Light Reading On Asia - Some Suggestions

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Subject: Light Reading on Asia

For an MA course, I have compiled the following list, which I thought might be of some interested to
readers of H-ASIA. Its limitations are obvious: besides those of time, space, and general ignorance,
there are books of which I have heard simply not available in the UHK library. I would, therefore,
appreciate such corrections and amplifications as may occur to you, either direct to me
( or to H-ASIA.

This is not copyright, and although I've given some desultory thought to publishing it (much revised,
with more complete bibliographic information) some day, that day is not near at hand. Anyone who
wants to use it, therefore, may do so. If you use it complete, I'd appreciate your keeping my name

Norman G. Owen

LIGHT READING ON ASIA: Some suggestions

Many of us studying Asia, besides reading the primary sources and scholarly works required in our
particular field of study, enjoy reading more widely about the region, taking pleasure in the realization
that what we are perusing will not wind up on an examination question or in a footnote. We find it a
relatively painless way of gaining a greater appreciation of some of the diversity of cultures and his-
torical experiences that Asia represents.

We have assembled, over the years, lists of books -- novels, memoirs, travel accounts, etc. -- that have
appealed to us in this way. Some we have read; many we have not, but hope to get around to some
day. The only order here is alphabetical; we imply no judgment as to which of these are more
worthwhile [except that I've put an asterisk* by a few I personally most enjoyed], and we do not
intend to slight any authors we may have omitted. I am grateful to Ron Hill, Paul Kratoska, and
Stewart Richards for contributions to this list, but they should take none of the blame for any

These readings are "light" in the sense of enjoyable, rather than easy. Some are quite simple; others
require more background knowledge, vocabulary, or analysis to appreciate. You might wish to dip
into some of them to see if you enjoy them too. If not -- don't bother. There will be other readings
required for the course; don't punish yourself with reading for "fun" if it isn't fun!

Norman G. Owen
Department of History
University of Hong Kong
For MA in Comparative Asian Studies, August 1997.

Abd Allah ibn 'abd Al-Kadir. [AKA Munshi Abdullah] The Hikayat Abdullah. Trans. A.H. Hill.
1955. Early Malay autobiography.
Abdul Rahman, Tunku. Looking Back: Monday Musings and Memories. 1977. Malaysia.
Abdul Rahman, Tunku. Lest We Forget: Further Candid Reminiscences. 1983. Malaysia.
Adams, Cindy. My Friend the Dictator. 1967. On Sukarno.
Alberts, A. The Islands. 1952; trans. (by Hans Koning) 1983. Novel, Indonesia.
Ali Haji ibn Ahmad, Raja. The Precious Gift (Tuhfat al-Nafis). Trans. V. Matheson and B.W.
Andaya. 1982. Malay chronicle.
Allen, Charles. Plain Tales from the Raj. 1975. Reminiscences of India.
* Allen, Charles. Tales from the South China Sea. 1983. Reminiscences of SEAsia.
Ambler, Eric. The Night-comers. 1956. Novel, SEAsia.
Ambler, Eric. Passage of Arms. 1959. Novel, SEAsia.
Anderson, John. Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra in 1823. 1826; reprint 1971.
Anderson, Patrick. Snake Wine: A Singapore Episode. 1955.
Aung San Suu Kyi. Aung San of Burma: A Biographical Portrait by His Daughter. 1984.
Aung San Suu Kyi. Freedom from Fear. 1991; rev. ed. 1995.
Aveling, Harry, trans. and ed. Gestapu: Indonesian Short Stories on the Abortive Communist Coup
of 30th September 1965. 1975. See also From Surabaya to Armageddon: Indonesian Short Stories
(1976), Fables of Eve (1991; Malay short stories).
Ba Maw, U. Breakthrough in Burma: Memoirs of a Revolution, 1939-1946. 1968.
Ba U, U. My Burma: The Autobiography of a President. 1959.
Bacon, George B. Siam: The Land of the White Elephant, as It Was and Is. 1881.
Ballard, J.G. Empire of the Sun. 1984. Novel, WWII China.
Banomyong [Phanomyong], Pridi. The King of the White Elephant. 1940; reprint 1990. Historical
novel, Thailand.
Bao Ninh. The Sorrow of War. 1991; trans. 1993. Novel, VN war.
Bates, H.E. The Jacaranda Tree. 1949. Novel, Burma.
Bates, H.E. The Purple Plain. 1947. Novel, WWII Burma.
Bates, H.E. The Scarlet Sword. Novel, India.
Baum, Vicki. Shanghai '37. 1939, reprint 1986. AKA Hotel Shanghai or Nanking Road. Novel.
Baum, Vicki. A Tale from Bali. 1937, reprint 1973. Historical novel.
Beekman, E.M. ed. Fugitive Dreams: An Anthology of Dutch Colonial Literature. 1988.
Beekman, E.M. ed. Two Tales of the East Indies. 1983.
Bob Vuyk, "The Last House in the World," and H.J. Friedericy, "The Counselor."
Benedict, Ruth. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. 1947.
"Bengal Civilian" [Kinloch, Charles Walter]. [Die zieke reiziger; or,] Rambles in Java and the
Straits in 1852. 1853; reprint 1987.
Bird, Isabella L. Among the Tibetans. 1904.
Bird, Isabella L. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither: [Travels in Malaya in 1879]. 1883;
reprint 1967.
Bird, Isabella L. Korea and Her Neighbors. 1898.
* Bodde, Derk. Peking Diary, 1948-1949: A Year of Revolution. 1950.
Bogarde, Dirk. A Gentle Occupation. 1980. Novel, Indonesia.
Boontawe, Kampoon. Child of the Northeast. 1976, trans. 1988. Novel, Thailand.
Bornoff, Nicholas. Pink Samurai: The Pursuit and Politics of Sex in Japan. 1991.
* "Botan" [Tan Suang-U]. Letters from Thailand. Trans. Susan Fulop Morrell. 1977. Novel.
Boulle, Pierre. The Bridge over the River Kwai. 1954; trans. 1958. Novel, WWII Thailand.
Boulle, Pierre. Ears of the Jungle. Novel, VN War.
Boulle, Pierre. Sacrilege in Malaya. 1958; trans. 1983. Novel.
Brandon, James, trans. Kabuki: Five Classic Plays. 1992.
Brandon, James, ed. On Thrones of Gold: Three Javanese Shadow Plays. 1970.
Branfman, Fred, comp. Voices from the Plain of Jars: Life Under an Air War. 1972. On Laos.
"Breton de Nijs, E." [Robert Nieuwenhuys]. Faded Portraits. 1954; trans. 1982. Novel, Indonesia.
Brooke, Sylvia. Queen of the Head Hunters. 1972. Autobiography, Sarawak.
Brown, C.C., trans. Sejarah Melayu; or, Malay Annals. 1953.
Brown, Edward. A Seaman's Narrative of His Adventures ... in the years 1857-8. 1861; reprint 1971
as Cochin-china and My Experience of It.
Broyles, William, Jr. Brothers in Arms: A Journey from War to Peace. 1986.
Buck, Pearl. The Good Earth. 1931. Novel, China. See also her Sons (1932), A House Divided
(1935), The Patriot (1939), Pavilion of Women (1946), Peony (1948), and many more.
* Bulosan, Carlos. America is in the Heart. 1946; reprint 1973. Memoirs.
Bulosan, Carlos. The Philippines is in the Heart: A Collection of Stories. 1978.
Burgess, Anthony. The Long Day Wanes: A Malayan Trilogy: Time for a Tiger (1956), The Enemy
in the Blanket (1958), Beds in the East (1959).
Burgess, Anthony. Devil of a State. 1961. Novel, Brunei.
* Buruma, Ian. God's Dust: A Modern Asian Journey. 1989.
Buruma, Ian. A Japanese Mirror: Heroes and Villains of Japanese Culture, AKA Behind the Mask:
On Sexual Demons, Sacred Mothers, Transvestites, Gangsters and Other Japanese Cultural Heroes.
Buruma, Ian. The Missionary and the Libertine: Love and War in East and West. 1996.
Buruma, Ian. Playing the Game. Novel, India.
Buruma, Ian. The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan. 1994.
Carl, Katherine Augusta. With the Empress Dowager of China. 1906; reprint 1986. Cf. S. Seagrave,
Wu Yung.
Carolan, Trevor, ed. Rim of Fire: Stories from the Pacific Rim. 1992.
Carr, Caleb. The Devil Soldier: The American Soldier of Fortune Who Became a God in China.
1992. On Frederick Townsend Ward.
Chandruang, Kumut. My Boyhood in Siam. 1935; reprint 1996.
Chang, Jung. Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China. 1991.
Chang, Queeny. Memories of a Nonya. 1981. Memoirs of Sumatra/Malaya.
Chapman, F. Spencer. The Jungle is Neutral. 1949. Memoirs of Malaya, WWII.
Chaudhuri, Nirad C. Autobiography of an Unknown Indian. 1951.
Cheng, Nien. Life and Death in Shanghai. 1986. Memoirs.
Ching, Frank. Ancestors: 900 Years in the Life of a Chinese Family. 1988.
Choisy, [Francois-Timoleon], Abbe de. Journal of a Voyage to Siam, 1685-1686. 1687; trans. 1993.
See also The Transvestite Memoirs of the Abbe de Choisy; in French, 1966.
Chula [Chakrabongse], Prince. The Twain Have Met; or, An Eastern Prince Came West. 1957.
Clavell, James. King Rat. 1963. Novel, WWII Singapore.
Clavell, James. Shogun: A Novel, Japan. 1976.
Clavell, James. Tai-pan: A Novel of Hong Kong. 1966.
Clifford, Sir Hugh. In a Corner of Asia: Being Tales and Impressions of Men and Things in the
Malay Peninsula. 1899. See also Heroes of Exile: Being Certain Rescued Fragments of Submerged
Romance (1906), Malayan Monochromes (1913), The Further Side of Silence (1922), A Prince of
Malaya (1926; reprint 1989 as Saleh, A Prince of Malaya), Bush-whacking and other Asiatic Tales
and Memories (1929), Stories (1966; reprint 1993 as At the Court of Pelesu and Other Malayan
Clifford, Sir Hugh. Journal of a Mission to Pahang, January 15 to April 11, 1887. 1978. See also
[Report of] An Expedition into Trengganu and Kelantan in 1895 (1961; reprint 1992), In Court and
Kampung (1897).
Clifford, Sir Hugh, ed. The Hikayat Raja Budiman (A Malay Folk Tale). 1890-96.
Coates, Austin. City of Broken Promises. 1967. Novel, Macau.
Coates, Austin. Islands of the South. 1974. On SEAsia and Oceania.
* Coates, Austin. Myself a Mandarin: Memoirs of a Special Magistrate. 1968. On HK.
Coates, Austin. The Road. 1959. Novel, HK.
* Collins, Larry, and Dominique Lapierre. Freedom at Midnight. 1975. On the partition of India,
Collis, Maurice. Foreign Mud: Being an Account of the Opium Imbroglio at Canton in the 1830's
and the Anglo-Chinese War that Followed. 1946. Cf. Arthur Waley, The Opium War Through Chinese
Eyes, 1958.
Collis, Maurice. The Grand Peregrination: Being the Life and Adventures of Fernao Mendes Pinto.
Collis, Maurice. Land of the Great Image: Being Experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan. 1943.
Collis, Maurice. Lords of the Sunset. 1938; reprint 1996. On the Shan of Burma.
Collis, Maurice. The Mystery of Dead Lovers. Novel.
Collis, Maurice. She Was a Queen. 1937. Historical novel, Burma.
Collis, Maurice. Siamese White. 1951. On a 16th-century English adventurer.
* Collis, Maurice. Trials in Burma. 1938. Memoirs. See also The Journey Outward: An
Autobiography (1952), Into Hidden Burma: An Autobiography (1953), The Journey Up:
Reminiscences, 1934-1968 (1970).
Colquhoun, Archibald. Across Chryse: Being the Narrative of a Journey of Exploration through the
South China Border Lands from Canton to Mandalay. 1883.
Colquhoun, Archibald. Amongst the Shan. Reprint, 1970.
Comber, Leon, trans. The Strange Cases of Magistrate Pao: Chinese Tales of Crime and Detection
... retold by Leon Comber. 1964.
* Conrad, Joseph. Almayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River. 1895. Novel, Island SEAsia. See
also An Outcast of the Islands (1896), Lord Jim (1900).
Couperus, Louis. The Hidden Force. 1900; trans. 1922; revised 1985. Novel, Java.
Crook, Isabel, and David Crook. Ten Mile Inn: Mass Movement in a Chinese Village. 1979
D'Alpuget, Blanche. Monkeys in the Dark. 1980. Novel, Indonesia.
D'Alpuget, Blanche. Turtle Beach. 1981. Novel, Malaysia.
Daum, P.A. Ups and Downs of Life in the Indies. 1892; trans. 1987. Novel, Indonesia.
Dermout, Maria. The Ten Thousand Things. 1955; trans. 1958, 1983. Novel, Indonesia.
Dermout, Maria. Yesterday. 1951; trans. 1959. Memoirs, Indonesia.
Desai, Anita. Baumgartner's Bombay. 1988. Novel. See also her Games at Twilight and Other
Stories (1978), Clear Light of Day (1980), In Custody (1984), etc.
Dooley, Tom. Deliver Us from Evil: The Story of Viet Nam's Flight to Freedom. 1956. Cold War
Dooley, Tom. The Edge of Tomorrow. 1958. Memoir of Cold War Laos.
Dooley, Tom. The Night They Burned the Mountain. 1960. Memoir of Cold War Laos.
Douwes-Dekker: see "Multatuli." Du Perron, E. Country of Origin. 1935-67; trans. 1984. Novel,
Dumont, Jean Paul. Visayan Vignettes: Ethnographic Traces of a Philippine Island. 1992.
Dunn, Ross. The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveller of the 14th Century. 1986.
Duong Thu Huong. Novel Without a Name. 1995. VN War.
Duras, Marguerite. The Lover. 1984; trans. 1985. Novel, VN.
* Emerson, Gloria. Winners and Losers: Battles, Retreats, Gains, Losses and Ruins from a Long
War. 1976. On VN War.
Enright, D.J. Memoirs of a Mendicant Professor. 1969. HK, &c.
Enriquez, C.M. [Theophilus]. A Burmese Wonderland: A Tale of Travel in Lower and Upper
Enriquez, C.M. [Theophilus]. A Burmese Arcady. 1923. Life among the Kachin.
Erikson, Erik H. Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence. 1969. Psycho-biography.
Fairbank, John King. Chinabound: A Fifty-year Memoir. 1982.
Farrell, J.G. The Siege of Krishnapur. 1973. Historical novel, India.
Farrell, J.G. The Singapore Grip. 1978. Novel.
Fauconnier, H. The Soul of Malaya. 1930; trans. 1931. Novel.
Fenton, James. All the Wrong Places: Adrift in the Politics of the Pacific Rim. 1988.
Fernando, Lloyd. Scorpion Orchid.
Fernando, Lloyd, ed. Twenty-two Malaysian Stories: An Anthology of Writing in English. 1968.
Fernando, Lloyd, ed. New Drama. 1972. Malaysian plays in English.
Fleming Peter. Bayonets to Lhasa: The First Full Account of the British Invasion of Tibet in 1904.
Fleming, Peter. One's Company: A Journey to China. 1934.
Fleming, Peter. News from Tartary: A Journey from Peking to Kashmir. 1936.
Fleming, Peter. The Siege at Peking. 1959. On Boxer uprising, 1900.
Forster, E.M. The Hills of Devi [and other Indian Writings]. 1953; reprint 1983.
Forster, E.M. A Passage to India. 1924. Novel.
* Galbraith, John Kenneth. Ambassador's Journal: A Personal Account of the Kennedy Years.
1969. In India.
Galbraith, John Kenneth. A China Passage. 1973.
Gandhi, Indira Nehru. Freedom's Daughter: Letters between Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.
Ed. Sonia Gandhi.
Gandhi, Mohandas K. ["Mahatma"]. An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth.
Geddes, W.R., Nine Dayak Nights. 1957. Ethnography and folktale of Borneo.
Gervaise, Nicolas. The Natural and Political History of the Kingdom of Siam. 1688; trans. 1989.
Gervaise, Nicolas. A Historical Description of the Kingdom of Macasar in the East-Indies. 1701;
reprint 1971.
Goh Poh Seng. Eyewitness. 1976.
Goh Poh Seng. The Immolation.
Gomes, Paula. Let It Be. 1975, trans. 1993. Memoir of Indonesia; part of trilogy, Child of the
Gonzalez, N.V.M. The Bamboo Dancers. 1961. Novel, Philippines.
Gonzalez, N.V.M. Children of the Ash-covered Loam and Other Stories. 1954. See also Mindoro
and Beyond: Twenty-one Stories (1979).
Gonzalez, N.V.M. Kalutang: A Filipino in the World. 1990.
Gorer, Geoffrey. Bali and Angkor: [A 1930s Pleasure Trip] Looking at Life and Death. 1936.
* Greene, Graham. The Quiet American. 1955. Novel, Vietnam.
Hagedorn, Jessica. Dogeaters. 1990. Novel, Philippines.
Hahn, Emily. China To Me: A Partial Autobiography. 1944.
Hahn, Emily. Hong Kong Holiday. 1946.
Hahn, Emily. The Soong Sisters. 1942.
* Halberstam, David. The Reckoning. 1986. Ford vs. Nissan.
Hallett, Holt S. A Thousand Miles on an Elephant in the Shan States. 1890; reprint 1990.
Hamilton-Paterson, James. Ghosts of Manila. 1994. Mystery.
* Han Suyin. ... And the Rain My Drink. 1956. Novel, Malayan Emergency.
Han Suyin. Destination Chungking. 1942. Novel.
Han Suyin. The Four Faces. 1963. Novel, Cambodia.
Han Suyin. The Crippled Tree: China, Biography, History, Autobiography. 1965. First volume of
memoirs, continued in Birdless Summer (1968), A Mortal Flower (1970), My House Has Two Doors
(1980), Phoenix Harvest (1982), Wind in My Sleeve (1992).
Han Suyin. A Many-Splendoured Thing. 1952. Novel, HK.
Han Suyin. The Mountain is Young. 1958. Novel, Nepal.
Han Suyin. Till Morning Comes. 1982. Novel, China.
Hanifah, Abu. Tales of a Revolution. 1972. Autobiography, Indonesia.
Hatta, Mohammad. Mohammad Hatta, Indonesian Patriot: Memoirs. Trans. and ed. by C.L.M.
Penders. 1981.
Hatta, Mohammad. Portrait of a Patriot: Selected Writings. 1972.
Hayden, George A. [trans.] Crime and Punishment in Medieval Chinese Drama: Three Judge Pao
Plays. 1978.
Hearn, Lafcadio. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. 1894. See also In Ghostly Japan (1899); A
Japanese Miscellany (1901); Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things (1904); The Romance
of the Milky Way (1904), etc.
Hearn, Lafcadio. Some Chinese Ghosts. 1887.
Hersey, John. Hiroshima. 1946. Reportage.
Hersey, John. A Single Pebble. 1956. Novel, China.
* Hinton, William. Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village. 1966.
Hoe, Susanna. Chinese Footprints: Exploring Women's History in China, Hong Kong and Macau.
Hollinger, Carol. Mai Pen Rai Means Never Mind. 1965. On Thailand.
* Holm, Bill. Coming Home Crazy: An Alphabet of China Essays. 1990.
Hopkirk, Peter. Foreign Devils on the Silk Road: The Search for the Lost Cities and Treasures of
Chinese Central Asia. 1980.
Hopkirk, Peter. The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia. 1990.
Hopkirk, Peter. Trespassers on the Roof of the World: The Secret Exploration of Tibet. 1983.
Htin Aung, U, trans. Burmese Folk-tales. 1948.
Htin Aung, U, trans. Burmese Monks' Tales. 1966.
Hunt, Christopher. Sparring with Charlie: Motorbiking down the Ho Chi Minh Trail. 1996.
Hunter, Deirdre and Neale Hunter, ed. We the Chinese: Voices from China. 1971.
Huynh Sanh Thong, ed. and trans. The Heritage of Vietnamese Poetry. 1979.
Huynh Sanh Thong, ed. and trans. To Be Made Over: Tales of Socialist Revolution in Vietnam.
Ishiguro, Kazuo. An Artist of the Floating World. 1986. Novel. See also A Pale View of Hills
(1982), etc.
The Ivory Comb. 1968. Vietnamese short stories.
Iyer, Pico. The Lady and the Monk: Four Seasons in Kyoto. 1991.
Iyer, Pico. Video Night in Kathmandu: And Other Reports from the Notso-far East. 1988.
Jagor, Fedor. Travels in the Philippines. 1873; trans. 1875; rev. 1965. German traveller.
Jeyaretnam, Philip. First Loves. 1987. Singapore stories.
Jeyaretnam, Philip. Raffles Place Ragtime. 1988. Novel, Singapore.
Jose, F. Sionil. The Rosales Saga: Po-on: A Novel (1987), Tree (1978), My Brother, My
Executioner (1979), The Pretenders (1962) and Mass: A Novel (1983). See also Ermita: A Novel
(1988), Three Filipino Women (1992), Viajero (1993), Sin: A Novel, AKA Sins (1994).
Jose, F. Sionil. The God Stealer and Other Stories. 1968. See also Waywaya and Other Stories from
the Philippines (1980), and Platinum: Ten Filipino Stories (1983).
Kaempfer, Engelbert. A Description of the Kingdom of Siam, 1690. 1727, reprint 1987. From his
"History of Japan." Kartini, Raden Adjeng. Letters from Kartini: An Indonesian Feminist, 1900-1904.
* Kartini, Raden Adjeng. Letters of a Javanese Princess. 1911; trans. 1920; reprint 1964.
Kates, G.N. The Years That Were Fat: Peking, 1933-1940. 1952.
Kathigasu, Sybil. No Dram of Mercy. 1954. Memoirs, WWII Malaya.
Kawabata, Yasunari. Yukiguni, trans. as Snow Country. 1956. Novel. See also Sembazuru, trans. as
Thousand Cranes (1968); Koto, trans. as The Old Capital (1987); The Master of Go (1973), etc.
* Keating, H.R.F. "Inspector Ghote" detective novels, India.
Keith, Agnes Newton. Land Below the Wind. 1939. Memoir of Borneo.
Keith, Agnes Newton. Three Came Home: A Woman's Ordeal in a Japanese Prison Camp. 1947;
reprint 1985. Memoir of Borneo, WWII.
Keith, Agnes Newton. White Man Returns. 1952. Memoir of Borneo.
Kessinger, Tom. Vilyatpur, 1848-1968: Social and Economic Change in a North Indian Village.
* Khaing, Mi Mi. Burmese Family. 1962. Memoirs.
Khamhawm, Lao [Khamsing Srinawk]. The Politician and Other Stories. 1973. Thailand.
Kipling, Rudyard. The Complete Barrack-Room Ballads. 1973. British India.
* Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. 1899. Novel, India.
Kipling, Rudyard. Kipling's Kingdom: Twenty-five of Rudyard Kipling's Best Indian Stories,
Known and Unknown. Ed. Charles Allen. 1987.
Kipling, Rudyard. Plain Tales from the Hills. 1888. Short stories, India.
Koch, Christopher J. The Year of Living Dangerously. 1978. Novel, Indonesia.
Koestler, Arthur. The Lotus and the Robot. 1960. On Zen and Yoga.
Kratoska, Paul, ed. Honourable Intentions: Talks on the British Empire in Southeast Asia Delivered
at the Royal Colonial Institute, 1874-1928. 1983.
La Loubere, Simon de. [A New Historical Relation of] The Kingdom of Siam [... in the years 1687
and 1688]. 1691; trans. 1693, reprint 1969.
Lamb, Alastair, ed. The Mandarin Road to Old Hue: Narratives of Anglo-Vietnamese Diplomacy
from the 17th Century to the Eve of the French Conquest. 1970 Lancaster, James. The Voyages of Sir
James Lancaster, Kt., to the East Indies, with Abstracts of Journals of Voyages to the East Indies
during the Seventeenth Century, Preserved in the India Office. Ed. Clements R. Markham. 1877; new
ed. by William Foster, 1940.
Lapierre, Dominique. The City of Joy. On Calcutta.
Larsen, Wendy Wilder, and Tran Thi Nga. Shallow Graves: Two Women and Vietnam. 1986.
Lattimore, Eleanor. Turkestan Reunion. 1934. Travel.
Lattimore, Owen. China Memoirs: Chiang Kai-shek and the War Against Japan. Compiled by
Fujiko Isono. 1990.
Lattimore, Owen. The Desert Road to Turkestan. 1929.
Lattimore, Owen. High Tartary. 1930. On Sinkiang.
Lattimore, Owen. Mongol Journeys. 1941.
Lattimore, Owen. Nomads and Commissars: Mongolia Revisited. 1962.
Lau Shaw [Lao She] [Shu Ching-Chun]. Rickshaw [Boy]. 1939; trans. 1946, 1979.
* Lederer, William J., and Eugene Burdick. The Ugly American. 1960. Influential Cold War novel,
SEAsia. Sequel: Sarkhan (1965).
Leonowens, Anna Harriette. The English Governess at the Siamese Court: Being Recollections of
Six Years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok. 1870. Unreliable to begin with, after further distortions
turned into Anna and the King of Siam and The King and I.
Lewis, Norman. A Dragon Apparent: Travels in Indo-china. 1951.
Lewis, Norman. Golden Earth: Travels in Burma. 1952.
Li Zhisui. The Private Life of Chairman Mao. 1994.
Lim, Catherine. The Serpent's Tooth. 1982. Novel, Singapore.
Lin Yutang. My Country and My People. 1935; rev. 1962. On China. See also The Importance of
Living (1938), With Love and Irony (1940), The Pleasures of Nonconformist (1962).
Lin Yutang. Moment in Peking: A Novel of Contemporary Chinese Life. 1939. See also A Leaf in
the Storm: A Novel of War-swept China (1942), The Vermilion Gate: A Novel of a Far Land (1954),
Chinatown Family, The Flight of the Innocents, Juniper Loa, The Red Peony, etc.
Lockhart, Greg, and Monique Lockhart, trans. The Light of the Capital: Three Modern Vietnamese
Classics. 1996.
Loti, Pierre. The Last Days of Peking. [In French] 1902. On Boxer siege, 1900.
Loti, Pierre. Madame Chrysantheme, AKA Japan. 1888; trans. 1897.
Loti, Pierre. Un pelerin d'Angkor. [in French] 1912. Travel, Cambodia.
Loti, Pierre and Judith Gautier. The Daughter of Heaven. 1911, trans. 1912. Novel, China.
Low, James. [A Dissertation on the Soils and Agriculture of] The British Settlement of Penang [...]
1836; reprint 1972.
Lu Hsun [Lu Xun]. Ah Q Cheng Chuan. 1921; trans. 1953 as The True Story of Ah Q. See also
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories (trans. 1990), A Lu Hsun Reader (1967), etc.
Lubis, Mochtar. Manusia Indonesia. 1977. Trans. as We Indonesians, 1979; reprint as The
Indonesian Dilemma, 1983.
Lubis, Mochtar. The Outlaw and Other Stories. 1987.
Lubis, Mochtar. A Road with No End. 1968. Novel, Indonesia.
Lubis, Mochtar. Twilight in Djakarta. 1964. Novel, Indonesia.
Luce, Don, and John Sommer. Vietnam: The Unheard Voices. 1969.
* Lulofs, Madelon. Coolie. 1936. Novel, Indonesia.
Lulofs, Madelon. Rubber: A Romance of the Dutch East Indies. 1931.
Lulofs, Madelon. The Other World. 1933.
Luo Guan Zhong [Lo Kuan-chung]. San Guo Zhi Yan Yi [San Kuo Chih Yen I]. Trans. by C.H.
Brewitt-Taylor as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, 1925.
* Ly Qui Chung, ed. Between Two Fires. 1970. Short stories from Vietnam.
Ly Singko and Leon Comber, trans. Modern Malaysian Chinese Stories. 1967.
Ma Huan. Ying-yai Sheng-lan: 'The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores'. 1433, trans. J.V.G.
Mills, 1970. Records of Ming voyages to South/SEAsia.
Mabbett, Hugh. The Balinese. 1985.
"Mahieu, Vincent" [Jan Boon]. The Hunt for the Heart: Selected Tales from the Dutch East Indies.
1955/60, trans. 1995.
Malaka, Tan. From Jail to Jail. Ed. and trans. by Helen Jarvis. 1990. Autobiography.
Malraux, Andre. Antimemoires. 1967; trans. 1968. On China, Indochina.
Malraux, Andre. La Condition Humaine. 1933. Trans. as Man's Fate, 1934. Novel, China.
Malraux, Andre. The Conquerors. 1928; trans. 1929. Novel, HK.
Markandaya, Kamala. Nectar in a Sieve. 1954. Novel, India.
Marr, David G., ed. Reflections from Captivity: Phan Boi Chau's Prison Notes [and] Ho Chi Minh's
Prison Diary. 1978. Vietnam.
Masters, John. Bhowani Junction. 1960. Novel, India.
Masters, John. Nightrunners of Bengal. 1955. Historical novel, India. See also Coromandel (1958),
The Deceivers (1955), etc.
Masters, John. The Road Past Mandalay: A Personal Narrative. 1961. WWII India.
Mathews, Anna. The Night of Purnama. 1965. Eruption of Gunung Agung, Bali, in 1963.
Maugham, W. Somerset. Maugham's Borneo Stories. 1976 selection (by G.V. de Freitas) from The
Complete Short Stories of Somerset Maugham.
* Maugham, W. Somerset. Maugham's Malaysian Stories. 1969 selection (by Anthony Burgess)
from The Complete Short Stories of Somerset Maugham.
Maugham, W. Somerset. On a Chinese Screen. 1922. Travels on the Yangzi.
May, Someth. Cambodian Witness: The Autobiography of ... Ed. James Fenton. 1986.
Mayo, Katherine. Mother India. 1927. Controversial journalistic "expose." McCarthy, James.
Surveying and Exploring in Siam [: With Descriptions of Lao Dependencies and of Battles Against
the Chinese Haws]. 1900; reprint 1994.
McKenna, Richard. The Sand Pebbles: A Novel. 1962. On China.
McPhee, Colin. A House in Bali. 1944; reprint 1979.
Mehta, Gita. Karma Cola. 1980. Essays, India.
Mehta, Gita. Snakes and Ladders: Glimpses of India. 1997.
Mehta, Ved. Daddyji. Biography.
Mehta, Ved. Delinquent Chacha. Novel.
Mehta, Ved. Walking the Indian Streets. Rev. ed. 1971. See also Portrait of India (1973), Mahatma
Gandhi and his Apostles (1977), The New India (1978), A Family Affair: India Under Three Prime
Ministers (1982), Rajiv Gandhi and Rama's Kingdom (1994).
Melville, James. "Superintendant Otani" detective novels, Japan.
Menen, Aubrey. The Prevalence of Witches. 1947. Novel, India.
Mishima, Yukio. Hojo no Umi. Tetralogy of novels, translated 1972-74 as The Sea of Fertility:
Spring Snow [Haru no Yuki], Runaway Horses [Homma], The Temple of Dawn [Akatsuki no Tera],
The Decay of the Angel [Tennin Gosui]. See also The Temple of the Golden Pavilion [Kinkajuki]
(1956; trans. 1971), The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea [Gogo no Eiko] (trans. 1967),
Forbidden Colours [Kinjiki] (trans. 1968), many more.
Mirsky, Jeannette, ed. The Great Chinese Travelers. 1964.
Mjoberg, Eric. Forest Life and Adventures in the Malay Archipelago. 1928.
Moore, Cornelia J., ed. Insulinde: Selected Translations from Dutch Writers of Three Centuries on
the Indonesian Archipelago. 1978.
Mo, Timothy. The Monkey King. 1978. Novel, Hong Kong. See also his Sour Sweet (1982), An
Insular Possession (1986), etc.
Moorhouse, Geoffrey. Calcutta. 1971.
Moorhouse, Geoffrey. To the Frontier.
Moorhouse, Geoffrey. Apples in the Snow: A Journey to Samarkand. 1990. Sequel to To the
Mongkut, King. King of Siam Speaks. 1958.
Morin, Edward, ed. The Red Azalea: Chinese Poetry Since the Cultural Revolution. 1990.
Morgenthaler, Hans. Matahari. 1923; reprint 1994 as Impressions of the Siamese-Malayan Jungle:
A Tin-Prospector's Adventures in Southern Thailand.
Morley, John David. Pictures from the Water Trade: An Englishman in Japan. 1985.
Morris, Ivan, ed. Modern Japanese Short Stories: An Anthology. 1962.
* Morris, Ivan. The World of the Shining Prince: Court Life in Ancient Japan. 1964.
Morris, James [Jan]. The "Britannica" trilogy: Heaven's Command: An Imperial Progress (1973),
Pax Britannica: The Climax of an Empire (1968), and Farewell the Trumpets: An Imperial Retreat
(1978). Popular history of British India.
* "Multatuli" [Edward Douwes Dekker]. Max Havelaar, or the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch
Trading Company. 1860. Novel, Indonesia. Translations by Roy Edwards (1967) and by W.
Siebenhaar (1984).
Murasaki, [Lady] Shikibu. Genji Monogatari. 10th-century novel, Japan, trans. as The Tale of Genji
by Arthur Waley (1935), many others.
Myrdal, Jan. Chinese Journey. 1965. See also (with Gun Kessle) Gates to Asia: A Diary from a
Long Journey (1971), and The Silk Road: A Journey from the High Pamirs and Ili through Sinkiang
and Kansu. 1977; trans. 1979.
* Myrdal, Jan. Report from a Chinese Village. 1963; trans. 1965. Followed by China: The
Revolution Continued (with Gun Kessle; 1970) and Return to a Chinese Village (1984).
Myrdal, Jan. India Waits. 1986.
Naipaul, V.S. Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey. 1981.
* Naipaul, V.S. An Area of Darkness. 1964. India. See also India: A Wounded Civilization (1977),
and India: A Million Mutinies Now (1990) Narayan, R.K. The Bachelor of Arts. 1937. Novel, India.
See also The Dark Room (1938), Swami and Friends (1944), Mr. Sampath--The Printer of Malgudi
(1949), The Financial Expert: A Novel (1952), Waiting for the Mahatma (1955), The Guide (1958),
The Man-Eater of Malgudi (1963), The English Teacher, etc.
Narayan, R.K. Gods, Demons and Others. 1965. Hindu mythology.
Natsume, Soseki. Botchan. 1904, trans. 1922. Novel, Japan.
Nehru, Jawaharlal. The Discovery of India. 1946.
Nehru, Jawaharlal. Jawaharlal Nehru: An Autobiography. 1936. Reprint 1941 as Towards Freedom:
The Autobiography of .... Cf. I. Gandhi.
New, Christopher. A Change of Flags. 1990. Novel, HK.
New, Christopher. The Chinese Box. 1975. Novel, HK.
New, Christopher. Shanghai: A Novel. 1985.
Newby, Eric. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush. 1968.
Newby, Eric. Slowly Down the Ganges. 1966.
Ngo Vinh Long. Before the Revolution: The Vietnamese Peasants Under the French. 1973. Includes
short stories.
* Nguyen Du. The Tale of Kieu, trans. Huynh Sanh Thong 1973; bilingual edition 1983. Classic
poem-story, ca. 1820.
Nguyen Thi Dinh. No Other Road to Take. 1976. Memoirs, Vietnam.
Nicolson, Harold. Journey to Java. 1957.
Nieuwenhuys, Rob. Mirror of the Indies: A History of Dutch Colonial Literature. 1982.
* Nimmo, H. Arlo. The Songs of Salanda and Other Stories of Sulu. 1994.
Norodom Sihanouk, Prince. My War with the C.I.A.: Cambodia's Fight for Survival. 1973.
Nu, U. [U Nu,] Saturday's Son. 1975. Memoirs, Burma.
O'Hanlon, Redmond. Into the Heart of Borneo: An account of a journey made in 1983 to the
mountains of Batu Tiban with James Fenton. 1984.
Ooka Shohei. Fires on the Plain. Novel, WWII Philippines.
Ooka Shohei. Furyoki. 1952; trans. 1996 as Taken Captive: A Japanese POW's Story.
* Orwell, George. Burmese Days: A Novel. 1934.
* Osborne, Milton. River Road to China: The Mekong River Expedition, 1866-1873. 1975.
Paget, Roger K., ed. and trans. Indonesia Accuses! Soekarno's Defence Oration in the Political
Trial of 1930. 1975.
Palmos, Frank. Ridding the Devils: Vietnam Revisited. 1990.
Payne, Robert. Forever China. 1945. See also China Awake (1947). The two combined and
abridged as Chinese Diaries, 1941-1946 (1970). Reportage.
Perron, E. du. Country of Origin. 1935; trans. 1984. Novel, Indonesia.
Peyrefitte, Alain. L'empire immobile: ou le choc des mondes. 1989; trans. as The Immobile Empire,
AKA The Collision of Two Civilizations: The British Expedition to China 1792-4. 1992.
Phathanothai, Sirin, with James Peck. The Dragon's Pearl: Growing Up Among China's Elite. 1994.
Memoirs, Thai woman.
Polotan, Kerima. The Hand of the Enemy. 1962. Fiction.
Polprasid, Sanya. The Edge of the Empire. 1988. Historical novel, Thailand.
* Pomeroy, William J. The Forest: A Personal History of the Huk Guerrilla Struggle in the
Philippines. 1965.
Poncins, Gontran de. From a Chinese City [in the Heart of Peacetime Vietnam]. 1957, trans. 1991.
On Cholon (Saigon).
Ponder, H.W. Java Pageant: Impressions of the 1930's. 1934. See also Java Panorama: More
Impressions of the 1930's (1942).
Powell, Hickman. The Last Paradise: [An American's `Discovery' of Bali in the 1920s]. 1930;
reprint 1982.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Awakenings. 1991.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The Fugitive [Perburuan]. 1950; trans. 1975, 1990. Novel, Java.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer. A Heap of Ashes.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The Bura Tetralogy: This Earth of Mankind [Buni manusia] (1980; trans.
1982); Child of All Nations [Anak semua bangsa] (1981; trans. 1993), Footsteps [Jejak langkah]
(1985; trans. 1990), and House of Glass [Rumah kaca] (1988; trans. 1992). Novels, Indonesia.
* Pramoj, Kukrit. Red Bamboo. 1961. Novel, Thailand.
Pramoj, Kukrit. Si Phaendin (Four Reigns). 1981. Novel, Thailand.
Pridi; see Banomyong.
Prochnau, Frank. Once Upon a Distant War. 1995. Journalists in VN War.
Pruitt, Ida. A China Childhood. 1978.
Pruitt, Ida. A Daughter of Han: The Autobiography of a Chinese Working Woman. 1967. ("From
the story told her by Ning Lao T'ait'ai") Pruitt, Ida. Old Madam Yin: A Memoir of Peking Life,
1926-1938. 1979.
Pu Yi [Pu I]. Wo te chien pan sheng [Wo de qian ban sheng]. 1964; trans. as From Emperor to
Citizen: The Autobiography of AsianGioro Pu Yi (1964), as The Last Manchu: The Autobiography of
Henry Pu Yi (1967).
Rajanubhab, H.R.H. Prince Damrong. Journey through Burma in 1936. 1991.
* Rizal, Jose. Noli Me Tangere. 1887. Trans. as The Lost Eden, 1968. Novel, Philippines.
Rizal, Jose. El Filibusterismo. 1891. Trans. as The Subversive, 1968. Novel, Philippines.
Romulo, Carlos. I Saw the Fall of the Philippines. 1942. Reportage.
Romulo, Carlos. I Walked with Heroes. 1961. Autobiography.
Romulo, Carlos, with Beth Day Romulo. The Philippine Presidents: Memoirs of ... 1988.
Rumphius, G.E. The Poison Tree: Selected Writings of Rumphius on the Natural History of the
Indies. Ed. E.M. Beekman. 1981.
Rushdie, Salman. East, West: Stories. 1994.
Rushdie, Salman. Midnight's Children. 1981. Novel, India.
Rushdie, Salman. Shame. 1983. Novel.
Salleh Ben Joned. As I Please. 1994. Malaysian essays.
Santos, Bienvenido N. Memory's Fictions: A Personal History. 1993. Memoirs, Philippines.
Santos, Bienvenido N. The Volcano. 1965. Novel, Philippines.
Santos, Bienvenido N. You Lovely People. 1955. Stories, Philippines. See also Brother, My
Brother: A Collection of Stories (1960); The Day the Dancers Came (1967), etc.
Sastroamijoyo, Ali. Milestones on My Journey. 1979. Memoirs, Indonesia.
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. China: The Long-Lived Empire. 1900.
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. Java, The Garden of the East. 1899.
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. Winter India. 1903.
Schafer, Edward H. The Golden Peaches of Samarkand: A Study of T'ang Exotics. 1963.
Schafer, Edward H. Shore of Pearls. 1969. On Hainan Island.
Schafer, Edward H. The Vermilion Bird: T'ang Images of the South. 1967.
Schanberg, Sydney. The Death and Life of Dith Pran. On Cambodia; basis for film, "The Killing
Fields." Schendel, Arthur van. John Company. 1932. Historical novel, Indonesia.
Scott, J. George ["Shway Yoe"]. The Burman: His Life and Notions. 1882; reprint 1963.
Scott, Paul. The Raj Quartet: The Jewel in the Crown (1966); The Day of the Scorpion (1968); The
Towers of Silence (1971); A Division of the Spoils (1975). Novels, India. See also The Birds of
Paradise (1962), The Chinese Love Pavilion (1960), Staying On (1977).
Seagrave, Gordon. Burma Surgeon. 1943. Memoirs. See also Burma Surgeon Returns (1946).
Seagrave, Sterling. Dragon Lady: The Life and Legend of the Last Empress of China, 1992. Cf.
K.A. Carl, Wu Yung.
Seagrave, Sterling. The Marcos Dynasty. 1988.
Seagrave, Sterling. The Soong Dynasty. 1985.
Sei Shonagan. The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagan. Trans. Arthur Waley (1928), Ivan Morris (1971).
Sesser, Stan. The Lands of Charm and Cruelty: Travels in Southeast Asia. 1994.
Seth, Vikram. From Heaven Lake: Travels through Sinkiang and Tibet. 1983.
Seth, Vikram. A Suitable Boy: A Novel. 1993.
Shahnon Ahmad. No Harvest but a Thorn [Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan]. 1966; trans. 1972. Novel,
Shahnon Ahmad. Rope of Ash (Rentong). 1965; trans. 1979. Novel, Malaya.
Shi[h] Nai-an. Shui Hu Chuan. Translated as All Men Are Brothers by Pearl Buck, 1933, as Water
Margin by J.H. Jackson, 1963, and as Outlaws of the Marsh, by Sidney Shapiro, 1981. Classic
Chinese adventure.
Sihanouk; see Norodom Sihanouk.
Sjahrir, Soetan. Out of Exile. Trans. 1969. Memoirs, Indonesia.
Smithies, Michael, ed. The Siamese Embassy to the Sun King: The Personal Memorials of Kosa
Pan. 1990. On 1686-87 embassy.
Smyth, H. Warington. Five Years in Siam, From 1891-1896. 1898.
Soetomo. Toward a Glorious Indonesia: Reminiscences and Observations of Dr. Soetomo. Ed. Paul
W. Van der Veur.
South East Asia Writes Back. 1993. Anthology.
Sparrow, Gerald. The Green Garuda. 1972. Stories of Thailand. See also The Golden Orchid, No
Other Elephant, The Star Sapphires.
Sparrow, Gerald. Not Wisely But Too Well. 1961. Travels, Thailand.
Spence, Jonathan D. The Death of Woman Wang. 1978. 17th-century China.
Spence, Jonathan D. Emperor of China: A Self-Portrait of K'ang-hsi. 1974.
Spence, Jonathan D. God's Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan. 1996.
Spence, Jonathan D. The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci. 1984. 17thcentury China.
Spence, Jonathan D. The Question of Hu. 1988. 18th-century Chinese convert.
Statler, Oliver. Japanese Inn. 1961.
Statler, Oliver. Japanese Pilgrimage. 1983.
Stein, [Mark] Aurel. Ruins of Desert Cathay: Personal Narrative of Exploration in Central Asia and
Westernmost China. 1912. See also Sand-buried Ruins of Khotan (1903), Ancient Khotan (1907),
Serindia (1921), Innermost Asia (1928), On Alexander's Track to the Indus (1929), On Ancient
Central-Asian Tracks (1933).
Stephens, Harold. Asian Portraits. 1983. Anecdotes of expats.
Sudham, Pira. Monsoon Country. 1988. Novel, Thailand.
* Sukarno. Sukarno: An Autobiography: As Told to Cindy Adams. 1965. Cf. Adams, Paget.
Sully, Francois, ed. We the Vietnamese: Voices from Vietnam. 1971.
Swain, Jon. River of Time. 1996. Memoirs, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Sweeney, Amin [trans.]. Reputations Live On: An Early Malay Autobiography. 1980.
Sweeney, Amin, and Nigel Phillips, trans. The Voyages of Mohamed Ibrahim Munshi. 1975.
Szekely, Ladislao. Tropic Fever: The Adventures of a Planter in Sumatra. 1937; trans. 1979.
Tachard, Guy. Voyage de Siam: des peres jesuites. 1687. Trans. as A Relation of the Voyage to
Siam Performed by Six Jesuits sent by the French King, to the Indies and China, in the year, 1685.
See also Second voyage ... (1689), in French.
Tagore, Rabindranath. Collected Poems and Plays. 1936; reprint 1989.
Tagore, Rabindranath. Glimpses of Bengal: Selected from the letters of ... 1885-1895. 1921; reprint
1991. See also My Reminiscences (1917; reprint 1991); Letters to a Friend (1928); The Diary of a
Westward Voyage (trans. 1962).
Tagore, Rabindranath. Hungry Stones and Other Stories. 1916. See also Mashi (1918), many more.
* Takeyama Michio. Harp of Burma. 1946; trans. 1966. Novel.
* Tan Kok Seng. Son of Singapore: The Autobiography of a Coolie. 1972. ("Rendered into English
by the Author in Collaboration with Austin Coates") See also Man of Malaysia (1974); Eye on the
World (1975).
Tan Kok Seng. Three Sisters of Sz. 1979. Novel, Malaysia.
Tantri, K'tut. Revolt in Paradise. 1960. Memoirs, Indonesia.
Taruc, Luis. Born of the People. 1953. Memoirs, Philippines.
Taylor, Captain Meadows. Confessions of a Thug. 1839; reprint 1968. Novel, India.
Teeuw, A. and D.K. Wyatt, trans. and ed. Hikayat Patani: The Story of Patani. 1970. Malay
Teichman, Eric. Journey to Turkestan. 1937; reprint 1988.
Teichman, Eric. Travels of a Consular Officer in Eastern Tibet ... 1922.
Teichman, Eric. Travels of a Consular Officer in North-West China. 1921 Terzani, Angela. Chinese
Days. 1988. Memoir/reportage.
Terzani, Tiziano. The Forbidden Door. 1984; trans. 1985; reprint 1986 as Behind the Forbidden
Door: Travels in Unknown China.
Theroux, Paul. The Consul's File. 1977. Stories, Malaysia.
* Theroux, Paul. The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia. 1975.
Theroux, Paul. Riding the Iron Rooster: By Train Through China. 1988.
Theroux, Paul. Saint Jack. 1973. Novel, Singapore.
Thomas, Leslie. The Virgin Soldiers. 1966. Novel, Malaya. See also "Virgin Soldier" sequels.
Thubron, Colin. Behind the Wall: A Journey Through China. 1987.
Thubron, Colin. The Lost Heart of Asia. 1994. Travels, Central Asia.
Thumboo, Edwin. Gods Can Die.
Thumboo, Edwin, ed. The Fiction of Singapore. 1990. Anthology. See also The Poetry of Singapore
(1985), and The Second Tongue: An Anthology of Poetry from Malaysia and Singapore.
Tirabutana, Prajuab. A Simple One: The Story of a Siamese Girlhood. 1958.
Toer; see Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
Trager, Helen G., ed. We the Burmese: Voices from Burma. 1969.
Tran Tu Binh. The Red Earth: A Vietnamese Memoir of Life on a Colonial Rubber Plantation.
Travers, Thomas. The Journal of Thomas Otho Travers, 1813-1820. Ed. by John Bastin. 1960.
Trevor-Roper, Hugh. A Hidden Life: The Enigma of Sir Edmund Backhouse, AKA Hermit of
Peking: The Hidden Life of Sir Edmund Backhouse. 1976.
Trullinger, J.W. Village at War: An Account of Revolution in Vietnam. 1980.
Truong Nhu Tang. A Viet Cong Memoir, AKA Journal of a Vietcong. 1986.
* Tuchman, Barbara. Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45, AKA Sand Against
the Wind. 1970.
Tung Chieh-yuan. Xi Xiang Ji [Hsi Hsiang Chi]. Trans. by Li-li Ch'en as Master Tung's Western
Chamber Romance. Cf. Wang Shi Fu.
Vajiranana [Varoros]. Autobiography: The Life of Prince-Patriarch Vajiranana of Siam, 1860-1921.
Trans. and ed. C.J. Reynolds. 1979.
* Van Gulik, Robert. "Judge Dee" mystery novels, China.
Van Tien Dung. Our Great Spring Victory: An Account of the Liberation of South Vietnam. 1977.
Vaughan, J.D. The Manners and Customs of the Chinese of the Straits Settlements. 1879; reprint
Vietnam Resource Center. Vietnamese Women in Society and Revolution: 1. The French Colonial
Period. 1974. Includes stories.
Waley, Arthur, trans. Chin Ping Mei: The Adventurous History of Hsi Men and His Six Wives.
Waley, Arthur, trans. A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems. 1919. And many more.
Waley, Arthur. The Poetry and Career of Li Po. 1950.
Waley, Arthur; see also Collis (Foreign Mud), Murasaki, Sei, Wu Ch'eng-en.
Wallace, Alfred Russel. The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orangutan and the Bird of
Paradise: A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Nature and Man. 1869.
Wang Shi Fu. Xi Xiang Ji [Hsi Hsiang Chi]. Trans. as The Romance of the Western Chamber by
S.I. Hsiung (1968), by T.C. Lai and Ed Gamarekian (1973). Cf. Tung Chieh-yuan.
Wells, Carveth. Six Years in the Malay Jungle. 1925.
West, F.J., Jr. The Village. 1972. On VN War West, Morris. The Ambassador. 1965. Novel, VN.
White, John. A Voyage to Cochin China. 1824; reprint 1972.
White, Theodore H. The Mountain Road. 1958. Novel, China.
White, Theodore H. In Search of History: A Personal Adventure. 1978.
White, Theodore H., and Annalee Jacoby. Thunder Out of China. 1946; reprint 1961. Reportage on
* Whiting, Robert. You Gotta Have Wa. 1989. On baseball in Japan.
Wild, Colin, and Peter Carey, eds. Born in Fire: The Indonesian Struggle for Independence: An
Anthology. 1986.
Williams, J.H. Elephant Bill. 1950. Memoirs, Burma.
Wilson, Greta O., trans. and ed. Regents, Reformers, and Revolutionaries: Indonesian Voices of
Colonial Days. 1978.
Winstedt, Sir Richard. A Herd of Wild Bungalows. 1934.
Winstedt, Sir Richard. Start from Alif, Count from One: An Autobiographical Memoire. 1969.
* Wintle, Justin. Romancing Vietnam: Inside the Boat Country. 1991. Travel.
Wiser, William H. and Charlotte Viall Wiser. Behind Mud Walls. 1930. Indian village study,
updated in 1963 and 1971.
Wit, Augusta de. Java: Facts and Fancies. 1912; reprint 1984.
Wolf, Margery. The House of Lim: A Study of a Chinese Farm Family. 1968.
Wood, Frances. Did Marco Polo Go to China? 1995.
Wood, Heather. Third Class Ticket. 1984. Travel.
* Wood, W.A.R. Consul in Paradise: Sixty-nine years in Siam. 1965.
Woodruff, Philip. [Philip Mason] The Men Who Ruled India. Vol 1: The Founders; vol. 2: The
Guardians. 1954.
Woolf, Leonard. The Village in the Jungle. 1913; reprint 1961. Novel, Sri Lanka.
Wong, Jan. Red China Blues. 1996. Memoirs.
Wriggins, Sally Hovey. Xuanzang: a Buddhist Pilgrim on the Silk Road. 1996.
Wu Cheng'en. Xiyou ji [hsi-yu chi]. Trans. by Arthur Waley, as Monkey (1944; abridged as Dear
Monkey, 1973, and Adventures of the Monkey God, 1993), by Anthony Yu as The Journey to the
West (1977), and by W.J.F. Jenner, as Journey to the West (1984-90).
Wu Yung (Yu Chuan). The Flight of an Empress. Ed. Ida Pruitt. 1937. On Empress Dowager
Tzu-hsi; cf. K.A. Carl, S. Seagrave.
Wurlitzer, Rudolph. Hard Travel to Sacred Places. 1994. Travels in mainland SE Asia.
Zhu Hong, trans. The Serenity of Whiteness: Stories by and about Women in Contemporary China.

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