Treatment of DMD

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Drug Me Down Treatment

Katherine Michaels finds herself running away from her past. She is left with
nowhere to go, with all her friends having moved on from their pasts and she
stuck in hers.

Drug Me Down is a short film drama about the power of peer pressure on
teenagers today, in this film the effects of drug addiction will also be addressed.
Katherine is the main character, who faces the effects of peer pressure by her
only friends into drugs but now her friends have moved on from the life of drugs
and heading to university. Shes left behind with nowhere to go, or what to do as
she battles addiction.

Teachers had always told Katherine from the day she first began school that, in
the future, she would become a great writer the next Stephen King. Her talent
with words is not only what she would be praised on, but also her ability in all
other subjects. She was bound to become successful.

However, with high expectations from her father and mother, she never had the
time to make friends. Katherines parents decided to move to a different town,
she moved to a new school rather than focusing on her academics, she was more
focused on friends. Katherine became part of a new group of friends, although at
first they seemed interested in her, then they started being discriminative
towards her due to her refusal to join them to their parties and other social
activities that were morally questionable.

Through extreme means of persuasion, they were able to convince her to come
along to a party. She found herself conforming to whatever she was asked to do
in an attempt to stay in favor with her friends.

The film starts with the main character, Katherine, running away; with reasons,
which is revealed through flashbacks. Were shown how she was compelled into
drugs, another shows her friends starting to think about their futures, deciding
to get over their drug addiction and move on. Katherine is unable to overcome
her addiction; fails her exams; and has no idea what to do. The film ends
returning to the running away scene and she finds herself at the doorstep of her

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