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Group Members: Desiree Trisette De Zilva, Sophie Dileo, Ngoc Hoang Van Nguyen
Stage: 3 (Year 5)
KLAs and Outcomes:
Mathematics (MA3-1WM, MA3-2WM, MA3-3WM, MA3-5NA, MA3-6NA MA3-11MG,)
English (EN3-1A, EN3-2A, EN3-3A)
Engage students in an enjoyable learning experience relating to real-life situations.
Enhance learners confidence and competence in using mental, written and calculating techniques for solving
problems by using their firm understandings of basic concepts including place value and strategies for computing
with two- and three-digit numbers (BOSNSW, 2006, p.40).
Develop understanding and fluency and mathematics through inquiry, exploring and connecting mathematical
concepts, choosing and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, communication and
reasoning (Maths Syllabus K-10, BOSNSW, 2012, p.14).
Improve students communicative skills, use language to shape and make meaning, express themselves and their
relationships with other and their world and reflect on their learning (English Syllabus K-10, BOSNSW, 2012)
Enhance understandings and appreciations to applications of digital technologies through the use of several web
2.0 tools in their learning.

Introduction page/Process page The introduction page invites
students to discover the journey to becoming a Master Chef, by being
their own judge. Ss are challenged to think of all the mathematical
concepts involved in cooking and present this understanding through a
Wordle word cloud.
The process page provides clear instructions for users how to navigate
their way through the resource. Students will begin their journey by
creating a digital journal of their choice to record all their tasks.
Are you up for a mental challenge?

The journey begins with a mental warm-up where students are solving
an open-ended word problem, focussing on mathematical knowledge.

Challenge 1 Students will participate in the first challenge by creating
and sharing their favourite recipe, focusing on composing a coherent
and well-structured procedure. Students will create a short animation
using Voki to present their menu to the group and document their
work in a digital journal of their choice.

Challenge 2 Students will use a range of supporting websites to create
their recipes that cater for a number of people such as 12, 20, or 30, 50
people. This task involves working mathematically, applying skills and
knowledge to solve problems. Students will use PADLET to create and
document their work.

Challenge 3 Students in groups of 3, will design a menu for a birthday
party. Students are required to compare costs of ingredients needed
between 3 supermarkets to create a delicious menu with an affordable

Teacher page provides detailed information on the KLAs and relevant
outcomes and indicators addressed, followed by a progression through
task page with instructions to use the resource over 8-10 week period.
Assessment page Students evaluate the ICT learning resource and
include suggestions for improvement. An assessment rubric to assess
students learning have been added to the page as well.

Website -
Group Members: Desiree Trisette De Zilva, Sophie Dileo, Ngoc Hoang Van Nguyen
This page is designed to guide teachers through the inquiry-based learning resource in an interactive way. We have
used the Junior Master Chef competition and food recipes as the main theme as it links to everyday real-life tasks and
to create excitement and engagement. According to Bobis, Mulligan and Lowrie (2013), when mathematical concepts
are linked to everyday real-life situations and society, children are able to understand the relationships and processes
that are presented along with them. Many of the tasks involve open-ended questions where students are able to
think and apply problem-solving strategies to communicate their learning. This approach provides the teacher with
the opportunity to guide, support and stimulate the children without removing the responsibility and process of
problem solving from the children (Bobis et al., 2013).

KLAs chosen: Mathematics and English Outcomes
Mathematics Whole numbers Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Measurement and
MA3-1WM - Describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology
and some conventions.
MA3-2WA - Selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies in
undertaking investigations.
MA3-3WM - gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another
MA3-5NA - selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition and subtraction, counting numbers of any size
MA3-63A- selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division, and applies the order of
operations to calculations involving more than one operation
MA3-11MG - selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate, measure and calculate volumes and capacities,
and convert between units of capacity

English Speaking and Listening, Writing and Representing
EN3-1A - communicates effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes using increasingly challenging topics,
ideas, issues and language forms and features
ENE-2A - composes, edits and presents well-structured and coherent texts
EN3-3A - uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range
of texts in different media and technologies.

Individual students learning is assessed using an assessment rubric based on the following areas:
- Application of Mathematic and English content knowledge, research and recordings in the digital learning journal.
- Working mathematically, applying knowledge and skills to everyday situations.
- Composing, communicating and presenting information in a coherent way.
- Sharing learning with others using a variety of web based resources.
- Organization and layout of the digital story journal using a clear structured format.

Web resources
The web tools used in this in this resource are essentially self-explanatory. In case students need any assistance to
familiarize with the Web 2.0 tools help buttons are linked to a page that provides further information.
1. Wordle word cloud
2. Voki
3. Go Animate
4. Padlet
5. Storybird

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