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Our first location that we may use is a train station/train line, reasons for using this is that the way we
want to portray the main character is that hes lonely and sad as a result of this he takes narcotics, also
like a suicide location will enhance the sadness of the song creating more of an impact. It fits our
concept as we want a single boy to feel isolated and this scene will create this.
Our second location that we may use is Westfield Stratford as there are lots of people here and would
make it look a busy scene, furthermore he could be on his own so that he feels isolated and then he
could blackout in Westfield and have no one around him to help him intensifying his loneliness of the
individual. It fits our concept as we want a single boy to feel isolated and this scene will create this.
Our third location we may use is a deserted forest in Cuffley/Goffs Oak, reasons why we would use this
location is that it would show isolation and loneliness. Furthermore we could show shots of the main
character being alone in this dark and dull forest without any protection for him.

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