Chapter 4 - Source Free Circuits

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Chapter 4: Source-Free Circuits

Source-Free RC Circuit

Source-Free RL Circuit

First-Order Circuits

A first-order circuit can only contain one energy storage

element (a capacitor or an inductor) and some resistors

RL and RC circuit

!t is called "first-oder# $ecause the circuit itself is characteri%ed

$y first-order differential e&uation

'(o (ays to e)cite the circuit:

Set initial condition: 'he energy is initially stored in the

capaciti*e or inducti*e element - also +no(n as source-free

,)citation $y independent source

!n ,ngineering math- (e say this system forms homogeneous e&
!n ,ngineering math- (e say this system forms heterogeneous e&

Source-Free RC Circuit

A source-free RC circuit occur (hen its dc source is suddenly


'he energy stored in the capacitor is released to the resistors

Find the response at capacitor at t. /

Since the response is due to the initial energy stored and the physical characteristics
of the circuit (not from the e)ternal source) 1 it is called natural response of the

'he time constant of a circuit is the time re&uired for the
response to decay to a factor of 23e or 4567 of its initial
!t is customary to assume the capacitor is fully discharged3charged after


'he s(itch in the circuit sho(n had $een closed for a long time and then opened at
time t 9 /

A):etermine an e)pression for *(t)

;) <raph *(t) *ersus t

C)=o( long (ill it ta+e for the capacitor to completely discharge>

:) :etermine the capacitor *oltage at time t 9 2// ms

,) :etermine the time at (hich the capacitor *oltage is 2/?


;) <raph *(t) *ersus t

A):etermine an e)pression for *(t)


C)=o( long (ill it ta+e for the capacitor to

completely discharge>

:) :etermine the capacitor *oltage at time

t 9 2// ms

,) :etermine the time at (hich the capacitor *oltage is 2/?

8uestion: :etermine the e)pression of *(t) and graph *(t) *s t


Source-Free RL Circuit
Sol*ing this

8uestion: Find an e)pression of i(t)


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