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Helicopter Flight Manifest

Aircraft N-
ALL flights require instructor initials on dispatch board.
:Fl or PAX
Renter with instructor iTD (Local
Renter without instructor
lf renting without instructor initials are required verifying flight plan is filed for all flights away from home base.
Emergency LonIacI
PAX tmergency Lontact
lelephone Number
Planned Route of Flieht
Airports of lntended Landine
CFR 91.103(bl(1-2) Preflieht Action)
Name ldentifier Field Elevation
Density Stop ETA
Alt. Y/N Local
lcertifythatlhavecompletedmyflightplaninaccordancewith14CFRgl.l03andampreparedforthedetailedflightabove. lherebyagreetofollowall policies
and procedures detailed in the Hillsboro Aviation, lnc. "Renter Handbook" and if I must deviate from the above plan or FAR regulation, I will.notify dispatch as soon
as possible.
I also certify that I have checked and verified all performance charts for the forecast wind, temperature and pressure, against the total weight ofthe aircraft that I
will be flying.
cFI Name Printed CFI Signature
Printed Name and/or Signature ofAuthority approving a "LEVEL 3 FLIGHf score
Score of 18-27
Requires Approval
for Flight Release
Risk Matrix Score
NOTE- CFi Signature is required for all flights v7 - o8/29/L2

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