profile.
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production shop floor control
Master Data Order Define selection profile
Maintain selection profile. E.g. NOCONF
Maintain selection profile description. E.g. Not to confirm in
TECO status.
Double click
Field name Field description and value
check box under column
Indicates, whether the status
is user defined status or the
system status. In this
example, we have defined the
status as TECO hence this
check box is ticked. Note:-
status name can be any.
Status prof. Indicates the status profile.
Enter the status profile which
was created by you. E.g. we
will enter NOCONF as status
profile we have created above.
Status Enter the status on which the
status profile is to be selected.
Note:- status profile contains
the object and the control for
the further action for each
Not Indicates the status is active
or not active to pick up the
status profile.
Click till you reach the main configuration menu.
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Selection profile will be attached into the production or
process order in the user status.
Required status can be activated by the user to activate the
user status.
If the user status TECO is activated in the order with this
selection profile, further confirmation, goods issue, goods
receipt will not be able to perform.
Below screen shot shows the assignment of status profile and
the user status in the process order.
Use Transaction COR2 to change process order
Click in the status line
Note: - If the user status is applicable to the order type
irrespective of material, it can be assigned at the order type
itself in the order type configuration as shown below.
Assignment of user status at the order header level is shown
Stat prof. NOCONF is assigned as a user status.
Status TECO Technically completed is selected.
Now, no more goods issue, receipt or confirmation can be
3. Define production scheduling profile
This configuration setting enables to define the production
scheduling profile.
Functions involved with production scheduler are
Automatic release of production order while creating
Automatic Goods Receipt for Production order while
Automatically assigning specific order type for material
while converting from planned order to production order.
Production scheduling profile is the key attached to material
master in work scheduling view.
Create production scheduling profile.
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Master data Define production scheduling profile.
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Plant Specifying the plant name
where the production
scheduler is to be applicable.
E.g. IND6
Production scheduler profile Key identifying the production
scheduler profile. E.g. IND001
Description Description of the production
scheduler profile. E.g.
Production Scheduler for A
Automatic actions:-
On Creation - Release check
While creating the production
order, Production order will be
released automatically if this
is ticked. E.g. Tick this check
box if it is be release
On Release Execute Printing Printing of shop floor papers
etc as per the settings will be
printed automatically on
relase. E.g. Tick this check
Goods Receipt Tick in this check box will
automatically make the GR
document while confirming.
E.g. Tick this check box
Order type Make To Stock Order type to be used for
products which are make to
stock. If different order types
are to be used for different
product, that can be mapped
with different production
scheduler. E.g. PP01
Click Save .
Note: - Apart from the above explained important setting,
other controls available here are
Creation of transfer order in WM Management
Creation of Batch automatically on release of order
Creation of Batch classification as mandatory
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Production scheduling profile defined here has to be attached
to the material master Work scheduling view.
Then for those materials, while creating the production order,
Release will happen automatically.
3.1 Define production scheduler
This configuration setting enables to define the production
Production scheduler is a text entry to map the production
scheduler with production scheduling profile.
Production scheduler can be assigned to the material master
in the work scheduling view.
Functions involved with this key are
Automatic release of production order while creating
Automatic Goods Receipt for Production order while
Automatically assigning order type for material while
converting from planned order to production order.
Create production scheduler and assign with production
scheduling profile.
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Master data Define production scheduler.
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Plant Specifying the plant name
where the production
scheduler is to be applicable.
E.g. IND6
Production Scheduler Key identifying the production
scheduler. E.g. ASG to denote
scheduler for A segment
Description Description identifying the
production scheduler. E.g.
Scheduler for A seg. Products
Production scheduler profile Key identifying the production
scheduler profile. E.g. IND001
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Production scheduler mapped with production scheduling
profile has to be attached to material master Work scheduling
Then for those materials, while creating the production order,
Release will happen automatically.
4. Availability check Define checking group
This configuration setting enables to define the checking
Checking group defines the checking method of availability
during availability check.
Checking group will be used along with the checking rule to
carryout material availability checking.
Define checking group.
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Operation Availability Check Define checking
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Availability This key defines checking
group. This key will be
maintained in the material
master MRP2 view. E.g. Enter
Description Description of the checking
group. E.g. Collective Require.
Total Sales Type of requirement system to
generate during sales order
processing. Individual
requirement or collective
E.g. Enter B to accumulate
requirement day wise.
Total Delivery requirements Type of requirement system to
generate during Delivery
processing. Individual
requirement or collective
E.g. Enter B to accumulate
requirement day wise.
Block QtRq Tick in this check box will
allow multiple users to
process availability check for
one material at the same time.
E.g. Leave this check box
blank as it will block the
material for other users to
access while performing the
availability check.
No check check box If ticked, no ATP checking will
be done. E.g. Leave this blank
Accumulation Indicating the system to take
all planned receipt and
committed issues while
making a ATP check during
sales order processing.
E.g. Enter 1 to do the above
explained function.
Response To issue output when there is
a shortage of material.
E.g. Leave it blank
RelChkPlan Availability check to a
material against Planned
Independent Requirement.
E.g. Leave it blank.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
This checking group along with checking rule will perform
checking of material availability considering receipts and
This Checking group ZY has to be mentioned in the material
master Availability field in MRP2 view.
4.1 Define Checking Rule
This configuration setting enables to define the checking rule.
Checking rule configuration is a simple text entry to be defined
in the system.
Checking rule with checking group will determine the
availability check.
Define / Discuss checking rule.
Note: - It is sufficient to use the standard checking rule PP.
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Operation Availability Check Define checking
Click (only to create new entries. Standard SAP
checking rule PP will be used in most of the implementations)
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Checking rule - ChR This key defines checking
Rule. E.g. Enter PP
Description Description of the checking
rule. E.g. PP Checking rule.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
This checking rule will be defined along with the checking
group to perform the availability check.
In MRP related setting Dependant requirement availability this
checking rule is referred.
4.2 Define Scope of check
This configuration setting enables to define the scope of
checking to the combination of checking group and checking
Scope of checking defines the stock, receipt elements and the
issue elements to be considered for availability checking.
Stock: -
Stock in transfer; quality stock; blocked stock
Receipt elements:-
Purchase order; Purchase requisition; planned order;
Issue Element: -
Sales order; delivery; reservation
Define checking scope for the combination of ZP and PP.
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Operation Availability Check Define scope of
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Stocks Various heading with
check box under Stock
Tick those check boxes whose
stocks are to be considered
while Availability checking.
E.g. Tick the check box as
shown above to consider
Safety stock, stock in transfer
and quality inspection stock.
Receipts/Issues Tick those check boxes whose
receipt element and issue
elements are to be considering
while Availability checking.
E.g. Tick the check boxes as
shown above.
Check without RLT System will check without
considering Replenishment
Lead Time. I.e. if this check
box is not ticked, if system not
able to find any receipt or
stock for a particular
requirement, it will confirm a
date after the RLT. RLT is the
time taken from material
master. E.g. Tick this check
Receipt in the past. To indicate whether to
consider the receipt element
with past date, or only to
consider future date or both.
E.g. Leave blank to indicate to
consider receipt element of
both past and in future.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
This checking control will be executed wile performing the
Availability Check.
Note: - material master must contain Availability check as ZY
in MRP 3 view.
4.3 Define Checking control
This configuration setting enables to define the checking
Checking control configuration is to execute the availability
checking during production order or process order creation
and release.
This is defined to the combination of plant and order type.
Define checking control for IND6 plant and order type YP01.
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Operation Availability Check Define checking
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Plant Plant identifying the
manufacturing facility where
this ATP logic is to be
applicable. E.g. IND6
Order type Production order type to
which this availability check is
to be applicable. E.g YP01
Business Function Whether to carryout ATP
checking during production
order creation or at the time of
production order release. E.g.
2 to indicate to carryout ATP
checking during Release of
production order.
Check Box NO avail.check Indicating the system whether
to carryout ATP or not. Tick in
this check box will not
carryout ATP. E.g. Leave this
blank if ATP is to be carried
Check material availability
when saving order
Indicating the system whether
to carryout ATP or not during
saving production order after
any changes. E.g. Tick this
check box.
Checking rule Mention the checking rule.
E.g. PP
Type of comp check Whether to check as per ATP
or with Planned Independent
requirement. E.g Leave it
blank to indicate to check as
per ATP.
Mat.Release Control to specify whether to
allow release of production
order or not if any shortage of
material. E.g. Enter 1 to user
to decide before release, 2 to
release without asking, 3 to
stop releasing.
No Chk for PRT and
No.availchek for capacity
Tick these check boxes to
indicate not to carryout any
availability check.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Link between master data, configuration and transaction: -
Checking rule in the order type configuration is PP
Availability check in the material master is ZP (MRP3 view)
Checking control for the group ZP and PP is maintained
When creating the production order or process order,
system follows as below
Read the checking rule for the order type
Read the availability to the material
Read the checking control to the above combination
Output given according to the checking control
5. Define Scheduling Parameter for prod. Order
This configuration setting enables to define the scheduling
parameter for production or process order type.
Scheduling parameter is essential to schedule the production
order according to the Task list data. I.e. to determine the
start date and end date for the order and to the each
Scheduling data for specific order type defines
How to schedule production / process order
Whether to generate capacity requirements
How to adjust order dates while scheduling
Define scheduling parameter for order type YP01 in plant
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Operation Scheduling Define scheduling
parameters for production orders
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Plant Plant to which this setting is
to be applicable. E.g. IND6
Order type Order type under the Plant
IND6 to which this scheduling
type is to be applicable. E.g.
Enter YP01
Production scheduler Production scheduler to which
this setting is applicable. E.g.
* to indicate applicable to all
production scheduler in the
plant IND6.
Production orders and process
orders are scheduled at a
detailed planning level using
the routing or the master
recipe. Therefore you cannot
enter a selection ID. Also the
scheduling indicator is set
Generate capacity reqs. To indicate the system to
calculate capacity
requirement. Tick this check
Adjust dates Indicating how to adjust the
dates of production order or
dependant requirement when
rescheduling. E.g. Select
Adjust basic date or depend
date to adjust order start date.
Scheduling type Type of scheduling. E.g.
Backward scheduling.
Automatic Scheduling check
Tick this check box to indicate
scheduling to be automatic.
E.g. Tick this check box.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
This setting determines the scheduling type while creating the
production order.
If it is backward scheduling, it is required to enter only order
finish date while creating the production or process order.
6. Define confirmation parameters
This configuration setting enables to define the confirmation
parameter to the order type in specific plant.
Through confirmation transaction, completion of production
will be reported in the system. Confirmation parameter to each
order type is essential to perform the confirmation.
Confirmation parameter defines
To propose partial confirmation, or full confirmation
To propose value of activity
To calculate the activity value according to the quantity
Confirmation sequence is to be adhered to or not
To display all component irrespective back-flush
Define confirmation parameter for order type YP01 in Plant
Follow the Menu Path:- IMG Production Shop floor
control Operation Confirmation Define Confirmation
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Plant Enter plant name to which
this setting is to be applicable.
E.g. IND6
Order type Enter the order type to which
this setting is to be applicable.
E.g. YP01
Operation sequence While confirming, whether
operation sequence is to be
followed as per routing or not.
Select as shown above.
Under delivery While confirming, if the yield
quantity is less than the
tolerance limit maintained in
the work scheduling view of
material master how the
system to behave. Select as
Over delivery While confirming, if the yield
quantity is more than the
tolerance limit maintained in
the work scheduling view of
material master how the
system to behave. Select as
QM Result rec. Operation contains the quality
characteristics and if that
operation has to be confirmed,
how the system to behave
when that confirmation by QC
is not done.
E.g. Select as shown above
Leave this blank if only the
back-flush components are to
be proposed during the
confirmation. If this indicator
is set, system will propose all
the components assigned to
an operation.
Click tab
Field Description
Confirm type Type of confirmation to be
proposed during confirmation
transaction. E.g. Select as
shown above
Goods Movements If this check box is ticked,
system will give you a log
message screen and request
you to say yes or no to correct
the errors occurred in Goods
movement during
Tick in this check box will give
the ERROR message incase of
failure occurred during the
goods movement.
E.g. Leave it blank
Click tab screen
Update the Following fields
Field Description
To propose the quantity
during confirmation
When the yield quantity is
changed from the default
display, according to the new
yield quantity, all other
activity and quantities are
calculated with this tick in
this check box.
Make other ticks in the check boxes as shown above, as they
are self explanatory.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
While confirming the production order, system will perform
according to the setting maintained here.
Production order quantity = 1000.
Over delivery tolerance 25 % maintained in the work
scheduling view of material master
While confirming, the confirmation quantity entered as 1500
(which is more than over delivery tolerance).
As per the configuration setting here, system will allow to
continue the transaction.
If it is not to be allowed, change the over delivery tolerance
checking into an error message.
7. Define Reason for Variance
This configuration setting enables to define the variance
Variance can be mentioned during confirmation to indicate the
reason for deviation from the standard.
It is a simple text configuration.
Create a variance key to specify Machine malfunctioning.
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production Shop floor control
Operation Confirmation Define Reason for variances
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Plant Key identifying Plant. E.g
Reason Code identifying the reason.
E.g. Enter 0009
Description Description of the code. E.g.
Machine malfunctioning.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Codes maintained here can be selected during confirmation of
production / process order to enter the reason for variance.
8. Define Default Values
This configuration setting enables to define Default values for
task list.
Default values are required to create the operation inside the
production order or process order automatically if there is no
task list.
Default values are defined to a specific order type.
Define default values to the order type YA70 in Plant IND6.
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production Shop floor control
Operations Task list selection Define default values
Enter Plant. E.g. IND6
Note: - it is suggested to copy from the standard order type.
Select PP01 by clicking the grey box in the left.
Enter the order type as YP01
Note: - values mentioned in each field can be left as it is. If
required it can be changed.
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
When creating the process order, operation number will be
assigned automatically if the routing is not found.
9. Repetitive Manufacturing:-
Repetitive Manufacturing is the technique available in PP
module to be used for product which are produced with
Least change in setup for manufacturing
Always produced in large quantities
Relatively same items are produced for a longer duration
of time without any change in setup
Very essential settings to the repetitive manufacturing are
Repetitive manufacturing profile
Product cost collector
Production version
Material master setup
The above process are explained in the below steps.
9.1 Define Repetitive Manufacturing Profile
This configuration setting enables to define the repetitive
manufacturing profile.
Repetitive Manufacturing profile is the essential setting
required for Repetitive manufacturing production method.
Repetitive manufacturing profile defines,
How to carry out back flush
Which cost is to be captured
How to reduce the planned order
Planned order is mandatory or not
Movement types.
Create a Repetitive Manufacturing profile.
Follow the Menu Path: IMG Production Repetitive
Manufacturing Control Data Define Repetitive
Manufacturing Profiles
Update the Following fields
Field Description
Rem profile Key identifying the
repetitive manufacturing
profile. E.g. AB99
Description of Rem. Profile Description of the profile.
E.g. Auto cost coll.
Tick this check box to
make Backflush and
Goods Receipt
Tick this check box to
create the records of error
created during posting
Tick this check box to
create individual error
E.g. Leave this blank
Tick this check box to
correct error in dialog
Select optional radio
button to make error
correction in dialog mode
as optional.
Tick this check box to
select the price for
backflush material either
from standard cost
estimate or from
preliminary cost estimate
from product cost
Select appropriate radio
button to take the price of
the material, whether to
take from standard cost
estimate or from standard
cost estimate.
Tick this check box to
update the batch where
used list.
Tick this check box to
reduce the planned order
which contains production
version detail.
Tick this check to reduce
planned order even if it is
not assigned with any
production version.
E.g. Leave it blank
Tick this check box if it is
required to reduce planned
order containing any other
production version.
E.g. Leave it blank
Enter the number of days
in which planned orders
are to be reduced.
E.g. 7, to reduce the
planned order in the last
seven days.
Select this radio button to
firm the planned orders
which are assigned with
production line in the
planning table already.
Tick this check box, if it is
required to reverse /
recreate the planned order
when reversing the
E.g. Leave it blank
Leave SAP settings as it is.
In this screen no settings are to be done.
Click Save .
Impact of this configuration on the Master
Data / Transaction
Repetitive manufacturing profile can be used in the material
master MRP 4 view for materials which are to be handled in
repetitive manufacturing process.
9.2 Creating product cost collector
This is a master data to be created for every product which are
handled in repetitive manufacturing.
Product cost collector is the vital master data for Repetitive
Manufacturing process.
Though it is a master data, it is explained along with the
configuration of Repetitive Manufacturing Profile so that it will
be convenient to the users.
Product cost collector will be created for the combination of
material, Plant and Production version. For each production
version there should be a cost collector.
Product cost collector suggested to be created once the
standard cost estimate run for a specific material was
completed and updated.
Product cost collector will define
Costing variant planned
Costing variant actual
Costing sheet
With the above input, similar to the standard cost estimate,
separate cost will be calculated to this specific combination of
Production version,
Production version will then be used to for all subsequent cost
estimate process.
Create a Product cost collector.
Follow the Menu Path: Logistics Production Repetitive
Manufacturing Master Data Product cost collector
KKF6N Process Product cost collector.
Double click KKF6N
Update the Following fields
Field Name Field description and value
Material Material code number
Plant Enter the plant in which
product cost collector needs to
be created
Click in the left top to create product cost collector
Field Name Field description and value
Select this radio button to
indicate the product cost
collector is to the specific
production version
Plant Enter the plant in which
product cost collector needs to
be created
Production version Enter the production version
to which product cost collector
needs to be created
Enter the costing variant planned and actual
Nothing needs to be maintained here
Enter the costing lot size. E.g. 1000
Click Save .
There will be a dialog box asking Do you want to cerate a
preliminary cost estimate for the product cost collector
Click Yes
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
When backflusing for the planned order in repetitive
manufacturing, actual cost incurred will be collected in the
product cost collector.
9.3 Required Material Master Settings Rep. Mfg.:-
This is a master data setup. Repetitive manufacturing Material
master must have the following data setup.
To handle any product in a repetitive manufacturing, following
are the essential settings required to be done in the material
master MRP4 view.
1. Repetitive manufacturing
check box tick needs to be maintained.
2. Repetitive manufacturing
profile needs to be maintained.
3. Production version needs to be
Though it is a master data, it is explained along with the
configuration of Repetitive Manufacturing Profile so that it will
be convenient to the users.
With the above three requirement for Repetitive
manufacturing, relevant material can be handled in the
repetitive manufacturing environment.
Make material master setting to handle material in repetitive
Follow the Menu Path: Logistics Production Master Data
Material master Material Change MM02
Double click MM02 Immediately
Enter the required material code number
Enter Plant. E.g. enter your plant value
Tick the Repetitive manufacturing check box .
Maintain the Repetitive manufacturing
Field description Field value
Version number Enter the production version
identity number. 4 digit alpha
numeric number may be
Text Enter the description of the
production version.
Valid from Enter the valid from
Valid to Enter the valid to
Field description Field value
From Lot size Lot size quantity from which
this production should be
applicable. E.g. enter 1
To Lot size Lot size upto which this
production version should be
applicable. Enter 500000
Detailed planning Enter the routing or rate
routing group number in the
group field. E.g. 50004228
Group counter Enter the group counter
number. E.g. 1
Alternative BOM Enter the BOM alternate
Number. E.g. 1 to consider
first alternate BOM
BOM Usage Enter the BOM usage. E.g. 1
Click to check the consistency of this production
Click Yes
Click Save .
Essential Material master setup completed.
Impact of this configuration in Master Data /
Now the material is completely setup to be handled in
repetitive manufacturing.
Backflush to this material can be done with reference to the
planned order through transaction code MFBF.
10. PP CO Integration:-
Production Planning and Costing modules are tightly
integrated in costing of the product and production
Before we proceed to the PPCO related configuration settings,
lets discuss the Important terminologies.
Standard Cost Estimate:-
Cost of any product contains
Material cost cost derived from BOM (BOM Qty*Rate)
Conversion cost Cost derived from Routing
(#Activity * Activity Rate)
Over heads calculated from costing sheet
Setup duration, Machining duration, Labour hours, power
consumption are known as Activities.
Apart from the above two, over head charges will be added to it
and the final cost of the product will be arrived.
Valuation Variant:-
Valuation variant will indicate
Whether to consider the planned price or moving average
Whether to consider the planned price of activity for the
Whether Subcontracting price is to be considered from
Whether to take the external processing charges from
Costing sheet, i.e. over head calculation
Costing Type:-
Costing type specifies the updation of planned value or actual
value in the production order.
Costing Variant:-
Costing variant will contain the costing type and valuation
Assignment of cost component structure will be maintained in
costing variant.
Important PP related IMG settings:-
Define valuation of Goods Received
Define Valuation variant
Define Costing Variant
Planned Cost:-
Planned cost is for information purpose. Once the order is
crated or released, based on the BOM and Routing planned
order cost will be calculated.
Cost Calculation process is similar to that explained in
standard cost estimate.
E.g. BOM component Quantity x Planned price ( as per the
valuation variant it may take planned price to calculate the
planned material cost)
Actual Cost:-
Actual cost will be calculated based on the actual component
consumption and utility or activity utilization.
E.g. consumed component quantity x Moving Average price
Note: - as per the valuation variant it may consider the moving
average price to calculate the actual cost incurred for any
Target Cost:-
This is similar to the planned cost but it might take the rate
detail from moving average price and the component quantity
detail as a standard quantity from BOM. Target cost will be
compared with the actual cost to calculate the variances.
Target cost will be calculated by the system after the variance
calculation is completed.
All right, now we shall look into the configuration related to
PPCO integration.
10.1 Define Valuation of Goods Received
This configuration setting enable to define the valuation of
goods received.
Valuation at goods receipt controls the price to be considered
to the product when it is received through production order or
process order after completion manufacturing.
This is mostly applicable to the material which are defined
with moving average price.
Define Valuation of Goods Received.
We shall display the standard settings as these settings will be
done by CO team.
Follow the Menu Path: Logistics Production Shopfloor
control Integration Define Valuation of Goods Received
To maintain new entries
Enter valuation area i.e. plant
Enter Valuation Variant. E.g. 007 Production order actual.
With the above entry, while making GR, product will be
received at the actual cost incurred in the production order
irrespective of its standard or moving average price.
Click Save .
10.2 Define Valuation variant:-
This configuration setting enables to define the valuation
Valuation variant will indicate
Whether to consider the planned price or moving average
Whether to consider the planned price of activity for the
Whether Subcontracting price is to be considered from
Whether to take the external processing charges from
Costing sheet, i.e. over head calculation
Define Valuation variant.
We shall display the standard settings as these settings will be
done by CO team.
Follow the Menu Path: Logistics Production Shopfloor
control Integration Define Valuation variant
Let us discuss the standard setting 001
Select 001 valuation variant
Material valuation tab screen define the priority at which the
price for material is to be considered
Priority to pick rate for Activity is defined here
Priority to pick the price for subcontracting is defined here
Costing sheet may be defined here.
Note:- When creating the new entry follow the above step and
select the priority as per the business requirement.
10.3 Define Costing Variant
This configuration setting enables to define the costing
Costing variant will contain the costing type and valuation
Costing variant will be referred in all product costing and
production order costing.
Define costing variant.
We shall display the standard settings as these settings will be
done by CO team.
Follow the Menu Path: Logistics Production Shopfloor
control Integration Define Costing variant
Standard setting should be sufficient, if required this setting
will be defined by the CO module. Let us discuss the standard
PPP1 costing variant
Select PPP1 costing variant
Valuation variant which we have discussed in the previous
topic can be seen here.
Note to assign new valuation variant to a Plant Click in the
If new value needs to be created, press New entries and follow
the above step to assign costing type and valuation variant.
11. Summary: -
I am sure, now you are in position to configure the Discrete
and Repetitive manufacturing process according to the
business blue print to meet the business requirements.

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