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Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

Mary Kate Sammon

EDP 621
Title: Find the Pattern
Grade: Kindergarten
Goals: Each group will create a pattern using pieces of pattern packet.
Astra!t: As a follow up to previous instruction on patterns and extending patterns, will apply
their skills. Small groups will work together to create a pattern using all pieces in their
pattern envelope.
Six pattern packets containing the following materials
Four small ags with ! s"uares of assorted colors that complete a pattern.
#$he pattern can e made more challenging y adding assorted shapes.% A
typical packet would include three lue and red and two green.
Each pattern packet will have a different pattern
&ere is an example s"uare'
Each ag would contain a different pattern, the same colors could e utili(ed
or different colors may e used.
). Prior to introducing this activity, introduce patterns, extending patterns and creating
patterns with students.
*. Each student will pick a stick with assorted colored dots out of a container.
+. Students will then form groups ased on the color dot they have chosen.
,. $he students will then e instructed that they are to open the contents of the envelope
and use all s"uares to create a pattern.
-. Each group will then receive an envelope.
.. Students will e given )/ minutes to find the pattern.
0. $he groups would then e asked "uestions y the teacher.
). 1hat is the pattern2
*. 1hat color will come next2
Elements o# Cooperative Learning
$ndivid"al A!!o"ntaility: Each student will e responsile for eing ale to
answer the two "uestions.
Positive $nterdependen!e: Each group memer will need to support team memers
in learning the pattern and what will come next in the pattern.
)in x )in
So!ial S%ills&'a!e to 'a!e $ntera!tion: $he students will need to use
communication skills to share ideas and listen for others ideas. $he will work
together with hands on interaction to create the pattern.
(eterogeneo"s Gro"ping: $he children will e placed in groups y randomly
choosing sticks with colored dots on the ends.
Eval"ation: Students will receive credit for completing their pattern and the group
will receive credit for answering the "uestions.
Tr"st: $he students must feel comfortale with each other in order to work well

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