September 2014

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Language Arts in Grade 2 Language Arts in Grade 2 Language Arts in Grade 2 Language Arts in Grade 2

The grade two Language Arts program is based on the

Comprehensive Literacy framework, which consists of a
number of elements that provide opportunities for reading
and/or writing on a daily basis. These authentic
opportunities for reading and writing are arranged on a
scale called the Gradual Release of Responsibility, which
begins with total teacher support and gradually moves
towards the student completing the work independent of
the teacher.

The Comprehensive Literacy classroom focuses on four
different types of reading and/or writing experiences:
Reading aloud to children - Teacher reads aloud to
students and provides adult model of fluent reading
Shared reading/writing - Teacher and students
read text together or work together to write text
Guided reading/writing - small group guided
instruction is when a teacher works with small groups
of children who have similar reading or writing
processes and needs.
Independent reading/writing - Students read or
write independently

It is important to remember that children do not all learn in
the same way and the Comprehensive Literacy program
provides instruction to support whatever learning
personality a child has.

How You Can Help Your Child at Home How You Can Help Your Child at Home How You Can Help Your Child at Home How You Can Help Your Child at Home

Talk to your child about YOUR reading & writing & ask them
about what they are reading and writing about at school
Ask your child questions and encourage detailed answers
rather than accepting a yes or no or nothing answer
Play rhyming & riddle games
Read stories to your child with drama and excitement in your
voice and encourage them to do the same
Point to the words in stories or newspapers when you are
reading together
Make connections to the stories when you read (I remember
when , This story reminds me of)
Play games like I spy or Im thinking of a word that

Homework Homework Homework Homework

At the grade 2 level, it is appropriate for students to do
approximately 20 minutes of at home work each day.
Reading is the most important thing your child should be
doing. Your child should be reading (or being read to)
daily. In addition to reading, a monthly homework
program will be sent home at the beginning of every
month and is due back to school at the end of the
month. This homework program reinforces learning in
our classroom.
Math in Grade 2 Math in Grade 2 Math in Grade 2 Math in Grade 2

Math skills are important to a child's success both at school
and in everyday life. Children learn math best through
activities that encourage them to: explore; think about what
they are exploring; solve problems using information they
have gathered themselves; and explain how they reached
their solutions. An important part of learning math is learning
how to solve problems. Through inquiry, students will learn
that there may be more than one way to solve a problem and
more than one answer. They also learn to express themselves
clearly as they explain and share their solutions with their

Mathematics Instruction Mathematics Instruction Mathematics Instruction Mathematics Instruction is... is... is... is...

moving moving moving moving away away away away from from from from. .. ... .. .. .. And And And And moving moving moving moving towards... towards... towards... towards...

teacher sitting in the teacher circulating while
front of the classroom students do math, interacting
as students work with students, making
individually at desks observations

teacher talking and a variety of instructional
students listening strategies based on problem
solving, peers teaching peers

pencil/paper testing a variety of assessment
only strategies are used

assessment only at the on-going assessment and
end of the unit feedback

Math Math Math Math - -- - How How How How you can help your child at home you can help your child at home you can help your child at home you can help your child at home
Skip count together by 2, 5, 10, & 25s (money is a great
way to reinforce and practise skip counting)
Talk math with your child, ask questions like We need six
tomatoes to make our sauce for dinner, and we have only
two. How many more do we need to buy?
Include your child when baking, counting, building or
Give them problems to solve and encourage them to
explain their thinking to you (ask them to prove or justify
their answer)
Give them some coins and ask them how many ways they
can make an amount (e.g. 56 cents, $1.00)
Make lists, tallies and graphs.
Talk about shapes and use their proper names.
Discuss greater or less than and play games where points
are counted.

Learning Through Inquiry Learning Through Inquiry Learning Through Inquiry Learning Through Inquiry

Inquiry-based learning is an approach to teaching
and learning that places students questions, ideas
and observations at the centre of the learning

Science in the Classroom Science in the Classroom Science in the Classroom Science in the Classroom

Air and Water in the Environment
Properties of Liquids and Solids
Movement Structures and Mechanisms
Growth and Changes in Animals

The Arts The Arts The Arts The Arts
Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, Music

Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education
Active Living, Movement Competence (skills, concepts
& strategies) and Healthy Living

Learning Skills & Work Habits Learning Skills & Work Habits Learning Skills & Work Habits Learning Skills & Work Habits
Responsibility, Organization, Independent work,
Collaboration, Initiative, & Self-Regulation

Assessment & Evaluation Assessment & Evaluation Assessment & Evaluation Assessment & Evaluation

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is
to improve student learning. Information gathered
through assessment helps us to determine students
strengths and weaknesses in their achievement of the
curriculum expectations in each subject. As part of our
ongoing assessment, we provide students with
descriptive feedback that helps guide their efforts
towards improving their learning. We use many
different types of assessments in our classrooms
including verbal assessments and conferencing,
observations, checklists, quizzes and daily work.

Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 2
a aa at St. t St. t St. t St. Cecilia Cecilia Cecilia Cecilia

Daily/weekly updates will be posted on our class
Your child will have the opportunity to be the
Star of the Week. A note will go home the week
before giving you all the details.
Students are asked to bring healthy snacks including
fruits and veggies to school.
Our classroom is PEANUT FREE! Please check
ingredients on all food sent in lunches and for snacks.
Using good manners is a BIG focus in our class. We
are going to be listening for please and thank you
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or
concerns through your childs agenda or by phone.

This Year Grade 2s will This Year Grade 2s will This Year Grade 2s will This Year Grade 2s will
Celebrate Gods Love Celebrate Gods Love Celebrate Gods Love Celebrate Gods Love
Our Religious Education Program is entitled We
Belong to the Lord Jesus. The themes include
Friendship, Treasuring Gods Word, and the Blessing,
Breaking and Eating of Bread at Gods Table.

Students in grade 2 who have been baptized Catholic
are offered the opportunity to receive the Sacraments
of Reconciliation and First Communion. More details
will follow when they become available to us.

Fully Alive is our Family Life program. Fully Alive is
organized around five themes: Created and Loved by
God, Living in Relationship, Created Sexual: Male and
Female, Growing in Commitment, and Living in the

All Sacrament Questions should be directed to
Janice Pilgrim, Saint Andrew Parish School Coordinator

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