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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Performance appraisal is the process by which organizations
A. select the best applicants to hire
B. review applications for employment
C. evaluate employee performance
D. determine individual health and safety benefits
E. attempt to decertify unions

. Performance management includes all of the following e!cept"
A. data to effectively organize culture# systems and processes
B. setting goals and allocating resources
C. affecting policies and programs
D. sharing results
E. driving corporate strategy

$. Performance management systems should be
A. simple and practical
B. comple! and practical
C. proactive and comple!
D. simple and proactive
E. complicated and valued

%. &n performance management# a critical aspect of a company's strategy# which if not met would result in lower
customer satisfaction and undesirable organizational conse(uences is referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

*. &n performance management# achievable and realistic targets to which outcomes can be compared are referred
to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

+. &n performance management# measuring the process of achieving present goals is referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

,. &n performance management# (uantitative and (ualitative assessments are referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

-. &n performance management# results of programs compared to preset targets are referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

.. A performance management system attempts to achieve the following ob)ectives"
A. have a strategic partnership between customers and employees
B. transform organizational ob)ectives into measurable success outcomes
C. provide measuring instruments that are general in nature to measure the success of a manager
D. communicate and share results with internal sta/eholders only
E. ma/e a connection between employee ob)ectives and their career goals

10. &n a recent survey of 1#00 12 wor/ers# roughly what percent of companies held employees accountable for
their performance3
A. less than *04
B. +04
C. ,04
D. -04
E. .04

11. Performance management serves a number of uses including all of the following e!cept
A. compensation ad)ustments
B. career planning and development
C. performance
D. training needs
E. )udging the competition

1. Performance appraisals can be applied to a variety of employee decision ma/ing situations including all the
following e!cept
A. placement decisions
B. employee career development plans
C. )ob design errors
D. training needs
E. employee recruiting

1$. Performance appraisals can be used for all the following e!cept
A. ad)usting compensation pac/ages
B. assisting with placement decisions
C. ma/ing the selection interview process more specific
D. highlighting )ob analysis errors
E. indicating deficiencies in staffing procedures

1%. A good performance appraisal system can serve as a (uality control chec/ on
A. all employees e!cept the one being appraised
B. the human resource department
C. supervisors and managers in general
D. the competition
E. product (uality

1*. A poor performance appraisal system can cause
A. 56 departments to miss their ob)ectives
B. corporate goals to be met more easily
C. employee7related decisions to be based on trial and error
D. better hiring decisions
E. more efficient and satisfactory compensation systems

1+. 8o be of value a performance appraisal system must be
A. done by appraisers from outside the organization
B. reasonably e!pensive
C. done by professionals rather than supervisors
D. accepted by employees
E. comple!

1,. 8he best way to describe an effective performance appraisal system is that it is a 9999999999 process.
A. promotion
B. participatory
C. (uality control chec/
D. disciplinary
E. management

1-. 8he /ey elements in a performance appraisal system include all the following e!cept
A. the appraisal interview
B. performance measures
C. performance7related criteria
D. feedbac/
E. )ob analysis

1.. &t is generally agreed that normally the best way to evaluate employee performance is to use
A. the immediate supervisor
B. a specialist from the human resource department
C. an outside 56 evaluation professional
D. a supervisor from another :but similar; department
E. a group consisting of various management personnel

0. 8o provide an accurate picture of an individual's )ob performance# appraisal systems should do all the below
A. evaluate behaviours that constitute )ob success
B. minimize unfavourable feedbac/ at all times
C. be practical and understood :ie. not overly complicated;
D. have standards that relate to desired results
E. employ dependable measures that are reliable and reasonably easy to use

1. <ob analysis has a direct impact on performance appraisal by
A. uncovering specific performance criteria
B. ignoring )ob standards
C. utilizing e!ternal wor/force analysis
D. negotiating union contracts
E. setting sales goals

. Performance measures are
A. the benchmar/s against which performance is measured
B. the ratings used to evaluate performance
C. the standards against which an organization compares itself to the competition
D. dependent to a great degree upon each individual employee
E. the same as performance standards

$. &n order to be effective# performance standards must always be designed so as to be
A. in accordance with each employee's specific abilities rather than to desired results of the )ob
B. e(ually balanced between an employee's performance abilities and the organization's desired results
C. concerned with the desired results wanted on each )ob# but with employee abilities considered
D. concerned with what is re(uired of each )ob without individual employee abilities considered
E. so challenging as to be impossible to completely achieve successfully

%. &ndirect observation of performance usually evaluates substitutes for actual performance= these substitutes
are called
A. sub)ective measurements
B. constructs
C. reduced reliability testing
D. substitution structures :substructs;
E. direct measurement

*. 2ub)ective performance measures
A. are so called because they involve specific employees as sub)ects
B. are not verifiable by others
C. are usually observed directly and don't involve opinions
D. are designed to evaluate employees' sub)ective opinions on performance
E. can be highly accurate when done indirectly

+. >ne serious problem with all sub)ective measures of employee evaluation is the possibility
A. of rater bias
B. of employee misunderstandings
C. of impersonal ob)ectivity that ignores character traits
D. of evaluator e!haustion
E. of e!cessive e!penditures

,. 6ater biases in personnel evaluation can include all of the following e!cept the
A. halo effect
B. recency effect
C. glass7ceiling bias
D. strictness bias
E. central tendency error

-. 8he halo effect as a rater bias# is most severe when
A. a rater is too harsh in their evaluations
B. the e!tremes of ?e!cellent? or ?very poor? are used more than necessary
C. raters choose to remain emotionally detached
D. a rater must evaluate their friends
E. only the most recent employee performance is considered

.. 2ome managers# for various reasons# do not li/e to evaluate employees as either ?above average? or ?below
average? and so tend to rate everyone as ?average?. 8his is referred to as the
A. recency effect
B. leniency bias
C. error of central tendency
D. strictness bias
E. halo effect

$0. 5uman resource departments are sometimes unintentionally to blame for supervisors falling into the central
tendency bias when evaluating employees# particularly when a human resource department
A. informs supervisors not cause any trouble with the union
B. re(uires supervisors to )ustify very high or low ratings
C. feels that it cannot replace a poor employee in a /ey position
D. doesn't want to deal with grievances
E. is in the process of downsizing

$1. 8he recency effect is a potential evaluator bias that occurs when
A. the rater has done too many employee evaluations recently
B. the employee has )ust recently started the )ob and is therefore given an improper evaluation
C. the rater has )ust recently started the )ob and cannot fairly evaluate the employee
D. the rater allows recent employee actions to unduly sway evaluation of overall employee performance
E. performance standards have )ust recently been developed

$. 8he difference between an appraisal method and an appraisal system is that
A. an appraisal system can encompass a variety of appraisal methods
B. an appraisal method can encompass a variety of appraisal systems
C. one cannot have an appraisal method if one has an appraisal system
D. an appraisal method is used for unionized wor/ers whereas an appraisal system is used for management
E. there is never any difference between the two terms= they always mean the same thing

$$. >f all the characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system below# one can be considered to be of
the utmost importance
A. reliability
B. rater training
C. employee input into appraisal system
D. validity
E. employee acceptance of goals

$%. @alidity in performance appraisals refers to the
A. relevance of measurement criteria to )ob performance
B. reliability of measurement criteria
C. use of sub)ective over ob)ective standards and measurements
D. fre(uency of feedbac/
E. lac/ of reliability

$*. Ahile reliability in employee performance appraisals is desirable it is
A. also easy to obtain with a good rater
B. difficult to obtain in most organizational settings
C. not necessary if appraisals are valid
D. difficult to obtain unless employees cooperate
E. only window7dressing and can serve no real purpose in the performance appraisal procedure

$+. All of the following are characteristics of an effective employee appraisal system e!cept
A. employee participation in performance goals
B. training employees on how to ta/e a performance appraisal
C. supervisor's :rater's; personal /nowledge about the employee
D. reliability
E. fre(uent feedbac/

$,. 8o be effective performance appraisals should
A. avoid serious conse(uences
B. avoid all conse(uences
C. minimize conse(uences :good or bad;
D. state conse(uences in advance and produce these conse(uences subse(uently
E. have only good conse(uences

$-. A completed performance appraisal form
A. must be /ept in the employees files for a ma!imum of one year
B. is a legal document
C. is an internal document that has no importance outside of the organization itself
D. must be done in duplicate with one copy submitted to the provincial Babour 6elations Board
E. must be done in duplicate with one copy given to the employee as re(uired by labour legislation

$.. A fair performance appraisal that re(uires performance standards be properly communicated to employees
and that timely feedbac/ be given is /nown as
A. ade(uate notice
B. fair hearing
C. )udgment based on evidence
D. arbitration
E. due process

%0. Performance appraisal methods can use a variety of techni(ues and these techni(ues can be grouped by how
they focus# and can include
A. past7oriented appraisal methods
B. sub)ective7based appraisal methods
C. discriminatory7approach appraisal methods
D. reverse7future7oriented appraisal methods
E. presented7oriented appraisal methods

%1. Past7oriented performance appraisal approaches can include all the following e!cept
A. rating scale
B. performance test and observation
C. critical incident method
D. behaviourally anchored rating scales
E. management by ob)ectives

%. Con7comparative performance evaluation methods can include
A. ran/ing method
B. rating method
C. self7appraisal
D. forced distributions
E. forced chec/list

%$. Bi/ely# the most used form of performance appraisal :though not necessarily the most effective; continues to
be the
A. chec/list
B. behaviourally anchored rating scale
C. rating scale
D. assessment centre
E. self7appraisal

%%. A rater bias that occurs when the evaluator allows some piece of information about the employee to
disproportionately influence the outcome is called
A. the halo effect
B. the error of central tendency
C. the leniency bias
D. fundamental attribution error
E. the disproportionate influence bias

%*. 8he performance appraisal method that re(uires a rater to provide a sub)ective evaluation of an individual's
performance is called
A. chec/list
B. rating scale
C. self7assessment scale
D. forced7choice method
E. paired7comparisons method

%+. 8he critical incident method of performance appraisal
A. is another name for the rating scale method
B. is easily standardized and reduces rater bias
C. is disli/ed by both raters and employees because it provides little useful feedbac/
D. is easy for supervisors to maintain an interest in and carry out
E. has a drawbac/ in that supervisors tend to lose interest in recording incidents

%,. 8he performance evaluation method that re(uires a rater to place each employee in order from best to worst
is the
A. critical incident method
B. behaviourally anchored rating scale
C. ran/ing method
D. performance tests and observations
E. forced distribution method

%-. 5uman resource specialists design behaviourally anchored rating scales for any given )ob by collecting
descriptions of what would constitute effective and ineffective performance for that )ob. &nformation is collected
from all the following e!cept
A. incumbents
B. peers
C. superiors
D. )ob analysts
E. customers

%.. Comparative evaluation methods for performance appraisals can include
A. rating scales
B. forced distributions
C. assessment centres
D. management by ob)ectives
E. behaviourally anchored rating scales

*0. Comparative evaluation methods differ from non7comparative methods in that
A. they compare one person's performance with that of co7wor/ers
B. they compare an employee's performance with his or her )ob description
C. they directly compare employee performance to )ob performance standards
D. comparative methods are illegal when evaluating people in a protected class
E. supervisors compare notes about employees

*1. 8he ran/ing method and forced distributions are e!amples of 9999999999 performance evaluation methods
A. non7comparative
B. comparative
C. behaviourally anchored
D. critical incident
E. future7oriented

*. Duture7oriented appraisal methods can include
A. behaviourally anchored rating scales
B. self7appraisals
C. critical incident method
D. ran/ing method
E. forced distributions

*$. 8he management7by7ob)ectives performance evaluation approach is based upon the premise that
A. employees will achieve the ob)ectives set for them by management
B. achieving ob)ectives will produce satisfied employees
C. each employee and superior )ointly establish goals for a future period
D. there is little connection between performance and ob)ectives
E. employees will always manage to have difficulty with performance appraisals

*%. >ne employee evaluation method that attempts to appraise future potential by using multiple types of
evaluation and multiple raters is
A. critical incident method
B. assessment centre techni(ue
C. management7by7ob)ectives
D. self7evaluation
E. behaviourally anchored rating scales

**. A recent popular method for evaluating an employee's performance involves using all possible sources for
information on the employee's performance. 8his method is referred to as
A. management7by7ob)ectives
B. the $+07degree performance appraisal
C. the assessment centre techni(ue
D. the 1-07degree performance appraisal
E. the all7agreement appraisal method

*+. Ahile the $+07degree appraisal method is gaining popularity# it re(uires at the least 9999999999 in order to
have a chance to wor/
A. a suitable corporate culture
B. professional evaluators
C. cost7effective management
D. a minimum *00 person employee base
E. a decent employee benefit plan

*,. Performance evaluation for contingency employees tends to have particular challenges attached# including
A. that they are specialists
B. that their )obs are too comple!
C. that they are sometimes paid differently and are not included in the employee benefit pac/age
D. that they may have little /nowledge of the organization's culture and goals
E. that since contingency wor/ers are only hired under employment e(uity# they have to be )udged differently

*-. &n many cases a ma)or problem with performance appraisal methods is
A. that raters :usually supervisors; don't understand the process
B. that the human resource department gets too involved
C. that they oppose the employment e(uity legislation
D. that they ta/e too long
E. that they accurately measure performance

*.. Ahile rater training has traditionally focused on rating biases :such as the halo effect; emphasis is shifting
towards the cognitive aspect of the rating process. >ne model has divided this process into four steps# including
all the below e!cept
A. attention
B. categorization
C. recall
D. information integration
E. form completion

+0. &t has been suggested that several measures can be ta/en to improve the validity of supervisory ratings#
including all the following e!cept
A. use of behaviour7based scales
B. use of several raters
C. use of (uantitative :measurable; criteria whenever possible
D. familiarization of raters with performance definitions
E. increasing the use of trait ratings

+1. 2tudies have indicated that several measures can be ta/en to improve the validity of supervisory ratings in
employee appraisal. 8his could include all of the following e!cept
A. never using more than one rater
B. avoidance of trait ratings
C. use of (uantitative criteria
D. creation of positive conse(uences for both rater and ratee
E. use of behaviour7based scales

+. Categorization is the process of classifying and storing data# such as employee behaviour. 8his mental
process allows supervisors to do all of the following e!cept
A. ma/e (uic/ )udgments with limited information
B. stereotype employees
C. pay closer attention to people and events
D. bias their conclusions
E. process appro!imately seven items simultaneously

+$. Ahen we have to ma/e a )udgment about someone we attempt to remember all relevant information that we
have about that person :as in performance appraisals;. 8his process is called
A. attention
B. recall
C. categorization
D. information integration
E. stereotyping

+%. Evaluation interviews
A. are done during the selection process
B. do not involve performance feedbac/
C. can involve feedbac/ approaches such as tell and sell# tell and listen# and problem7solving
D. are the final step in the dismissal process
E. are not done if a performance appraisal is done instead

+*. A performance review session where a supervisor allows an employee to e!plain reasons# e!cuses# and
defensive feelings about performance is called the
A. tell7and7sell approach
B. problem7solving approach
C. tell7and7listen approach
D. participative approach
E. supervisory listening approach

++. 6ater guidelines for effective performance evaluation interviews include all the following e!cept
A. emphasize positive aspects
B. ma/e any criticisms specific rather than general and vague
C. conduct interview in private
D. argue if it is necessary to ma/e the point with the employee
E. identify specific performance improvement actions that can be ta/en

+,. Performance appraisals include several variables including corporate culture# organizational benchmar/s
and performance management.
8rue Dalse

+-. Performance appraisal is the process by which organizations evaluate employee )ob performance.
8rue Dalse

+.. 8he ideal performance management system provides incentives for employees to concentrate on improving
things that contribute the most to value creation
8rue Dalse

,0. 2implicity is a sufficient condition for a performance appraisal system to be practical.
8rue Dalse

,1. >ne of the main ob)ectives of a performance management system is to include measures of employee
satisfaction# motivation and customer service.
8rue Dalse

,. 2ound performance management programs ma/e a clear connection between employee goals and
compensation ob)ectives.
8rue Dalse

,$. Performance ob)ectives transform organizational ob)ectives into measurable outcomes to be used for
internal management purposes.
8rue Dalse

,%. 8he ultimate measure of a human resource department's success is employee performance.
8rue Dalse

,*. Accurate performance appraisals can indicate to employees where they are deficient in their wor/.
8rue Dalse

,+. 8he ma)or problem with employee appraisals for human resource departments is that they tend to ma/e
compensation decisions and employee career planning more difficult and less efficient.
8rue Dalse

,,. Eost human resource departments disli/e employee appraisals because while they create wor/# they offer
little if any specific information of use to the department itself.
8rue Dalse

,-. Performance appraisals can alert the human resource department to problems in staffing procedures.
8rue Dalse

,.. Performance appraisals are used for compensation ad)ustments# training needs# and placement decisions.
8rue Dalse

-0. Effective performance appraisals can ma/e up for poor staffing or )ob design procedures.
8rue Dalse

-1. 8he one thing performance appraisals cannot do regardless of how well they are designed# is avoid
discrimination under employment e(uity.
8rue Dalse

-. Fey elements of a performance appraisal system include both performance measures and performance7
related criteria.
8rue Dalse

-$. Performance measures are the benchmar/s against which performance is measured.
8rue Dalse

-%. Performance standards are the benchmar/s against which performance is measured.
8rue Dalse

-*. 8o be truly effective and challenging# performance standards should only partially relate to the desired
results of any )ob.
8rue Dalse

-+. Performance measures are the ratings used to evaluate performance in a )ob.
8rue Dalse

-,. Performance measures and performance standards are the same performance evaluation techni(ue.
8rue Dalse

--. An organization can not set performance standards if it has not first set performance measures.
8rue Dalse

-.. Eany human resource specialists set performance standards arbitrarily in order that employees cannot ta/e
advantage of them to artificially improve their performance evaluations.
8rue Dalse

.0. >ne dimension of performance measures is whether they are ob)ective or sub)ective.
8rue Dalse

.1. &ndirect observations of performance are usually less accurate than direct because they evaluate constructs.
8rue Dalse

.. >b)ective performance measures are usually less reliable than sub)ective ones because of the ris/ of rater
8rue Dalse

.$. &ndirect sub)ective performance measures are usually the most effective as they tend to minimize the
personal biases of the evaluator.
8rue Dalse

.%. 8he biggest problem with sub)ective performance evaluations is the opportunity for bias.
8rue Dalse

.*. 8he halo effect is a rater bias that occurs when an evaluator tends to thin/ everyone is good and evaluates all
employees as ?satisfactory? or ?average? regardless of their actual performance.
8rue Dalse

.+. 8he leniency and strictness biases occur when raters are either consistently too easy or too harsh in
evaluating performance.
8rue Dalse

.,. 5uman resource departments can unintentionally encourage the error of central tendency by re(uiring
supervisors to )ustify e!tremely high or low employee performance ratings.
8rue Dalse

.-. Beniency and strictness biases in performance evaluation more commonly occur when performance
standards are too detailed or e!plicit.
8rue Dalse

... 8he recency effect is not a performance evaluation bias that occurs in employee performance appraisals.
8rue Dalse

100. &f performance appraisals are done by the human resource department they are referred to as appraisal
methods# whereas if they are done by managers they are called appraisal systems.
8rue Dalse

101. &n performance appraisal systems# it is important for human resource managers to /now that while valid
criteria tend to be reliable# reliable criteria are not necessarily valid.
8rue Dalse

10. @alidity in performance appraisals means that the criteria for appraising is directly )ob7related.
8rue Dalse

10$. Eaintaining reliability in performance evaluation is highly desirable and easy to achieve# particularly if
sufficiently different raters and different appraisal instruments are employed.
8rue Dalse

10%. 2imply because a performance standard is not fully under an employee's direct control does not mean that
the standard is lac/ing in validity.
8rue Dalse

10*. 2tudies show that when supervisors set general goals for employees# performance can improve as much as
twice over what it is when more specific goals are set.
8rue Dalse

10+. Performance appraisals that carry or enforce conse(uences tend to lose their effectiveness (uite (uic/ly.
8rue Dalse

10,. 8hough of importance within the organization# a performance appraisal form serves little use or legal
purpose outside of the organization.
8rue Dalse

10-. Ahen it has been proven that rater training was not provided for performance appraisals# )udges have
tended to rule in favour of the company
8rue Dalse

10.. Dollowing due process in performance appraisals can lead to lower )ob satisfaction# more grievances and
higher turnover
8rue Dalse

110. Behaviourally anchored rating scales and critical incident methods are both future7oriented performance
evaluation approaches.
8rue Dalse

111. 8he rating scale is li/ely the oldest and still most widely use performance appraisal method.
8rue Dalse

11. 8he appraisal method for employee performance that re(uires a supervisor to record statements that
describe e!tremely effective of ineffective behaviour related to )ob performance is called the behaviourally
anchored rating scales method.
8rue Dalse

11$. 8he critical incident appraisal method for employee performance re(uires a supervisor to record statements
that describe e!tremely effective or ineffective behaviour related to )ob performance.
8rue Dalse

11%. >ne feature of behaviourally anchored rating scales is that they attempt to reduce the sub)ectivity and
biases of sub)ective performance measures.
8rue Dalse

11*. Comparative performance evaluation methods include the ran/ing method and forced distributions.
8rue Dalse

11+. Comparative performance evaluation methods include all of the following" ran/ing method# forced
distributions# and management by ob)ectives.
8rue Dalse

11,. A good method for overcoming the biases of leniency# strictness# and central tendency in performance
appraisal is the forced distributions method.
8rue Dalse

11-. Duture7oriented performance appraisal methods include the management7by7ob)ectives approach.
8rue Dalse

11.. A recent method of employee appraisal involving evaluations made by the employee as well as by his or
her peers# supervisors# and subordinates is called the $+07degree performance appraisal.
8rue Dalse

10. 8he ability of performance evaluators to ma/e valid )udgments on comple! information is referred to as
the cognitive aspect of the rating process.
8rue Dalse

11. A more recent model of performance appraisal divides the appraisal process into three cognitive steps on
the part of the rater.
8rue Dalse

1. 8he cognitive approach to performance appraisal would suggest that a supervisor's attention7arousing
stimuli would cause the supervisor to pay more attention to a big employee mista/e than to a small one.
8rue Dalse

1$. Categorization as a cognitive techni(ue allows people to ma/e thoughtful )udgments with a variety of
8rue Dalse

1%. 8he tell7and7listen approach to an employee appraisal interview allows the employee to e!plain reasons#
e!cuses# and defensive feelings about performance.
8rue Dalse

1*. 8he problem7solving approach to an employee evaluation interview allows the employee to e!plain
reasons# e!cuses# and defensive feelings about why performance is deficient.
8rue Dalse

1+. 8he performance appraisal process is not an effective tool to measure the value of the human resource
management function.
8rue Dalse

1,. A future7oriented performance appraisal allows the human resource department to provide feedbac/ to the
8rue Dalse

1-. 8he ultimate measure of any human resource department's success is employee 9999999999.

1.. Performance 9999999999 is the process by which organizations evaluate employee )ob performance.

1$0. 2ound performance management programs ma/e a clear connection between company goals and employee

1$1. 8o be useful# an organization's performance appraisal must be effective and 9999999999 by all employees.

1$. An acceptable performance appraisal system must identify and then properly measure 9999999999
9999999999999999 criteria.

1$$. Dor an appraisal to create an accurate picture of an employee's )ob performance it should be 9999999999
99999999999# practical# have standards# and use reliable measures.

1$%. Performance evaluation re(uires performance 9999999999999 against which performance is measured and
performance 999999999999999 to evaluate the performance.

1$*. Benchmar/s against which performance is measured are called 9999999999 999999999.

1$+. Dor performance standards to be effective they should relate to the desired 9999999999 of each )ob.

1$,. 8o be effective )ob standards should 999999 9999 set relatively arbitrarily.

1$-. Performance evaluation not only re(uires performance standards but also dependable performance

1$.. Direct observation occurs when a rater actually sees employee 9999999999.

1%0. &ndirect observations of an employee performance are often less accurate because they evaluate 999999999
for actual performance.

1%1. A substitute for actual observation of employee performance is called a 9999999999.

1%. Another dimension of performance evaluation measures is whether they are ob)ective or 9999999999.

1%$. 8he lowest degree of accuracy in performance evaluation comes from measures that are 9999999999 and

1%%. 8he highest degree of accuracy in performance evaluation comes from measures that are ob)ective and

1%*. 8he lowest degree of accuracy in performance evaluation comes from measures that are 9999999999 and

1%+. Ahen raters officially evaluate employee# regardless of actual performance# as always ?average' they are
e!hibiting the bias of 9999999999 999999999999.

1%,. Ahen raters tend to evaluate employees more easily or more harshly than the employees deserve# the raters
are displaying one or another of two possible biases" the 9999999999 bias or the 9999999999 bias.

1%-. 8he 999999999 999999999 happens when a supervisor's personal opinion of an employee sways the
supervisor's measurement of the employee's performance.

1%.. Ahen a performance evaluator allows more recent information about an employee to unduly sway the
overall evaluation of the employee's performance this particular bias is /nown as the 9999999999 999999999.

1*0. 8he most noted thing about reliability in performance evaluations :other than being highly desirable; is
that it is also very 9999999999 99999999 999999999 in an organizational setting.

1*1. >f all characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system# 9999999999 may be considered to be
of the utmost importance.

1*. 99999999999 criteria tend to be 9999999999 but 999999999 criteria are not necessarily 99999999.

1*$. Performance appraisals that carry no real 9999999999 with them tend to lose effectiveness very (uic/ly.

1*%. Ahen )ob incumbents must rely on the contributions or cooperation of colleagues# the )obs are said to be
mutually 9999999999.

1**. 6ating scales# behaviourally anchored rating scales# and critical incident method are all e!amples of
9999999999 99999999999 appraisal methods.

1*+. >ne past7oriented evaluation method that is particularly useful in giving employees )ob7related feedbac/
on both positive and negative behaviours is the 9999999999 99999999999 method.

1*,. >ne evaluation method that attempts to reduce sub)ective biases by rating employees along a scale of
specific behaviour e!amples for each activity isGare 9999999999 999999999999 999999999999.

1*-. Performance evaluation methods where employees are compared to one another in some way are referred
to as 9999999999 evaluation methods.

1*.. 99999999999 999999999999999 re(uire raters to categorize employees into different classifications.

1+0. 8he basic premise of the management7by7ob)ectives approach as a performance evaluation techni(ue is
that future performance goals are )ointly discussed and agreed upon by each 9999999999 and 9999999999.

1+1. A type of future7oriented evaluation of employee performance and potential# involving multiple types of
raters and evaluation tools# is called the 9999999999 99999999999 techni(ue.

1+. >ne newer model that divides the performance appraisal process into the four steps including attention#
recall# and categorization is shifting emphasis to the 9999999999 aspect of the rating process.

1+$. Ahen a supervisor provides feedbac/ by reviewing an employee's performance and attempting to convince
the employee to perform better# this style of evaluation feedbac/ is called the 999999999 999999999 99999999

1+%. 8he performance appraisal process provides insight into the effectiveness of the 999999999 99999999
99999999 function.

1+*. Describe the different uses of performance appraisals.

1++. Describe the elements and characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system.

1+,. Ahat ob)ectives do organizations try to achieve through an efficient and effective performance
management system.

1+-. Are direct and ob)ective measures of performance usually better than indirect and sub)ective measures3
Ahy or why not3

1+.. Performance appraisals are used for a variety of purposes within an organization. Describe how companies
can best utilize the performance appraisal too.

1,0. Ahat types of rater biases may occur in a performance appraisal3 Ahat can be done to avoid or reduce

1,1. A performance appraisal is a legal document. Please comment.

1,. Discuss the cognitive aspects of raters and performance appraisals.

1,$. 5ow do past7oriented and future7oriented appraisal methods compare3

1,%. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a $+07degree performance appraisal.

1,*. Ahat are your recommendations for conducting an evaluation interview3

1,+. A performance appraisal# by providing feedbac/ to the organization# is a strategic management tool. Please
discuss the implications.

c- Fey

1. (p. 304) Performance appraisal is the process by which organizations
A. select the best applicants to hire
B. review applications for employment
C. evaluate employee performance
D. determine individual health and safety benefits
E. attempt to decertify unions

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1

. (p. 304) Performance management includes all of the following e!cept"
A. data to effectively organize culture# systems and processes
B. setting goals and allocating resources
C. affecting policies and programs
D. sharing results
E. driving corporate strategy

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(

$. (p. 304) Performance management systems should be
A. simple and practical
B. comple! and practical
C. proactive and comple!
D. simple and proactive
E. complicated and valued

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #3

%. (p. 304) &n performance management# a critical aspect of a company's strategy# which if not met would result in
lower customer satisfaction and undesirable organizational conse(uences is referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #4

*. (p. 304) &n performance management# achievable and realistic targets to which outcomes can be compared are
referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)

+. (p. 304) &n performance management# measuring the process of achieving present goals is referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*

,. (p. 304) &n performance management# (uantitative and (ualitative assessments are referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+

-. (p. 304) &n performance management# results of programs compared to preset targets are referred to as
A. performance ob)ectives
B. performance goals
C. performance measurement
D. output measures
E. outcome measures

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%

.. (p. 30)) A performance management system attempts to achieve the following ob)ectives"
A. have a strategic partnership between customers and employees
B. transform organizational ob)ectives into measurable success outcomes
C. provide measuring instruments that are general in nature to measure the success of a manager
D. communicate and share results with internal sta/eholders only
E. ma/e a connection between employee ob)ectives and their career goals

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #3
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,

10. (p. 30)) &n a recent survey of 1#00 12 wor/ers# roughly what percent of companies held employees
accountable for their performance3
A. less than *04
B. +04
C. ,04
D. -04
E. .04

Difficulty: -a$d
Objective: #3
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #10

11. (p. 30)"30*) Performance management serves a number of uses including all of the following e!cept
A. compensation ad)ustments
B. career planning and development
C. performance
D. training needs
E. )udging the competition

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #11

1. (p. 30)"30*) Performance appraisals can be applied to a variety of employee decision ma/ing situations
including all the following e!cept
A. placement decisions
B. employee career development plans
C. )ob design errors
D. training needs
E. employee recruiting

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(

1$. (p. 30* .i/u$e %"1) Performance appraisals can be used for all the following e!cept
fs% ad)usting compensation pac/ages
B. assisting with placement decisions
C. ma/ing the selection interview process more specific
D. highlighting )ob analysis errors
E. indicating deficiencies in staffing procedures

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #13

1%. (p. 30%) A good performance appraisal system can serve as a (uality control chec/ on
A. all employees e!cept the one being appraised
B. the human resource department
C. supervisors and managers in general
D. the competition
E. product (uality

Difficulty: -a$d
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #14

1*. (p. 30%) A poor performance appraisal system can cause
A. 56 departments to miss their ob)ectives
B. corporate goals to be met more easily
C. employee7related decisions to be based on trial and error
D. better hiring decisions
E. more efficient and satisfactory compensation systems

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)

1+. (p. 313) 8o be of value a performance appraisal system must be
A. done by appraisers from outside the organization
B. reasonably e!pensive
C. done by professionals rather than supervisors
D. accepted by employees
E. comple!

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*

1,. (p. 30)) 8he best way to describe an effective performance appraisal system is that it is a 9999999999 process.
A. promotion
B. participatory
C. (uality control chec/
D. disciplinary
E. management

Difficulty: -a$d
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+

1-. (p. 30%"310) 8he /ey elements in a performance appraisal system include all the following e!cept
A. the appraisal interview
B. performance measures
C. performance7related criteria
D. feedbac/
E. )ob analysis

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1%

1.. (p. 30%) &t is generally agreed that normally the best way to evaluate employee performance is to use
A. the immediate supervisor
B. a specialist from the human resource department
C. an outside 56 evaluation professional
D. a supervisor from another :but similar; department
E. a group consisting of various management personnel

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1,

0. (p. 30,) 8o provide an accurate picture of an individual's )ob performance# appraisal systems should do all the
below e!cept
A. evaluate behaviours that constitute )ob success
B. minimize unfavourable feedbac/ at all times
C. be practical and understood :ie. not overly complicated;
D. have standards that relate to desired results
E. employ dependable measures that are reliable and reasonably easy to use

Difficulty: -a$d
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(0

1. (p. 30,) <ob analysis has a direct impact on performance appraisal by
A. uncovering specific performance criteria
B. ignoring )ob standards
C. utilizing e!ternal wor/force analysis
D. negotiating union contracts
E. setting sales goals

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(1

. (p. 30,) Performance measures are
A. the benchmar/s against which performance is measured
B. the ratings used to evaluate performance
C. the standards against which an organization compares itself to the competition
D. dependent to a great degree upon each individual employee
E. the same as performance standards

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #((

$. (p. 30)) &n order to be effective# performance standards must always be designed so as to be
A. in accordance with each employee's specific abilities rather than to desired results of the )ob
B. e(ually balanced between an employee's performance abilities and the organization's desired results
C. concerned with the desired results wanted on each )ob# but with employee abilities considered
D. concerned with what is re(uired of each )ob without individual employee abilities considered
E. so challenging as to be impossible to completely achieve successfully

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(3

%. (p. 310) &ndirect observation of performance usually evaluates substitutes for actual performance= these
substitutes are called
A. sub)ective measurements
B. constructs
C. reduced reliability testing
D. substitution structures :substructs;
E. direct measurement

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(4

*. (p. 310) 2ub)ective performance measures
A. are so called because they involve specific employees as sub)ects
B. are not verifiable by others
C. are usually observed directly and don't involve opinions
D. are designed to evaluate employees' sub)ective opinions on performance
E. can be highly accurate when done indirectly

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #()

+. (p. 310) >ne serious problem with all sub)ective measures of employee evaluation is the possibility
A. of rater bias
B. of employee misunderstandings
C. of impersonal ob)ectivity that ignores character traits
D. of evaluator e!haustion
E. of e!cessive e!penditures

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(*

,. (p. 310) 6ater biases in personnel evaluation can include all of the following e!cept the
A. halo effect
B. recency effect
C. glass7ceiling bias
D. strictness bias
E. central tendency error

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(+

-. (p. 310) 8he halo effect as a rater bias# is most severe when
A. a rater is too harsh in their evaluations
B. the e!tremes of ?e!cellent? or ?very poor? are used more than necessary
C. raters choose to remain emotionally detached
D. a rater must evaluate their friends
E. only the most recent employee performance is considered

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(%

.. (p. 310) 2ome managers# for various reasons# do not li/e to evaluate employees as either ?above average? or
?below average? and so tend to rate everyone as ?average?. 8his is referred to as the
A. recency effect
B. leniency bias
C. error of central tendency
D. strictness bias
E. halo effect

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #(,

$0. (p. 310) 5uman resource departments are sometimes unintentionally to blame for supervisors falling into the
central tendency bias when evaluating employees# particularly when a human resource department
A. informs supervisors not cause any trouble with the union
B. re(uires supervisors to )ustify very high or low ratings
C. feels that it cannot replace a poor employee in a /ey position
D. doesn't want to deal with grievances
E. is in the process of downsizing

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #30

$1. (p. 311) 8he recency effect is a potential evaluator bias that occurs when
A. the rater has done too many employee evaluations recently
B. the employee has )ust recently started the )ob and is therefore given an improper evaluation
C. the rater has )ust recently started the )ob and cannot fairly evaluate the employee
D. the rater allows recent employee actions to unduly sway evaluation of overall employee performance
E. performance standards have )ust recently been developed

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #31

$. (p. 311) 8he difference between an appraisal method and an appraisal system is that
A. an appraisal system can encompass a variety of appraisal methods
B. an appraisal method can encompass a variety of appraisal systems
C. one cannot have an appraisal method if one has an appraisal system
D. an appraisal method is used for unionized wor/ers whereas an appraisal system is used for management
E. there is never any difference between the two terms= they always mean the same thing

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #3(

$$. (p. 31() >f all the characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system below# one can be considered to
be of the utmost importance
A. reliability
B. rater training
C. employee input into appraisal system
D. validity
E. employee acceptance of goals

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #33

$%. (p. 304) @alidity in performance appraisals refers to the
A. relevance of measurement criteria to )ob performance
B. reliability of measurement criteria
C. use of sub)ective over ob)ective standards and measurements
D. fre(uency of feedbac/
E. lac/ of reliability

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #34

$*. (p. 30,) Ahile reliability in employee performance appraisals is desirable it is
A. also easy to obtain with a good rater
B. difficult to obtain in most organizational settings
C. not necessary if appraisals are valid
D. difficult to obtain unless employees cooperate
E. only window7dressing and can serve no real purpose in the performance appraisal procedure

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #3)

$+. (p. 31() All of the following are characteristics of an effective employee appraisal system e!cept
A. employee participation in performance goals
B. training employees on how to ta/e a performance appraisal
C. supervisor's :rater's; personal /nowledge about the employee
D. reliability
E. fre(uent feedbac/

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #3*

$,. (p. 314) 8o be effective performance appraisals should
A. avoid serious conse(uences
B. avoid all conse(uences
C. minimize conse(uences :good or bad;
D. state conse(uences in advance and produce these conse(uences subse(uently
E. have only good conse(uences

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #3+

$-. (p. 314) A completed performance appraisal form
A. must be /ept in the employees files for a ma!imum of one year
B. is a legal document
C. is an internal document that has no importance outside of the organization itself
D. must be done in duplicate with one copy submitted to the provincial Babour 6elations Board
E. must be done in duplicate with one copy given to the employee as re(uired by labour legislation

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #3%

$.. (p. 314) A fair performance appraisal that re(uires performance standards be properly communicated to
employees and that timely feedbac/ be given is /nown as
A. ade(uate notice
B. fair hearing
C. )udgment based on evidence
D. arbitration
E. due process

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #3,

%0. (p. 314"31)) Performance appraisal methods can use a variety of techni(ues and these techni(ues can be
grouped by how they focus# and can include
A. past7oriented appraisal methods
B. sub)ective7based appraisal methods
C. discriminatory7approach appraisal methods
D. reverse7future7oriented appraisal methods
E. presented7oriented appraisal methods

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #40

%1. (p. 314"31*) Past7oriented performance appraisal approaches can include all the following e!cept
A. rating scale
B. performance test and observation
C. critical incident method
D. behaviourally anchored rating scales
E. management by ob)ectives

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #41

%. (p. 31)) Con7comparative performance evaluation methods can include
A. ran/ing method
B. rating method
C. self7appraisal
D. forced distributions
E. forced chec/list

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #4(

%$. (p. 31)) Bi/ely# the most used form of performance appraisal :though not necessarily the most effective;
continues to be the
A. chec/list
B. behaviourally anchored rating scale
C. rating scale
D. assessment centre
E. self7appraisal

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #43

%%. (p. 310) A rater bias that occurs when the evaluator allows some piece of information about the employee to
disproportionately influence the outcome is called
A. the halo effect
B. the error of central tendency
C. the leniency bias
D. fundamental attribution error
E. the disproportionate influence bias

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #44

%*. (p. 31)) 8he performance appraisal method that re(uires a rater to provide a sub)ective evaluation of an
individual's performance is called
A. chec/list
B. rating scale
C. self7assessment scale
D. forced7choice method
E. paired7comparisons method

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #4)

%+. (p. 31)) 8he critical incident method of performance appraisal
A. is another name for the rating scale method
B. is easily standardized and reduces rater bias
C. is disli/ed by both raters and employees because it provides little useful feedbac/
D. is easy for supervisors to maintain an interest in and carry out
E. has a drawbac/ in that supervisors tend to lose interest in recording incidents

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #4*

%,. (p. 31%) 8he performance evaluation method that re(uires a rater to place each employee in order from best to
worst is the
A. critical incident method
B. behaviourally anchored rating scale
C. ran/ing method
D. performance tests and observations
E. forced distribution method

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #4+

%-. (p. 31+) 5uman resource specialists design behaviourally anchored rating scales for any given )ob by
collecting descriptions of what would constitute effective and ineffective performance for that )ob. &nformation
is collected from all the following e!cept
A. incumbents
B. peers
C. superiors
D. )ob analysts
E. customers

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #4%

%.. (p. 31%) Comparative evaluation methods for performance appraisals can include
A. rating scales
B. forced distributions
C. assessment centres
D. management by ob)ectives
E. behaviourally anchored rating scales

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #4,

*0. (p. 31%) Comparative evaluation methods differ from non7comparative methods in that
A. they compare one person's performance with that of co7wor/ers
B. they compare an employee's performance with his or her )ob description
C. they directly compare employee performance to )ob performance standards
D. comparative methods are illegal when evaluating people in a protected class
E. supervisors compare notes about employees

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)0

*1. (p. 31%) 8he ran/ing method and forced distributions are e!amples of 9999999999 performance evaluation
A. non7comparative
B. comparative
C. behaviourally anchored
D. critical incident
E. future7oriented

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)1

*. (p. 31,) Duture7oriented appraisal methods can include
A. behaviourally anchored rating scales
B. self7appraisals
C. critical incident method
D. ran/ing method
E. forced distributions

$Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)(

*$. (p. 31,) 8he management7by7ob)ectives performance evaluation approach is based upon the premise that
A. employees will achieve the ob)ectives set for them by management
B. achieving ob)ectives will produce satisfied employees
C. each employee and superior )ointly establish goals for a future period
D. there is little connection between performance and ob)ectives
E. employees will always manage to have difficulty with performance appraisals

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)3

*%. (p. 31,) >ne employee evaluation method that attempts to appraise future potential by using multiple types of
evaluation and multiple raters is
A. critical incident method
B. assessment centre techni(ue
C. management7by7ob)ectives
D. self7evaluation
E. behaviourally anchored rating scales

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)4

**. (p. 3(0) A recent popular method for evaluating an employee's performance involves using all possible sources
for information on the employee's performance. 8his method is referred to as
A. management7by7ob)ectives
B. the $+07degree performance appraisal
C. the assessment centre techni(ue
D. the 1-07degree performance appraisal
E. the all7agreement appraisal method

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #))

*+. (p. 3(0) Ahile the $+07degree appraisal method is gaining popularity# it re(uires at the least 9999999999 in
order to have a chance to wor/
A. a suitable corporate culture
B. professional evaluators
C. cost7effective management
D. a minimum *00 person employee base
E. a decent employee benefit plan

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)*

*,. (p. 3(1) Performance evaluation for contingency employees tends to have particular challenges attached#
A. that they are specialists
B. that their )obs are too comple!
C. that they are sometimes paid differently and are not included in the employee benefit pac/age
D. that they may have little /nowledge of the organization's culture and goals
E. that since contingency wor/ers are only hired under employment e(uity# they have to be )udged differently

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)+

*-. (p. 3(1) &n many cases a ma)or problem with performance appraisal methods is
A. that raters :usually supervisors; don't understand the process
B. that the human resource department gets too involved
C. that they oppose the employment e(uity legislation
D. that they ta/e too long
E. that they accurately measure performance

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #)%

*.. (p. 3(() Ahile rater training has traditionally focused on rating biases :such as the halo effect; emphasis is
shifting towards the cognitive aspect of the rating process. >ne model has divided this process into four steps#
including all the below e!cept
A. attention
B. categorization
C. recall
D. information integration
E. form completion

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #),

+0. (p. 3(() &t has been suggested that several measures can be ta/en to improve the validity of supervisory ratings#
including all the following e!cept
A. use of behaviour7based scales
B. use of several raters
C. use of (uantitative :measurable; criteria whenever possible
D. familiarization of raters with performance definitions
E. increasing the use of trait ratings

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*0

+1. (p. 3(3) 2tudies have indicated that several measures can be ta/en to improve the validity of supervisory
ratings in employee appraisal. 8his could include all of the following e!cept
A. never using more than one rater
B. avoidance of trait ratings
C. use of (uantitative criteria
D. creation of positive conse(uences for both rater and ratee
E. use of behaviour7based scales

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*1

+. (p. 3(() Categorization is the process of classifying and storing data# such as employee behaviour. 8his mental
process allows supervisors to do all of the following e!cept
A. ma/e (uic/ )udgments with limited information
B. stereotype employees
C. pay closer attention to people and events
D. bias their conclusions
E. process appro!imately seven items simultaneously

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*(

+$. (p. 3(() Ahen we have to ma/e a )udgment about someone we attempt to remember all relevant information
that we have about that person :as in performance appraisals;. 8his process is called
A. attention
B. recall
C. categorization
D. information integration
E. stereotyping

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*3

+%. (p. 3(3) Evaluation interviews
A. are done during the selection process
B. do not involve performance feedbac/
C. can involve feedbac/ approaches such as tell and sell# tell and listen# and problem7solving
D. are the final step in the dismissal process
E. are not done if a performance appraisal is done instead

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*4

+*. (p. 3(3) A performance review session where a supervisor allows an employee to e!plain reasons# e!cuses# and
defensive feelings about performance is called the
A. tell7and7sell approach
B. problem7solving approach
C. tell7and7listen approach
D. participative approach
E. supervisory listening approach

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*)

++. (p. 3(4) 6ater guidelines for effective performance evaluation interviews include all the following e!cept
A. emphasize positive aspects
B. ma/e any criticisms specific rather than general and vague
C. conduct interview in private
D. argue if it is necessary to ma/e the point with the employee
E. identify specific performance improvement actions that can be ta/en

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #**

+,. (p. 304) Performance appraisals include several variables including corporate culture# organizational
benchmar/s and performance management.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*+

+-. (p. 304) Performance appraisal is the process by which organizations evaluate employee )ob performance.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*%

+.. (p. 304) 8he ideal performance management system provides incentives for employees to concentrate on
improving things that contribute the most to value creation

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #*,

,0. (p. 304) 2implicity is a sufficient condition for a performance appraisal system to be practical.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+0

,1. (p. 30)) >ne of the main ob)ectives of a performance management system is to include measures of employee
satisfaction# motivation and customer service.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #3
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+1

,. (p. 30)) 2ound performance management programs ma/e a clear connection between employee goals and
compensation ob)ectives.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #3
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+(

,$. (p. 30)) Performance ob)ectives transform organizational ob)ectives into measurable outcomes to be used for
internal management purposes.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #3
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+3

,%. (p. 30)) 8he ultimate measure of a human resource department's success is employee performance.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+4

,*. (p. 30)) Accurate performance appraisals can indicate to employees where they are deficient in their wor/.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+)

,+. (p. 30%) 8he ma)or problem with employee appraisals for human resource departments is that they tend to
ma/e compensation decisions and employee career planning more difficult and less efficient.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+*

,,. (p. 30%) Eost human resource departments disli/e employee appraisals because while they create wor/# they
offer little if any specific information of use to the department itself.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #++

,-. (p. 30%) Performance appraisals can alert the human resource department to problems in staffing procedures.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+%

,.. (p. 30%) Performance appraisals are used for compensation ad)ustments# training needs# and placement

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #+,

-0. (p. 30%) Effective performance appraisals can ma/e up for poor staffing or )ob design procedures.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%0

-1. (p. 30%) 8he one thing performance appraisals cannot do regardless of how well they are designed# is avoid
discrimination under employment e(uity.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%1

-. (p. 31+) Fey elements of a performance appraisal system include both performance measures and
performance7related criteria.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%(

-$. (p. 31+) Performance measures are the benchmar/s against which performance is measured.

Difficulty: -a$d
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%3

-%. (p. 30,) Performance standards are the benchmar/s against which performance is measured.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%4

-*. (p. 30,) 8o be truly effective and challenging# performance standards should only partially relate to the desired
results of any )ob.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%)

-+. (p. 30,) Performance measures are the ratings used to evaluate performance in a )ob.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%*

-,. (p. 30,) Performance measures and performance standards are the same performance evaluation techni(ue.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%+

--. (p. 30,) An organization can not set performance standards if it has not first set performance measures.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%%

-.. (p. 30,) Eany human resource specialists set performance standards arbitrarily in order that employees cannot
ta/e advantage of them to artificially improve their performance evaluations.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #%,

.0. (p. 310) >ne dimension of performance measures is whether they are ob)ective or sub)ective.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,0

.1. (p. 310) &ndirect observations of performance are usually less accurate than direct because they evaluate

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,1

.. (p. 310) >b)ective performance measures are usually less reliable than sub)ective ones because of the ris/ of
rater biases.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,(

.$. (p. 310) &ndirect sub)ective performance measures are usually the most effective as they tend to minimize the
personal biases of the evaluator.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,3

.%. (p. 310) 8he biggest problem with sub)ective performance evaluations is the opportunity for bias.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,4

.*. (p. 310) 8he halo effect is a rater bias that occurs when an evaluator tends to thin/ everyone is good and
evaluates all employees as ?satisfactory? or ?average? regardless of their actual performance.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,)

.+. (p. 310) 8he leniency and strictness biases occur when raters are either consistently too easy or too harsh in
evaluating performance.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,*

.,. (p. 310) 5uman resource departments can unintentionally encourage the error of central tendency by re(uiring
supervisors to )ustify e!tremely high or low employee performance ratings.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,+

.-. (p. 310) Beniency and strictness biases in performance evaluation more commonly occur when performance
standards are too detailed or e!plicit.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,%

... (p. 310) 8he recency effect is not a performance evaluation bias that occurs in employee performance

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #,,

100. (p. 311) &f performance appraisals are done by the human resource department they are referred to as
appraisal methods# whereas if they are done by managers they are called appraisal systems.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #100

101. (p. 311"31() &n performance appraisal systems# it is important for human resource managers to /now that while
valid criteria tend to be reliable# reliable criteria are not necessarily valid.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #101

10. (p. 311"31() @alidity in performance appraisals means that the criteria for appraising is directly )ob7related.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #10(

10$. (p. 31() Eaintaining reliability in performance evaluation is highly desirable and easy to achieve# particularly
if sufficiently different raters and different appraisal instruments are employed.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #103

10%. (p. 31() 2imply because a performance standard is not fully under an employee's direct control does not mean
that the standard is lac/ing in validity.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #104

10*. (p. 31() 2tudies show that when supervisors set general goals for employees# performance can improve as
much as twice over what it is when more specific goals are set.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #10)

10+. (p. 31() Performance appraisals that carry or enforce conse(uences tend to lose their effectiveness (uite

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #10*

10,. (p. 314) 8hough of importance within the organization# a performance appraisal form serves little use or legal
purpose outside of the organization.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #10+

10-. (p. 314) Ahen it has been proven that rater training was not provided for performance appraisals# )udges have
tended to rule in favour of the company

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #10%

10.. (p. 314) Dollowing due process in performance appraisals can lead to lower )ob satisfaction# more grievances
and higher turnover

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #10,

110. (p. 31)) Behaviourally anchored rating scales and critical incident methods are both future7oriented
performance evaluation approaches.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #110

111. (p. 31)) 8he rating scale is li/ely the oldest and still most widely use performance appraisal method.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #111

11. (p. 31)) 8he appraisal method for employee performance that re(uires a supervisor to record statements that
describe e!tremely effective of ineffective behaviour related to )ob performance is called the behaviourally
anchored rating scales method.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #11(

11$. (p. 31)) 8he critical incident appraisal method for employee performance re(uires a supervisor to record
statements that describe e!tremely effective or ineffective behaviour related to )ob performance.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #113

11%. (p. 31)) >ne feature of behaviourally anchored rating scales is that they attempt to reduce the sub)ectivity and
biases of sub)ective performance measures.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #114

11*. (p. 31)) Comparative performance evaluation methods include the ran/ing method and forced distributions.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #11)

11+. (p. 31)) Comparative performance evaluation methods include all of the following" ran/ing method# forced
distributions# and management by ob)ectives.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #11*

11,. (p. 31%) A good method for overcoming the biases of leniency# strictness# and central tendency in performance
appraisal is the forced distributions method.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #11+

11-. (p. 31,) Duture7oriented performance appraisal methods include the management7by7ob)ectives approach.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #11%

11.. (p. 3(0) A recent method of employee appraisal involving evaluations made by the employee as well as by his
or her peers# supervisors# and subordinates is called the $+07degree performance appraisal.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #11,

10. (p. 3(() 8he ability of performance evaluators to ma/e valid )udgments on comple! information is referred to
as the cognitive aspect of the rating process.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(0

11. (p. 3(() A more recent model of performance appraisal divides the appraisal process into three cognitive steps
on the part of the rater.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(1

1. (p. 3(() 8he cognitive approach to performance appraisal would suggest that a supervisor's attention7arousing
stimuli would cause the supervisor to pay more attention to a big employee mista/e than to a small one.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1((

1$. (p. 3(() Categorization as a cognitive techni(ue allows people to ma/e thoughtful )udgments with a variety of

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(3

1%. (p. 3(3) 8he tell7and7listen approach to an employee appraisal interview allows the employee to e!plain
reasons# e!cuses# and defensive feelings about performance.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(4

1*. (p. 3(3) 8he problem7solving approach to an employee evaluation interview allows the employee to e!plain
reasons# e!cuses# and defensive feelings about why performance is deficient.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1()

1+. (p. 3(3) 8he performance appraisal process is not an effective tool to measure the value of the human
resource management function.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(*

1,. (p. 3(3) A future7oriented performance appraisal allows the human resource department to provide feedbac/
to the employees.

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(+

1-. (p. 304) 8he ultimate measure of any human resource department's success is employee 9999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(%

1.. (p. 304) Performance 9999999999 is the process by which organizations evaluate employee )ob performance.
appraisal or evaluation

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1(,

1$0. (p. 30)) 2ound performance management programs ma/e a clear connection between company goals and
employee 99999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #3
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #130

1$1. (p. 30*) 8o be useful# an organization's performance appraisal must be effective and 9999999999 by all

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #131

1$. (p. 30*"30+) An acceptable performance appraisal system must identify and then properly measure
9999999999 9999999999999999 criteria.
performance !job"#relate

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #13(

1$$. (p. 30,) Dor an appraisal to create an accurate picture of an employee's )ob performance it should be
9999999999 99999999999# practical# have standards# and use reliable measures.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #133

1$%. (p. 30,) Performance evaluation re(uires performance 9999999999999 against which performance is
measured and performance 999999999999999 to evaluate the performance.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #134

1$*. (p. 30,) Benchmar/s against which performance is measured are called 9999999999 999999999.
performance stanars

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #13)

1$+. (p. 30,) Dor performance standards to be effective they should relate to the desired 9999999999 of each )ob.
results or outcomes

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #13*

1$,. (p. 30,) 8o be effective )ob standards should 999999 9999 set relatively arbitrarily.
not be

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #13+

1$-. (p. 30,) Performance evaluation not only re(uires performance standards but also dependable performance

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #13%

1$.. (p. 30,) Direct observation occurs when a rater actually sees employee 9999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #13,

1%0. (p. 30,) &ndirect observations of an employee performance are often less accurate because they evaluate
999999999 for actual performance.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #140

1%1. (p. 310) A substitute for actual observation of employee performance is called a 9999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #141

1%. (p. 310) Another dimension of performance evaluation measures is whether they are ob)ective or

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #14(

1%$. (p. 310) 8he lowest degree of accuracy in performance evaluation comes from measures that are 9999999999
and indirect.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #143

1%%. (p. 310) 8he highest degree of accuracy in performance evaluation comes from measures that are ob)ective
and 9999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #144

1%*. (p. 310) 8he lowest degree of accuracy in performance evaluation comes from measures that are 9999999999
and 9999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #14)

1%+. (p. 310) Ahen raters officially evaluate employee# regardless of actual performance# as always ?average' they
are e!hibiting the bias of 9999999999 999999999999.
central tenenc%

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #14*

1%,. (p. 310) Ahen raters tend to evaluate employees more easily or more harshly than the employees deserve# the
raters are displaying one or another of two possible biases" the 9999999999 bias or the 9999999999 bias.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #14+

1%-. (p. 310) 8he 999999999 999999999 happens when a supervisor's personal opinion of an employee sways the
supervisor's measurement of the employee's performance.
&alo effect

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #14%

1%.. (p. 310) Ahen a performance evaluator allows more recent information about an employee to unduly sway
the overall evaluation of the employee's performance this particular bias is /nown as the 9999999999
recenc% effect

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #14,

1*0. (p. 31() 8he most noted thing about reliability in performance evaluations :other than being highly desirable;
is that it is also very 9999999999 99999999 999999999 in an organizational setting.
ifficult to obtain

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)0

1*1. (p. 31() >f all characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system# 9999999999 may be considered
to be of the utmost importance.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)1

1*. (p. 31() 99999999999 criteria tend to be 9999999999 but 999999999 criteria are not necessarily 99999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)(

1*$. (p. 31() Performance appraisals that carry no real 9999999999 with them tend to lose effectiveness very

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)3

1*%. (p. 313) Ahen )ob incumbents must rely on the contributions or cooperation of colleagues# the )obs are said to
be mutually 9999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)4

1**. (p. 314"31)) 6ating scales# behaviourally anchored rating scales# and critical incident method are all e!amples
of 9999999999 99999999999 appraisal methods.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1))

1*+. (p. 31)) >ne past7oriented evaluation method that is particularly useful in giving employees )ob7related
feedbac/ on both positive and negative behaviours is the 9999999999 99999999999 method.
critical incient

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)*

1*,. (p. 31+) >ne evaluation method that attempts to reduce sub)ective biases by rating employees along a scale of
specific behaviour e!amples for each activity isGare 9999999999 999999999999 999999999999.
be&aviourall% anc&ore ratin( scales !bars"

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)+

1*-. (p. 31%) Performance evaluation methods where employees are compared to one another in some way are
referred to as 9999999999 evaluation methods.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1)%

1*.. (p. 31%) 99999999999 999999999999999 re(uire raters to categorize employees into different classifications.
force istributions

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1),

1+0. (p. 31,) 8he basic premise of the management7by7ob)ectives approach as a performance evaluation techni(ue
is that future performance goals are )ointly discussed and agreed upon by each 9999999999 and 9999999999.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*0

1+1. (p. 31,) A type of future7oriented evaluation of employee performance and potential# involving multiple types
of raters and evaluation tools# is called the 9999999999 99999999999 techni(ue.
assessment centre

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*1

1+. (p. 3(() >ne newer model that divides the performance appraisal process into the four steps including
attention# recall# and categorization is shifting emphasis to the 9999999999 aspect of the rating process.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*(

1+$. (p. 3(3) Ahen a supervisor provides feedbac/ by reviewing an employee's performance and attempting to
convince the employee to perform better# this style of evaluation feedbac/ is called the 999999999 999999999
99999999 approach.

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*3

1+%. (p. 3(4) 8he performance appraisal process provides insight into the effectiveness of the 999999999
99999999 99999999 function.
&uman resource mana(ement

Difficulty: Easy
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*4

1+*. (p. 30)"30*) Describe the different uses of performance appraisals.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #1
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*)

1++. (p. 30+"30%0 310"311) Describe the elements and characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #(
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1**

1+,. (p. 30)) Ahat ob)ectives do organizations try to achieve through an efficient and effective performance
management system.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #3
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*+

1+-. (p. 310) Are direct and ob)ective measures of performance usually better than indirect and sub)ective
measures3 Ahy or why not3
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*%

1+.. (p. 30)"30*) Performance appraisals are used for a variety of purposes within an organization. Describe how
companies can best utilize the performance appraisal too.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #)
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1*,

1,0. (p. 310"311) Ahat types of rater biases may occur in a performance appraisal3 Ahat can be done to avoid or
reduce them3
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #*
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+0

1,1. (p. 314) A performance appraisal is a legal document. Please comment.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #4
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+1

1,. (p. 3(() Discuss the cognitive aspects of raters and performance appraisals.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+(

1,$. (p. 314"31)) 5ow do past7oriented and future7oriented appraisal methods compare3
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+3

1,%. (p. 3(0) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a $+07degree performance appraisal.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #+
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+4

1,*. (p. 3(3) Ahat are your recommendations for conducting an evaluation interview3
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+)

1,+. (p. 3(3) A performance appraisal# by providing feedbac/ to the organization# is a strategic management tool.
Please discuss the implications.
Answers will vary

Difficulty: &ediu'
Objective: #%
Sc!ind " #apte$ 0% #1+*

c- 2ummary
#ate/1$y # 1f 2uesti1ns
Difficulty" Easy %.
Difficulty" 5ard *
Difficulty" Eedium 1
>b)ective" H1 10
>b)ective" H *
>b)ective" H$ ,
>b)ective" H% %
>b)ective" H* 1,
>b)ective" H+ 1*
>b)ective" H, $-
>b)ective" H-
2chwind 7 Chapter 0- 1,+

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