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Republic of the Philippines


2 Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800

ENG 111- Study and Thinking Skills
Materials: LCD Projector, Laptop

Course/Yr. /Sec. : BTTE I-G Date : October 1, 2014
School Year : 2014-2015

TOPIC: Coherence: Identifying and Correcting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Learning Objectives Learning Content Learning Experiences Evaluation Integration

1. Define Coherence.
2. Identify the ways to achieve
coherence in both sentence and
3. Identify misplaced and
dangling modifiers in
4. Revise sentences with
misplaced and dangling
modifiers to achieve

- The holding together of all
parts involved.
- In the sentence level, it is
the agreement of the
subject and the predicate.
- In the paragraph level, it is
the organization of ideas
- When the writer shows
how all of the ideas
contained in the paragraph
are relevant to the main

I. Preparation
a. Opening Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Checking of the Cleanliness of the Room
d. Review of the Past Lesson

II. Motivational Activity
The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each will be
given an envelope containing words which they need
to arrange in order to make a good sentence. All
words must be used in the sentence. After creating
the sentences, each group will present their works
and the rest of the class will be their judges. (This
can be a funny activity as students will have to
determine if sentences presented make sense.)

A. Place the modifiers
into their correct
1. We ate the lunch
that we had brought
2. I only contributed
$10.00 to the fund
for the orphaned
3. Elvis saw a bird
sitting on the
telephone wire that
he could not
4. She found a woolen
childs scarf in the

conscious on
making and
identifying a
passage to
make it

Being able to
be understood
is being able to

Ways to Achieve Coherence
1. Place the Modifiers properly.
What are Modifiers?
- add details or limit or
change the meaning of another
word or phrase.

To look for the MODIFIER/S:
1. Identify the simple subject.
2. Identify the complete
3. What will be left are the

1. The small black ladys
handbag was lost.
2. Carried on a large dish, my
mother entered the room with
the roast pig.
3. Maribel wore a jewel in her
hair, which her mother had
bought in Paris.

a. Misplaced Modifiers
- a word, phrase, or clause
that is improperly separated from
the word it modifies / describes;
may be an adjective, adverb,
phrase or clause.

1. Ralph piled all of his clothes that he had
worn in the hamper.
2. It was my custom to visit my grandmother at
least once a month.
3. He searched around and found in the drawer
a bus schedule that was out of date.

III. Lesson Proper: Lecture Discussion
ACTIVITY 2: Presentation of the Topic
The teacher will ask the students the dictionary
meaning of the word, COHERENCE. From then
on, they will discuss its subtopics to learn more
about it. In this stage of the lesson, teacher will be
connecting the motivational activity to the topic.

ACTIVITY 3: Misplaced Modifiers
The sentences below contain misplaced modifiers.
Circle the misplaced modifier and draw an arrow to
where it belongs in the sentence to convey the
intended meaning.

1. The torn students book lay on the desk.
2. A wind blew across the field that was cold and
3. She served sandwiches to the children on paper
4. He nearly drove the car for six hours a day.
5. She saw a puppy and a kitten on the way to the
6. Only Pastor Johnson gave me $5 to clean all his
7. She almost failed every exam she took.
5. The three bankers
talked quietly in the
corner smoking

B. Using the phrases
as introductory
modifier, write a
complete sentence.
1. To be on time for
my first class,
2. While exploring the
3. To make a good
4. Thinking
realistically about
the future,
5. While sleeping,

C. Revise sentences
to make it correct.
1. My dog slept at my
feet while grading
papers last night.
2. Getting up early, the
house seemed
unusually quiet to
3. While talking, the
fire alarm sounded.

WRONG: The man bought a tie
at the department store with
yellow and blue stripes.
CORRECT: The man bought a
tie with yellow and blue
stripes at the department store.

To correct a Misplaced
1. Find the modifier.
2. Make sure the modifier has
something to modify.
3. Make sure the modifier is as
close as possible to the word,
phrase, or clause it modifies.

b. Dangling Modifiers
- a phrase or clause that
is not clearly and logically
related to the word or words it

WRONG: Racing across the
parking lot, the bus was
reached before the door closed.
CORRECT: Racing across the
parking lot, I reached the bus
before the door closed.

8. He bought a horse for his sister they call Prince.
9. Three offices were reported robbed by the Atlanta
police last week.
10. The waiter served a dinner roll to the woman that
was well buttered.

ACTIVITY 4: Dangling Modifiers
Using either of the two methods explained in the
discussion; rewrite each of the following sentences to
correct the dangling modifiers.
1. While sweeping the floor, the stew boiled over the
2. To write correctly, proper English should be used.
3. After putting a new ribbon in the printer, my
papers looked better.
4. While washing his brothers car, a scratch was
discovered on the bumper.
5. Thinking of something else, the instructor's voice
surprised me.
6. While writing my paper, the telephone rang.
7. To understand our new policy, the LACs
brochures were read.
8. Being short of money, an inexpensive restaurant
had to be found.
9. On coming back to school after vacation, a new
work schedule was developed.
10. By jogging five miles a day a toned body was

4. To examine the
brakes, the wheels
must be removed.
5. Climbing the
mountain, a rock hit
John's head.

To correct a Dangling
1. Find the modifier.
2. Make sure the modifier has
to modify.
3. Make sure the modifier is as
close as
possible to the word, phrase, or
it modifies.
4. If the modifier has nothing to
add or change words so that it

2. Make the Subject agree with
the Verb Used.
3. Use Pronoun References.
4. Use effective Transitional

The class will be divided into 6 groups and will be
provided their own board and chalk. Sentences are to
be flashed on the screen and the group will have to
determine if the sentence is correct or incorrect. If
the sentence happens to be incorrect, the group will
have to correct it. The first to raise their answer will
chance to correct the incorrect sentence.

1. Jessie ate a bowl of cold cereal for breakfast.
2. The broken teachers umbrella was in the coat.
3. The exciting movies plot didnt improve it.
4. The four men eating lunch talked quietly in the
5. The four men talked quietly in the corner eating
6. Because I was only five, the doctor did not know
how to operate on me.
7. When just two years old, my mother showed me
how to dance the polka.
8. Jack can hear Jill when she whispers clearly.
9. While I was driving to the vets office, my dog
jumped out of the car.
10. When I was a child, my parents gave me many
elaborate and expensive gifts.

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