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Statutory Construction Reviewer

Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera

%aw& in its 'ura( and generic sense& re)ers to t*e w*o(e +ody or syste,
o) (aw.
In its 'ura( and concrete sense& (aw ,eans a ru(e o) conduct )or,u(ated and ,ade o+(igatory +y (egiti,ate /ower o)
t*e state.
statues enacted +y t*e (egis(ature
/residentia( decree
e3ecutive orders
Note0 1 and 2 are ,ade +y t*e /resident in t*e e3ercise o) *is (egis(ative /ower.
ot*er /residentia( issuance in t*e e3ercise o) *is ordinance
ru(ings o) t*e Su/re,e Court
ru(es and regu(ation /ro,u(gated +y ad,inistrative or
e3ecutive o))icers /ursuant to a de(egated /ower
ordinances /assed +y %$U
Statute is an act o) (egis(ature as an organi9ed +ody& e3/ressed in t*e )or,& /assed according to t*e /rocedure&
re:uired to constitute it as /art o) t*e (aw o) t*e (and.
%aws w*ic* *as t*e sa,e category and +inding )orce are0 /residentia( decrees issued during Martia( (aw and
e3ecutive orders issued under t*e reedo, Constitution.
Ty/es o) statutes0
/assed +y t*e "*i(i//ine %egis(ature
"*i(i//ine Co,,ission
"*i(i//ine %egis(ature
8atasang "a,+asna
Congress o) t*e "*i(i//ines
Made +y t*e /resident
"residentia( decrees -#;72 constitution.
E3ecutive orders -reedo, Constitution.
Ot*er ty/es o) Statues
"u+(ic Statute0 w*ic* a))ects t*e /u+(ic at (arge or t*e w*o(e
co,,unity< c(assi)ications0
genera(= w*ic* a//(ies to t*e w*o(e state and o/erates t*roug*out t*e state a(i>e u/on a(( t*e /eo/(e or a(( o) a c(ass<
s/ecia(= w*ic* re(ates to a /articu(ar /ersons or t*ings o) a
c(ass or to a /articu(ar co,,unity& individua( or t*ing<
(oca(= w*ose o/eration is con)ined to a s/eci)ic /(ace or
"rivate Statute0 a//(ies on(y to a s/eci)ic /erson or su+'ect
Ty/es according to ?uration0
/er,anent statute0 w*ose o/eration is not (i,ited in duration
+ut continues unti( re/ea(ed<
te,/orary statute0 w*ose duration is )or a (i,ited /eriod o) ti,e )i3ed in t*e statute itse() or w*ose (i)e ceases u/on
t*e *a//ening o) an event.
In res/ect to t*eir a//(ication0
re,edia(& and
Manner o) re)erring to statutes
"u+(ic Acts0
"*i(i//ine Co,,ission and "*i(i//ine %egis(ature #;@#=#;25
Co,,onwea(t* Acts0 enacted during t*e Co,,onwea(t*
Re/u+(ic Acts0 /assed +y Congress o) t*e "*i(i//ines #;46=
#;71 and )ro, #;A7
Note0 Statutes ,ay +e re)erred to +y its seria( nu,+er& or its tit(e.
%egis(ative /ower is t*e /ower to ,a>e& a(ter& and re/ea(s (aws.
Under t*e #;72 and )reedo, constitution& t*e /resident e3ercised
(egis(ative /ower w*ic* re,ained va(id unti( re/ea(ed.
%$U can enact ordinances wit*in t*eir own 'urisdiction& +ut suc* (aws are in)erior and su+ordinate to t*e (aws o) t*e
state. -"ri,icias v. Munici/a(ity o) Urdaneta..
Ad,inistrative or e3ecutive o))icer can ,a>e ru(es and regu(ations
to i,/(e,ent s/eci)ic (aws.
Essentia( )eature o) t*e (egis(ative )unction is t*e deter,ination o) t*e (egis(ative /o(icy and its )or,u(ation and
/ro,u(gation as a de)ined and +inding ru(e o) conduct
"age # o) 2
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
A +i(( is a /ro/osed (egis(ative ,easure introduced +y a ,e,+er o)
Congress )or enact,ent into (aw.
"assage o) a +i((0
A +i(( s*a(( e,+race on(y one su+'ect w*ic* s*a(( +e e3/ressed in t*e tit(e t*ereo). It s*a(( +e signed +y its aut*or and
)i(ed wit* t*e Secretary o) t*e !ouse.
A +i(( ,ay originate in t*e (ower or u//er *ouse e3ce/t a//ro/riation& revenue or tari)) +i((s& +i((s aut*ori9ing
increase o) /u+(ic de+t& +i((s o) (oca( a//(ication& /rivate +i((s& w*ic* s*a(( originate e3c(usive(y in t*e !ouse o)
A +i(( is a//roved +y eit*er *ouse a)ter it *as gone t*ree readings on se/arate days e3ce/t w*en t*e "resident
certi)ies to t*e necessity o) its i,,ediate enact,ent.
T*e Secretary re/orts )or t*e )irst reading& w*ic* consists o) reading t*e nu,+er and tit(e o) t*e +i((& )o((owed +y its
re)erra( to t*e a//ro/riate Co,,ittee )or study and reco,,endation.
Second Reading0 t*e +i(( s*a(( +e read in )u(( wit* t*e a,end,ents /ro/osed +y t*e Co,,ittee& i) any& un(ess co/ies
t*ereo) are distri+uted and suc* reading is dis/ensed wit*. A)ter t*e a,end,ents& t*e +i(( wi(( +e voted on second
T*ird reading0 t*e +i(( a//roved on second reading wi(( +e su+,itted )or )ina( vote +y yeas and nays. No
a,end,ents ,ay +e introduced.
T*e +i(( a//roved on t*e t*ird reading +y one *ouse is trans,itted to t*e ot*er *ouse )or concurrence& w*ic* wi((
)o((ow t*e sa,e /rocedures as a +i(( origina((y )i(ed wit* it.
I) t*e ot*er *ouse introduces a,end,ents and t*e !ouse )ro, w*ic* it originated does not agree wit* said
a,end,ents& t*e di))erences wi(( +e sett(ed +y t*e Con)erence Co,,ittee o) +ot* c*a,+ers& w*ose re/ort or
reco,,endation t*ereon wi(( *ave to +e a//roved +y +ot* !ouses in order t*at it wi(( +e considered /assed +y
Congress and t*erea)ter sent to t*e "resident )or action.
I) t*e "resident s*a(( veto it& and i) a)ter suc* consideration& two= t*irds o) a(( t*e Me,+ers o) suc* !ouse s*a((
agree to /ass t*e +i((& it s*a(( +e sent& toget*er wit* t*e o+'ections& to t*e ot*er !ouse +y w*ic* it s*a(( (i>ewise +e
reconsidered& and i) a//roved +y two=t*irds o) a(( t*e Me,+ers o) t*at !ouse& it s*a(( +eco,e a (aw.
A +i(( /assed +y Congress +eco,es a (aw in eit*er o) t*ree ways0
W*en t*e "resident signs it
W*en t*e "resident does not sign nor co,,unicate *is veto o) t*e
+i(( wit*in t*irty days a)ter *is recei/t t*ereo)
W*en t*e vetoed +i(( is re/assed +y Congress +y two=t*irds vote o)
a(( its ,e,+ers& voting se/arate(y.
"rocedure )or enact,ent o) a//ro/riations and revenue +i((s is sa,e
wit* ordinary +i((s& +ut it ,ay on(y co,e )ro, t*e (ower *ouse.
A//ro/riations +i(( are su+'ect to t*e restrictions or :ua(i)ications as
/rovided in t*e Constitution CArt VI& Sec. 15D and CArt. VI Sec. 17 -1.D
T*e (aw,a>ing /rocess in Congress ends w*en t*e +i(( is a//roved +y
t*e +ody. A//rova( is indis/ensa+(e to t*e va(idity o) t*e +i((.
T*e syste, o) aut*entication devised is t*e signing +y t*e S/ea>er
and t*e Senate "resident o) t*e /rinted co/y o) t*e a//roved +i((& to signi)y to t*e "resident t*at t*e +i(( +eing
/resented to *i, *as +een du(y a//roved +y t*e (egis(ature and is ready )or *is a//rova( or re'ection.
T*e Constitution re:uires t*at eac* !ouse s*a(( >ee/ a 'ourna( CArt. VI Sec. #6-4.D. T*e Eourna( is regarded as
conc(usive wit* res/ect to ,atters t*at are re:uired +y t*e Constitution to +e recorded t*erein. Wit* res/ect to ot*er
,atters& in t*e a+sence o) evidence to t*e contrary& t*e Eourna(s *ave a(so +een accorded conc(usive e))ect.
Considerations o) /u+(ic /o(icy (ed to t*e ado/tion o) t*e ru(e giving verity -trut*. and uni,/eac*a+i(ity to
(egis(ative records. FI,/erative reasons o) /u+(ic /o(icy re:uire t*at t*e aut*enticity o) (aws s*ou(d rest u/on /u+(ic
,e,oria(s o) t*e ,ost /er,anent c*aracter. T*at t*e rig*ts ac:uired today u/on t*e )ait* o) w*at *as +een dec(ared
to +e (aw s*a(( not +e destroyed to,orrow& or at so,e re,ote /eriod o) ti,e& +y )acts resting on(y in t*e ,e,ory o)
Enro((ed 8i((0 Under t*e enro((ed +i(( doctrine& t*e te3t o) t*e act as
/assed and a//roved is dee,ed i,/orting a+so(ute veracity and is +inding on t*e courts. It is conc(usive not on(y o)
its /rovisions +ut a(so o) its due enact,ent.
I) t*ere *as +een any ,ista>e in t*e /rinting o) t*e +i(( +e)ore it was certi)ied +y t*e o))icer o) t*e asse,+(y and
a//roved +y t*e c*ie) e3ecutive& t*e re,edy is +y a,end,ent +y enacting a curative (egis(ation& not +y 'udicia(
decree -Casco "*i(. C*e,ica( Co.& Inc. v. $i,ene9.
W*ere t*ere is discre/ancy +etween t*e 'ourna( and t*e enro((ed +i((& t*e (atter as a ru(e /revai(s over t*e )or,er&
/articu(ar(y wit* res/ect to ,atters not e3/ress(y re:uired to +e entered in t*e 'ourna(.
T*e (egis(ative 'ourna(s and t*e enro((ed +i(( are +ot* conc(usive u/on t*e courts. !owever& w*ere t*ere is
discre/ancy& t*e enro((ed +i(( as a ru(e /revai(s& /articu(ar(y wit* res/ect to ,atters not e3/ress(y re:uired to +e
entered into t*e (egis(ative 'ourna(.
T*e S/ea>er and t*e Senate "resident ,ay wit*draw t*eir signatures )ro, t*e signed +i(( w*ere t*ere is serious and
su+stantia( discre/ancy +etween t*e te3t o) t*e +i(( as de(i+erated and s*own +y t*e 'ourna( and t*at o) t*e enro((ed
+i((. It t*us& renders t*e +i(( wit*out attestation and nu((i)ies its status as an enro((ed +i((.
T*e court can dec(are t*at t*e +i(( *as not +een du(y enacted and did not
according(y +eco,e a (aw -Astorga v. Vi((egas
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Tit(e0 every +i(( /assed s*a(( e,+race on(y one su+'ect w*ic* s*a(( +e e3/ressed in t*e tit(e. T*is /rovisions contains
dua( (i,itations u/on t*e (egis(ature0
T*e (egis(ature is to re)rain )ro, cong(o,eration& under one
statute& o) *eterogeneous su+'ects.
T*e tit(e o) t*e +i(( is to +e couc*ed in a (anguage su))icient to noti)y t*e (egis(ators and t*e /u+(ic and t*ose
concerned o) t*e i,/ort o) t*e sing(e su+'ect t*ereo).
"ur/ose o) one tit(e=one su+'ect ru(e0
To /revent *odge=/odge or (og=ro((ing (egis(ation
To /revent sur/rise or )raud u/on (egis(ature& +y ,eans o) /rovisions in +i((s o) w*ic* t*e tit(e gave no in)or,ation&
and w*ic* ,ig*t t*ere)ore +e over(oo>ed and care(ess(y and unintentiona((y ado/ted
To )air(y a//rise t*e /eo/(e t*roug* suc* /u+(ication o) (egis(ative /roceedings as is usua((y ,ade& o) t*e su+'ects o)
t*e (egis(ation t*at are +eing *eard t*ereon
T*ese re:uire,ents s*ou(d +e (i+era((y construed -"eo/(e v. 8uenvia'e.. It s*ou(d not +e given a tec*nica(
inter/retation& nor narrow(y construed as to cri//(e or i,/ede t*e /ower o) (egis(ation -To+ias v. A+a(os.. -Cordero
vs. Ca+atuando.
Tit(e o) t*e statute is used as a guide in ascertaining (egis(ative intent w*en t*e (anguage o) t*e act does not c(ear(y
e3/ress its /ur/ose.
W*en t*ere is dou+t as to w*et*er t*e tit(e su))icient(y e3/resses t*e su+'ect ,atter o) t*e statute& t*e :uestion
s*ou(d +e reso(ved against t*e dou+t and in )avor o) t*e constitutiona(ity o) t*e statute -Insu(ar %u,+er vs. Court o)
Ta3 A//ea(s.
Note0 T*ere is su))icient co,/(iance wit* t*e one=tit(e=su+'ect re:uire,ent
i) t*e tit(e +e co,/re*ensive enoug* to reasona+(y inc(ude t*e genera( o+'ect w*ic* a statute see>s to e))ect& wit*out
eac* and every end and ,eans necessary or convenient )or acco,/(is*ing t*e su+'ect.
i) a(( /arts o) t*e (aw are re(ated and ger,ane to t*e su+'ect
,atter e3/ressed in t*e tit(e.
I) t*e tit(e indicates in +road or c(ear ter,s& t*e nature& sco/e&
and conse:uences o) t*e (aw and its o/erations.
T*e ti(e s*ou(d not +e cata(ogue or inde3 o) t*e +i(( -"eo/(e v.
Tit(es ending wit* Fand )or ot*er /ur/osesH e3/resses not*ing as a
co,/(iance wit* t*e constitutiona( re:uire,ent.
It does not a//(y to (aws in )orce e3isting at t*e ti,e t*e #;25 Constitution too> e))ect -"eo/(e v.
Va(ensoy.& nor to ,unici/a( or city ordinances +ecause t*ey do not /arta>e o) t*e nature o) (aws /assed +y t*e
E))ect /) insu))iciency o) tit(e
A statue w*ose tit(e does not con)or, to t*e one tit(e=su+'ect
or is not re(ated to its su+'ect is nu(( and void.
I) su+'ect ,atter o) statute is not su))icient(y e3/ressed in its tit(e& on(y t*e une3/ressed su+'ect ,atter is void
(eaving t*e rest in )orce.
Enacting C(ause0 /art o) t*e statute written i,,ediate(y a)ter t*e tit(e
t*ereo) w*ic* states t*e aut*ority +y w*ic* t*e act is enacted
"rea,+(e0 /re)atory state,ent or e3/(anation or a )inding o) )acts&
reciting t*e /ur/ose& reason& or occasion )or ,a>ing t*e (aw to w*ic* it is /re)i3ed. %aws /assed +y (egis(ature
se(do, contain t*e /rea,+(e +ecause t*e state,ent e,+odying t*e /ur/ose& reason& etc is contained in t*e
e3/(anatory note. "residentia( decrees and E3ecutive Orders genera((y *ave /rea,+(es.
"urview or +ody o) a statute0 /art w*ic* te((s w*at t*e (aw is a((
Note0 A co,/(e3 and co,/re*ensive /iece o) (egis(ation usua((y contains0 a s*ort tit(e& a /o(icy section& de)inition
section& ad,inistrative section& sections /rescri+ing standards or conduct& section i,/osing sanctions )or vio(ation o)
its /rovisions& transitory /rovision& se/ara+i(ity c(ause& re/ea(ing c(ause& and e))ectivity c(ause.
T*e constitutiona( re:uire,ent t*at a +i(( s*ou(d *ave on(y one su+'ect ,atter w*ic* s*ou(d +e e3/ressed in its tit(e
is co,/(ied wit* w*ere t*e /rovisions t*ereo)& no ,atter *ow diverse t*ey ,ay +e& are a((ied and ger,ane to t*e
su+'ect& or negative(y stated& w*ere t*e /rovisions are not inconsistent wit*& +ut in )urt*erance o)& t*e sing(e su+'ect
,atter -"eo/(e v. Car(os..
Se/ara+i(ity C(ause0 /art o) a statute& w*ic*
states t*at i) any /rovision o) t*e act is dec(ared inva(id& t*e re,ainder s*a(( not +e a))ected t*ere+y. Suc* c(ause is
not contro((ing and t*e courts ,ay& in s/ite o) it& inva(idate t*e w*o(e statute w*ere w*at is (e)t& a)ter t*e void /art& is
not co,/(ete and wor>a+(e.
"residentia( Issuances0 t*ose w*ic* t*e "resident issues in t*e
e3ercise o) *is ordinance /ower& w*ic* *ave t*e )orce and e))ect o) (aw.
T*ey inc(ude0
Ad,inistrative orders= acts o) t*e "resident w*ic* re(ate to t*e
/articu(ar as/ects o) govern,enta( o/erations in /ursuance o) *is duties
as ad,inistrative *ead.
"roc(a,ations= acts o) t*e "resident )i3ing a date or dec(aring a
statute or condition o) /u+(ic ,o,ent or interest& u/on t*e e3istence o)
w*ic* t*e o/eration o) a s/eci)ic (aw or regu(ation is
Me,orandu, Orders= acts o) t*e "resident on ,atters o)
ad,inistrative detai( or o) su+ordinate or te,/orary interest w*ic* on(y
concern a /articu(ar o))icer or o))ice o) t*e govern,ent.
Me,orandu, Circu(ars= acts o) t*e "resident on ,atters re(ating to
interna( ad,inistration w*ic* t*e "resident desires to +ring to t*e attention o) a(( or so,e o) t*e de/art,ents&
agencies& +ureaus& or o))ices o) t*e govern,ent& )or in)or,ation or co,/(iance.
$enera( or s/eci)ic orders= acts and co,,ands o) t*e "resident in
*is ca/acity as Co,,ander=in@C*ie) o) t*e Ar,ed orces o) t*e
E3ecutive Orders0 acts o) t*e "resident /roviding )or ru(es o) a
genera( or /er,anent c*aracter in t*e i,/(e,entation or e3ecution o) constitutiona( or statutory /owers& w*ic* do
not *ave t*e )orce o) statutes.
T*e ru(e ,a>ing /ower o) t*e Su/re,e Court inc(udes t*e /ower to re/ea( /rocedura( (awsB /arts o) statues w*ic*
dea( wit* /rocedura( as/ects can +e ,odi)ied or re/ea(ed +y t*e SC +y virtue o) its constitutiona( ru(e=,a>ing
/ower. SC does not *ave t*e /ower to /ro,u(gate ru(es w*ic* are su+stantive in nature< ru(es /ro,u(gated +y t*e,
,ust o/erate on(y as to regu(ate /rocedure. I) it o/erates as a ,eans o) i,/(e,enting an e3isting rig*t t*en t*e ru(es
dea(s ,ere(y wit* /rocedure.
Ru(es and regu(ations issued +y ad,inistrative or e3ecutive o))icers& in accordance wit* and as aut*ori9ed +y (aw
*ave t*e sa,e )orce and e))ect o) (aw or /arta>e t*e nature o) a statute&
In case o) discre/ancy or con)(ict +etween t*e +asic (aw and t*e regu(ations issued to i,/(e,ent it& t*e )or,er
/revai(s over t*e (atter -Wise J Co. v. Meer.. or it is e(e,entary /rinci/(e in statutory construction t*at a statute is
su/erior to an ad,inistrative regu(ation and t*e )or,er cannot +e re/ea(ed or a,ended +y t*e (atter -C*ina 8an>ing
Cor/. v. C.A...
T*e ru(e=,a>ing /ower o) a /u+(ic ad,inistrative agency is a de(egated
(egis(ative /ower.
T*e /ower to )i((=in detai(s in t*e e3ecution& en)orce,ent or ad,inistration o) (aw& it is essentia( t*at t*e said (aw -a.
+e co,/(ete in itse()= it ,ust set )ort* t*erein t*e /o(icy to +e e3ecuted& carried out or i,/(e,ented +y t*e de(egate<
-+. )i3 a standard= t*e (i,its o) w*ic* are su))icient(y deter,ina+(e=to w*ic* t*e de(egate ,ust con)or, in t*e
/er)or,ance o) *is )unctions& ,ar>s its (i,its and ,a/s out its +oundaries.
A statutory grant o) /owers s*ou(d not +e e3tended +y i,/(ication +eyond w*at ,ay +e necessary )or t*eir 'ust and
reasona+(e e3ecution. It is a3io,atic t*at a ru(e or regu(ation ,ust +ear u/on& and +e consistent wit*& t*e /rovisions
o) t*e enacting statute i) suc* ru(e or regu(ation is to +e va(id.
W*en an ad,inistrative agency /ro,u(gates ru(es and regu(ations& it K,a>esL a new (aw wit* t*e )orce and e))ect o)
a va(id (aw& w*ic* are +inding on t*e courts. W*en it renders an o/inion or gives a state,ent o) /o(icy& it ,ere(y
inter/rets a /ree3isting (aw< it is on(y advisory& )or it is t*e courts t*at )ina((y deter,ine w*at t*e (aw ,eans.
8aranggay ordinance0
Sangguniang +arangay0 s,a((est (egis(ative +ody< ,ay /ass an ordinance
a))ecting a +arangay +y a ,a'ority vote o) a(( its ,e,+ers. Its ordinance is su+'ect to review +y sangguniang +ayan
or /an(ungsod& to deter,ine i) it is in accordance wit* ,unici/a( or city ordinance. Sangguniang 8ayan or
/an(ungsod s*a(( ta>e action on t*e ordinance wit*in 2@ days )ro, su+,ission.
Munici/a( Ordinance
Sangguniang 8ayan0 a))ir,ative vote o) a ,a'ority o) t*e ,e,+ers o) t*e
sangguniang +ayan& t*ere +eing a :uoru,. Ordinance is t*en su+,itted to t*e ,unici/a( ,ayor& w*o wit*in #@ days
)ro, recei/t s*a(( return it wit* *is a//rova( or veto. T*e ordinance is t*en su+,itted to sangguniang /an(a(awigan
)or review& w*o wit*in 2@ days ,ay inva(idate it in w*o(e or in /art.
City Ordinance
Sangguniang /an(ungsod= a))ir,ative vote o) a ,a'ority o) t*e ,e,+ers o) t*e
sangguniang /an(ungsod /resent& and t*ere +eing a :uoru,. A//roved ordinance s*a(( +e su+,itted to t*e ,ayor&
w*o wit*n #@ days s*a(( return it wit* a//rova( or *is veto. T*e Sangguniang ,ay re/ass a vetoed ordinance. I) t*e
city is a co,/onent city& t*e a//roved ordinance is su+,itted to t*e Sanguniang /an(a(awigan& w*o s*a(( act wit*in
2@ days.
"rovincia( Ordinance
Sangguniang /an(a(awigan= +y a vote o) a ,a'ority o) t*e ,e,+ers /resent&
t*ere +eing a :uoru,& enact ordinance t*at wi(( a))ect t*e /rovince. T*e ordinance is )orwarded to t*e governor w*o&
wit*in #5 days& s*a(( return it wit* *is a//rova( or veto. A vetoed ordinance ,ay +e re/assed +y two=t*irds vote.
Every statute is /resu,ed va(id. To dec(are a (aw unconstitutiona(& t*e re/ugnancy o) t*e (aw to t*e Constitution
,ust +e c(ear and une:uivoca(. To stri>e down a (aw& t*ere ,ust +e a c(ear s*owing t*at w*at t*e )unda,enta( (aw
conde,ns or /ro*i+its& t*e statute a((ows it to +e done.
A(( reasona+(e dou+ts s*ou(d +e reso(ved in )avor o) t*e constitutiona(ity
o) (aw. To dou+t is to sustain.
T*e )ina( aut*ority to dec(are a (aw unconstitutiona( is t*e SC en +anc +y t*e Fconcurrence o) a ,a'ority o) t*e
Me,+ers w*o actua((y too> /art in t*e de(i+erations.H
Tria( courts *ave 'urisdiction to initia((y decide t*e issue o)
constitutiona(ity o) a (aw in a//ro/riate cases.
8e)ore t*e court ,ay reso(ve t*e :uestion o) constitutiona(ity& t*e
)o((owing re:uisites s*ou(d +e /resent0
E3istence o) an a//ro/riate case B actua( cas
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
An interest /ersona( and su+stantia( +y t*e /arty raising t*e
T*e /(ea t*at t*e )unction +e e3ercised at t*e ear(iest o//ortunity
T*e necessity t*at t*e constitutiona( :uestion +e /assed u/on in
order to decide t*e case.
%ega( Standing -(ocus Standi.= a /ersona( and su+stantia( interest in t*e case suc* t*at t*e /arty *as sustained or wi((
sustain direct in'ury as a resu(t o) t*e govern,enta( act t*at is +eing c*a((enged.
!ow a citi9en ac:uires standing0
!e *as su))ered so,e actua( or t*reatened in'ury as a resu(t o) t*e
a((eged(y i((ega( conduct o) govern,ent
In'ury is )air(y tracea+(e to t*e c*a((enged action.
In'ury is (i>e(y to +e redressed +y a )avora+(e action
Ta3 /ayers (ega( standing0
W*en it is esta+(is*ed t*at /u+(ic )unds *ave +een dis+ursed in a((eged contravention o) t*e (aw or t*e constitution&
or in /reventing t*e i((ega( e3/enditure o) ,oney raised +y ta3ation.
!e wi(( sustain a direct in'ury as a resu(t o) t*e en)orce,ent o) t*e
:uestioned statute.
T*e SC ,ay ta>e cogni9ance o) a suit w*ic* does not satis)y t*e re:uire,ents o) (ega( standing< t*e Court *as
ado/ted a (i+era( attitude on t*e (ocus standi o) a /etitioner w*ere t*e /etitioner is a+(e to cra)t an issue o)
transcendenta( signi)icance to t*e /eo/(e or /ara,ount i,/ortance to t*e /u+(ic.
Constitutiona(ity ,ust +e raised at t*e ear(iest /ossi+(e ti,e. I) t*e :uestion is not raised in t*e /(eadings& ordinari(y
it ,ay not +e raised at t*e tria(& and i) not raised in t*e tria(& it wi(( not +e considered in a//ea(.
t*e :uestion ,ay raised in a ,otion )or reconsideration or new tria( in t*e (ower court& w*ere t*e statute soug*t to +e
inva(idated was not in e3istence w*en t*e co,/(aint was )i(ed or during t*e tria(
t*e :uestion o) va(idity ,ay a(so +e raised in cri,ina( cases at any
stage o) t*e /roceedings.
In civi( cases w*ere it a//ears c(ear(y t*at a deter,ination o) t*e :uestion is necessary to a decision and incases
w*ere it invo(ved t*e 'urisdiction o) t*e court +e(ow.
Test o) constitutiona(ity
A stature ,ay +e dec(ared unconstitutiona( +ecause0
it is not wit*in t*e (egis(ative /ower to enact
or it creates or esta+(is*es ,et*ods or )or,s t*at in)ringe
constitutiona( /rinci/(es
its /ur/ose or e))ect vio(ates t*e constitution
it is vague. It is vague w*en it (ac>s co,/re*ensive standards t*at ,en o) co,,on inte((igence ,ust necessari(y
guess at its ,eaning and di))er in its a//(ication.
T*e c*ange o) circu,stances or conditions ,ay a))ect t*e va(idity o) so,e statues& s/ecia((y t*ose so=ca((ed
e,ergency (aws designed s/eci)ica((y to ,eet certain contingencies.
Wit* res/ect to ordinances& t*e test o) va(idity are0
Must not contravene t*e constitution or any statute
Must not +e un)air or o//ressive
Must not +e /artia( or discri,inatory
Must not /ro*i+it +ut ,ay regu(ate trade
Must +e genera( and consistent wit* /u+(ic /o(icy
Must not +e unreasona+(e
E))ects o) unconstitutiona(ity
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at an unconstitutiona( act is not a (aw.
it con)ers no rig*ts.
it a))ord no /rotection
it i,/oses no duties
it creates no o))ice
it is ino/erative as t*oug* it *ad never +een /assed.
Regard s*ou(d +e *ad to w*at *as +een done w*i(e t*e statute was in o/eration and /resu,ed to +e va(id. !ence& its
o/erative )act +e)ore a dec(aration o) nu((ity ,ust +e recogni9ed.
T*ere are two view on t*e e))ects o) a dec(aration o) t*e
unconstitutiona(ity o) a statute0
Ort*odo3 View == An unconstitutiona( (aw con)ers no rig*t& is
not a (aw& i,/oses no duties& a))ords no /rotection< in (ega(
conte,/(ation& it is ino/erative& as i) it *ad not +een /assed.
Modern View= = T*e court in /assing u/on t*e :uestion o)
constitutiona(ity does not annu( or re/ea( t*e statute i) it is unconstitutiona(& it si,/(y re)uses to recogni9e it and
deter,ines t*e rig*ts o) t*e /arties 'ust as i) t*e statute *ad no e3istence. It does not re/ea(& su/ersede& revo>e or
annu( t*e statute. T*e /arties to t*e suit are conc(uded +y t*e 'udg,ent& +ut no one e(se is +ound.
Inva(idity due to c*ange o) conditions
T*e genera( ru(e as to t*e e))ects o) unconstitutiona(ity o) a statute is not a//(ica+(e to a statute t*at is dec(ared
inva(id +ecause o) t*e c*ange o) circu,stances a))ecting its va(idity. It +eco,es inva(id on(y +ecause t*e c*ange o)
conditions ,a>es its continued o/eration vio(ative o) t*e Constitution& and according(y& t*e dec(aration o) its nu((ity
s*ou(d a))ect on(y t*e /arties invo(ved in t*e case& and its e))ects a//(ied /ros/ective(y.
"artia( Inva(idity
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at w*ere /art o) a statute is void as re/ugnant to t*e Constitution& w*i(e anot*er /art is va(id&
t*e va(id /ortion& i) se/ara+(e )ro, t*e inva(id& ,ay stand and +e en)orced
Note0 E3ce/tions to t*is ru(e0 w*en t*e /arts are so ,utua((y de/endent and connected. T*e /resence o) se/ara+i(ity
c(ause creates t*e /resu,/tion t*at t*e (egis(ature intended se/ara+i(ity& rat*er t*an co,/(ete nu((ity o) t*e statute.
W*en (aws ta>e e))ect
Art 1 o) t*e Civi( Code /rovides t*at F%aws s*a(( ta>e e))ect a)ter
)i)teen days )o((owing t*e co,/(etion o) t*eir /u+(ication in t*e
O))icia( $a9ette& un(ess it is ot*erwise /rovided.H
A(( (aws or statutes& inc(uding t*ose o) (oca( a//(ication and /rivate (aw s*a(( +e /u+(is*ed as a condition )or t*eir
e))ectivity -TaMada v. Tuvera.& ot*erwise it wou(d vio(ate t*e due /rocess c(ause o) t*e constitution.
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at w*ere t*e (aw is si(ent as to its e))ectivity& or w*ere it /rovides t*at it s*a(( ta>e e))ect
i,,ediate(y or u/on its a//rova(& suc* (aw s*a(( ta>e e))ect a)ter #5 days )ro, its /u+(ication in t*e O))icia(
T*e co,/(etion o) /u+(ication& )ro, w*ic* date t*e /eriod o) /u+(ication wi(( +e counted& re)ers to t*e date o)
re(ease o) t*e O.$. or news/a/er )or circu(ation and not to its date& un(ess t*e two dates coincide.
T*e re:uire,ent o) /u+(ication as a condition )or t*e e))ectivity o) statues a//(ies to "residentia( Issuances& e3ce/t
t*ose w*ic* are ,ere(y inter/retative or interna( in nature not concerning t*e /u+(ic.
W*en /residentia( issuance& ru(es& and regu(ations ta>e e))ect
T*e re:uire,ent o) /u+(ication a(so a//(ies to "residentia(
E3ce/tions0 t*ose w*ic* are ,ere(y inter/retative or interna( in nature not
concerning t*e /u+(ic.
Ru(es and regu(ations o) ad,inistrative and e3ecutive o))icers are
o) two ty/es0
W*ose /ur/ose is to i,/(e,ent or en)orce e3isting (aw /ursuant to a va(id de(egation or to )i(( in t*e detai(s o) a
statute< w*et*er t*ey are /ena( or non=/ena(< t*is re:uires /u+(ication.
t*ose are ,ere(y inter/retative in nature or ,ere(y interna( in
c*aracter not concerning t*e /u+(ic& does not need /u+(ication.
In addition& t*e #;A7 Ad,inistrative Code /rovides t*at
Every agency s*a(( )i(e wit* t*e U.". %aw center t*ree co/ies o) every ru(e ado/ted +y it. Ru(es in )orce on t*e date
o) e))ectivity o) t*is Code w*ic* are not )i(ed wit*in 2 ,ont*s )ro, t*at date s*a(( not +e t*e +asis o) any sanction
against any /arty or /ersons.
Eac* ru(e s*a(( +eco,e e))ective #5 days )ro, t*e date o) )i(ing as a+ove /rovided un(ess a di))erent date is )i3ed +y
(aw& or s/eci)ied in t*e ru(e in cases o) i,,inent danger to /u+(ic *ea(t*&
"u+(ication and )i(ing re:uire,ents are indis/ensa+(e to t*e e))ectivity o) ru(es and regu(ations& e3ce/t w*en t*e (aw
aut*ori9ing its issuance dis/enses t*e )i(ing re:uire,ents.
W*en (oca( ordinance ta>e e))ect.
%oca( ordinance s*a(( ta>e e))ect a)ter #@ days )ro, t*e date a co/y
t*ereo) is /osted in a +u((etin +oard at t*e entrance o) t*e /rovincia( ca/ito( or city& ,unici/a(& or +arangay *a((& as
t*e case ,ay +e& and in at(east two ot*er cons/icuous /(aces in t*e (oca( govern,ent unit.
t*e secretary to t*e sanggunian s*a(( cause t*e /osting o) t*e
ordinance wit*in 5 days a)ter its a//rova(.
T*e gist o) a(( ordinances wit* /ena( sanctions s*a(( +e /u+(is*ed in a news/a/er o) genera( circu(ation& wit*in t*e
/rovince w*ere t*e (oca( (egis(ative +ody concerned +e(ongs.
In case o) *ig*(y ur+ani9ed and inde/endent co,/onent cities& t*e ,ain )eature o) t*e ordinance or reso(ution du(y
enacted or ado/ted s*a((& in addition to +eing /osted& +e /u+(is*ed once in a (oca( news/a/er o) genera( circu(ation
wit*in t*e city.
Un(ess a statute is +y its /rovisions )or a (i,ited /eriod on(y& it continues in )orce unti( c*anged or re/ea(ed +y t*e
(egis(ature. %aw once esta+(is*ed continues unti( c*anged +y so,e co,/etent (egis(ative /ower. It is not c*anged +y
c*ange o) sovereignty.
Manner o) co,/uting ti,e0
W*ere a statute re:uires t*e doing o) an act wit*in a s/eci)ied nu,+er o) days& suc* as ten days& )ro, notice& It
,eans #@ ca(endar days and not wor>ing days.
W*ere t*e word Fwee>H is used as a ,easure o) ti,e and wit*out re)erence to t*e ca(endar& it ,eans a /eriod o)
seven consecutive days wit*out regard to t*e day o) t*e wee> )ro, w*ic* it +egins -"N8 v. C.A..
Year0 265 days
,ont*s0 2@ days e3ce/t i) t*e ,ont*s are designated +y t*eir
days0 14 *ours
nig*ts0 )ro, sunrise to sunset
wee> == a /eriod o) 7 consecutive days wit*out regard to t*e
day o) t*e wee> )ro, w*ic* it +egins.
Civi( code ado/ts t*e 265 day year and t*e 2@=day ,ont* and not
t*e ca(endar year not t*e so(ar ,ont*.
T*e e3c(ude= t*e N)irst and inc(ude t*e (ast day ru(e governs t*e co,/utation o) a /eriod. I) t*e (ast day )a((s on a
Sunday or (ega( *o(iday& t*e act can sti(( +e done t*e )o((owing day. T*e /rinci/(e does not a//(y to t*e co,/utation
o) t*e /eriod o) /rescri/tion o) a cri,e& in w*ic* t*e ru(e is t*at i) t*e (ast days in t*e /eriod o) /rescri/tion o) a
)e(ony )a((s on a Sunday or (ega( *o(iday& t*e in)or,ation concerning said )e(ony cannot +e )i(ed on t*e ne3t wor>ing
day& as t*e o))ense *as +een +y t*en a(ready /rescri+ed
Construction and Inter/retation
?e)inition o) Construction
It is t*e art or /rocess o) discovering and e3/ounding t*e ,eaning and intention o) t*e aut*ors o) t*e (aw& w*ere t*at
intention is rendered dou+t)u( +y reason o) t*e a,+iguity in its (anguage or t*e )act t*at t*e given case is not
e3/(icit(y /rovided )or in t*e (aw.
It is t*e drawing o) warranted conc(usions res/ecting su+'ects t*at (ie +eyond t*e direct e3/ression o) t*e te3t&
conc(usions w*ic* are in t*e s/irit& t*oug* not wit*in t*e (etter o) t*e te3t.
?i))erence +etween construction and inter/retation
Inter/retation N art o) )inding t*e true ,eaning and sense o) any )or,
o) words
Construction N /rocess o) drawing warranted conc(usions res/ecting su+'ects t*at (ie +eyond t*e direct e3/ressions
or deter,ining t*e a//(ication o) words to )acts in (itigation.
Note0 A(t*oug* t*ere is tec*nica( distinction +etween t*e two& t*ey are a(i>e in
/ractica( resu(ts.
In /ractice and co,,on usage& t*ey *ave t*e sa,e
Ru(es o) construction& genera((y
Ru(es o) construction are too(s used to ascertain t*e (egis(ative intent +ecause in enacting a statute& t*e (egis(ature is
/resu,ed to >now t*e ru(es o) statutory construction.
W*en t*ere is a,+iguity in t*e (anguage o) a statute& t*e ru(es o) statutory construction is e,/(oyed +y t*e courts in
order to ascertain t*e true intent and ,eaning o) t*e (aw.
Ru(es o) statutory construction *ave no +inding e))ect on t*e courts.
T*ey are on(y used to c(ari)y& not to de)eat& (egis(ative intent.
"ur/ose or o+'ect o) construction
Cardina( ru(e in inter/retation0 to ascertain& and give e))ect to& t*e
intent o) (aw.
T*e so(e o+'ect o) a(( 'udicia( inter/retation o) a statute is to deter,ine (egis(ative intent& w*at intention is conveyed&
wit*er e3/ress(y or i,/(ied(y.
%egis(ative intent& genera((y
It is t*e essence o) t*e (aw.
It is t*e s/irit& w*ic* gives (i)e to (egis(ative enact,ent. Intent ,ust +e en)orced w*en ascertained& a(t*oug* it ,ay
not +e consistent wit* t*e strict (etter o) t*e statute.
Intent is e:uated wit* t*e words0 /ur/ose& ,eaning and s/irit.
%egis(ative /ur/ose
T*e reason w*y a /articu(ar statue was enacted.
%egis(ation de)ined
It is an active instru,ent o) govern,ent& w*ic*& )or /ur/oses o) inter/retation&
,eans t*at (aws *ave ends to +e ac*ieved.
Statutes s*ou(d +e so construed so as not to de)eat +ut to carry out
suc* ends and /ur/oses. -%ite3 E,/(oyees Assn v. Eduva(a..
%egis(ative ,eaning
It is w*at t*e (aw& +y its (anguage& ,eans. W*at it co,/re*ends&
covers or e,+races& (i,its and con)ines are.
%egis(ative intent and ,eaning are synony,ous. T*us0 I T!ERE IS AM8I$UITY IN T!E %AN$UA$E USE? IN
T*e courts& +y 'udicia( construction wi(( give e))ect to suc* intent.
Matters in:uired into in construing a statute
ascertain t*e intention or ,eaning o) t*e statute -interna( e(e,ent.
see w*et*er t*e intention or ,eaning *as +een e3/ressed in suc*
a way as to give it (ega( e))ect and va(idity -e3terna( e(e,ent.
%ega( act t*en originates in intention and is /er)ected +y
e3/ o) t*e (atter ,ay de)eat t*e )or,er.
Source o) (egis(ative intent
"ri,ary source0 statute itse().
CORNERS O T!E %AW -Rega(ado vs. Yu(o.
W*ere t*e words and /*rases o) a statute are not o+scure or a,+iguous& its ,eaning and t*e intention o) t*e
(egis(ature ,ust +e deter,ined )ro, t*e (anguage e,/(oyed. -8.E. San ?iego& Inc. vs. CA.
Ot*er source
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
/ur/ose o) t*e statute
t*e reason or cause w*ic* induced t*e enact,ent o) t*e (aw
t*e ,isc*ie) to +e su//ressed
t*e /o(icy w*ic* dictated its /assage.
I) t*ese sources )ai(& t*e court ,ay (oo> into t*e e))ect o) t*e (aw.
Note0 Eudicia( (egis(ation N *a//ens w*en t*e court (oo>s into t*e e))ect o) t*e
(aw wit*out ascertaining t*e ot*er sources o) (egis(ative intent.
Construction is a 'udicia( )unction
T*e /ower and duty to inter/ret or construe a statue or t*e Constitution
+e(ong to t*e 'udiciary.
A Su/re,e Court construes t*e a//(ica+(e (aw in controversies w*ic*
are ri/e )or 'udicia( reso(ution..
Moot and acade,ic cases N cases w*erein0
/ur/ose *as +eco,e sta(e
w*ere no /ractica( re(ie) can +e granted
w*ic* *ave no /ractica( e))ect
T*e court ,ay nonet*e(ess reso(ve a ,oot case w*ere /u+(ic interest
re:uires its reso(ution.
%aws are not inter/reted in a vacuu,& t*ey are a(ways decided +ased on )acts. T*us& F%AWS ARE INTER"RETE?
AN? AIR%Y ?IS"ENSE?H -"*i(i//ines Today& Inc vs. N%RC..
%egis(ature cannot overru(e 'udicia( construction
%egis(ature ,ay indicate its construction o) a stature in t*e )or, o) a reso(ution or dec(aratory act 8UT it *as no
/ower to overru(e t*e inter/retation or construction o) a statute or t*e constitution +y t*e Su/re,e Court& )or
inter/retation is a 'udicia( )unction assigned to t*e (atter +y t*e )unda,enta( (aw.
Reason0 8ecause o) t*e /rinci/(e o) se/aration o) /owers.
(egis(ature ,ay enact and ,a>e (aws +ut as to inter/retation and a//(ication o) said (aws +e(ong e3c(usive(y to t*e
'udicia( de/art,ent.
W*en 'udicia( inter/retation ,ay +e set aside0
T*e Su/re,e Court itse() ,ay& in a//ro/riate case& c*ange or
overru(e its /revious construction.
T*e ru(e t*at Su/re,e Court *as t*e )ina( word in t*e inter/retation o) a statue ,ere(y ,eans t*at t*e (egis(ature
cannot& +y (aw or reso(ution& ,odi)y or annu( t*e 'udicia( construction
wit*out ,odi)ying or re/ea(ing t*e very statute w*ic* *as +een t*e
su+'ect o) construction.
W*en court ,ay construe statute0
T*ere ,ust +e dou+t or a,+iguity in its (anguage. ON%Y STATUTES WIT! AN AM8I$UOUS OR ?OU8TU%
A,+iguity N a condition o) ad,itting two or ,ore ,eanings& o) +eing understood in ,ore t*an one way or o)
re)erring to two or ,ore t*ings at t*e sa,e ti,e.
Court ,ay not construe w*ere t*e statute is c(ear.
Construction or inter/retation co,es on(y a)ter it *as +een de,onstrate t*at a//(ication is i,/ossi+(e or inade:uate
wit*out it. It is t*e (ast )unction t*e court s*ou(d e3ercise& )or i) t*ere is ,ore a//(ication and (ess construction& t*ere
wou(d +e ,ore sta+i(ity in (aw.
Court ,ay not construe a statute t*at is c(ears and )ree )ro, dou+t. W!EN T!E %AW IS C%EAR& T!ERE IS NO
Munici/a(ity o) Naga.
ide(ity to suc* tas> /rec(udes construction and inter/retation& un(ess
a//(ication is i,/ossi+(e or inade:uate wit*out it.
W*en t*e (aw is )ree )ro, a,+iguity& t*e court ,ay not engra)t into t*e
(aw :ua(i)ications not conte,/(ated.
A ,eaning t*at does not a//ear nor is intended or re)(ected in t*e very
(anguage o) t*e statute cannot +e /(aced t*erein +y construction.
It is a /rinci/(e in statutory construction t*at w*ere t*e two statutes t*at a//(ies in a /articu(ar case& t*at w*ic* was
s/eci)ica((y designed )or t*e said case ,ust /revai( over t*e ot*er. -%a/id vs. CA.
Ru(ings o) t*e Su/re,e Court as /art o) t*e (ega( syste,.
%egis inter/retato (egis vi, o+tinet Naut*oritative inter/retation o) t*e Su/re,e Court or a statute ac:uires t*e )orce
o) (aw +y +eco,ing a /art t*ereo).
Ru(ings o) t*e SC are (aws in t*eir own rig*t +ecause t*ey inter/ret
w*at t*e (aw say or ,ean.
Stare decisis et non :uieta novere N ru(ings o) t*e su/re,e court& unti(
reversed& are +inding u/on in)erior courts.
A. Eudicia( ru(ing cannot +e given a retroactive e))ect +ecause dong so wi((
i,/air vested rig*ts. Nor ,ay 'udicia( ru(ing overru(ing a /revious on
+e a//(ied retroactive(y so as to nu((i)y a rig*t w*ic* arose under t*e
/revious ru(ing +e)ore its a+andon,ent
8. %e3 /ros/icit& non res/icit -t*e (aw (oo>s )orward not +ac>ward. N Art. 4
o) t*e civi( code.
C. T*e Su/re,e Court ,ay a+andon or overru(e its ear(ier decision
construing a statute w*enever it is rig*t and /ros/er to do so.
?. No doctrine or /rinci/(e o) (aw (aid down +y t*e Court in a decision rendered en +anc or in division ,ay +e ,odi)ied or
reversed e3ce/t +y t*e court sitting en +anc. Said ru(ing ,ust +e a//(ied /ros/ective(y.
E. T*e inter/retation o) a statute +y t*e Su/re,e Court re,ains to +e /art o) t*e (ega( syste, unti( t*e (atter overru(e it and
t*e new doctrine overru(ing t*e o(d is a//(ied /ros/ective(y in )avor o) t*e /ersons w*o *ave re(ied t*ereon in good
TO C%EAR%Y ?E%INEATE W!AT T!E %AW REIUIRES -e3. Case o) "eo/(e vs. errer w*ere t*e
court issued guide(ines )or /rosecution under t*e Anti=Su+version %aw..
Courts ,ay not en(arge nor restrict statutes -doing so wou(d +e
considered (aw ,a>ing..
Courts ,ay not revise even t*e ,ost ar+itrary and un)air
action o) t*e (egis(ature
Courts ,ay not rewrite t*e (aw to con)or, wit* w*at t*ey
t*in> s*ou(d +e t*e (aw.
Courts ,ay not inter/ret into t*e (aw a re:uire,ent w*ic* t*e
(aw does not /rescri+e.
Courts ,ust not +e in)(uenced +y :uestions o) wisdo,.
T*ey ,ust not /ass u/on :uestions o) wisdo,& 'ustice& or e3/edience o) (egis(ation& )or it is not wit*in t*eir /rovince
to su/ervise (egis(ation.
As (ong as (aws do not vio(ate t*e constitution& t*e courts ,ere(y inter/ret and a//(y t*e, regard(ess o) w*et*er or
not t*ey are wise or sa(utary.
Iuestions regarding wisdo,& ,ora(ity or /ractica+i(ity o) statutes are not addressed to t*e 'udiciary +y ,ay +e
reso(ved on(y t*e (egis(ative and e3ecutive de/art,ents.
$ENERA%%Y 0 W*ere t*e ,eaning o) a statute is a,+iguous& t*e court
,ay avai( itse() o) a(( (egiti,ate aids to construction in order t*at it can
ascertain t*e true intent o) t*e statue.
It serves as aid in case o) dou+t in its (anguage& to its construction
and ascertaining (egis(ative wi((.
Used +y t*e court to c(ear t*e o+scurity.
An aid w*en t*ere is dou+t as to t*e ,eaning o) t*e (aw.
t*at /art o) t*e statute written i,,ediate(y a)ter its tit(e& w*ic* states t*e /ur/ose& reason or 'usti)ication )or t*e
enact,ent o) t*e (aw.
E3/ressed in t*e KW*ereas C(auseL
Usua((y o,itted in statutes ,ade +y t*e congress. In its /(ace& t*ese (egis(ative +odies used t*e e3/(anatory note to
e3/(ain t*e reasons )or t*e enact,ent o) statutes.
Not an essentia( /art o) a statute.
T*us& w*ere t*e ,eaning i) a statute is c(ear and una,+iguous& t*e /rea,+(e can neit*er e3/and nor restrict its
o/eration& ,uc* (ess /revai( over its te3t.
It cannot +e used as +asis )or giving a statute a ,eaning not
a//arent on its )ace.
It ,ay c(ari)y a,+iguities -t*us it is t*e >ey o) t*e statute.
It ,ay e3/ress t*e (egis(ative intent to ,a>e t*e (aw a//(y retroactive(y& in w*ic* case t*e (aw *as to +e given
retroactive e))ect& so as to carry out suc* intent -"N8 v. O))ice o) t*e "resident..
%egis(ative intent s*ou(d according(y +e ascertained )ro, a consideration o) t*e w*o(e conte3t o) t*e stature and not
)ro, an iso(ated /art o) /articu(ar /rovision -A+oiti9 S*i//ing Cor/. v. City o) Ce+u..
T*e +est source )ro, w*ic* to ascertain t*e (egis(ative intent is t*e statute itse() N t*e words& /*rases& sentences&
sections& c(auses& /rovisions N ta>en as a w*o(e and in re(ation to one anot*er. -Co,,issioner o) Interna( Revenue v.
TMO Sa(es..
"UNCTUATION MARGS0 aids o) (ow degree and can never contro( t*e
inte((igi+(e ,eaning o) written words< ,ay +e used to c(ear a,+iguities.
"unctuation ,ar>s are aids o) (ow degree and can never contro( against t*e
inte((igi+(e ,eaning o) written word. T*e reason is t*at /unctuation ,ar>s are
not /art o) a stature< nor are t*ey /art o) t*e Eng(is* (anguage -e(iciano v.
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Se,i=co(on N indicates a se/aration in t*e re(ation o) t*e t*oug*t& a degree greater t*an t*at e3/ressed +y a co,,a.
Ma>es t*e di))erence +eing t*at t*e se,i=co(on ,a>es t*e division a (itt(e ,ore /ronounced
Co,,a N a(so se/arates t*e /arts and sentences& +ut (ess /ronounced
t*an t*e co,,a.
"eriod N used to indicate t*e end o) a sentence.
Note0 An argu,ent +ased u/on /unctuation a(one is not /ersuasive& and t*e courts wi(( not *esitate to c*ange t*e
/unctuation w*en necessary& to give t*e statute t*e e))ect intended +y t*e (egis(ature.
CA"ITA%IPATION O %ETTERS N a(so an aid o) (ow degree in t*e
construction o) statute.
!EA?NOTES OR E"I$RA"!S N convenient inde3 to t*e content o) its
In case o) dou+t or a,+iguity in t*e ,eaning o) t*e (aw or t*e intention o) t*e (egis(ature& t*ey ,ay +e consu(ted in
aid or inter/retation.
T*ey are not /art o) t*e (aw t*us& t*ey can never contro( t*e
/(ain ter,s o) t*e enacting c(auses.
W*en t*e te3t o) t*e statute is c(ear and una,+iguous& t*ere is neit*er necessity nor /ro/riety to resort to *eadings
and e/igra/*s )or t*e inter/retations o) t*e te3t.
T*ese secondary aids ,ay +e consu(ted to re,ove& +ut not to create& dou+t nor to (i,it or contro( t*e /(ain (anguage o)
t*e (aw.
"*i(i//ines (aws are o))icia( /ro,u(gated eit*er in0
#. Eng(is*
1. S/anis*
2. i(i/ino
4. Or eit*er in two suc* (anguages
i) te3t is in Eng(is* and S/anis*& Eng(is* te3t s*a(( govern.
8ut in case o) a,+iguity& o,ission& or ,ista>e& t*e S/anis*
te3t ,ay +e consu(ted to e3/(ain t*e Eng(is* te3t.
I) statute is o))icia((y /ro,u(gated in S/anis*& Eng(is* or in i(i/ino wit* trans(ations into ot*er (anguages& t*e
(anguage in w*ic* it is written /revai(s over its transaction.
In t*e inter/retation o) a (aw or ad,inistrative issuance /ro,u(gated in a(( t*e o))icia( (anguages -i(i/ino.& t*e
Eng(is* te3t s*a(( contro(& un(ess ot*erwise s/eci)ica((y /rovided. In
case o) a,+iguity& o,ission or ot*er ,ista>e& t*e ot*er te3ts
,ay +e consu(ted.
T*e intent or s/irit o) t*e (aw is t*e (aw itse()& t*us t*e (egis(ative intent is t*e contro((ing )actor& t*e (eading star and
t*e guiding (ig*t in t*e a//(ication and inter/retation o) a statute.
T*e s/irit rat*er t*an t*e (etter o) a stature deter,ines its construction.
I) (egis(ative intent is not e3/ressed in t*e (aw& t*e courts cannot +y inter/retation s/ecu(ate as to an intent and
su//(y a ,eaning not )ound in t*e /*raseo(ogy o) t*e (aw.
T*ey cannot assu,e an intent&
ot*erwise& t*ey wou(d +e usur/ing (egis(ative /ower.
"o(icy o) (aw.
T*e /o(icy o) t*e (aw& once ascertained s*ou(d +e given e))ect +y t*e
In order to acco,/(is* t*is& a statue o) a dou+t)u( ,eaning ,ust +e
given a construction t*at wi(( /ro,ote /u+(ic /o(icy.
A construction w*ic* wou(d carry into e))ect t*e evident /o(icy o) t*e (aw s*ou(d +e ado/ted in )avor o) t*at
inter/retation w*ic* wou(d de)eat it.
T*e )o((owing )actors ,ust +e considered in t*e construction o) a (aw0
t*e /ur/ose or o+'ect o) t*e (aw
,isc*ie) intended to +e re,oved or su//ressed
causes w*ic* induced t*e enact,ent o) t*e (aw.
T*e /ur/ose o) a statute is ,ore i,/ortant t*an ru(es o) gra,,ar and
(ogic in ascertaining its ,eaning.
T*e courts ,ay consu(t dictionaries& (ega(& scienti)ic or genera( as aid in deter,ining t*e ,eaning o) words or
/*rases in a statute i) said statutes does not de)ine t*e word and /*rases used t*erein.
!owever& t*ese de)initions are not +inding
In construing a statute& t*e o+'ective s*ou(d a(ways +e to arrive at a reasona+(e and sensi+(e inter/retation t*at is in
)u(( accord wit* t*e (egis(ative intent. As a genera( ru(e& a construction o) a statute s*ou(d +e re'ected t*at wi(( cause
in'ustice or *ards*i/<
resu(t in a+surdity<
de)eat (egis(ative intent or s/irit<
/rec(ude acco,/(is*,ent o) (egis(ative /ur/ose or o+'ect<
render certain words or /*rases a sur/(usage
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
nu((i)y t*e statute or ,a>e any o) its /rovision nugatory.
In construing a statue& t*e court ,ay /ro/er(y re(y on /resu,/tions as to (egis(ative intent in order to reso(ve dou+ts
as to its correct inter/retation.
"resu,/tion are +ased on0
co,,on sense
T*ese /resu,/tions inc(ude /resu,/tions in )avor o)0
constitutiona(ity o) a statute
o) its co,/(eteness
o) its /ros/ective o/eration
o) rig*t and 'ustice&
o) its e))ect& sensi+(e& +ene)icia( and reasona+(e o/eration as a
as we(( as t*ose against i,/ossi+i(ity& a+surdity& in'ustice and
*ards*i/& inconvenience and ine))ectiveness.
a(( antecedents )ro, t*e statutes ince/tion unti( its enact,ent into (aw.
Inc(udes t*e /residents ,essage i) +i(( was enacted in
res/onse t*ereto
E3/(anatory note acco,/anying t*e +i((
Co,,ittee re/orts o) (egis(ative investigations
"u+(ic *earings on t*e su+'ect o) t*e +i((
S/onsors*i/ s/eec*
?e+ates and de(i+erations concerning t*e +i((
A,end,ents and c*anges in /*raseo(ogy it *as undergone
+e)ore )ina( a//rova(.
I) statute is a revision o) /rior statute& t*e (atterLs /ractica( a//(ication and 'udicia( construction a,end,ents it
underwent and conte,/orary events during t*e ti,e o) its enact,ent s*a(( )or, /art o) its (egis(ative *istory.
oreign statute& *istory inc(udes0
#. *istory o) Ang(o=A,erican /recedents or ot*er )oreign sources
1. t*eir /ractica( a//(ication and t*e decision o) t*e courts construing and
a//(ying suc* /recedents in t*e country o) origin.
"residentLs ,essage to t*e (egis(ature
"residentLs address -State o) t*e Nation Address. N address to t*e
Congress at t*e o/ening o) t*e regu(ar session. Contains0
/ro/osed (egis(ative ,easures
indicates t*e /residentLs t*in>ing on t*e /ro/osed (egis(ation&
w*ic* w*en enacted into (aw& )o((ows *is (ine o) t*in>ing
E3/(anatory Note N a s*ort e3/osition o) e3/(anation acco,/anying a
/ro/osed (egis(ation +y its aut*or or /ro/onent. Contains0
state,ent o) t*e reason or /ur/ose o) t*e +i((
argu,ents advanced +y its aut*or in urging its /assage
T*e e3/(anatory not +e used as +asis )or giving a statute a ,eaning t*at is inconsistent wit* w*at is e3/ressed in t*e
te3t o) t*e statute.
E3/(anatory note is on(y resorted to on(y )or c(ari)ication in
case o) dou+t& and not w*ere t*ere is no a,+iguity in t*e (aw.
T*is is a ,ere e3/ression o) aut*orLs views and reasons )or t*e /ro/osed (egis(ation and ,ay not according(y
override t*e c(ear intent as e3/ressed in t*e statute
%egis(ative de+ates N ,ay +e resorted to w*en t*ere is dou+t as to w*at a /rovision o) a statute ,eans. !owever& t*e
views e3/ressed +y t*e (egis(ators during de(i+erations o) a +i(( as to t*e +i((Ls /ur/ose are not contro((ing in t*e
inter/retation o) t*e (aw.
T*e o/inions and views e3/ressed +y t*e (egis(ators during )(oor de(i+erations o)
a +i(( ,ay not +e given weig*t at a(( in any o) t*e )o((owing instances0
a. w*ere t*e circu,stances indicating ,eaning o) a statute ot*er t*an
t*at e3/ressed +y t*e (egis(ators
+. w*ere t*e views e3/ressed were con)(icting
c. w*ere t*e intent deduci+(e )ro, suc* views is not c(ear
d. w*ere t*e statute invo(ved is )ree )ro, a,+iguity.
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Re/orts o) co,,issions
#. Co,,issions N are usua((y )or,ed to co,/i(e and co((ate a(( (aws on a
/articu(ar su+'ect and to /re/are t*e dra)t o) t*e /ro/osed code.
1. S/ecia( co,,issions were created to dra)t t*e te3t o) t*e R"C and Civi(
"rior (aws )ro, w*ic* statute is +ased
#. In ascertaining t*e intention o) t*e (aw,a>er& courts are /er,itted to (oo> to /rior (aws on t*e sa,e su+'ect and to
investigate t*e antecedents o) t*e statute invo(ved.
1. T*is is a//(ica+(e in t*e inter/retation o)0
Revised or co,/i(ed statutes
2. "rior (aws& w*ic* *ave +een codi)ied& co,/i(ed or revised& revea( t*e (egis(ative *istory t*at wi(( c(ari)y t*e intent o) t*e
(aw or s*ed (ig*t on t*e ,eaning and sco/e o) t*e codi)ied or revised statute.
C*ange in /*raseo(ogy +y a,end,ents N a(so indicates (egis(ative
intent to c*ange t*e ,eaning o) /rovision )ro, t*at or origina((y *ad.
A,end,ent +y de(etion
A,end,ent +y de(etion o) certain words or /*rases in a statute indicates t*at t*e (egis(ature intended to c*ange t*e
,eaning o) t*e statute& )or t*e /resu,/tion is t*at t*e (egis(ature wou(d not *ave ,ade t*e de(etion *ad t*e intention
+een not to e))ect a c*ange in its ,eaning.
T*e a,ended statute s*ou(d according(y +e given a construction
di))erent )ro, t*at /revious to its a,end,ent.
RU%E0 An A,end,ent o) a statute indicates a c*ange in ,eaning )ro, t*at
w*ic* t*e statute origina((y *ad.
T*is a//(ies on(y w*en t*e de(eted words or /*rases are not sur/(usage or w*en t*e intention is c(ear to c*ange t*e
/revious ,eaning o) t*e o(d (aw.
T*e ru(e does not a//(y w*ere t*e intent is c(ear t*at t*e a,end,ent is /recise(y to /(ain(y e3/ress t*e construction
o) t*e act /rior to its a,end,ent.
In codi)ication o) statues or revision& neit*er a(teration in /*raseo(ogy not t*e o,ission or addition o) words in t*e
(atter statute wi(( +e *e(d to a(ter t*e construction o) t*e )or,er act or acts.
Ado/ted statues
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at w*ere (oca( statues are /attered a)ter or co/ied )ro, t*ose o) anot*er country& t*e decision o)
t*e courts in suc* country construing t*ose (aws are entit(ed to great weig*t in
t*e inter/retation o) suc* (oca( statues and wi(( +e genera((y )o((owed i) )ound reasona+(e and in *ar,ony wit*
'ustice& /u+(ic /o(icy and ot*er (oca( statues on t*e su+'ect.
E3a,/(e o) suc* statues0
cor/oration (aw
ta3 code
(a+or (aws
natura(i9ation (aw
Ru(es o) court
%i,itations o) t*e ru(e0
w*ere t*e (oca( (aw and id t*e )oreign statute )ro, w*ic* t*e
)or,er was /atterned di))er in so,e ,ateria( as/ects
)oreign construction is c(ear(y erroneous or *as not +eco,e
w*ere t*e ado/ting state *as given t*e statute its own
"rinci/(es o) Co,,on (aw
I) t*ere is a con)(ict +etween t*e co,,on (aw /rinci/(e and statutory /rinci/(e&
t*e (atter /revai(s.
?e)inition0 t*ese are constructions /(aced u/on statues at t*e ti,e o)& or a)ter& t*eir enact,ent +y t*e e3ecutive&
(egis(ature or 'udicia( aut*orities& as we(( as +y t*ose w*o& +ecause o) t*eir invo(ve,ent in t*e /rocess o) (egis(ation& are
>now(edgea+(e o) t*e intent and /ur/ose o) t*e (aw.
Conte,/oranea e3/ositio est o/ti,a et )ortissi,a in (ege N t*e
conte,/orary construction is strongest in (aw.
Conte,/oraneous construction is t*e construction /(aced u/on t*e statute +y an e3ecutive or ad,inistrative o))icer
ca((ed u/on to e3ecute or ad,inister suc* statue.
E3ecutive and ad,inistrative o))icers are genera((y t*e very )irst o))icia(
to inter/ret t*e (aw. T*ese inter/retations are in t*e )or, o)0
o/inions and
Ty/es o) e3ecutive inter/retation0
construction +y an e3ecutive or ad,inistrative o))icer direct(y ca((ed
to i,/(e,ent t*e (aw w*ic* ,ay +e0
e3/ressed -e3. Inter/retation e,+odied in circu(ars& directive
or regu(ation.
i,/(ied. -a /ractice o) en)orce,ent o) not a//(ying t*e statute
to certain situations.
Construction +y t*e Secretary o) Eustice in *is ca/acity as t*e c*ie)
(ega( adviser o) t*e govern,ent in t*e )or, o) o/inions. In t*e
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
a+sence o) t*e ru(ing o) a /resident& t*e o/inions o) Sec. O) Eustice
is contro((ing a,ong ad,inistrative and e3ecutive o))icia(s.
Inter/retation *anded down in and adversary /roceeding in t*e )or, o) a ru(ing +y an e3ecutive o))ice e3ercising :uasi='udicia(
Note0 In t*e a+sence o) error or a+use o) /ower or (ac> o) 'urisdiction or grave a+use o) discretion c(ear(y con)(icting
wit* eit*er t*e (etter or t*e s/irit o) a (egis(ative enact,ent creating or c*anging a govern,enta( agency& t*e action
o) t*e agency wou(d not +e distur+ed +y t*e courts.
E. Reason w*y conte,/oraneous construction is given ,uc* weig*t0 it co,es )ro, t*e /articu(ar +ranc* o)
govern,ent ca((ed u/on to i,/(e,ent t*e (aw t*us construed N t*ese sa,e /eo/(e are t*e dra)ters o) t*e (aw t*ey
W*en to disregard Conte,/oraneous construction
T*is conte,/oraneous construction is not +inding u/on t*e court. T*e court
,ay disregard it0
w*ere t*ere is no a,+iguity in t*e (aw
w*ere t*e construction is c(ear(y erroneous
w*ere strong reason to t*e contrary e3ists
w*ere t*e court *as /revious(y given t*e statue a di))erent
I) t*ere is an error in i,/(e,entation o) t*e (aw& suc* error ,ay +e
corrected. T*e doctrine o) esto//e( does not a//(y.
As a ru(e& erroneous conte,/oraneous construction creates no vested rig*t on t*e /art o) t*ose w*o re(ied and
)o((owed suc* construction. 8ut t*is ru(e is not a+so(ute. T*ere ,ay +e e3e/tions in t*e interest o) 'ustice and )air
/(ay -e3. Ta3 cases.
%egis(ative inter/retation0 t*e (egis(ature ,ay /rovide an inter/retation or dec(aration c(ause in a statue +y t*ey
cannot (i,it or restrict t*e /ower granted to courts.
W*i(e (egis(ative inter/retation is not contro((ing& courts ,ay resort
to it to c(ari)y a,+iguity in t*e (anguage.
suc* (egis(ative inter/retation is entit(ed o) res/ect es/ecia((y o) t*e
e3ecutive de/art,ent *as si,i(ar(y construed t*e statute.
%egis(ative a//rova( N t*e (egis(ature& +y action or inaction a//rove or
rati)y suc* conte,/oraneous construction.
Suc* a//rova( ,ay
,ani)est in ,any ways suc* as0
w*en it reenacts statute /revious(y given a conte,/oraneous
w*en it a,ends a /rior statute wit*out /roviding anyt*ing w*ic* wou(d restrict& c*ange& nu((i)y t*e /revious
conte,/oraneous construction.
a//ro/riation o) ,oney )or t*e o))icer designated to /er)or, a tas>
/ursuant to an inter/retation o) a stature
non=re/udiation o) t*e construction.
Note0 Ratio*a+itio Mandati ae:ui/aratur N(egis(ative rati)ication is e:uiva(ent
to ,andate.
Stare decisis
Stare decisis et non :uieta ,overeQ one s*ou(d )o((ow /ast
/recedents and s*ou(d not distur+ w*at *as +een sett(ed.
Reason )or suc* doctrine0 t*e su/re,e court *as a duty not on(y o) inter/reting and a//(ying t*e (aw +ut a(so in
/rotecting t*e society )ro, need(ess u/*eava(s. Interest rei/u+(icae ut sit )inis (itiu, N interest o) t*en state de,ands
t*at t*ere +e an end to (itigation.
A ru(ing in order to co,e wit*in t*e doctrine o) stare decision ,ust +e categorica((y stated in t*e issue e3/ress(y
raised +y t*e /arties< ,ust +e a direct ru(ing.
Ru(ings t*at are ,ere(y su+ si(encio are ,ere(y o+iter dictu, -an o/inion o) t*e court u/on so,e :uestion o) (aw
w*ic* is not necessary to t*e decision o) t*e case +e)ore it< not +inding.
T*is doctrine is not a+so(ute +ecause Su/re,e Court ,ay c*ange
or a+andon a /recedent enunciated +y it.
Statute ,ust +e given its (itera( ,eaning and a//(ied wit*out atte,/ted inter/retation regard(ess o)
w*o ,ay +e a))ected& even i) it ,ay +e *ars* or onerous.
Inter/retation wi(( give t*e statute e))icacy
"ur/ose wi(( +e ac*ieved
A+surdity and inconvenience wi(( +e avoided
I,/ossi+(e wi(( not +e re:uired
Rig*t and 'ustice wi(( +e )avored
In'ustice wi(( +e avoided
?anger to /u+(ic interest wi(( +e avoided
Correct c(erica( errors
Su//(y t*e o,issions
?isregard sur/(us and su/er)(uity
?isregard redundant words
?isregard (ooser o+scure words
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
W*en t*e reason )or t*e (aw ceases& t*e (aw itse() ceases
Words in t*e /(ura( inc(ude t*e singu(ar and vice=versa
T*e ,ascu(ine -not t*e )e,inine.& inc(udes a(( genders
Words in /(ura( inc(ude t*e singu(ar and vice versa
$rant o) t*e greater /ower inc(udes t*e (esser
$rant o) t*e (esser /ower does not inc(ude t*e greater
W*ere t*ere is rig*t t*ere is a re,edy )or vio(ation t*ereo)
CourtLs 'urisdiction cannot +e i,/(ied )ro, t*e (anguage o) t*e statute nor
can t*e Ru(es o) Court con)er it.
In t*e grant o) 'urisdiction to a court& it is i,/(ied to carry wit* it necessary
and incidenta( /owers and ,eans essentia( to ,a>e its 'urisdiction e))ective
W*ere a genera( /ower is con)erred or duty en'oined& every /articu(ar /ower
necessary )or t*e e3ercise o) one is a(so con)erred.
W*at is i,/(ied s*ou(d not +e against t*e (aw
Aut*ority to c*arge against /u+(ic )und ,ay not +e i,/(ied
W*at cannot +e done direct(y cannot +e done indirect(y
An act in vio(ation o) a statute /ro*i+iting suc* act s*a(( +e i,/(ied as nu((
and void
W*en t*e words and /*rases o) t*e statute are c(ear and une:uivoca(& t*eir ,eaning ,ust +e deter,ined )ro, t*e
(anguage e,/(oyed and t*e statute ,ust +e ta>en to ,ean e3act(y w*at it says. W*at is not c(ear(y /rovided in t*e
(aw cannot +e e3tended to t*ose ,atters outside o) sco/e. W*ere t*e (aw is c(ear& a//ea(s to 'ustice and e:uity as
'usti)ication to construe it di))erent(y are unavai(ing.
Ver+a (egis= /(ain ,eaning ru(e
Inde3 ani,i ser,o= s/eec* is t*e inde3 o) intention
Ver+a (egis non est recedendu,= )ro, t*e words o) a statute& t*ere ,ust +e no
Ma(edicta est e3/ositio :uae corru,/it te3tu,= it is dangerous construction
w*ic* is against t*e te3t
A+so(uta sentetia e3/ositore non indiget N w*en t*e (anguage o) t*e (aw is c(ear&
no e3/(anation is re:uired
?ura (e3 sed (e3 N t*e (aw ,ay +e *ars*& +ut it is sti(( t*e (aw
!oc :uide, /er:ua, duru, est& sed ita (e3 scri/ta est N it is e3ceeding(y *ard
+ut so t*e (aw is written.
Ae:uitas nun:ua, contravenit (egis= E:uity never acts in contravention o) t*e
W*ere t*e statute tota((y )ai(s to e3/ress a ,eaning& and no 'udicia( certainty
can +e *ad& t*en it is necessari(y ino/erative
Inter/reatio )ienda est ut res ,agis va(eat :ua, /ereat N inter/retation as wi((
give t*e t*ing e))icacy is to +e ado/ted.
T*e s/irit o) t*e (aw contro(s t*e (etter.
Ratio (egis N reason o) t*e (aw
W*ere (egis(ative intent a//arent(y con)(icts wit* t*e (etter o) t*e (aw& t*e )or,er /revai(s over t*e (atter. "ri,ary
ru(e in construction is to ascertain and give e))ect to t*e intent.
Ver+a intentioni& non e contra& de+ent inservire N words oug*t to +e ,ore
su+servient to t*e intent and not t*e intent to t*e words.
I) t*e statute needs construction& t*e ,ost do,inant in t*at /rocess is t*e /ur/ose o) t*e act. It is i,/erative t*at t*e
(aw +e inter/reted in a ,anner t*at wou(d stave o)) any atte,/t at circu,venting t*e (egis(ative /ur/ose.
Cessante ratione (egis& cessat i/sa (e3
Ratio (egis est ani,a N reason o) t*e (aw is its sou(
A word or /*rase used in a statute ,ay *ave an ordinary& generic&
restricted& tec*nica(& (ega(& co,,ercia( or trade ,eaning.
W*ic* ,eaning s*ou(d +e given de/ends u/on w*at t*e (egis(ature intended. As a genera( ru(e in inter/reting t*e
,eaning and sco/e o) a ter, used in t*e (aw& a care)u( review o) t*e w*o(e (aw invo(ved& as we(( as t*e intend,ent
o) (aw& ascertained )ro, a consideration o) t*e statute as a
w*o(e and not o) an iso(ated /art or a /articu(ar /rovision a(one& ,ust +e
,ade to deter,ine t*e rea( intent o) t*e (aw.
Statutory ?e)inition
T*e (egis(ative de)inition contro(s t*e ,eaning o) a statutory word& irres/ective o) any ot*er ,eaning t*e word or
/*rase ,ay *ave in its ordinary or usua( sense.
or t*e (egis(ature& in ado/ting a s/eci)ic de)inition is dee,ed to *ave
restricted t*e ,eaning o) t*e word wit*in t*e ter,s o) t*e de)inition
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
W*en t*e (egis(ature de)ines a word& it does not usur/ t*e courtLs )unction to inter/ret t*e (aws +ut it ,ere(y (egis(ates
w*at s*ou(d )or, /art o) t*e (aw itse().
W*i(e t*e de)inition o) ter,s in a statute ,ust +e given a(( t*e weig*t due to t*e, in t*e construction o) t*e
/rovision in w*ic* t*ey are used& t*e ter,s or /*rases +eing /art and /arce( o) t*e w*o(e statute ,ust +e given e))ect
in t*eir entirety as a *ar,onious& coordinated and integrated unit& not as a ,ass o) *eterogeneous and unre(ated i)
not incongruous ter,s& c(auses and sentences.
Iua(i)ication o) ru(e
T*e statutory de)inition o) a word or ter, Fas used in t*is ActH is contro((ing
on(y in so )ar as said act is concerned.
T*e genera( ru(e t*at t*e statutory de)initions contro( t*e ,eaning o) statutory words does not a//(y w*ere its
a//(ication creates o+vious incongruities in t*e (anguage o) t*e statute& destroys one o) its ,a'or /ur/oses& or
+eco,es i((ogica( as a resu(t o) a c*ange in its )actua( +asis.
!owever& in a su+se:uent case& it was *e(d t*at o) a statute re,ains unc*anged& it ,ust +e inter/reted according to
its c(ear& origina( ,andate unti( t*e (egis(ature a,ends it.
Words construed in t*eir ordinary sense
In construing words and /*rases& t*e genera( ru(e is t*at in t*e a+sence o) (egis(ative intent to t*e contrary& t*ey
s*ou(d +e given t*eir /(ain& ordinary& and co,,on usage ,eaning.
or words are /resu,ed to *ave +een e,/(oyed +y t*e (aw,a>er in t*eir
ordinary and co,,on use and acce/tation.
T*e gra,,atica( and ordinary reading o) a statute ,ust +e /resu,ed to
yie(d its correct sense.
U+i (e3 non distinguit nec nos distinguere de+e,us
$enera( Words construed genera((y
$enera(ia ver+a sunt genera(iter inte((igenda or w*at is genera((y s/o>en
s*a(( +e genera((y understood or genera( words s*a(( +e understood in a
genera( sense.
$enera(e dictu, genera(iter est inter/retandu,.A genera( state,ent is
understood in a genera( sense.
W*ere a word used in a statute *as +ot* a restricted and genera( ,eaning& t*e genera( ,ust /revai( over t*e restricted
un(ess t*e nature o) t*e su+'ect ,atter or t*e conte3t in w*ic* it is e,/(oyed c(ear(y indicates t*at t*e (i,ited sense
is intended.
A genera( word s*ou(d not +e given a restricted ,eaning w*ere no
restriction is indicated.
$eneric ter, inc(udes t*ings t*at arise t*erea)ter
/rogressive inter/retation0 e3tends +y construction t*e a//(ication o) a statute to a(( su+'ects or conditions wit*in its
genera( /ur/ose or sco/e t*at co,e into e3istence su+se:uent to its /assage and t*us >ee/s (egis(ation
)ro, +eco,ing e/*e,era( and transitory un(ess t*ere is a (egis(ative intent
to t*e contrary.
It is a ru(e o) statutory construction t*at (egis(ative enact,ents in genera( and co,/re*ensive ter,s& /ros/ective in
o/eration& a//(y a(i>e to a(( /ersons& su+'ects and +usiness wit*in t*eir genera( /urview and sco/e co,ing into
e3istence su+se:uent to t*eir /assage.
Words wit* co,,ercia( or trade ,eaning
Words and "*rases& w*ic* are in co,,on use a,ong ,erc*ants and traders& ac:uire trade or co,,ercia( ,eanings
w*ic* are genera((y acce/ted in t*e co,,unity in w*ic* t*ey *ave +een in co,,on use.
Sett(ed is t*e ru(e t*at in t*e a+sence o) (egis(ative intent to t*e contrary& trade or co,,ercia( ter,s& w*en used in a
statute are /resu,ed to *ave +een used in t*eir trade or co,,ercia( sense.
Words wit* tec*nica( or (ega( ,eaning
As a genera( ru(e& words t*at *ave or *ave +een used in& a tec*nica( sense or t*ose t*at *ave +een 'udicia((y
construed to *ave a certain ,eaning s*ou(d +e inter/reted according to t*e sense in w*ic* t*ey *ave +een /revious(y
used& a(t*oug* t*e sense ,ay vary )ro, t*e strict or (itera( ,eaning o) t*e words.
T*e tec*nica( or (ega(& not t*e ordinary or genera( ,eaning o) a word used in a statute s*ou(d +e ado/ted in t*e
construction o) t*e statute& in t*e a+sence o) nay :ua(i)ication or intention to t*e contrary.
!ow identica( ter,s in sa,e statute construed
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at a word or /*rase re/eated(y used in a statute wi((
+ear t*e sa,e ,eaning t*roug*out t*e statute.
T*e sa,e word or su+stantia((y t*e sa,e /*rase a//earing in di))erent /arts o) a statute wi(( +e accorded a genera((y
acce/ted and consistent ,eaning& un(ess a di))erent intention a//ears or is c(ear(y e3/ressed.
T*e reason )or t*e ru(e is t*at a word used in a statute in a given sense is
/resu,ed to +e used in t*e sa,e sense t*roug*out t*e (aw.
It is /articu(ar(y a//(ica+(e w*ere in t*e statute t*e words a//ear so near eac* ot*er /*ysica((y and /articu(ar(y
w*ere t*e word *as a tec*nica( ,eaning and t*at ,eaning *as +een de)ined in t*e statute.
Meaning o) word :ua(i)ied +y /ur/ose o) statute
T*e ,eaning o) a words or /*rase used in a statute ,ay +e :ua(i)ied +y t*e
/ur/ose w*ic* induced t*e (egis(ature to enact t*e statute.
In construing a word or /*rase& t*e court s*ou(d ado/t t*at inter/retation t*at accords +est wit* t*e ,ani)est /ur/ose
o) t*e statute or /ro,otes or rea(i9es its o+'ect.
It is genera((y recogni9ed t*at i) a statute is a,+iguous and ca/a+(e o) ,ore t*an one construction& t*e (itera(
,eaning o) t*e word or /*rase used t*erein ,ay +e re'ected i) t*e resu(t o) ado/ting suc* ,eaning wi(( +e to de)eat
t*e /ur/ose w*ic* t*e (egis(ature *ad in ,ind.
Word or /*rase construed in re(ation to ot*er /rovision
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at a word& /*rase or /rovision s*ou(d not +e construed in iso(ation +ut ,ust +e inter/reted in
re(ation to ot*er /rovisions o) t*e (aw. T*is ru(e is a variation o) t*e ru(e t*at a statute s*ou(d +e construed as a
w*o(e& and eac* o) its /rovisions ,ust +e given e))ect.
A word or /rovision s*ou(d not +e construed in iso(ation )ro,& +ut s*ou(d +e inter/reted in re(ation to& t*e ot*er
/rovisions o) a statute or ot*er statutes dea(ing on t*e sa,e su+'ect.
T*e word or /rovision s*ou(d not +e given a ,eaning t*at wi(( restrict or de)eat& +ut s*ou(d instead +e construed to
e))ectuate& w*at *as +een intended in an enacting (aw.
Meaning o) ter, dictated +y conte3t
W*i(e ordinari(y a word or ter, used in a statute wi(( +e given its usua( and co,,on(y understood ,eaning& t*e
conte3t in w*ic* t*e word or ter, is e,/(oyed ,ay dictate a di))erent sense.
T*e conte3t in w*ic* t*e word is used o)tenti,es deter,ines its ,eaning.
A word is understood in t*e conte3t in w*ic* it is used. Ver+a acci/ienda
sunt secundu, ,ateria,
T*e conte3t ,ay (i>ewise give a +road sense to a word o) ot*erwise
ordinari(y (i,ited ,eaning.
T*e conte3t ,ay a(so (i,it t*e ,eaning o) w*at ot*erwise is a word o)
+road signi)ication.
W*ere t*e (aw does not distinguis*
W*ere t*e (aw does not distinguis*& courts s*ou(d not distinguis*. U+i (e3
non distinguit& nec nos distinguere de+e,us.
T*e ru(e )ounded on (ogic& is a coro((ary o) t*e /rinci/(e t*at genera( words and /*rases in a statute s*ou(d ordinari(y
+e accorded t*eir natura( and genera( signi)icance
T*e ru(e re:uires t*at a genera( ter, or /*rase s*ou(d not +e reduced into /arts and one /art distinguis*ed )ro, t*e
ot*er so as to 'usti)y its e3c(usion )ro, t*e o/eration o) t*e (aw.
A coro((ary o) t*e /rinci/(e is t*e ru(e t*at w*ere t*e (aw does not ,a>e any e3ce/tion& court ,ay not e3ce/t
so,et*ing t*ere)ro,& un(ess t*ere is co,/e((ing reason a//arent in t*e (aw to 'usti)y it.
U+i (e3 non distinguit& nec non distinguere de+e,us& a//(ies not on(y in t*e
construction o) genera( words and e3/ressions used in a statute +ut a(so in
t*e inter/retation o) a ru(e (aid down t*erein.
T*is /rinci/(e assu,es t*at t*e (egis(ature ,ade no :ua(i)ication in t*e use
o) a genera( word or e3/ression.
T*e courts ,ay distinguis* w*en t*ere are )acts or circu,stances s*owing t*at t*e (egis(ature intended a distinction
or :ua(i)ication& )or in suc* a case& t*e courts ,ere(y give e))ect to t*e (egis(ative intent.
?is'unctive and con'unctive words
T*e word ForH is a dis'unctive ter, signi)ying disassociation and
inde/endence o) one t*ing )ro, eac* o) t*e ot*er t*ings enu,erated. It
s*ou(d +e construed in t*e sense in w*ic* it ordinari(y i,/(ies& as a
dis'unctive word.
T*e use o) t*e dis'unctive word ForH +etween two /*rases connotes t*at
eit*er /*rase serves as :ua(i)ying /*rase.
T*e ter, ForH *as so,eti,es +een *e(d to ,ean FandH& w*en t*e s/irit or
conte3t o) t*e (aw so warrants.
T*e word ForH ,ay a(so +e used as t*e e:uiva(ent o) Ft*at is to sayH giving t*at w*ic* it /receded it t*e sa,e
signi)icance as t*at w*ic* )o((ows it. It is not a(ways dis'unctive and is so,eti,es inter/retative or e3/ository o) t*e
/receding word.
T*e word ForH ,ay a(so ,ean successive(y.
T*e word FandH is a con'unction /ertinent(y de)ined as ,eaning Ftoget*er wit*H& F'oined wit*H& Fa(ong or toget*er
wit*H& Fadded to or (in>ed toH& used to con'oin word wit* word& /*rase wit* /*rase& c(ause wit* c(ause.
T*e word FandH does not ,ean ForH< it is a con'unction used to denote a
'oinder or union& F+inding toget*erH& Fre(ating t*e one to t*e ot*erH.
!owever& FandH ,ay ,ean ForH as an e3ce/tion to t*e ru(e. T*e e3ce/tion is resorted to on(y w*en a (itera(
inter/retation wou(d /ervert t*e /(ain intention o) t*e (egis(ature as g(eaned )ro, t*e conte3t o) t*e statute or )ro,
e3terna( )actors.
Noscitur a sociis
W*ere a /articu(ar word or /*rase is a,+iguous in itse() or is e:ua((y susce/ti+(e o) various ,eanings& its correct
construction ,ay +e ,ade c(ear and s/eci)ic +y considering t*e co,/any o) words in w*ic* it is )ound or wit*
w*ic* it is associated.
W*ere t*e (aw does not de)ine a word used t*erein& it wi(( +e construed as *aving a ,eaning si,i(ar to t*at o) words
associated wit* or acco,/anied +y it.
A word& /*rase s*ou(d +e inter/reted in re(ation to& or given t*e sa,e
,eaning o)& words wit* w*ic* it is associated.
W*ere ,ost o) t*e words in an enu,eration o) words in a statute are used in t*eir generic and ordinary sense& t*e
rest o) t*e words s*ou(d si,i(ar(y +e construed.
W*ere a word wit* ,ore t*an one ,eaning is associated wit* words *aving s/eci)ic or /articu(ar signi)ication& t*e
)or,er s*ou(d +e given a s/eci)ic or /articu(ar signi)ication.
E'usde, generis
W*i(e genera( words or e3/ressions in a statute are& as a ru(e& accorded t*eir )u((& natura(& and generic sense& t*ey
wi(( not +e given suc* ,eaning i) t*ey are used in association wit* s/eci)ic words or /*rases.
$enera( ru(e is t*at w*ere a genera( word or /*rase )o((ows an enu,eration o) /articu(ar and s/eci)ic words o) t*e
sa,e c(ass or w*ere t*e (atter )o((ow t*e )or,er& t*e genera( word or /*rase is to +e construed to inc(ude& or to +e
restricted to& /ersons& t*ings& or cases a>in to& rese,+(ing& or o) t*e sa,e >ind or c(ass as t*ose s/eci)ica((y
W*ere a statute descri+es t*ings o) /articu(ar c(ass or >ind acco,/anied +y
words o) a generic c*aracter& t*e generic words wi(( usua((y +e (i,ited to
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
t*ings o) a >indred nature wit* t*ose /articu(ar(y enu,erated& un(ess t*ere
+e so,et*ing in t*e conte3t o) t*e statute to re/e( suc* in)erence.
"ur/ose0 give e))ect to +ot* t*e /articu(ar and genera( words& +y treating t*e /articu(ar words as indicating t*e c(ass
and t*e genera( words as indicating a(( t*at is e,+raced in said c(ass& a(t*oug* not s/eci)ica((y na,ed +y /articu(ar
T*is /rinci/(e is +ased on t*e /ro/osition t*at *ad t*e (egis(ature intended t*e genera( words to +e used in t*eir
generic and unrestricted sense& it wou(d not *ave enu,erated t*e s/eci)ic words.
A//(ication0 w*ere s/eci)ic and generic ter,s o) t*e sa,e nature are
e,/(oyed in t*e sa,e act& t*e (atter )o((owing t*e )or,er.
%i,itations o)E'usde, generic
To +e a//(ica+(e& t*e )o((owing ,ust concur0
Statute contains an enu,eration o) /articu(ar and s/eci)ic
words& )o((owed +y a genera( word or /*rase.
T*e /articu(ar and s/eci)ic words constitute a c(ass or are o)
t*e sa,e >ind
Enu,eration o) t*e /articu(ar and s/eci)ic words is not
e3*austive or is not ,ere(y +y e3a,/(es
No indication o) (egis(ative intent to give t*e genera( words or
/*rases a +roader ,eaning
T*e ru(e o) e'usde, generic does not re:uire t*e re'ection o) genera( ter,s
T*e ru(e is not o) universa( a//(ication& it s*ou(d +e used to carry out& not to
de)eat& t*e intent or /ur/ose o) t*e (aw.
I) t*at intent c(ear(y a//ears )ro, ot*er /arts o) t*e (aw& and suc* intent t*us c(ear(y ,ani)ested is contrary to t*e
resu(t w*ic* wi(( +e reac*ed +y a//(ying t*e ru(e o) e'usde, generic& t*e ru(e ,ust give way in )avor o) t*e
(egis(ative intent.
OVIII. E3/ressio unius est e3c(usio a(terius
E3/ress ,ention o) one /erson& t*ing or conse:uence i,/(ies t*e
e3c(usion o) a(( ot*ers.
It is )or,u(ated in a nu,+er o) ways0
a.One variation o) t*e ru(es is t*e /rinci/(e t*at w*at is
e3/ressed /uts an end to t*at w*ic* is i,/(iedE3/ressu,
)acit cessare tacitu,
+.$enera( e3/ression )o((owed +y e3ce/tions t*ere)ro, i,/(ies
t*at t*ose w*ic* do not )a(( under t*e e3ce/tions co,e wit*in
t*e sco/e o) t*e genera( e3/ression. E3ce/tio )ir,at regu(a,
in casi+us non e3ce/tis
c. E3/ression o) one or ,ore t*ings o) a c(ass i,/(ies t*e e3c(usion o) a(( not e3/ressed& even t*oug* a(( wou(d *ave +een
i,/(ies *ad none +een e3/ressed.
T*e ru(e e3/ressio unius est e3c(usio a(terius and its variations are
canons o) restrictive inter/retation.
8asis0 (egis(ature wou(d not *ave ,ade s/eci)ied enu,erations in a statute *ad t*e intention +een not to restrict its
,eaning and con)ine its ter,s to t*ose e3/ress(y ,entioned. T*ey are o//osite t*e doctrine o) necessary
Negative=o//osite doctrine
T*e /rinci/(e t*at w*at is e3/ressed /uts an end to t*at w*ic* is i,/(ied is
a(so >nown as negative=/ositive doctrine or argu,entu, a contrario.
A//(ication o) e3/ressio unius ru(e
T*e ru(e o) e3/ressio unius est e3c(usio a(terius and its coro((ary canons are genera((y used in t*e construction o)
statutes granting /owers& creating rig*ts and re,edies& restricting co,,on rig*ts& and i,/osing /ena(ties and
)or)eitures& as we(( as t*ose statutes w*ic* are strict(y construed.
W*ere a statute directs t*e /er)or,ance o) certain acts +y a /articu(ar /erson or c(ass or /ersons& it i,/(ies t*at it
s*a(( not +e done ot*erwise or +e a di))erent /erson or c(ass o) /ersons.
I) a statute enu,erates t*e t*ings u/on w*ic* it is to o/erate& everyt*ing
e(se ,ust necessari(y& and +y i,/(ication& +e e3c(uded.
%i,itations o) ru(e
T*e ru(e e3/ressio unius est e3c(usio a(terius is not a ru(e o) (aw. It is a ,ere too( o) statutory construction or a
,eans o) ascertaining t*e (egis(ative intent.
T*e ru(e& not +eing in)(e3i+(e nor a ,ec*anica( or tec*nica( too(& ,ust yie(d
to w*at is c(ear(y a (egis(ative intent.
It is no ,ore t*an an au3i(iary ru(e o) inter/retation to +e ignored w*ere ot*er circu,stances indicate t*at t*e
enu,eration was not intended to +e e3c(usive.
It s*ou(d a//(ied on(y as a ,eans o) discovering (egis(ative intent and s*ou(d not +e /er,itted to de)eat t*e /(ain(y
indicated /ur/ose o) t*e (egis(ature.
It wi(( not a//(y w*ere t*e enu,eration is +y way o) e3a,/(e or to re,ove
dou+ts on(y.
It wi(( not a//(y in case a statute a//ears u/on its )ace to (i,it t*e o/eration o) its /rovisions to /articu(ar /ersons or
t*ings +y enu,erating t*e,& +ut no reason e3ists w*y ot*er /ersons or t*ings not so enu,erated s*ou(d not *ave
+een inc(uded and ,ani)est in'ustice wi(( )o((ow +y not inc(uding t*e,.
T*e ru(e ,ay +e disregarded o) it wi(( resu(t to incongruities or a vio(ation o) t*e e:ua( /rotection c(ause o) t*e
constitution& inconvenience& *ards*i/ and in'ury to t*e /u+(ic interest.
W*ere t*e (egis(ative intent s*ows t*at t*e enu,eration is not e3c(usive&
t*e ,a3i, does not a//(y.
?octrine o) casus o,issu
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
T*e ru(e o) casus o,issus /ro o,isso *a+endus est states t*at a /erson& o+'ect or t*ing o,itted )ro, an enu,eration
,ust +e *e(d to *ave +een o,itted intentiona((y.
"rinci/(e /roceeds )ro, a reasona+(e certainty t*at a /articu(ar /erson&
o+'ect or t*ing *as +een o,itted )ro, a (egis(ative enu,eration
T*e ru(e does not a//(y w*ere it is s*own t*at t*e (egis(ature did not intend to e3c(ude t*e /erson& t*ing& o+'ect )ro,
t*e enu,eration. I) suc* (egis(ative intent is c(ear(y indicated& t*e court ,ay su//(y t*e o,ission i) to do so wi((
carry out t*e c(ear intent o) t*e (egis(ature and wi(( not do vio(ence to its (anguage.
OOIII. ?octrine o) (ast antecedent
Iua(i)ying words restrict or ,odi)y on(y t*e words or /*rases to w*ic* t*ey
are i,,ediate(y associated. T*ey do not :ua(i)y words or /*rases w*ic* are
distant(y or re,ote(y (ocated.
In t*e a+sence o) (egis(ative intent to t*e contrary& /re)erentia( and :ua(i)ying words and /*rases ,ust +e a//(ied
on(y to t*eir i,,ediate or (ast antecedent& and not to t*e ot*er re,ote or /receding words or association o) words.
T*e ,a3i, e3/ressive o) t*is ru(e is /ro3i,u, antecedens )iat re(atio nisi
i,/ediatur sententia& or re(ative words re)er to t*e nearest antecedents&
un(ess t*e conte3t ot*erwise re:uires.
T*e use o) co,,a to se/arate an antecedent )ro, t*e rest e3erts a
do,inant in)(uence in t*e a//(ication o) t*e doctrine o) (ast antecedent.
OOIV. Iua(i)ication o) t*e doctrine
?octrine o) (ast antecedent is su+'ect to t*e e3ce/tion t*at w*ere t*e intention o) t*e (aw is to a//(y t*e /*rase to a((
antecedents e,+raced in t*e /rovision& t*e sa,e s*ou(d +e ,ade e3tensive to t*e w*o(e.
S(ig*t indication o) (egis(ative intent so to e3tend t*e re(ative ter, is su))icient. Nor does t*e doctrine a//(y w*ere
t*e intention is not to :ua(i)y t*e antecedent at a((.
Reddendo singu(ar singu(is
T*e variation o) t*e doctrine o) (ast antecedent is t*e ru(e o)reddendo
singu(ar singu(is. T*e ,a3i, ,eans re)erring eac* to eac*< re)erring eac*
/*rase or e3/ression to its a//ro/riate o+'ect& or (et eac* +e /ut in its
/ro/er /(ace& t*at is& t*e words s*ou(d +e ta>en distri+utive(y.
Reddendo singu(ar singu(is re:uires t*at t*e antecedents and conse:uences
s*ou(d +e read distri+utive(y to t*e e))ect t*at eac* word is to +e a//(ied to t*e su+'ect to w*ic* it a//ears +y conte3t
,ost a//ro/riate(y re(ated and to w*ic* it is ,ost a//(ica+(e.
OOVI. "rovisos& genera((y
T*e o))ice o) a /roviso is eit*er to (i,it t*e a//(ication o) t*e enacting
c(ause& section& or /rovision o) a statute& or to e3ce/t so,et*ing t*ere)ro,&
or to :ua(i)y or restrain its genera(ity & or to e3c(ude so,e /ossi+(e ground o) ,isinter/retation o) it& as e3tending to
cases not intended +y t*e (egis(ature to +e +roug*t wit*in its /urview.
Its /ri,ary /ur/ose is to (i,it or restrict t*e genera( (anguage or o/eration
o) t*e statute& not to en(arge it.
A /roviso is co,,on(y )ound at t*e end o) a section& or /rovision o) a
statute and is introduced& as a ru(e +y t*e word F"rovidedH
W*at deter,ines w*et*er a c(ause is a /roviso is its su+stance rat*er t*an its )or,. I) it /er)or,s any o) t*e
)unctions o) a /roviso& t*en it wi(( +e regarded as suc*& irres/ective o) w*at word or /*ase is used to introduce it. It
is a :uestion o) (egis(ative intent.
OOVII. "roviso ,ay en(arge sco/e o) (aw
It *as +een *e(d t*at Feven t*oug* t*e /ri,ary /ur/ose o) t*e /roviso is to
(i,it or restrain t*e genera( (anguage o) a statute& t*e (egis(ature& un)ortunate(y& does not a(ways use it wit* tec*nica(
correctness< conse:uent(y& w*ere its use creates an a,+iguity& it is t*e duty o) t*e court to ascertain t*e (egis(ative
intention& t*roug* resort to t*e usua( ru(es o) construction a//(ica+(e to statutes genera((y and give it e))ect even
t*oug* t*e statute is t*ere+y en(arged& or t*e /rovision ,ade to assu,e t*e )orce o) inde/endent enact,ent and
a(t*oug* a /roviso as suc* *as no e3istence a/art )ro, w*ic* it is designed to (i,it or :ua(i)y.
A /roviso ,ay t*us en(arge& instead o) restrict or (i,it& w*at ot*erwise is a
/*rase o) (i,ited i,/ort *as t*ere +een no /roviso :ua(i)ying it.
OOVIII. "roviso as additiona( (egis(ation
A /roviso ,ay a(so assu,e t*e ro(e o) an additiona( (egis(ation.
A c(ear and un:ua(i)ied /ur/ose e3/ressed in t*e o/ening state,ent o) a section o) a statute co,/rising severa(
su+divisions *as +een construed as contro((ing and (i,iting a /roviso attac*ed to one o) t*e su+divisions& w*ere t*e
/roviso& i) segregated t*ere)ro,& wou(d ,ean e3act(y t*e reverse o) w*at it necessari(y i,/(ied w*en read in
connection wit* t*e (i,itation.
OOIO. W*at /roviso :ua(i)ies
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at t*e o))ice o) t*e /roviso :ua(i)ies or ,odi)ies
on(y t*e /*rase i,,ediate(y /receding it or restrains or (i,its t*e
genera(ity o) t*e c(ause t*at it i,,ediate(y )o((ows.
It s*ou(d +e con)ined to t*at w*ic* direct(y /recedes it& or to t*e
section to w*ic* it *as +een a//ended& un(ess it c(ear(y a//ears t*at
t*e (egis(ature intended it to *ave a wider sco/e.
E3ce/tion to t*e ru(e
W*ere t*e (egis(ative intent is to restrain or :ua(i)y not on(y t*e /*rase i,,ediate(y /receding it +ut a(so ear(ier
/rovisions o) t*e statute or even t*e statute itse() as a w*o(e& t*en t*e /roviso wi(( +e construed in t*at ,anner& in
order t*at t*e intent o) t*e (aw ,ay +e carried out.
OOOI. Re/ugnance +etween /roviso and ,ain /rovisions
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
A /roviso s*ou(d +e so construed as to *ar,oni9e and not to re/ea( or
destroy& t*e ,ain /rovision o) t*e statute.
W*en t*ere is an irreconci(a+(e con)(ict or re/ugnancy +etween a /roviso and t*e ,ain /rovision o) a statute& t*at
w*ic* is a (ocated in a (ater /ortion o) t*e statute /revai(s& un(ess t*ere is a (egis(ative intent to t*e contrary or suc*
construction wi(( destroy t*e w*o(e statute itse().
T*e (atter /rovision& w*et*er a /roviso or not& is given /re)erence
+ecause it is t*e (atest e3/ression o) t*e intent o) t*e (egis(ation.
OOOII. E3ce/tions genera((y
An e3ce/tion consists o) t*at w*ic* wou(d ot*erwise +e inc(uded in t*e
/rovision )ro, w*ic* it is e3ce/ted.
An e3ce/tion wi(( +e construed as suc* i) it re,oves so,et*ing )ro, t*e
o/eration o) a /rovision o) (aw.
It is o)ten said t*at an e3ce/tion con)ir,s t*e genera( ru(e. It s*ou(d not +e construed to :ua(i)y t*e words or /*rases
constituting t*e genera( ru(e.
It is we(( sett(ed t*at t*e e3/ress ,ention o) e3ce/tions o/erates to e3c(ude ot*er e3ce/tions and converse(y& t*ose
w*ic* are not wit*in t*e enu,erated e3ce/tions are dee,ed inc(uded in t*e genera( ru(e.
E3ce/tions& as a genera( ru(e& s*ou(d +e strict(y +ut reasona+(y
OOOIII. E3ce/tion and /roviso distinguis*ed
an e3ce/tion di))ers )ro, a /roviso. An e3ce/tion e3e,/ts so,et*ing a+so(ute )ro, t*e o/eration o) a statute& +y
e3/ress words in t*e enacting c(ause.
A /roviso de)eats its o/eration conditiona((y.
A /roviso avoids t*e, +y way o) de)easance or e3cuse. An e3ce/tion is genera((y a /art o) t*e enact,ent itse()&
a+so(ute(y e3c(uding )ro, its o/eration so,e su+'ect or t*ing t*at ot*erwise wou(d )a(( wit*in its sco/e.
8ut w*en t*e enact,ent is ,odi)ied +y engra)ting u/on it a new /rovision +y way o) a,end,ent& /roviding
conditiona((y )or a new case& it is in t*e nature o) a /roviso.
One o) t*e )unctions o) a /roviso is to e3ce/t so,et*ing )ro, an
enacting c(ause. In t*is sense& an e3ce/tion and a /roviso are si,i(ar.
OOOIV. Saving c(ause
It is a c(ause in a /rovision o) (aw w*ic* o/erates to e3ce/t )ro, t*e e))ect o) t*e (aw w*at t*e c(ause /rovides or to
save so,et*ing w*ic* wou(d ot*erwise +e (ost.
It is used to e3ce/t or save so,et*ing )ro, t*e e))ect o) a re/ea( o) a
It s*ou(d +e construed in t*e (ig*t o) t*e intent or /ur/ose o) t*e (egis(ature -t*e /rinci/a( consideration +eing to
e))ectuate suc* intent or carry out suc* /ur/ose..
It s*ou(d +e given a strict or (i+era( construction de/ending u/on t*e >ind o) inter/retation t*at s*ou(d& considering
its nature& +e given to t*e statute as a w*o(e.
6.@# $enera((y
A statute is /assed as a w*i(e and not in /arts or sections and is ani,ated +y one genera( /ur/ose and intent. Conse:uent(y&
eac* /art or section s*ou(d +e construed in connection wit* every ot*er /art and section so as to /roduce a *ar,onious
w*o(e. W*o(e and every /art o) statute s*ou(d +e construed toget*er.
6.@1 Intent ascertained )ro, statue as w*o(e
T*e intent or ,eaning o) a statue s*ou(d +e ascertained )ro, t*e statute ta>en as a w*o(e and not )ro, an iso(ated
/art or /rovision t*ereo). T*e (egis(ative ,eaning is to +e e3tracted )or, t*e statue as a w*o(e. Its c(auses are not to
+e segrated& +ut every /art o) a statute is to +e construed wit* re)erence to every ot*er /art and every word and
/*rase in connection wit* its conte3t.O/ti,a
statute inter/retatri3 est i/su, statutu,. T*e +est inter/reter o) a statute is t*e
statue itse().
6.@2 "ur/ose or conte3t as contro((ing guide
A statute ,ust a(ways +e construed as a w*o(e& and t*e /articu(ar ,eaning to +e attac*ed to any word or /*rase is
usua((y to +e ascertained )ro, t*e conte3t& t*e nature o) t*e su+'ect treated and t*e /ur/ose or intention o) t*e +ody
w*ic* enacted or )ra,ed t*e statute. Statute ,ust receive a reasona+(e construction& re)erence +eing *ad to t*eir
contro((ing /ur/ose& to a(( t*eir /rovisions& )orce and e))ect +eing given not narrow(y to iso(ated and dis'oined
c(auses& +ut to t*eir s/irit& +road(y ta>ing a(( t*eir /rovisions toget*er in one rationa( view.
6.@4 $iving e))ect to statute as a w*o(e
8ecause a statute is enacted in w*o(e and not in /arts or sections& w*ic* i,/(ies t*at one /art is as i,/ortant as t*e
ot*er& t*e statue s*ou(d +e construed and given e))ect as a w*o(e. A /rovision or section w*ic* is unc(ear +y itse()
,ay +e ,ade c(ear +y reading and construing it in re(ation to t*e w*o(e statute. Every /art o) a statute s*ou(d +e
given e))ect +ecause a statute is enacted as an integrated ,easure and not as a *odge/odge o) con)(icting /rovisions.
Court s*ou(d ado/t a construction t*at wi(( give e))ect to every /art o) a statue&
i) at a(( /ossi+(e. T*is ru(e is e3/ressed in t*e ,a3i, ut res ,agis va(eat :ua,
/ereat or t*e construction is to +e soug*t w*ic* gives e))ect to t*e w*o(e o) t*e
statuteQits every word.
6.@5 A//arent(y con)(icting /rovisions reconci(ed
T*e ru(e t*at a statute ,ust +e construed and given e))ect as a w*o(e re:uires t*at a//arent(y con)(icting /rovisions
s*ou(d +e reconci(ed and *ar,oni9ed& i) at a(( /ossi+(e. A(( t*e /rovisions& even i) a//arent(y contradictory& s*ou(d
+e a((owed to stand and given e))ect +y reconci(ing ti,e. T*e statute ,ust +e so
onstrued as to /revent a con)(ict +etween /arts o) it. or it is on(y +y so
construing a statute t*at t*e statute wi(( +e given e))ect as a w*o(e.
6.@6 S/ecia( and genera( /rovisions in sa,e statute
W*en t*ere is a /articu(ar or s/ecia( /rovision and a genera( /rovision in t*e sa,e statue and t*e (atter in its ,ost
co,/re*ensive sense wou(d overru(e t*e )or,er& t*e /articu(ar or s/ecia( /rovision ,ust +e o/erative and t*e
genera( /rovision ,ust +e ta>en to a))ect on(y t*e ot*er /arts o) t*e statute to w*ic* it ,ay /ro/er(y a//(y. T*e
/articu(ar or s/ecia( /rovision is construed as an e3ce/tion to t*e genera( /rovision.
6.@7 Construction as not to render /rovision nugatory
T*e w*o(e state s*ou(d& i) /ossi+(e& +e given e))ect is t*at a /rovision o) a statute s*ou(d +e so
construed as not to nu((i)y or render nugatory anot*er /rovision o) t*e sa,e statute.
Inter/retatio )ienda est ut res ,agis va(eat :ua, /ereat&w*ic* ,eans
t*at a (aw s*ou(d +e inter/reted wit* a view to u/*o(ding rat*er t*an destroying it. A construction t*at wou(d render
a /rovision ino/erative or ine))ective s*ou(d +e avoided.
6.@A Reason )or t*e ru(e
T*e construction t*at re:uires t*at a//arent(y con)(icting /rovisions o) a statute +e reconci(ed and
*ar,oni9ed& i) at a(( /ossi+(e and t*at a /rovision s*ou(d +e so construed as not to nu((i)y anot*er& is +ased on t*e
/resu,/tion t*at t*e (egis(ature *as enacted a statute w*ose /rovisions are in *ar,ony and consistent wit* eac*
ot*er and t*at con)(icting intentions in t*e sa,e statue are never su//osed or regarded.
6.@; Iua(i)ication o) ru(e
One /art o) a statute cannot +e reconci(ed or *ar,oni9ed wit* anot*er /art wit*out nu((i)ying one in
)avor o) t*e ot*er& t*e court s*ou(d& in construing t*e statue& c*oose one w*ic* wi(( +est e))ectuate t*e (egis(ative
intent. Ru(e0 w*ere a+so(ute *ar,ony +etween /arts o) a statue is de,onstra+(y not /ossi+(e& t*e court ,ust re'ect
t*at one w*ic* is (east in accord wit* t*e genera( /(an o) t*e w*o(e statue. !owever& i) t*ere +e no suc* ground )or
c*oice +etween in*ar,onious /rovisions or sections& t*e (atter /rovision or section& +eign t*e (ast e3/ression o) t*e
(egis(ative wi((& ,ust& in construction& vacate t*e )or,er to t*e e3tent o) t*e re/ugnancy.
6.#@ Construction as to give (i)e to (aw
%aw ,ust receive sensi+(e inter/retation to /ro,ote t*e ends )or w*ic* t*ey are enacted. T*ey s*ou(d +e
given reasona+(e and /ractica( construction as wi(( give (i)e to t*e,& i) it can +e done wit*out doing vio(ence to reason.
Converse(y& a (aw s*ou(d not +e construed as to a((ow t*e doing o) an act w*ic* is /ro*i+ited +y (aw& nor so inter/reted
as to a))ord an o//ortunity to de)eat co,/(iance in ter,s& create an inconsistency& or contravene t*e /(ain words o) t*e
(aw. Inter/retatio )ienda est ut res ,agis va(eat :ua, /ereat or t*at inter/retation t*at wi(( give t*e t*ing e))icacy is
to +e ado/ted.
T*e court s*ou(d start wit* t*e assu,/tion t*at t*e (egis(ature did not do a vain t*in gin t*e enact,ent
o) t*e statute. It is to +e /resu,ed t*at t*e (aw is co,/(ete +y itse(). Ut res ,agis va(eat :ua, /ereat& t*at t*e courts
s*ou(d& i) reasona+(y /ossi+(e to do so wit*out vio(ence to t*e s/irit and (anguage o) an act& so inter/ret a statute as
to give it e))icient o/eration and e))ect as a w*o(e.
6.## Construction to avoid sur/(usage
T*e ru(e t*at a statue s*ou(d +e given e))ect as a w*o(e re:uires t*at t*e state +e so construed as to
,a>e no /art o) /rovision t*ereo) sur/(usage. A (ega( /rovision ,ust not +e so construed as to +e a use(ess
sur/(usage& and according(y& ,eaning(ess in t*e sens o) adding not*ing to t*e (aw or *aving no e))ect w*atsoever
t*erein. Nor s*ou(d a word +e so construed as to render ot*er words or /*rases associated wit* it serves no /ur/ose.
or t*e (egis(ature& in enacting a (aw& is /resu,ed to *ave used t*e word or /*rase )or a /ur/ose. In s*ort& t*e
(egis(ature& in enacting a statute& is su//osed not to insert a /rovision w*ic* is unnecessary and a sur/(usage.
6.#2 Statute and its a,end,ents construed toget*er
A(( /arts o) a statute are to +e *ar,oni9ed and reconci(ed so t*at e))ect ,ay +e given to eac* and every
/art t*ereo) a//(ies to t*e construction o) a statute and its a,end,ents. A,end,ents s*ou(d +e given e))ect. It is to
+e /resu,ed t*at t*e c*anges *ave so,e /ur/ose& w*ic* s*ou(d +e ascertained and given e))ect.
6.#4 Statute construed in *ar,ony wit* t*e Constitution
As t*e Constitution is t*e )unda,enta( (aw to w*ic* a(( (aws are su+servient& a statute s*ou(d not +e
inter/reted inde/endent(y o) t*e Constitution. T*e statute s*ou(d +e construed in *ar,ony wit* and not in vio(ation
o) t*e )unda,enta( (aw. It is /resu,ed t*at t*e (egis(ature in enacting a (aw& *ave ad*ered to t*e constitutiona(
A statute s*ou(d +e construed w*enever /ossi+(e in a ,anner t*at wi(( avoid con)(ict wit* t*e
Constitution. It s*ou(d not +e construed in suc* a way as wi(( give rise to a constitutiona( dou+t. Nor s*ou(d it +e
inter/reted in suc* a ,anner as wi(( render its a//(ication vio(ative o) a constitutiona( in*i+ition. It s*ou(d +e
inter/reted in consonance& rat*er t*an re/ugnant to& any constitutiona( co,,and or /rescri/tion.
W*ere a statute is reasona+(e susce/ti+(e o) two constructions& one constitutiona( and t*e ot*er
unconstitutiona(& t*at construction in )avor o) its constitutiona(ity s*a(( +e ado/ted and t*e construction t*at wi((
render it inva(id re'ected. Every intend,ent o) (aw s*ou(d (ean towards its va(idity and t*e court s*ou(d )avor t*at
construction w*ic* gives it t*e greater c*ance o) surviving t*e test o) constitutiona(ity.
I) t*ere is dou+t or uncertainty as to t*e ,eaning o) t*e (egis(ature& i) t*e words or /rovisions are
o+scure& or i) t*e enact,ent is )air(y susce/ti+(e o) two or ,ore constructions& t*at inter/retation wi(( +e ado/ted
w*ic* wi(( avoid t*e e))ect o) unconstitutiona(ity& even t*oug* it ,ay +e necessary& )or t*is /ur/ose& to disregard t*e
,ore usua( or a//arent i,/ort o) t*e (anguage e,/(oyed. !owever& t*e court cannot& in order to +ring a statute
wit*in t*e )unda,enta( (aw& a,end it +y construction
6.#5 Statutes in /ari ,ateria
Statutes are in /ari ,ateria( w*en t*ey re(ate to t*e sa,e /erson or t*ing& or *ave t*e sa,e /ur/ose or
o+'ect& or cover t*e sa,e s/eci)ic or /articu(ar su+'ect ,atter. T*e (ater statute ,ay s/eci)ica((y re)er to t*e /rior
statutes. T*e )act t*at no re)erence is ,ade to t*e /rior (aw does not ,ean t*at t*e two (aws are not in /ari ,ateria. It
is su))icient& in order t*at t*ey ,ay +e considered in /ari ,ateria& t*at t*e two or ,ore statute re(ate to t*e sa,e
s/eci)ic su+'ect ,atter. Two (aws are not in /ari ,ateria i) t*ey re)er to di))erent s/eci)ic ,atters& a(t*oug* t*ey +ot*
)a(( under t*e sa,e +road su+'ect.
6.#6 !ow statutes in /ari ,ateria construed
A statute s*ou(d +e construed as to *ar,oni9e wit* ot*er (aws on t*e
sa,e su+'ect ,atter as to )or, a co,/(ete& co*erent and inte((igi+(e syste,.
Inter/retare et concordare (eges (egi+us est o/ti,us inter/retandi ,odusor
every statute ,ust +e so construed and *ar,oni9ed wit* ot*er statutes as to
)or, a uni)or, syste, o) 'uris/rudence.
Statutes in /ari ,ateria s*ou(d +e construed toget*er to attain t*e /ur/ose o) an e3/ress nationa( /o(icy.
or t*e assu,/tion is t*at w*enever t*e (egis(ature enacts a (aw& it *as in ,ind t*e /revious statutes re(ating to t*e
sa,e su+'ect ,atter& and in t*e a+sence o) any e3/ress re/ea( or a,end,ent& t*e new statute is dee,ed enacted in
accord wit* t*e (egis(ative /o(icy e,+odied in t*e /rior statutes and t*ey s*ou(d +e construed toget*er. "rovisons in
an act w*ic* are o,itted in anot*er act re(ating to t*e sa,e su+'ect ,atter wi(( +e a//(ied in a /roceeding under t*e
ot*er act w*en not inconsistent wit* its /ur/ose. "rior statutes re(ating to t*e sa,e su+'ect ,atter are to +e co,/ared
wit* t*e new /rovisions& and i) /ossi+(e +y reasona+(e construction& +ot* are to +e construed t*at e))ect is given to
every /rovision o) suc*. Statutes in /ari ,ateria& a(t*oug* in a//arent con)(ict& are so )ar as reasona+(y /ossi+(e
construed to +e in *ar,ony wit* eac* ot*er.Inter/retare et concordare (eges
(egi+us& est o/ti,us inter/retandi ,odus& w*ic* ,eans t*at t*e +est ,et*od o)
inter/retation is t*at w*ic* ,a>es (aws consistent wit* ot*er (aws.
W*en two or ,ore statutes on t*e sa,e su+'ect were enacted at di))erent ti,es and under dissi,i(ar
circu,stances or conditions& t*eir inter/retation s*ou(d +e in accordance wit* t*e circu,stances or conditions
/ecu(iar to eac*& in order t*at t*e statutes ,ay +e *ar,oni9ed or +etter understood. Ru(e +ased on0 distingue te,/ora
et concorda+is 'ura& or distinguis* ti,es and you wi(( *ar,oni9e (aws.
A statute wi(( not& *owever& +e construed as re/ea(ing /rior act on t*e sa,e su+'ect in t*e a+sence o)
words to t*at e))ect& un(ess t*ere is an irreconci(a+(e re/ugnancy +etween t*e, or un(ess t*e new (aw is evident(y
intended to su/ersede a(( /rior acts on t*e ,atter and to co,/rise itse() t*e so(e and co,/(ete syste, o) (egis(ation
on t*e su+'ect.
6.#7 Reasons w*y (aws on sa,e su+'ect are reconci(ed
In enacting a statute& t*e (egis(ature is /resu,ed to *ave +een aware o)& and *ave ta>en into account&
/rior (aws on t*e su+'ect o) (egis(ation. It cannot +e said t*at t*ey intended t*e esta+(is*,ent o) con)(icting and
*osti(e syste,s on t*e sa,e su+'ect& or to (eave in )orce /rovisions o) a /rior (aw w*ic* ,ay t*wart and overt*row
t*e wi(( o) t*e (egis(ature.
6.#A W*ere *ar,oni9ation is i,/ossi+(e
I) two or ,ore (aws on t*e sa,e su+'ect cannot /ossi+(y +e reconci(ed or *ar,oni9ed& one *as to give
way in )avor o) t*e ot*er. T*ere cannot +e two con)(icting (aws on t*e sa,e su+'ect. T*e ear(ier one ,ust yie(d to t*e
(ater one& it +eing t*e (ater e3/ression o) t*e (egis(ative wi((.
6.#; I((ustration o) t*e ru(e
6.1@ $enera( and s/ecia( statutes
A genera( statute is a statute w*ic* a//(ies to a(( o) t*e /eo/(e o) t*e state or to a(( o) a /articu(ar c(ass
o) /ersons in t*e state wit* e:ua( )orce. It is one w*ic* e,+races o) a c(ass o) su+'ect or /(aces and does not o,it
any su+'ect or /(ace natura((y +e(onging to suc* c(ass. A s/ecia( statute is one w*ic* re(ates to /articu(ar /ersons or
t*ings o) a c(ass or to a /articu(ar /ortion or section o) t*e state on(y.
A genera( (aw and s/ecia( (aw on t*e sa,e su+'ect are statutes in /ari ,ateria( and s*ou(d& according(y
+e read toget*er and *ar,oni9ed& i) /ossi+(e& wit* a view to giving e))ect to +ot*. Ru(e0 w*ere t*ere are two acts&
one o) w*ic* is s/ecia( and /articu(ar and t*e ot*er genera( w*ic*& i) standing a(one& wou(d inc(ude t*e sa,e ,atter
and t*us con)(ict wit* t*e s/ecia( act& t*e s/ecia( ,ust /revai( since it evinces t*e (egis(ative intent ,ore c(ear(y t*an
t*at o) a genera( statute and ,ust +e ta>en as intended to constitute an e3ce/tion to t*e genera( act.
T*e circu,stance t*at t*e s/ecia( (aw is /assed +e)ore or a)ter t*e genera( act does not c*ange t*e
/rinci/(e. W*ere t*e s/ecia( (aw is (ater& it wi(( +e regarded as an e3ce/tion to or :ua(i)ication o)& t*e /rior genera(
act< and w*ere t*e genera( act is (ater& t*e s/ecia( statute wi(( +e construed as re,aining an e3ce/tion to its ter,s&
un(ess re/ea(ed e3/ress(y or +y necessary i,/(ication.
W*ere two statutes are o) e:ua( t*eoretica( a//(ication to a /articu(ar
case& t*e one designed t*ere)ore s/ecia((y s*ou(d /revai(.
6.1# Reason )or t*e ru(e
Reason0 -s/ecia( as e3ce/tion to t*e genera(. t*e (egis(ature in /assing a (aw o) s/ecia( c*aracter *as its
attention directed to t*e s/ecia( )acts and circu,stance w*ic* t*e s/ecia( )acts and circu,stances w*ic* t*e s/ecia(
act is intended to ,eet.
6.11 Iua(i)ications o) t*e ru(e
T*e ru(e is not a+so(ute. One e3ce/tion is t*at w*ere t*e (egis(ature c(ear(y intended t*e (ater genera(
enact,ent to cover t*e w*o(e su+'ect and to re/ea( a(( /rior (aws inconsistent t*erewit*& t*e genera( (aw /revai(s
over a s/ecia( (aw on t*e su+'ect. In suc* case& t*ere is a re/ea( o) t*e s/ecia( (aw.
Anot*er e3ce/tion0 w*ere t*e s/ecia( (aw ,ere(y esta+(is*es a genera( ru(e w*i(e t*e genera( (aw
creates a s/eci)ic and s/ecia( ru(e& in w*ic* case t*e genera( (aw /revai(s over t*e s/ecia( (aw.
T*e ru(e does not a//(y w*ere t*e situation is reversed& t*at is& t*e genera( (aw treats t*e su+'ect in
/articu(ar and t*e s/ecia( (aw re)ers to it in genera(. In t*is situation& t*e genera( (aw /revai(s over t*e s/ecia( (aw in
t*e event o) re/ugnancy or con)(ict +etween t*e two (aws.
6.12 Re)erence statutes
A re)erence statute is a statute w*ic* re)ers to ot*er statutes and ,a>es t*e, a//(ica+(e to t*e su+'ect
o) (egis(ation. It is incor/oration in a statute o) anot*er statute +y re)erence. It is used to avoid encu,+ering t*e
statute +oo>s o) unnecessary re/etition& and t*ey *ave +een recogni9ed as an a//roved ,et*od o) (egis(ation& in t*e
a+sence o) constitutiona( restrictions.
T*e ado/tion +y re)erence o) a statute t*at was /revious(y re/ea(ed revives t*e statute. T*e ado/tion
ta>es t*e ado/ted statute as it e3ists at t*e tie o) ado/tion and does not inc(ude t*e su+se:uent c*anges or
,odi)ication o) t*e statute so ta>en& un(ess it does so e3/ress(y.
A re)erence statute s*ou(d +e so construed as to *ar,oni9e wit*& and
to give e))ect to& t*e ado/ted statute.
6.14 Su//(e,enta( statutes
A su//(e,enta( act is one intended to su//(y de)iciencies in an e3isting statute and to add& to co,/(ete&
or e3tend t*e statute wit*out c*anging or ,odi)ying its origina( te3t. T*e origina( statute and t*e su//(e,enta( act
s*ou(d +e read and construed toget*er to ,a>e an inte((igi+(e w*o(e.
6.15 Reenacted statutes
A statute w*ic* reenacts a /revious statute or t*e /rovisions t*ereo) is >nown as reenacted statute. A
reenact,ent is one in w*ic* t*e /rovisions o) an ear(ier statute are re/roduced in t*e sa,e or su+stantia((y t*e sa,e
words. T*e reenact,ent ,ay a(so +e ,ade +y re)erence. T*us& w*ere a statute /rovides t*at a(( (aws not inconsistent
wit* t*e /rovisions t*ereo) are dee,ed incor/orated and ,ade integra( /arts t*ereo) +y re)erence& suc* /revious
(aws on t*e sa,e su+'ect ,atter are dee,ed enacted.
T*e reenact,ent is a (egis(ative e3/ression o) intention to ado/t t*e construction as we(( as t*e
(anguage o) t*e /rior act. Ru(e0 w*en a statute or a /rovision t*ereo) *as +een construed +y t*e court o) (ast resort
and t*e sa,e is su+stantia((y reenacted& t*e (egis(ature ,ay +e regarded as ado/ting suc* construction& and t*e
construction w*ic* t*e ado/ted statute /revious(y received.T*e ru(e is t*at two statute wit* a /ara((e( sco/e& /ur/ose
ter,ino(ogy s*ou(d& eac* in its own )ie(d& *ave a (i>e inter/retation& un(ess in /articu(ar instances t*ere is so,et*ing
/ecu(iar in t*e :uestion under t*e consideration& or dissi,i(ar in t*e ter,s o) t*e act re(ating t*ereto& re:uiring a
di))erent conc(usion.
6.16 Ado/tion o) conte,/oraneous construction
T*e reenact,ent o) a statute w*ic* *as received a /ractica( or conte,/oraneous construction +y t*ose
c*arged wit* t*e duty o) e3ecuting it is a /ersuasive indication o) t*e ado/tion +y t*e (egis(ature o) t*e /rior
/ractica( or e3ecutive construction& t*e (egis(ature +eing /resu,ed to >now t*e e3istence o) suc* construction w*en
it ,ade t*e reenact,ent.
6.17 Iua(i)ication o) t*e ru(e
t*e ru(e t*at w*en a 'udicia( or conte,/oraneous construction *as +een given to a statute& t*e
reenact,ent o) t*e statute is genera((y *e(d to +e in e))ect a (egis(ative ado/tion o) t*e construction& a//(ies on(y
w*en t*e statute is
ca/a+(e o) t*e construction given to it and w*en t*e construction *as +eco,e a
sett(ed ru(e o) conduct.
6.1A Ado/ted statutes
An ado/ted statute is statute /atterned a)ter& or co/ied )ro, a statute o) a )oreign country. In
construing it& t*e court s*ou(d ta>e into consideration t*e construction o) t*e (aw +y t*e courts o) t*e country )ro,
w*ic* it is ta>en& as we(( as t*e (aw itse() and t*e /ractices under it& )or t*e (egis(ature is /resu,ed to *ave ado/ted
suc* construction and /ractices wit* t*e ado/tion o) t*e (aw. T*e /resu,/tion does not& *owever& a//(y to
construction given t*e statute su+se:uent to its ado/tion& a(t*oug* it *ad /ersuasive e))ect on t*e inter/retation o)
t*e ado/ted statute
W*et*er a statute is to +e given a strict or (i+era( construction wi(( +e de/end u/on t*e nature o) t*e
statute& t*e /ur/ose to +e su+served and t*e ,isc*ie) to +e re,edied& and a strict or (i+era( inter/retation wi(( +e
given a statute t*at wi(( +est acco,/(is* t*e end desired and e))ectuate (egis(ative intent.
Strict construction& genera((y
Strict construction is t*at construction according to t*e (etter o) a statute& w*ic* recogni9es not*ing t*at
is not e3/ressed& ta>es t*e (anguage used in its e3act ,eaning& and ad,its no e:uita+(e consideration. It does not
,ean giving a statute its narrowest ,eaning o) w*ic* it is susce/ti+(e. Nor does it ,ean t*at words s*a(( +e so
restricted as not to *ave t*eir )u(( ,eaning. Sco/e o) statute s*a(( not +e e3tended or en(arged +y i,/(ication&
intend,ent& or e:uita+(e consideration +eyond t*e (itera( ,eaning o) its ter,s.
%i+era( construction& de)ined.
%i+era( constructions ,eans suc* e:uita+(e construction as wi(( en(arge o) a statute to acco,/(is* its
intended /ur/ose& carry out its intent& or /ro,ote 'ustice.
It does not ,ean en(arge,ent o) a /rovision w*ic* is c(ear&
una,+iguous and )ree )ro, dou+t& )or a statute w*ic* is /(ain and c(ear is not su+'ect to construction.
construction is t*at construction w*ic* e3/ands t*e ,eaning o) a statute to ,eet cases w*ic* are c(ear(y wit*in t*e
s/irit or reason t*ereo) or wit*in t*e evi( w*ic* t*e statute was designed to re,edy& or w*ic* give t*e statute its
genera((y acce/ted ,eaning to t*e end t*at t*e ,ost co,/re*ensive a//(ication t*ereo) ,ay+e accorded& wit*out
+eing inconsistent wit* its (anguage or doing vio(ence to any o) its ter,s. %i+era( construction ,eans t*at t*e words
s*ou(d receive a )air and reasona+(e inter/retation& so as to attain t*e intent& s/irit and /ur/ose o) t*e (aw.
%i+era( construction a//(ied& genera((y
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
T*e (itera( ,eaning o) t*e words used ,ay +e re'ected i) t*e resu(t o) ado/ting said ,eaning wou(d +e
to de)eat /ur/ose o) t*e (aw. %i+era( inter/retation so as to save t*e statute )ro, o+(iteration& utres
,agis va(eat :ua, /ereat. Construction +y t*is nature and t*e act o)
t*e court in engra)ting u/on a (aw so,et*ing w*ic* its +e(ieves oug*t to *ave +een e,+raced t*erein. T*e )or,er is
(i+era( construction and is a (egiti,ate e3ercise o) 'udicia( /ower. T*e (atter is 'udicia( (egis(ation )or+idden +y t*e
tri/artite division o) /owers a,ong t*e t*ree de/art,ents o) govern,ent& t*e e3ecutive& t*e (egis(ative and t*e
'udicia(. A statute ,ay not +e (i+era((y construed to read into it so,et*ing w*ic* its c(ear and /(ain (anguage re'ects.
Construction to /ro,ote socia( 'ustice.
FIt -socia( 'ustice ,andate. is ,eant )or t*e t*ree de/art,ents0 t*e (egis(ative& e3ecutive&
and 'udicia(& +ecause t*e (atter two are no (ess t*an t*e agencies o) t*e state t*an t*e )irst. En*ance socia( 'ustice.
Construction ta>ing into consideration genera( we()are or growt* o)
civi(i9ation.So,e aut*orities advocate a construction w*ic* see>s an
e3/ansive a//(ication o) statutes to attain t*e genera( we() /o/u(i est
su/re,a (e3. Statute enacted )or t*e /u+(ic good are to +e construed (i+era((y.
Statuta /ro /u+(ico co,,odo (ate inter/retantur. An aut*ority on t*e su+'ect
e3/ounds on t*is ty/e o) construction0 FT*ere is )or ,e in a(( cases a /rinci/(e o) statutory construction not to +e
)ound on t*e +oo>s& +ut w*ic* )or t*e "*i(i//ine Is(ands is a((=i,/ortant. In t*e reso(ution o) a(( :uestions& I +egin
wit* t*ese :ueries0 w*at is )or t*e +est interest o) t*e i(i/ino /eo/(eS
FT*e statute in genera( *as two& articu(ate organs )or (aw,a>ing /ur/oses N t*e (egis(ature and t*e
tri+una(. irst organ ,a>es new (aw& t*e second attests and con)ir,s o(d (aw. Statutes ,ust +e inter/reted in t*e (ig*t
o) t*e growt* o) civi(i9ation and varying conditions.
"ena( statutes& genera((y.
"ena( statutes re)er to t*ose (aws +y w*ic* /unis*,ents are i,/osed )or vio(ation or
transgression o) t*eir /rovisions. Acts o) t*e (egis(ature w*ic* /ro*i+it certain acts and esta+(is* /ena(ties )or t*eir
vio(ation< or t*ose t*at de)ine cri,es& treat o) t*eir nature and /rovide )or t*eir /unis*,ent. "ena( or cri,ina( (aws
are t*ose w*ic* i,/ose /unis*,ent )or an o))ense co,,itted against t*e state& and w*ic* t*e c*ie) e3ecutive *as t*e
/ower to /ardon. A statute w*ic* decrees t*e )or)eiture in )avor o) t*e state o) une3/(ained wea(t* ac:uired +y a
/u+(ic o))icia( w*i(e in o))ice is cri,ina( in nature.
"ena( statutes strict(y construed.
"ena( or cri,ina( (aws are strict(y construed against t*e State and (i+era((y in )avor o) t*e
accused cannot +e en(arged or e3tended +y intend,ent& i,/(ication& or any e:uita+(e consideration. T*e (anguage o)
a /ena( statutes cannot +e en(arged +eyond t*e ordinary ,eaning o) its ter,s in order to carry into e))ect t*e genera(
/ur/ose )or w*ic* t*e statute was enacted. Reso(ved in )avor o) t*e /erson accused o) vio(ating t*e statute.
No /erson s*ou(d +e +roug*t wit*in t*e ter,s o) a statute w*o is not c(ear(y wit*in t*e,& nor s*ou(d any act +e
/ronounced cri,ina( w*ic* is not c(ear(y ,ade so +y t*e statute.
T*e ru(e t*at /ena( statutes are strict(y construed does not ,ean t*at every /ena( (aw ,ust +e so
narrow(y construed as to de)eat t*e (aw itse()< it ,ere(y ,eans t*at t*ey are not to +e construed so strict(y as to
nu((i)y or destroy t*e o+vious /ur/ose o) t*e (egis(ature.
8e construed wit* suc*
strictness as to care)u((y sa)eguard t*e rig*ts o) t*e de)endant and at t*e sa,e ti,e /reserve t*e o+vious intention o)
t*e (egis(ature. It wi(( endeavor to e))ect su+stantia( 'ustice.
Care)u( scrutiny sa)eguard t*e rig*ts o) t*e accused. Two reasona+(e +ut contradictory constructions&
t*at w*ic* o/erates in )avor o) a /arty accused under its /rovision is to +e /re)erred. T*e /rinci/(e is t*at acts in and
o) t*e,se(ves innocent and (aw)u( cannot +e *e(d to +e cri,ina( un(ess t*ere is a c(ear and une:uivoca( e3/ression
o) t*e (egis(ative intent to ,a>e t*e, suc*.
Reason w*y /ena( statutes are strict(y construed.
%aw is tender in )avor o) t*e rig*ts o) an individua(< t*e o+'ect is to esta+(is* a certain
ru(e +y con)or,ity to w*ic* ,an>ind wou(d +e sa)e& and t*e discretion o) t*e court (i,ited. T*e /ur/ose o) strict
construction is not to ena+(e a gui(ty /erson to esca/e /unis*,ent t*roug* a tec*nica(ity +ut to /rovide a /recise
de)inition o) )or+idden acts.
7.#@.Acts ,a(a in se and ,a(a /ro*i+ita.
$enera( ru(e is t*at a /ena( statute wi(( not +e construed to ,a>e t*e co,,ission o)
certain /ro*i+ited acts cri,ina( wit*out regard to t*e intent o) t*e doer& un(ess t*ere is a c(ear (egis(ative intent to t*e
contrary< evi( intent ,ust co,+ine wit* an act.Actus non )acit reu, nisi ,ens sit rea& t*e act itse() does not ,a>e a
,an gui(ty un(ess *is intention were so.Actus ,e invito
)actus non est ,eus actus& an act done +y ,e against ,y wi(( is not ,y act.
Ma(a in se& cri,ina( intent& a/art )ro, t*e act itse()& is re:uired +ut in t*ose
w*ic* are ,a(a /ro*i+ita t*e on(y in:uiry is& *as t*e (aw +een vio(ated.
7.#1 %i,itation o) t*e ru(e.
T*e ru(e t*at /ena( statutes are given a strict construction is not t*e on(y )actor in t*e
inter/retation o) t*e cri,ina( (aws< ,ere(y serves as an additiona( )actor to +e considered as an aid in ascertaining
t*e ,eaning o) /ena( (aws. A strict construction s*ou(d not +e /er,itted to de)eat t*e intent& /o(icy& and /ur/ose o)
t*e statute. T*e court s*ou(d consider t*e s/irit and reason o) a statute w*ere a (itera( ,eaning wou(d (ead to
a+surdity& contradiction& in'ustice& or wou(d de)eat t*e c(ear /ur/ose o) t*e (aw& )or strict construction o) a cri,ina(
statute does not ,ean suc* construction as to de/rive it o) t*e ,eaning intended.Ca/a+(e o) two inter/retations& one
w*ic* wi(( o/erate to e3e,/t an
accused )ro, (ia+i(ity )or vio(ation t*ereo) and anot*er w*ic* wi(( give e))ect to t*e ,ani)est intent o) t*e statute and
/ro,ote its o+'ect& t*e (atter t*e inter/retation s*ou(d +e ado/ted< t*ey are not to +e so strict(y construed as to de)eat
t*e o+vious /ur/ose o) t*e (egis(ature.
7.#2 Statutes in derogation o) rig*ts.
"eo/(e in re/u+(ican state en'oy certain rig*ts& w*ic* are eit*er in*erent or guaranteed +y
t*e constitution or /rotected +y (aw< rig*ts are not a+so(ute& and t*e state& in t*e e3ercise o) its /o(ice /ower& ,ay
enact (egis(ations curtai(ing or restricting t*eir en'oy,ent. As t*ese statutes are in derogation o) co,,on or genera(
rig*ts& t*ey are genera((y strict(y construed and rigid(y con)ined to cases c(ear(y wit*in t*eir sco/e or /ur/ose.< two
reasona+(y /ossi+(e constructions&
one w*ic* wou(d di,inis* or restrict )unda,enta( rig*t
o) t*e /eo/(e and t*e ot*er o) w*ic* wou(d not do so& t*e (atter construction ,ust +e ado/ted so as to a((ow )u((
en'oy,ent o) suc* )unda,enta( rig*t.
7.#4 Statutes aut*ori9ing e3/ro/riations.
T*e /ower o) e,inent do,ain is essentia((y (egis(ative in nature. T*e (egis(ature ,ay not&
*owever& +y itse()& e3ercise suc* /ower +y enacting a (aw direct(y e3/ro/riating a /articu(ar (and and )i3ing t*e
a,ount o) 'ust co,/ensation t*ereo). It ,ay de(egate t*e /ower& +y (aw& su+'ect to *earing as to 'ust co,/ensation
to t*e /resident& (oca( govern,ent units& or a /u+(ic uti(ity co,/any.< strict(y construed against t*e e3/ro/riating
aut*ority and (i+era((y in )avor o) /ro/erty owners< Fe3ercise o) t*e rig*t o) e,inent do,ain& w*et*er +y t*e state or
+y its aut*ori9ed agents& is necessari(y in derogation o) /rivate rig*ts& and t*e ru(e in t*at case is t*at t*e aut*ority
,ust +e strict(y construed< rig*t to )ree*o(d in*a+itants.
7.#5 Statutes granting /rivi(eges.
Statutes granting advantages to /rivate /ersons or entities *ave in ,any instance created
s/ecia( /rivi(eges or ,ono/o(ies )or t*e rantees and *ave t*us +een viewed wit* sus/icion and strict(y construed<
/u+(ic advantage is gained +y t*e grant& it narrow(y a//ears to +e secondary signi)icance co,/ared wit* t*e
advantage gained +y t*e grantee.
Strict construction re:uires t*at t*ose w*o invo>e a s/ecia(
/rivi(ege granted +y t*e statute ,ust co,/(y strict(y wit* its /rovisions.
"rivi(egia reci/ient (arga, inter/retatione, vo(untati consona, concedentis& or
/rivi(eges are to +e inter/reted in accordance wit* t*e wi(( o) *i, w*o grants
7.#6 %egis(ative grants to (oca( govern,ent units.
%egis(ative grants in )avor o) (oca( govern,ent units are grants o) a /u+(ic nature& and
*ence& s*ou(d +e strict(y construed against t*e grantee.< t*ere is in suc* a grant a gratuitous donation o) /u+(ic
,oney or /ro/erty w*ic* resu(ts in an un)air advantage to t*e grantee and )or t*at reason& t*e grant s*ou(d +e
narrow(y restricted in )avor o) t*e /u+(ic.
7.#7 Statutory grounds )or re,ova( o) o))icia(s.
Statutes re(ating to sus/ension or re,ova( o) /u+(ic o))icia(s are strict(y construed. <
re,ova( is to +e con)ined wit*in t*e (i,its /rescri+ed )or it< t*e causes& ,anner and conditions )i3ed ,ust +e
/ursued wit* strictness< w*ere t*e cause o) re,ova( is s/eci)ied& t*e s/eci)ication a,ounts to a /ro*i+ition to
re,ove )or a di))erent cause& w*ic* is a /ara/*rase o) t*e ,a3i,
e3/ressio unius est e3c(usion a(terius. < re,edy o) re,ova( is drastic one and
/ena( in nature.< w*ere a statute /rovides t*at a /u+(ic o))icia( ,ay +e re,oved )or Fneg(ect o) duty& o//ression&
corru/tion or ot*er )or,s o) ,a(ad,inistration in o))ice&H t*e /*rase Kin o))iceH s*ou(d +e construed to :ua(i)y t*e
enu,erated grounds& in t*at t*e grounds ,ust +e suc* as a))ect t*e o))icerLs /er)or,ance o) *is duties as an o))icer
and not suc* as a))ect on(y *is c*aracter as a /rivate /erson.
7.#A Natura(i9ation (aws.
%aws on natura(i9ation are strict(y construed against an a//(icant )or citi9ens*i/ and
rigid(y )o((owed and en)orced. < rig*t o) an a(ien to +eco,e a citi9en +y natura(i9ation is a statutory rat*er t*at a
natura( one& and it does not +eco,e vested unti( *e )i(es a /etition and esta+(is*es +y co,/etent and satis)actory
evidence t*at *e *as a(( t*e :ua(i)ications and none o) t*e dis:ua(i)ications s/eci)ied +y (aw.
7.#; Statutes i,/osing ta3es and custo, duties.
T*e /ower to ta3 is an incident o) sovereignty and is un(i,ited in its range&
ac>now(edging in its very nature no (i,its& so t*at security against its a+use t*e is to +e )ound on(y in t*e
res/onsi+i(ity o) t*e (egis(ature w*ic* i,/oses t*e ta3 o) t*e constituency w*o are to /ay it. < F/ower to ta3 invo(ves
t*e /ower to destroy.H <
ta3 statutes ,ust +e construed strict(y against t*e
govern,ent and (i+era((y in )avor o) t*e ta3/ayer. < t*e statute is to +e construed strict(y against t*e su+'ection to ta3
(ia+i(ity& and it wi(( not +e construed as i,/osing a ta3 un(ess it does so c(ear(y& e3/ress(y and una,+iguous(y . a ta3
cannot +e i,/osed wit*out c(ear and e3/ress words )or t*at /ur/ose. Ta3 or custo,s (aws ,ay not +e e3tended +y
i,/(ication +eyond t*e c(ear i,/ort o) t*eir (anguage& nor t*eir o/eration en(arged so as to e,+race ,atters not
s/eci)ica((y /rovided. <
Reason N ta3ation is a destructive /ower w*ic* inter)eres wit* t*e /ersona( and /ro/erty rig*ts o) t*e
/eo/(e and ta>es )ro, t*e, a /ortion o) t*eir /ro/erty )or t*e su//ort o) t*e govern,ent.< +urdens are not to +e
i,/osed& nor /resu,ed to +e i,/osed& +eyond w*at t*e statutes e3/ress(y and c(ear(y i,/ort.
7.1@ Statutes granting ta3 e3e,/tions.
Ta3es are w*at t*e /eo/(e /ay )or civi(i9ed society. < (i)e+(ood o) t*e nation. T*e (aw
)rowns against e3e,/tions )ro, ta3ation. %aws granting ta3 e3e,/tions are t*us construed strictiss,i 'uris against
t*e ta3/ayer and (i+era((y in )avor o) t*e ta3ing aut*ority. Ta3ation is t*e ru(e and e3e,/tion is t*ee3ce/tion. T*e
+urden o) /roo) rests u/on t*e /arty c(ai,ing e3e,/tion to /rove t*at it is in )act covered +y t*e e3e,/tion so
c(ai,ed. Statutes granting ta3 e3e,/tions are construed strictissi,i 'uris against t*e ta3/ayer and (i+era((y in )avor
o) t*e ta3ing aut*ority. 8asis N to ,ini,i9e t*e di))erent treat,ent and )oster i,/artia(ity& )airness and e:ua(ity o)
treat,ent a,ong ta3/ayers. or e3e,/tions )ro, ta3ation are not )avored in (aw& nor are t*ey /resu,ed. T*ey ,ust
+e e3/ressed in t*e c(earest and ,ost una,+iguous (anguage and not (e)t to ,ere i,/(ications. Fe3e,/tions are
never /resu,ed& t*e +urden is on t*e c(ai,ant to esta+(is* c(ear(y *is rig*t to e3e,/tion and an a((eged grant o)
e3e,/tion wi(( +e strict(y construed and cannot +e ,ade out +y in)erence or i,/(ications +ut ,ust +e +eyond
reasona+(e dou+t. In ot*er words& sinc
a3ation is t*e ru(e and e3e,/tion t*e intention to ,a>e an e3e,/tion oug*t to
+e e3/ressed in c(ear and una,+iguous ter,s.
7.1# Iua(i)ication o) ru(e.
Not a+so(ute. W*ere t*e /rovision o) t*e (aw is c(ear and una,+iguous & so t*at t*ere is
no occasion )or t*e court see>ing t*e (egis(ative intent& t*e (aw ,ust +e ta>en as it is& devoid o) 'udicia( addition or
su+traction. %aw /rovides no :ua(i)ication )or t*e granting o) ta3 e3e,/tion& t*e court is not at (i+erty to su//(y
one..< does not a//(y in t*e case o) ta3 e3e,/tions in )avor o) t*e govern,ent itse() or its agencies.
7.11 Statutes concerning t*e sovereign.
Restrictive statutes w*ic* i,/ose +urdens on t*e /u+(ic treasury or w*ic* di,inis* rig*ts
and interest are strict(y construed. or t*is reason& suc* statutes & no ,atter *ow +road t*eir ter,s are& do not
e,+race t*e sovereign& un(ess t*e sovereign is s/eci)ica((y ,entioned.
7.12 Statutes aut*ori9ing suits against t*e govern,ent.
FState ,ay not +e sued wit*out its consent.H N rea))ir,s universa( ru(e t*at t*e sovereign
is e3e,/t )ro, suit& in t*e a+sence o) its consent to +e sued usua((y in t*e )or, o) a statute to t*at e))ect& not +ecause
o) any )or,a( conce/tion or a+so(ute t*eory +ut on t*e (ogica( and /ractica( ground t*at t*ere can +e no (ega( rig*t
de/ends.Nu((u, te,/us occurrit regi. A statute w*ere+y t*e state gives its consent to +e sued is strict(y construed&
and t*e waiver o) i,,unity )ro, suit& +eing in derogation o) sovereignty& wi(( not +e (ig*t(y in)erred.
7.14 Statutes /rescri+ing )or,a(ities o) wi((.
Statutes /rescri+ing t*e )or,a(ities to +e o+served in t*e e3ecution o) wi((s are strict(y
construed& < a wi(( ,ust +e e3ecuted in accordance wit* t*e statutory re:uire,ents& ot*erwise it is entire(y void. <
a//(y t*e intent o) t*e (egis(ators and not t*at o) t*e testator& and t*e (atterLs intention is )re:uent(y de)eated +y t*e
non=o+servance o) w*at t*e statute re:uires.
7.15 E3ce/tions and /rovisos.
As a ru(e& e3ce/tions s*ou(d +e strict(y +ut reasona+(y construed< t*ey e3tend on(y so )ar
as t*eir (anguage )air(y warrants& and a(( dou+ts s*ou(d +e reso(ved in )avor o) t*e genera( /rovision rat*er t*an t*e
e3ce/tion. T*e court wi(( not curtai( t*e )or,er nor add to t*e (atter +y i,/(ication& and it is a ru(e t*at an e3/ress
e3ce/tion e3c(udes a(( ot*ers& a(t*oug* it is a(ways /ro/er in deter,ining t*e a//(ica+i(ity o) t*is ru(e to in:uire
w*et*er& in t*e /articu(ar case& it accords wit* reason and 'ustice.
Si,i(ar(y& a statute& ru(e or situation w*ic* a((ows e3ce/tions to t*e re:uire,ent o)
warrant o) arrest or searc* warrant ,ust +e strict(y construed. A /re)erence is an e3ce/tion to t*e genera( ru(e and it
is w*at its na,e i,/(ies.
A /roviso s*ou(d +e inter/reted consistent(y wit* t*e (egis(ative intent. T*e reason is t*at
t*e (egis(ative /ur/ose set )ort* in t*e genera( enact,ent e3/resses t*e (egis(ative /o(icy and on(y t*ose e3/ress(y
e3e,/ted +y t*e /roviso s*ou(d +e )reed )ro, t*e o/eration o) t*e statute.
7.16 $enera( socia( (egis(ation
I,/(e,ent t*e socia( 'ustice and /rotection=to=(a+or /rovisions o) t*e Constitution are
>nown as genera( we()are (egis(ations. T*ese statutes are construed (i+era((y. $enera( we()are (egis(ations& t*e courts
wi(( +e guided +y ,ore t*an 'ust an in:uiry into t*e (etter o) t*e (aw as against its s/irit and wi(( u(ti,ate(y reso(ve
any dou+t in )avor o) t*e /ersons w*o, t*e (aw intended to +ene)it.
%a+or (aws& tenancy (aws& (and re)or, (aws and socia( security (aws. !owever& w*i(e
genera( we()are (egis(ations are construed (i+era((y in )avor o) t*ose intended to +e +ene)ited& t*is /rinci/(e *o(ds
true on(y w*en t*ere is dou+t or a,+iguity in t*e (aw and not w*en t*e (aw itse() is c(ear and )ree dou+t.
Wor>ing,anLs we()are s*ou(d +e t*e /ri,ordia( and /ara,ount consideration. Artic(e 4
o) t*e New %a+or Code w*ic* states t*at Ka(( dou+ts in t*e i,/(e,entation and inter/retation o) t*e /rovisions o) t*e
%a+or Code inc(uding its i,/(e,enting ru(es and regu(ations s*a(( +e reso(ved in )avor o) (a+or. 8ased on t*e
/re,ise t*at t*e statute is a,+iguous.
7.17 $enera( we()are c(ause.
T*e genera( we()are c(ause on t*e /ower o) (oca( govern,ent *as two +ranc*es. One
+ranc* attac*es itse() to t*e ,ain trun> o) ,unici/a( aut*ority and re(ates to suc* ordinances and regu(ations as ,ay
+e necessary to carry into e))ect and disc*arge t*e /owers and duties con)erred u/on (oca( (egis(ative +odies +y (aw.
T*e second +ranc* is ,uc* ,ore inde/endent o) t*e s/eci)ic )unctions enu,erated +y (aw. It aut*ori9es suc*
ordinances as s*a(( see, necessary and /ro/er to /rovide )or t*e *ea(t* and sa)ety& /ro,ote t*e /ros/erity& i,/rove
t*e ,ora(s& /eace& good order& co,)ort& and convenience o) t*e (oca( govern,ent unit and t*e in*a+itants t*ereo)&
and )or t*e /rotection o) t*e /ro/erty t*erein.
T*e genera( we()are c(ause s*ou(d +e construed (i+era((y in
)avor o) t*e (oca( govern,ent units.
7.1A $rant o) /ower to (oca( govern,ents.
%i,ited se()=govern,ent to )u(( autono,y. T*e o(d ru(e is t*at ,unici/a( cor/orations&
+eing ,ere creatures o) t*e (aw& *ave on(y suc* /owers as are e3/ress(y granted to t*e, and t*ose w*ic* are
necessari(y i,/(ied or incidenta( to t*e e3ercise t*ereo) and t*at grants o) /ower to t*e, are to +e construed strict(y
and any dou+t s*ou(d +e reso(ved in )avor o) t*e nationa( govern,ent and against t*e /o(itica( su+division
T*e ru(e o) construction c*ange wit* t*e enact,ent o) Re/u+(ic Act No.1164& ot*erwise
>nown as t*e %oca( Autono,y Act. Section #1 o) said Act /rovides in /art t*at t*e Ki,/(ied /ower o) a /rovince& a
city or a ,unici/a(ity s*a(( +e (i+era((y construed in its )avor. Any )air and reasona+(e dou+t as to t*e e3istence o)
t*e /ower s*ou(d +e inter/reted in )avor o) t*e (oca( govern,ent and it s*a(( +e /resu,ed to e3ist. T*is (i+era(
construction is )orti)ied +y t*e Constitution. #;72 Constitution is towards t*e )u((est autono,y o) (oca( govern,ent
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
%oca( $overn,ent Code N Kany /ower o) a +arangay&
,unici/a(ity& city or /rovince s*a(( +e (i+era((y construed in its )avor.
S*a(( +e reso(ved in )avor o) devo(ution o) /owers and o) t*e (ower (oca( govern,ent
unit. Ta3 ordinance or revenue ,easure s*a(( +e construed strict(y against t*e (oca( govern,ent unit enacting it& and
(i+era((y in )avor o) t*e ta3/ayer. Any ta3 e3e,/tion construed strict(y against t*e /erson c(ai,ing it< %i+era((y
inter/reted to give ,ore /owers to (oca( govern,ent units in acce(erating econo,ic deve(o/,et and u/grading t*e
:ua(ity o) (i)e )or t*e /eo/(e in t*e co,,unity< governed +y t*e origina( ter,s and conditions o) said contracts or
t*e (aw in )orce at t*e ti,e suc* rig*ts were vested< reso(ution o) controversies ,ay +e *ad to t*e custo,s and
traditions in t*e /(ace w*ere t*e controversies ta>e /(ace.
7.1; Statutes granting ta3ing /ower.
8e)ore t*e #;72 Constitution& t*e ru(e is t*at a (oca( govern,ent unit& un(i>e t*e
sovereign state is c(ot*ed wit* no in*erent /ower o) ta3ation. And t*e ta3ing /ower w*en granted is to +e
'uris. Any dou+t or a,+iguity arising out o) t*e ter,s used in granting t*at
/ower ,ust +e reso(ved against t*e (oca( govern,ent unit.
& i,/(ications& and deductions *ave no /(ace in t*e inter/retation o) t*e ta3ing /ower o) a ,unici/a( cor/oration.
8ased on t*e conce/t t*at (oca( govern,ent& un(i>e t*e
sovereign state& are a((ocated wit* no in*erent /ower to ta3.
New Constitution *as c*anged suc* conce/t. T*e Constitution /rovides t*at FEac* (oca( govern,ent unit s*a(( *ave
t*e /ower to create its own sources o) revenue and to (evy ta3es& )ees and c*arges su+'ect to suc* guide(ines and
(i,itations as t*e congress ,ay /rovide& consistent wit* t*e +asic /o(icy o) (oca( autono,y. Statutes /rescri+ing
(i,itations o) t*e ta3ing /ower o) (oca( govern,ent units ,ust +e strict(y construed against t*e nationa( govern,ent
and (i+era((y in )avor o) t*e (oca( govern,ent units.
7.2@ Statutes /rescri+ing /rescri/tive /eriod to co((ect ta3es.
Statutes /rescri+ing t*e /eriod o) (i,itation o) action )or t*e co((ection o) ta3es is
+ene)icia( +ot* to t*e govern,ent +ecause ta3 o))icers wou(d +e o+(iged to act /ro,/t(y in t*e ,a>ing o)
assess,ent& and to citi9ens +ecause a)ter t*e (a/se o) t*e /eiod o) /rescri/tion& citi9ens wou(d *ave a )ee(ing o)
security against unscru/u(ous ta3 agents w*o wi(( a(ways )ind an e3cuse to ins/ect t*e +oo>s o) ta3/ayers& not to
deter,ine t*e (atterLs rea( (ia+i(ity& +ut to ta>e advantage o) every o//ortunity to ,o(est /eace)u(& (aw=a+iding
7.2# Statues i,/osing /ena(ties )or non=/ay,ent o) ta3.
Statues i,/osing /ena(ties )or non=/ay,ent o) ta3es wit*in t*e re:uired /eriod are
(i+era((y construed in )avor o) t*e govern,ent and strict(y o+served and inter/reted against t*e ta3/ayer. Strong
reasons o) /u+(ic /o(icy su//ort t*is ru(e. Suc* (aws are intended to *asten ta3 /ay,ents or to /unis* evasions or
neg(ect o) duty in res/ect t*ereto.
T*ey wi(( not /(ace u/on ta3 (aws so (oose a construction as to /er,it evasions on ,ere(y
)anci)u( and insu+stantia( distinctions. W*en /ro/er& a ta3 statute s*ou(d +e construed to avoid t*e /ossi+i(ities o) ta3
7.21 E(ection %aws.
E(ection (aws s*ou(d +e reasona+(y and (i+era((y construed to ac*ieve t*eir /ur/ose N to
e))ectuate and sa)eguard t*e wi(( o) t*e e(ectorate in t*e c*oice o) t*eir re/resentatives N )or t*e a//(ication o)
e(ection (aws invo(ves /u+(ic interest and i,/oses u/on t*e Co,,ission on E(ections and t*e courts t*e i,/erative
duty to ascertain +y a(( ,eans wit*in t*eir co,,and w*o is t*e rea( candidate e(ected +y t*e /eo/(e.
E(ections (aws ,ay +e divided into t*ree /arts )or /ur/oses o) a//(ying t*e ru(es o)
statutory construction. T*e)irst /art re)ers to t*e /rovisions )or t*e conduct o) e(ections w*ic* e(ections o))icia(s are
re:uired to )o((ow. T*esecond /art covers t*ose /rovisions w*ic* candidates )or o))ice are re:uired to /er)or,.
T*et*ird /art e,+races t*ose /rocedura( ru(es w*ic* are designed to ascertain& in case o) dis/ute& t*e actua( winner
in t*e e(ections.
Fru(es and regu(ations )or t*e conduct o) e(ections are ,andatory +e)ore t*e e(ection& +ut
w*en it is soug*t to en)orce t*e, a)ter t*e e(ections t*ey are *e(d to +e directory on(y& i) t*at is /ossi+(e& es/ecia((y
w*ere& i) t*ey are *e(d to +e ,andatory& innocent voters wi(( +e de/rived o) t*eir votes& wit*out any )au(t on t*eir
/art. $enera((y& Ft*e /rovisions o) a statute as to t*e ,anner o) conducting t*e detai(s o) an e(ections are not
,andatory& +ut directory ,ere(y& and irregu(arities in conducting an e(ections and counting t*e votes& not /roceeding
)ro, any wrong)u( intent and w*ic* de/rives no (ega( voter o) *is votes& wi(( not vitiate an e(ection or 'usti)y t*e
re'ection o) t*e entire votes o) a /recinct.
T*e /rovisions o) t*e e(ection (aw w*ic* candidates )or t*e o))ice are re:uired to co,/(y
are genera((y regarded as ,andatory. Iua(i)ications o) candidates& re:uiring t*e )i(ing o) certi)icates o) candidacy&
de)ining e(ection o))enses& and (i,iting t*e /eriod wit*in w*ic* to )i(e e(ection contests& are ,andatory and )ai(ure to
co,/(y wit* suc* /rovisions are )ata(.
T*e /rovisions o) t*e e(ection (aw designed to deter,ine t*e wi(( o) t*e e(ectorate are
(i+era((y construed. Tec*nica( and /rocedura( +arriers s*ou(d not +e a((owed to stand i) t*ey constitute an o+stac(e in
t*e c*oice o) t*eir e(ective o))icia(s.
E(ection (aw intended to sa)eguard t*e wi(( o) t*e /eo/(e in t*eir c*oice o) t*eir
re/resentatives s*ou(d +e construed (i+era((y to ac*ieve suc* /ur/ose.
E(ection /rotest& w*ic* s*ou(d +e (i+era((y construed to t*e end t*at t*e /o/u(ar wi((
e3/ressed in t*e e(ection o) /u+(ic o))icers wi(( not& +y reason o) /ure(y tec*nica( o+'ections& +e de)eated.
Rigid a//(ication o) t*e (aw t*at wi(( /rec(ude t*e court )ro, ascertaining t*e /o/u(ar
wi(( s*ou(d +e re'ected in )avor o) a (i+era( construction t*ereo) t*at wi(( su+serve suc* end& w*ere a rigid and strict
a//(ication and en)orce,ent o) /rovisions o) t*e e(ection (aw wi(( sa)eguard /o/u(ar wi(( and /revent transgression
o) su))rage and t*e ,andate o) t*e ,a'ority& t*e /rovisions wi(( +e given strict construction.
E(ection contest& es/ecia((y
a//reciation o) +a((ots& ,ust +e (i+era((y construed to t*e end t*at t*e wi(( o) t*e e(ectorate in t*e c*oice o) /u+(ic
o))icia(s ,ay not +e de)eated +y tec*nica( in)ir,ities.
7.22 A,nesty /roc(a,ations
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
A,nesty /roc(a,ations s*ou(d +e (i+era((y construes so as to carry out t*eir /ur/ose&
w*ic* is to encourage t*e return to t*e )ie(d o) t*e (aw o) t*ose w*o *ave veered )ro, t*e (aw. A,nesty and /ardon
are synony,ous& and )or t*is reason& t*e grant o) /ardon s*ou(d (i>ewise +e construed (i+era((y in )avor o) t*ose
/ardoned and strict(y against t*e state& )or w*ere two words are synony,ous& t*e ru(es )or inter/reting one wi((
a//(y to t*e ot*er.
7.24 Statues /rescri+ing /rescri/tions o) cri,es.
A stature o) (i,itation or /rescri/tion o) o))enses is in t*e nature o) a,nesty granted +y
t*e state& dec(aring t*at a)ter a certain ti,e& o+(ivion s*a(( +e cast over t*e o))ense. !ence& statutes o) (i,itations are
(i+era((y o) construction +e(ongs to a(( acts o) a,nesty and grace& +ut +ecause t*e very e3istence o) t*e statute is a
recognition and noti)ication +y t*e (egis(ature o) t*e )act t*at ti,e& w*i(e it gradua((y wears out /roo)s and
innocence& *as assigned to it )i3ed and /ositive /eriods in w*ic* it destroys /roo)s o) gui(t.
7.25 Ado/tion statues.
Ado/tion statutes are construed (i+era((y in )avor o) t*e c*i(d to +e ado/ted wit* t*e
(i+era( conce/t t*at ado/tion statutes& +eing *u,ane& and sa(utary& *o(d t*e interest and we()are o) t*e c*i(d to +e a
/ara,ount consideration and are designed to /rovide *o,es& /arenta( care and education )or t*e un)ortunate& needy
or or/*aned c*i(dren and give t*e, t*e /rotection o) a society and )a,i(y in t*e /erson o) t*e ado/ter.
7.26 Veteran and /ension (aws
Veteran and /ension (aws are enacted to co,/ensate a c(ass o) ,en w*o su))ered in t*e
service )or t*e *ards*i/s t*ey endured and t*e dangers t*ey encountered in (ine o) duty. T*ey are e3/ression o)
gratitude to and recognition o) t*ose w*o rendered service tot e* country +y e3tending to t*e, regu(ar ,onetary
+ene)it. or t*ese reasons& suc* statutes are construed (i+era((y to t*e end t*at t*eir no+(e /ur/ose is +est
acco,/(is*ed. !owever& w*i(e veteran and /ension (aws are to +e construed (i+era((y& t*ey s*ou(d +e so construed as
to /revent a /erson )ro, receiving dou+(e /ension or co,/ensation& un(ess t*e (aw /rovides ot*erwise. Retire,ent
or /ension (aws are a(so (i+era((y construed. 8eing re,edia( in c*aracter& a statute creating /ension or esta+(is*ing
retire,ent /(an s*ou(d +e (i+era((y construed and ad,inistered in )avor o) t*e /ersons intended to +ene)ited t*ere+y.
7.27 Ru(es o) Court.
T*e Ru(es o) Court& +eing /rocedura(& are to +e construed (i+era((y wit* t*e end in view
o) rea(i9ing t*eir /ur/ose N t*e /ro/er and 'ust deter,ination o) a (itigation. A (i+era( construction o) t*e Ru(es o)
Court re:uires t*e courts& in t*e e3ercise o) t*eir )unctions& to act reasona+(y and not ca/ricious(y& and en'oins t*e,
to a//(y t*e ru(es in order to /ro,ote t*eir o+'ect and to assist t*e /arties in o+taining a 'ust& s/eedy and ine3/ensive
deter,ination o) t*eir cases& ,eans conducive to t*e rea(i9ation o) t*e ad,inistration o) (aw and 'ustice.
%a/ses in t*e (itera( o+servance o) a ru(e o) /rocedure wi(( +e
over(oo>ed w*en t*ey do not invo(ve /u+(ic /o(icy& w*en t*ey arose )ro, an
*onest ,ista>e or un)oreseen accident& w*en t*ey *ave not /re'udiced t*e adverse /arty and *ave not de/rived t*e
court o) its aut*ority. Conceived in t*e +est traditions o) /ractica( and ,ora( 'ustice and co,,on sense& t*e Ru(es o)
Court u/on=s/(itting tec*nica(ities t*at do not s:uare wit* t*eir (i+era( tendency and wit* t*e ends o) 'ustice.
T*e (itera( stricture o) t*e ru(e *ave +een re(a3ed in )avor o) (i+era( construction in t*e
)o((owing cases0 #. w*ere a rigid a//(ication wi(( resu(t in a ,ani)est )ai(ure or ,iscarriage o) 'ustice 1. w*ere t*e
interest o) su+stantia( 'ustice wi(( +e served 2. w*ere t*e reso(ution o) t*e e,otion is addressed so(e(y to t*e sound
and 'udicious discretion o) t*e court and 4. w*ere t*e in'ustice to t*e adverse /arty is not co,,ensurate wit* t*e
degree o) *is t*oug*t(essness in not co,/(ying wit* t*e /rescri+ed /rocedure.
7.2A Ot*er statues.
Curative statutes are enacted to cure de)ects in a /rior (aw or to va(idate (ega( /roceedings
w*ic* wou(d ot*erwise +e void )or want o) con)or,ity wit* certain (ega( re:uire,ents. T*ey are intended to su//(y
de)ects& a+ridge su/er)(uities and cur+ certain evi(s. T*eir /ur/ose is to give va(idity to acts done t*at wou(d *ave
+een inva(id under e3isting (aws *ave +een co,/(ied wit*. Curative statutes& +y t*eir very nature& are retroactive.
Rede,/tion (aws& +eing re,edia( in nature are to +e construed (i+era((y to carry our t*eir
/ur/ose& w*ic* is to ena+(e t*e de+tor to *ave *is /ro/erty a//(ied to /ay as ,any de+torLs (ia+i(ities as /ossi+(e.
E3ecution are inter/reted (i+era((y in order to give e))ect to t*eir +ene)icent and *u,ane /ur/ose< and to t*is end&
any reasona+(e dou+t +e construed in )avor o) t*e e3e,/tion )ro, e3ecution. %aws on Attac*,ent are a(so (i+era((y
construed in order to /ro,ote t*eir /ro'ects and assist t*e /arties in o+taning s/eedy 'ustice.
An instru,ent o) credit& ware*ouse recei/ts /(ay a very i,/ortant ro(e in ,odern
co,,erce& and according(y& ware*ouse recei/t (aws are given (i+era( construction in )avor o)+ona )ide *o(ders o)
suc* recei/ts.
T*e /ur/ose o) t*e /ro+ation +eing to give )irst=*and o))enders a second c*ance to
,aintain *is /(ace in society t*roug* t*e /rocess o) re)or,ation& it s*ou(d +e (i+era((y construed to ac*ieve its
o+'ective. T*us& t*e /ro+ation (aw ,ay (i+era((y construed +y e3tending t*e +ene)its t*ereo) to any one not
s/eci)ica((y dis:ua(i)ied.
Statutes ,ay +e c(assi)ied eit*er as ,andatory or directory.
Mandatory and directory statutes& genera((y
Mandatory statute is a statute w*ic* co,,ands eit*er /ositive(y t*at so,et*ing +e done& or /er)or,ed in a
/articu(ar way& or negative(y t*at so,et*ing +e not done& (eaving t*e /erson concerned no c*oice on t*e ,atter
e3ce/t to o+ey.
Act e3ecuted against t*e /rovisions o) ,andatory or /ro*i+itory (aws
s*a(( +e void& e3ce/t w*en t*e (aw itse() aut*ori9es t*eir va(idit
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
W*ere a statute is ,andatory& t*e court *as no /ower to distinguis* +etween ,ateria( and i,,ateria( +reac* t*ereo)
or o,ission to co,/(y wit* w*at it re:uires.
A directory statute is a statute w*ic* is /er,issive or discretionary in nature and ,ere(y out(ines t*e act to +e done
in suc* a way t*at no in'ury can resu(t )ro, ignoring it or t*at its /ur/ose can +e acco,/(is*ed in a ,anner ot*er
t*an t*at /rescri+ed and su+stantia((y t*e sa,e resu(t o+tained.
T*e non/er)or,ance o) w*at it -directory statute. /rescri+es& t*oug* constituting in so,e instances an irregu(arity or
su+'ecting t*e o))icia( concerned to disci/(inary or ad,inistrative sanction& wi(( not vitiate t*e /roceedings t*erein
W*en statute is ,andatory or directory
T*e /ri,ary o+'ect is to ascertain (egis(ative intent.
%egis(ative intent does not de/end u/on t*e )or, o) t*e statute.
Consideration ,ust +e given to t*e entire statute& its o+'ect& /ur/ose& (egis(ative *istory and t*e conse:uences w*ic*
wou(d resu(t )ro, construing it one way or t*e ot*er& and t*e statute ,ust +e construed in connection wit* ot*er
re(ated statutes.
T*e (anguage o) t*e statute& *owever ,andatory in )or,& ,ay +e dee,ed directory w*enever t*e (egis(ative /ur/ose
can +est +e carried out +y suc* construction& +ut t*e construction o) ,andatory words as directory s*ou(d not +e
(ig*t(y ado/ted and never w*ere it wou(d in )act ,a>e a new (aw instead o) t*at /assed +y t*e (egis(ature.
W*et*er a statute is ,andatory or directory de/ends on w*et*er t*e t*ing directed to +e done is o) t*e essence o) t*e
t*ing re:uired& or is a ,ere ,atter o) )or,& and w*at is a ,atter o) essence can o)ten +e deter,ined on(y +y 'udicia(
Test to deter,ine nature o) statute
T*e test genera((y e,/(oyed to deter,ine w*et*er a statute is ,andatory or directory is to ascertain t*e
conse:uences t*at wi(( )o((ow in case w*at t*e statute re:uires is not done or w*at it )or+ids is /er)or,ed.
W*et*er a statutory re:uire,ent is ,andatory or directory de/ends on
its e))ects.
I) no su+stantia( rig*ts de/end on it and no in'ury can resu(t )ro, ignoring it< and t*e /ur/ose o) t*e (egis(ature can
+e acco,/(is*ed in a ,anner ot*er t*an t*at /rescri+ed and su+stantia((y t*e sa,e resu(ts o+tained& t*en t*e statute
wi(( genera((y +e regarded as directory< +ut i) not& it wi(( +e ,andatory.
A statute wi(( not +e construed as ,andatory and re:uiring a /u+(ic o))icer to act wit*in a certain ti,e (i,it even i) it
is couc*ed in words o) /ositive co,,and i) it wi(( cause *ards*i/ or in'ustice on t*e /art o) t*e /u+(ic w*o is not at
)au(t. Nor wi(( a statute +e inter/reted as ,andatory i) it wi(( (ead to a+surd& i,/ossi+(e or ,isc*ievous
%anguage used
Statutes using words o) co,,and& suc* as Fs*a((H& F,ustH& Foug*tH& or Fs*ou(dH& or /ro*i+ition& suc* as FcannotH&
Fs*a(( notH or Foug*t notH& are genera((y regarded as ,andatory.
T*e use o) words o) co,,and or o) /ro*i+ition indicates t*e (egis(ative
intent to ,a>e t*e (aw ,andatory.
It *as +een *e(d t*at t*e intention o) t*e (egis(ature as to t*e ,andatory or directory nature o) /articu(ar statutory
/rovision is deter,ined /ri,ari(y )ro, t*e (anguage t*ereo).
Use o) Fs*a((H or F,ustH
As a genera( ru(e& t*e use o) t*e word Fs*a((H in a statute i,/(ies t*at
t*e statute is ,andatory.
It ,eans Foug*t toH& F,ustH& and w*en used in a statute or regu(ation&
e3/resses w*at is ,andatory.
T*e ter, Fs*a((H is a word o) co,,and& and one w*ic* *as or w*ic* ,ust +e given a co,/u(sory ,eaning and it is
genera((y i,/erative or ,andatory.
I) a di))erent inter/retation is soug*t& it ,ust rest u/on so,et*ing in t*e c*aracter o) t*e (egis(ation or in t*e conte3t
w*ic* wi(( 'usti)y a di))erent ,eaning.
It connotes co,/u(sion or ,andatoriness.
T*is ru(e is not a+so(ute. T*e i,/ort o) t*e word de/ends u/on a consideration o) t*e entire /rovision& its nature&
o+'ect and t*e conse:uences t*at wou(d )o((ow )ro, construing it one way or t*e ot*er.
T*e word F,ustH in a statute& (i>e Fs*a((H is not a(ways i,/erative. It ,ay +e consistent wit* discretion. I) t*e
(anguage o) a statute considered as a w*o(e and wit* due regard to its nature and o+'ect revea(s t*at t*e (egis(ature
intended to use t*e word F,ustH to +e directory& it s*ou(d +e given t*at ,eaning.
One test used to deter,ine w*et*er t*e word Fs*a((H in ,andatory or discretionary is w*et*er non=co,/(iance wit*
w*at is re:uired wi(( resu(t in t*e nu((ity o) t*e act. I) it resu(ts in t*e nu((ity o) t*e act& t*e word is used as a
Use o) F,ayH
T*e word F,ayH is an au3i(iary ver+ s*owing& a,ong ot*ers o//ortunity or /ossi+i(ity. Under ordinary
circu,stances& t*e /*rase F,ay +eH i,/(ies t*e /ossi+(e e3istence o) so,et*ing.
$enera((y s/ea>ing& t*e use o) t*e word F,ayH in a statute denotes t*at it is directory in nature. T*e word F,ayH is
genera((y /er,issive on(y and o/erates to con)er discretion.
T*e word F,ayH as used in ad'ective (aws& suc* as re,edia( statutes
w*ic* are construed (i+era((y& is on(y /er,issive and not ,andatory.
W*en Fs*a((H is construed as F,ayH and vice versa
?e/ending u/on a consideration o) t*e entire /rovision& its nature& its o+'ect& and t*e conse:uences t*at wou(d
)o((ow )ro, construing it one way or t*e ot*er& t*e converti+i(ity o) said ter,s eit*er as ,andatory or directory is a
standard recourse in statutory construction.
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
It is we((=sett(ed t*at t*e word F,ayH s*ou(d +e read as Fs*a((H w*ere suc* construction is necessary to give e))ect to
t*e a//arent intention o) t*e (egis(ature.
T*e word F,ayH wi((& as a ru(e& +e construed as Fs*a((H w*ere a statute /rovides )or t*e doing o) so,e act w*ic* is
re:uired +y 'ustice or /u+(ic duty& or w*ere it vests a /u+(ic +ody or o))icer wit* /ower and aut*ority to ta>e suc*
action w*ic* concerns t*e /u+(ic interest or rig*ts o) individua(s.
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Statutes /rescri+ing :ua(i)ications )or o))ice
E(igi+i(ity to a /u+(ic o))ice is o) a continuing nature and ,ust e3ist at t*e co,,ence,ent o) t*e ter, and during t*e
occu/ancy o) t*e o))ice. Statutes /rescri+ing t*e e(igi+i(ity or :ua(i)ications o) /ersons to a /u+(ic o))ice are& as a
ru(e& regarded as ,andatory.
Statutes re(ating to assess,ent o) ta3es
= It is a genera( ru(e t*at t*e /rovisions o) a statute re(ating to t*e assess,ent
o) ta3es& w*ic* are intended )or t*e security o) t*e citi9ens& or to insure t*e e:ua(ity o) ta3ation& or )or certainty as to
t*e nature and a,ount o) eac* ot*erLs ta3& are ,andatory< +ut t*ose designed ,ere(y )or t*e in)or,ation or direction
o) o))icers or to secure ,et*odica( and syste,atic ,odes o) /roceedings are ,ere(y directory.
Statutes concerning /u+(ic auction sa(e
Statutes aut*ori9ing /u+(ic auction sa(e o) /ro/erties and /rescri+ing t*e /rocedure to +e )o((owed are in derogation
o) /ro/erty rig*ts and due /rocess& and are construed& wit* res/ect to t*e /rescri+ed /rocedure& to +e ,andatory.
T*e /rescri+ed ste/s ,ust +e )o((owed strict(y< ot*erwise& t*e sa(e at
/u+(ic auction s*a(( +e void.
Statutes /rescri+ing guidance )or o))icers
T*ere are statutory re:uisitions intended )or guidance o) o))icers in t*e conduct o) +usiness devo(ved u/on t*e,
w*ic* do not (i,it t*eir /ower or render its e3ercise in disregard o) t*e re:uisitions ine))ectua(.
"rovisions o) t*is c*aracter are not usua((y regarded as ,andatory& un(ess acco,/anied +y negative words i,/orting
t*at t*e acts re:uired s*a(( not +e done in any ot*er ,anner or ti,e t*an t*at designated.
Statutes /rescri+ing ,anner o) 'udicia( action
Statutes /rescri+ing t*e re:uire,ents as to t*e ,anner o) 'udicia( action t*at 'udges s*ou(d )o((ow in t*e disc*arge o)
t*eir )unctions are& as a ru(e& ,ere(y directory.
It s*ou(d not +e assu,es in t*e a+sence o) s/eci)ic (anguage to t*e contrary t*at t*e (egis(ature intended t*at t*e
rig*t o) /arties s*ou(d +e serious(y a))ected +y t*e )ai(ure o) a court or so,e o))icer to co,/(y strict(y wit* t*e
statutory re:uire,ents o) o))icia( action.
"rocedure is secondary in i,/ortance to su+stantive rig*t& and t*e non o+servance o) suc* /rocedure s*ou(d never
+e /er,itted to a))ect su+stantive rig*t& un(ess t*e intention o) t*e (egis(ature is c(ear(y e3/ressed.
It is universa((y *e(d t*at statutes o) t*is nature are ,ere(y directory and nonco,/(iance t*erewit* is not necessary to
t*e va(idity o) t*e /roceedings.
Statutes re:uiring rendition o) decision wit*in /rescri+ed /eriod
T*e constitution /rovides t*at t*e ,a3i,u, /eriod wit*in w*ic* a case or ,atter s*a(( +e decided or reso(ved )ro,
t*e date o) its su+,ission& s*a(( +e 14 ,ont*s )or t*e Su/re,e Court& and un(ess reduced +y t*e Su/re,e Court& #1
,ont*s )or (ower co((egiate courts and 2 ,ont*s )or a(( ot*er (ower courts.
Eac* Constitutiona( Co,,ission s*a(( decide any case +roug*t +e)ore it
wit*in si3ty days )ro, t*e date o) its su+,ission )or reso(ution.
A 'udg,ent /ro,u(gated a)ter t*e e3/iration o) t*e said /eriod is not nu(( and void& a(t*oug* t*e o))icer w*o )ai(ed
to co,/(y wit* t*e (ay ,ay +e dea(t wit* ad,inistrative(y in conse:uence o) *is de(ay=un(ess t*e intention to t*e
contrary is ,ani)est.
W*ere a statute s/eci)ies t*e ti,e at or wit*in w*ic* an act is to +e done +y a /u+(ic o))icer or +ody& it is genera((y
*e(d to +e directory on(y as to t*e ti,e& and not ,andatory& un(ess t*e ti,e is o) t*e essence o) t*e t*ing to +e done&
or t*e (anguage o) t*e statute contains negative words& or s*ows t*at t*e designation o) t*e ti,e was intended as a
(i,itation o) /ower& aut*ority or rig*t.
T*e +etter ru(e is t*at w*ere a construction o) a ti,e /rovision as ,andatory wi(( cause great in'ury to /ersons not at
)au(t or resu(t in a ,iscarriage o) 'ustice& suc* conse:uence s*ou(d +e avoided +y construing t*e statute as directory&
)or reasons o) )airness& 'ustice and )air /(ay re:uire suc* construction.
It *as +een *e(d t*at a statute re:uiring rendition o) 'udg,ent wit*in a s/eci)ied ti,e is genera((y construed to +e
,ere(y directory& so t*at non=co,/(iance wit* t*e, does not inva(idate t*e 'udg,ent on t*e t*eory t*at i) t*e statute
*ad intended suc* resu(t& it wou(d *ave c(ear(y indicated.
!owever& w*i(e t*e /eriod )i3ed +y (aw to reso(ve a case is ,ere(y directory& it cannot +e disregarded or ignored
co,/(ete(y wit* a+so(ute i,,unity.
It cannot +e assu,ed t*at t*e (aw *as inc(uded a /rovision t*at is de(i+erate(y intended to +eco,e ,eaning(ess and
to +e treated as a dead (etter.
Constitutiona( ti,e /rovision directory
?oes t*e Constitution a(ter t*e genera( ru(e and render ti,e /rovision to decide ,andatoryS Is a decision rendered
+eyond t*e /eriod /rescri+ed in t*e Constitution= 14 ,ont*s )or t*e Su/re,e Court& #1 ,ont*s )or t*e (ower
co((egiate courts and 2 ,ont*s )or ot*er (ower courts= nu(( and voidS
T!E Su/re,e Court gave negative answers -Marce(ino v. Cru9.
"ros/ective And Retroactive Statutes0 ?e)inition
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
"ros/ective statute is one& w*ic* o/erates u/on )acts (oo>s and a//(ies to
t*e )uture.
A retroactive (aw is a (aw w*ic* disa+i(ity in res/ect to a transaction a(ready
%aws O/erate "ros/ective(y& $enera((y
statutes are to +e construed as *aving on(y /ros/ective o/eration& un(ess t*e intent o) t*e (egis(ature to
give t*e, retroactive e))ect is e3/ress(y dec(ared or is necessari(y i,/(ied )ro, t*e (anguage used -Monti((a vs.
Agustinia Cor/..
E,+odied in Artic(e 4 o) t*e civi( code
%e3 /ros/icit& non res/icit N t*e (aw (oo>s )orward& not +ac>ward
%e3 )uturo& 'ude3 de /raeterito N t*e (aw /rovides )or t*e )uture& t*e 'udge
)or t*e /ast
T*e )act t*at t*e (aw is si(ent as to t*e date o) its a//(ication and t*at is couc*ed in t*e /ast tense does not
necessari(y i,/(y t*at it s*ou(d *ave retroactive e))ect.
Reason )or t*e genera( ru(e
T*e (aw *as no +inding e))ect unti( it is enacted *ence it *as no a//(ication
to /ast +ut on(y to )uture ti,es.
Nova consitutio )uturis )or,a, i,/onere de+et non /raeteritis N a new
statute s*ou(d a))ect t*e )uture& not t*e /ast.
"resu,/tion against retroactivity
T*e /resu,/tion is t*at a(( (aws o/erate /ros/ective(y un(ess t*e contrary c(ear(y a//ears or is c(ear(y /(ain(y and
une:uivoca((y e3/ressed or necessari(y i,/(ied -Ce+u "ort(and vs. Co,,ission o) Interna( Revenue..
In every case o) dou+t& dou+t ,ust +e reso(ved against retroactive
o/eration o) (aws
Words Or "*rases Indication "ros/ectivity
In t*e enacting c(ause0 F)ro, and a)ter t*e /assing o) t*is
Fs*a((H -Ce+u "ort(and vs. CIR
FS*a(( ta>e e))ect u/on its a//rova(H -Co,,issioner o)
Interna( Revenue vs. i(i/inas Co,/ania de Seguros
Retroactive statutes
T*e constitution does not /ro*i+it t*e enact,ent o) retroactive statutes& w*ic* do not i,/air t*e o+(igations o)
contract& de/rive /ersons o) /ro/erty wit*out due /rocess o) (aw& or divest rig*ts t*at *ave a(ready +eco,e vested.
E3 /ost )acto (aws are /ro*i+ited.
Statues $iven "ros/ective E))ect
"ena( statutes& genera((y
Artic(e 1# R"C N no )e(ony s*a(( +e /unis*a+(e +y any /ena(ty not /rescri+ed
to its co,,ission
8asis o) Artic(e 1#0 Nu((u, cri,en sine /oena& nu((a /oena sine (egis0 t*ere
is no cri,e i) t*ere is no (aw /unis*ing it.
E3 /ost )acto (aws
Ru(e0 No e3 /ost )acto (aws s*a(( +e enacted
Ma>es an act done +e)ore t*e /assage o) t*e (aw and w*ic* is innocent
w*en done& and /unis*es suc* act.
A//(ies on(y to cri,ina( or /ena( ,atters and not to civi( (aws
8i(( o) attainder
Ru(e0 No +i(( o) attainder s*a(( +e enacted
8i(( o) attainder is a (egis(ative act& w*ic* in)(icts /unis*,ent wit*out 'udicia(
I) a (aw is +i(( o) attainder& it is an e3 /ost )acto (aw. I) it is not an e3 /ost
)acto (aw& it is not a +i(( o) attainder.
W*en /ena( (aws a//(y retroactive(y
Un(ess it is )avora+(e to t*e accused -Artic(e 11& R"C.
T*is is )ounded on conscience and good (aw and contained in a/*oris,0
avora+i(ia sunt a,/(ianda& adiosa restringenda -(aws t*at are )avora+(e to
t*e accused are given retroactive e))ect.
a. W*en t*e accused is a *a+itua( de(in:uent.
+. W*ere t*e (ater statute e3/ress(y /rovide t*at it s*a(( not a//(y to
e3isting actions or /ending cases
c. Accused disregards t*e (ater (aw and invo>es t*e /rior statute under
w*ic* *e was /rosecuted.
d. A,endatory statute w*ic* renders an i((ega( act /rior to enact,ent (ega( is genera((y given retroactive e))ect un(ess it is
e3/ress(y /rovide t*at suc* statute wi(( not a//(y retroactive(y.
Statutes su+stantive in nature
Su+stantive (aw& w*ic* creates& de)ines or regu(ates rig*ts concerning (i)e&
(i+erty or /ro/erty -creates su+stantive rig*ts.
In t*e a+sence o) (egis(ative intent& su+stantive (aws s*ou(d a//(y
"rocedura( (aws are retroactive.
E))ects o) /ending actions
A (ater statute restricting t*e 'urisdiction o) t*e court wi(( not +e so construed as to a))ect t*e /ending action& un(ess
t*e statute itse() /rovides or un(ess e3/ress /ro*i+itory words are used&
W*ere a court w*ic* *as no 'urisdiction over a certain case +ut nevert*e(ess decides it& )ro, w*ic* a//ea( is ta>en& a
statue enacted during t*e /endency o) t*e a//ea( vesting 'urisdiction u/on suc* tria( court over t*e su+'ect ,atter or
suc* case ,ay not +e given retroactive e))ect so as to va(idate t*e 'udg,ent o) t*e court
T*e word Fs*a((H ,ay +e construed as F,ayH w*en so re:uired +y t*e conte3t or intention o) t*e (egis(ature. It s*a((
+e construed ,ere(y as /er,issive w*en no /u+(ic +ene)it or /rivate rig*t re:uires t*at it +e given an i,/erative
Use o) negative& /ro*i+itory or e3c(usive ter,s
A negative statute is ,andatory. A negative statute is one e3/ressed in negative words or in t*e )or, o) an
a))ir,ative /ro/osition :ua(i)ied +y t*e word Fon(yH& said word *aving t*e )orce o) an e3c(usionary negation.
T*e use o) t*e (egis(ature o) negative& /ro*i+itory or e3c(usive ter,s or words in a statute is indicative o) t*e
(egis(ative intent to ,a>e t*e statute ,andatory.
"ro*i+itive or negative words can rare(y& i) ever& +e directory& )or t*ere is +ut one way to o+ey t*e co,,and& Ft*ou
s*a(( notH& and t*at is to co,/(ete(y re)rain )ro, doing t*e )or+idden act.
Statutes con)erring /ower
Statutes w*ic* con)er u/on a /u+(ic +ody or o))icer /ower to /er)or, acts w*ic* concern t*e /u+ic interests or
rig*ts o) individua(s& are genera((y regarded as ,andatory a(t*oug* t*e (anguage used is /er,issive on(y since suc*
statutes are construed as i,/osing rat*er t*an con)erring /rivi(eges.
Statutes granting +ene)its
Statutes w*ic* re:uire certain ste/s to +e ta>en or certain conditions to +e ,et +e)ore /ersons concerned can avai( o)
t*e +ene)its con)erred +y (aw are& wit* res/ect to suc* re:uire,ents& considered ,andatory.
T*e ru(e is +ased on t*e ,a3i, vigi(anti+us et non dor,ienti+us 'ura
su+veniunt or t*e (aws aid t*e vigi(ant& not t*ose w*o s(u,+er on t*eir
"otior est in te,/oe& /otior est in 'ure= *e w*o is )irst in ti,e is
/re)erred in rig*t.
Statutes /rescri+ing 'urisdictiona( re:uire,ents
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at statutory re:uire,ents +y w*ic* courts or tri+una(s ac:uire 'urisdiction to *ear and decide
/articu(ar actions ,ust +e strict(y co,/(ied wit* +e)ore t*e courts or tri+una(s can *ave aut*ority to /roceed.
!ence& statutes /rescri+ing t*e various ste/s and ,et*ods to +e ta>en )or ac:uisition +y t*e courts or tri+una(s over
certain ,atters are considered ,andatory.
Statutes /rescri+ing ti,e to ta>e action or to a//ea(
Statutes or ru(es /rescri+ing t*e ti,e )or (itigants to ta>e certain
actions or to a//ea( )ro, an adverse decision is genera((y ,andatory.
Suc* statutes or ru(es *ave +een *e(d as a+so(ute(y indis/ensa+(e to t*e /revention o) need(ess de(ays and to t*e
order(y and s/eedy disc*arge o) +usiness and are a necessary incident to t*e /ro/er& e))icient& and order(y disc*arge
o) 'udicia( )unctions.
Suc* statutes or ru(es re:uire strict& not su+stantia(& co,/(iance. According(y& t*ey are not waiva+(e& nor can t*ey +e
t*e su+'ect o) agree,ents or sti/u(ations +y (itigants.
Statutes /rescri+ing /rocedura( re:uire,ents
In statutes re(ating to /rocedure& every act w*ic* is 'urisdictiona(& or o) t*e essence o) t*e /roceedings& or is
/rescri+ed )or t*e /rotection or +ene)it o) t*e /arty a))ected& is ,andatory. A statute w*ic* re:uires a court to
e3ercise its 'urisdiction in a /articu(ar ,anner& )o((ow a /articu(ar /rocedure& or su+'ect to certain (i,itations& is
,andatory& and an act +eyond t*ose (i,its is void as in e3cess o) 'urisdiction.
T*e statute /rescri+ing suc* re:uire,ents is regarded as ,andatory&
even t*oug* t*e (anguage used t*erein is /er,issive in nature.
E(ection (aws on conduct o) e(ection
T*e /rovisions o) e(ection (aws governing t*e conduct o) e(ections and /rescri+ing t*e ste/s e(ection o))icia(s are
re:uired to do in connection t*erewit* are ,andatory +e)ore t*e e(ections< *owever& w*en it is soug*t to en)orce
t*e, a)ter t*e e(ections& t*ey are *e(d to +e directory on(y& i) t*at is /ossi+(e& es/ecia((y w*ere& i) t*ey are *e(d to +e
,andatory& innocent voters wi(( +e de/rived o) t*eir votes wit*out any )au(t on t*eir /art.
Un(ess o) a c*aracter to a))ect an o+struction to t*e )ree and inte((igent casting o) t*e votes& or to t*e ascertain,ent
o) t*e resu(t& or un(ess t*e /rovision a))ects an essentia( e(e,ent o) t*e e(ection& or un(ess it is e3/ress(y dec(ared +y
t*e statute t*at t*e /articu(ar act is essentia( to t*e va(idity o) an e(ection& or t*at its o,ission s*a(( render it void.
E(ection (aws on :ua(i)ication and dis:ua(i)ication
T*e ru(e t*at e(ection (aws are ,andatory +e)ore +ut not a)ter t*e e(ections a//(ies on(y to t*ose /rovisions w*ic*
are /rocedura( in nature a))ecting t*e conduct o) t*e e(ection as we(( as to t*ose w*ic* direct or re:uire e(ection
o))icia(s to do or /er)or, certain acts& t*e /ur/ose o) suc* construction +eing to /reserve t*e sanctity o) t*e +a((ot
and carry out t*e wi(( o) t*e e(ectorate.
T*e ru(e does not a//(y to /rovisions o) t*e e(ection (aws /rescri+ing t*e ti,e (i,it to )i(e certi)icates o) candidacy
and t*e :ua(i)ications and dis:ua(i)ications to e(ective o))ice.
T*ese /rovisions are considered ,andatory even a)ter e(ections
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Su+stantive (aws are genera((y not a//(ica+(e to /ending cases and
/roceedings un(ess /rovided +y t*e (aw.
Iua(i)ication o) ru(e
Su+stantive (aw on(y a//(ies to /ending action o) suc* is t*e c(ear intent o) t*e (aw& or it is a ,easure to /ro,ote
socia( 'ustice or in t*e e3ercise o) /o(ice /owers.
Cases ,ust +e decided in t*e (ig*t o) t*e (aw as it e3ists at t*e ti,e o) t*e
decision +y t*e a//e((ate court
Statutes a))ecting vested rig*ts
A statute ,ay not +e construed and a//(ied retroactive(y i) it i,/airs
su+stantive rig*t t*at *as +eco,e vested.
Statutes a))ecting o+(igation o) contract.
%aws e3isting at t*e ti,e o) t*e e3ecution o) contract are t*e one a//(ica+(e to suc* transactions and not (ater
statutes& un(ess t*e (atter /rovide t*at t*ey s*a(( *ave retroactive e))ect.
%ater statutes s*a(( not +e given retroactive e))ect i) it i,/airs o+(igations o)
Re/ea(ing and a,endatory acts
Statutes w*ic* re/ea( ear(ier or /rior (aws o/erate /ros/ective(y un(ess it is
t*e intent o) t*e (egis(ature to give t*e, retroactive e))ect.
Re/ea(ing statue wi(( not +e given retroactive e))ect i) it wi(( i,/air vested
rig*ts o) t*e o+(igation o) contract.
Statutes t*at are given retroactive e))ect
"rocedura( (aws N ad'ective (aws w*ic* /rescri+e ru(es and )or,s o)
/rocedure o) en)orcing rig*ts or o+taining redress )or t*eir invasion.
T*e genera( ru(e t*at statutes are /ros/ective and not retroactive does not
ordinari(y a//(y to /rocedura( (aws.
Re,edia( (aws N (aws re(ative to re,edies or con)ir,ation o) rig*ts a(ready
Ad,inistrative ru(e N inter/retative o) a /re=e3isting statute and not dec(arative o) certain rig*ts wit* o+(igations is
given retroactive e))ect as o) t*e date o) t*e e))ectivity i) t*e statute
E3ce/tions to t*e ru(e
$enera( ru(e0
/rocedura( (aws are a//(ica+(e to /ending actions or
W*en statute e3/ress(y /rovides or +y necessary i,/(ication
I) a//(ying /rocedura( (aws retroactive(y wou(d not +e )easi+(e or
wou(d wor> in'ustice.
I) it wou(d invo(ve intricate /ro+(e,s o) due /rocess or i,/air
inde/endence o) t*e court.
Curative statutes
!ea(ing acts< cures de)ects and adding to t*e ,eans o) en)orcing e3isting o+(igations. Ma>es va(id t*at w*ic* +e)ore
t*e enact,ent i) t*e statute was inva(id.
Ru(e0 i) t*e t*ing o,itted or )ai(ed to +e done and w*ic* constitutes t*e
de)ect soug*t to +e re,ove or ,ade *ar,(ess is so,et*ing w*ic* t*e
(egis(ature ,ig*t dis/ensed wit* +y a /revious statute& it ,ay do so +y a
su+se:uent one.
%i,itations to t*e ru(e
$enera( ru(e0 Curative and re,edia( statutes i(( not +e a//(ied retroactive(y
i) t*ey i,/air vested rig*ts
E3ce/tion0 I) t*e curative or re,edia( statute is enacted as /o(ice /ower
,easure0 a//(ies retroactive(y even i) it curtai(s vested rig*ts.
"o(ice /ower (egis(ations
Reason )or t*e e3ce/tion0 t*e non=i,/air,ent o) o+(igations o) contract or o) vested rig*ts ,ust yie(d to t*e
(egiti,ate e3ercise o) /ower& +y t*e (egis(ature& to /rescri+e t*e regu(ations to /ro,ote t*e *ea(t*& ,ora(s& /eace&
education& good order& sa)ety and genera( we()are o) t*e /eo/(e.
Statutes re(ating to /rescri/tion
$enera( ru(e0 statute re(ating to /rescri/tion o) action& +eing /rocedura( in
nature& a//(ies to a(( actions )i(ed a)ter its e))ectivity.
It is /ros/ective -a//(ies to causes t*at accrued and wi(( accrue a)ter it too>
e))ect. and retroactive -it a//(ies to causes t*at accrued +e)ore its /assage.
E3ce/tions to retroactivity0
I) to do so wi(( re,ove t*e +ar o) (i,itation& w*ic* *as +eco,e co,/(ete or distur+ e3isting c(ai,s wit*out a((owing
a reasona+(e ti,e to +ring actions t*ereon.
I) it wi(( i,/air vested rig*ts
"rescri/tion in cri,ina( and civi( cases
$enera( ru(e0 (aws on /rescri/tion o) action a//(y as we(( to cri,es
co,,itted +e)ore t*e enact,ent as a)terwards
Civi( suit0 t*e statute is enacted +y (egis(ature as an i,/artia( ar+iter +etween two contending /arties& not intended to
+e ,ade in )avor o) eit*er /arty
Cri,ina( suite0 statutes o) (i,itation is a grantor surrendering +y act o) grace its rig*t to /rosecute or dec(are t*at t*e
o))ense is no (inger su+'ect o) /rosecution a)ter t*e /rescri/tive /eriod0 ti(( +e a//(ied retroactive(y i) )avora+(e to
t*e accused.
Statutes re(ating to a//ea(s
$enera( ru(e0 rig*t to a//ea( )ro, an adverse 'udg,ent is statutory and
,ay +e ta>en away.
Re,edia( or /rocedura( in nature and a//(ies to /ending actions.
Cannot +e a//(ied retroactive(y i) it wi(( i,/air vested rig*ts
In a+sence o) a c(ear (egis(ative intent to t*e contrary& a statue s*ortening t*e /eriod )or ta>ing a//ea(s is to +e given
/ros/ective e))ect and ,ay not +e a//(ied to /ending /roceedings in w*ic* 'udg,ent *as a(ready +een rendered at
t*e ti,e o) its enact,ent.
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
"ower to a,end
%egis(ature *as t*e /ower to a,end& su+'ect to constitutiona( re:uire,ent&
any e3isting (aw
Su/re,e court& in t*e e3ercise o) its ru(e=,a>ing /ower or o) its /ower to
inter/ret t*e (aw& *as no aut*ority to a,end or c*ange t*e (aw
!ow a,end,ent e))ected
8y addition& de(etion& or a(teration o) a statute w*ic* survives in its
a,ended )or,.
8y enacting a,endatory act ,odi)ying or a(tering so,e /rovisions o) t*e
statue eit*er e3/ress(y or i,/(ied(y
E3/ress a,end,ent0 done +y /roviding a,endatory act t*at s/eci)ic sections or
/rovisions o) a statute are a,ended< indicated as 0 F to read as )o((ows.
A,end,ent +y i,/(ication
T*ere is i,/(ied a,end,ent w*ere a /art o) a /rior statute e,+racing t*e sa,e su+'ect as t*e (ater act ,ay not +e
en)orced wit*out nu((i)ying t*e /ertinent /rovision o) t*e (atter in w*ic* event& /rior act is dee,ed a,ended to t*e
e3tent o) t*e re/ugnancy.
W*en a,end,ent ta>es e))ect
A)ter #5 days )o((owing t*e /u+(ication in t*e O))icia( $a9ette or news/a/er
o) genera( circu(ation
!ow construed
A statute and its a,end,ent s*ou(d +e read toget*er as a w*o(e ,eaning& it s*ou(d +e read as i) t*e statue *as +een
origina((y enacted in its a,ended )or,.
"ortions not a,ended wi(( continue to +e in )orce wit* t*e sa,e ,eaning
t*ey *ave +e)ore a,end,ent.
Meaning o) (aw c*anged +y a,end,ent
$enera( ru(e0 an a,ended act wou(d +e given a construction di))erent )ro, t*at o) t*e (aw /rior to its a,end,ent )or
it is /resu,ed t*at (egis(atures wou(d not *ave a,ended t*e statue i) it did not intend to c*ange its ,eaning.
A,end,ent o/erates /ros/ective(y
$enera( ru(e0 a,endatory act o/erates /ros/ective(y un(ess t*e contrary is /rovided or t*e (egis(ative intent to give it
a retroactive e))ect is necessari(y i,/(ied )ro, t*e (anguage used and no vested rig*ts is i,/aired.
!owever& a,end,ents re(ating to /rocedures s*ou(d +e given retroactive
E))ect o) a,end,ent in vested rig*ts
Ru(e0 a)ter t*e statute is a,ended& t*e origina( act continues to +e in )orce wit* regard to a(( rig*ts t*at *ad accrued
/rior to t*e a,end,ent or to o+(igations t*at were contracted under t*e /rior act.
E))ect o) a,end,ent on 'urisdiction
Ru(e0 a su+se:uent statute a,ending a /rior act wit* t*e e))ect o) divesting t*e court o) 'urisdiction ,ay not +e
construed to o/erate to oust 'urisdiction t*at *as a(ready attac*ed under t*e /rior (aw.
E))ect o) nu((ity o) /rior or a,endatory act
An inva(id or unconstitutiona( (aw does not in (ega( conte,/(ation e3ist.
W*ere a statute a,ended in inva(id& not*ing in e))ect *as +een a,ended.
T*e a,ended act s*a(( +e considered t*e origina( or inde/endent act.
W*en t*e a,ended act is dec(ared unconstitutiona(& t*e origina( statute
re,ains una))ected and in )orce.
Revision and Codi)ication
$enera((y0 restating t*e e3isting (aws into one statute in order to
si,/(i)y co,/(icated /rovisions.
Construction to *ar,oni9e di))erent /rovisions
T*e di))erent /rovisions o) a revised statute or code s*ou(d +e read and
construed toget*er.
W*ere t*ere is irreconci(a+(e con)(ict0 t*at w*ic* is +est in accord wit* t*e genera( /(an or& in t*e a+sence o)
circu,stances u/on w*ic* to +ase a c*oice& t*at w*ic* is (ater in /*ysica( /osition& +eing t*e (atest e3/ression o)
(egis(ative wi((& wi(( /revai(.
W*at is o,itted is dee,ed re/ea(ed
W*en +ot* intent and sco/e c(ear(y evince t*e idea o) a re/ea(& t*en a(( /arts and /rovisions o) t*e /rior act t*at are
o,itted )ro, t*e revised act are dee,ed re/ea(ed.
C*ange in /*raseo(ogy
Ru(e0 Neit*er an a(teration in /*raseo(ogy nor o,ission or addition o) words in t*e (ater statute s*a(( +e *e(d
necessari(y to a(ter t*e construction o) t*e )or,er acts.
Continuation o) e3isting (aw
Ru(e0 t*e rearrange,ent o) section or /arts o) a statute& or t*e /(acing o) /ortions o) w*at )or,er(y was a sing(e
section in se/arate section& does not o/erate to c*ange t*e o/eration& e))ect and ,eaning o) t*e statute& un(ess
c*anges are o) suc* nature as to ,ani)est t*e c(eat intent to c*ange t*e )or,er (aws.
"ower to re/ea(
%egis(ature *as /(enary /ower to re/ea(& Su/re,e court& w*i(e it *as t*e /ower to /ro,u(gate ru(e o) /rocedure& it
cannot in t*e e3ercise o) suc* /ower a(ter& c*ange or re/ea( su+stantive (aws.
Re/ea(0 tota( or /artia(& e3/ress or i,/(ied
Tota(0 rendered revo>ed co,/(ete(y
"artia(0 %eaves t*e una))ected /ortion o) t*e statue in )orce
E3/ress0 t*ere is a dec(aration in a statute -re/ea(ing c(ause.
I,/(ied0 a(( ot*er re/ea(s
Re/ea( +y i,/(ication
Two we((=sett(ed categories0
W*ere t*e /rovisions in t*e two acts on t*e sa,e su+'ect ,atter
are irreconci(a+(e& t*e (ater act re/ea(s t*e ear(ier one
%ater act covers t*e w*o(e su+'ect o) t*e ear(ier one and is c(ear(y
intended as su+stitute.
Irreconci(a+(e inconsistency
Ru(e0 re/ugnancy ,ust +e c(ear and convincing or t*e (ater (aw nu((i)ies t*e reason or /ur/ose o) t*e ear(ier to ca((
)or a re/ea(. Mere di))erence in ter,s wi(( not create re/ugnance.
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
%eges /osteriors /riores contraries a+rogant0 A (ater (aw re/ea(s an ear(ier
(aw on t*e sa,e su+'ect w*ic* is re/ugnant t*ereto.
I,/(ied re/ea( +y revision or codi)ication
Ru(e0 W*ere a statute is revised or a series o) (egis(ative acts on t*e sa,e su+'ect are revised and conso(idated into
one& covering t*e entire )ie(d o) su+'ect ,atter& a(( /arts and /rovisions o) t*e )or,er act or acts t*at are o,itted
)ro, t*e revised act are dee,ed re/ea(ed.
Re/ea( +y reenact,ent
W*ere a statute is a reenact,ent o) t*e w*o(e su+'ect in su+stitution o) t*e /revious (aws on t*e ,atter& t*e (atter
disa//ears entire(y and w*at is o,itted in t*e reenacted (aw is dee,ed re/ea(ed.
Ot*er )or,s o) i,/(ied re/ea(
W*en two (aws is e3/ressed in t*e )or, o) a universa( negative0 a negative statute re/ea(s a(( con)(icting /rovisions
un(ess t*e contrary intention is disc(osed.
W*ere t*e (egis(ature enacts so,et*ing in genera( ter,s and a)terwards /asses anot*er on t*e sa,e su+'ect& a(t*oug*
in a))ir,ative (anguage& introduces s/ecia( condition or restrictions.
Re/ea(ing c(ause
A(( (aws or /art t*ereo)& w*ic* are inconsistent wit* t*is act& are *ere+y
re/ea(ed or ,odi)ied according(y.
Nature o) t*is c(ause0 not an e3/ress re/ea( rat*er& it is a c(ause w*ic* /redicates t*e intended re/ea( u/on t*e
condition t*at a su+stantia( con)(ict ,ust +e )ound on e3isting and /rior acts o) t*e sa,e su+'ect ,atter
E3 /ro/rio vigore
Ru(e0 t*e )ai(ure to add a s/eci)ic re/ea(ing c(ause /articu(ar(y ,entioning t*e statute to +e re/ea(ed indicated t*e
intent was not to re/ea( any e3isting (aw on t*e ,atter un(ess an irreconci(a+(e inconsistency and re/ugnancy e3ist
in t*e ter,s o) t*e new and o(d (aws.
Re/ea( +y i,/(ication not )avored
Ru(e0 Re/ea(s +y i,/(ication not )avored
"resu,/tion is against inconsistency and against i,/(ied re/ea(s )or it is /resu,ed t*at (egis(atures >now e3isting
(aws on t*e su+'ect and not to *ave enacted inconsistent or con)(icting statutes.
%eges /osteriores /riores contraries a+rogant N (ater statue
re/ea(s /rior ones w*ic* are re/ugnant t*ereto. As +etween two (aws& on t*e sa,e su+'ect ,atter& w*ic* are
irreconci(a+(e inconsistent& t*at w*ic* is /assed (ater /revai(s.
$enera( (aw
Ru(e0 $enera( (aw on a su+'ect does not o/erate to re/ea( a /rior s/ecia( (aw on t*e sa,e su+'ect un(ess c(ear(y
a//ears t*at t*e (egis(ature *as intended t*e (ater genera( act to ,odi)y t*e ear(ier s/ecia( (aw.
$enera(ia s/ecia(i+us non derogant 0 a genera( (aw does not nu((i)y a s/eci)ic
or s/ecia( (aw.
Reason0 t*e (egis(ature s*ou(d ,a>e /rovisions )or a(( circu,stance o) t*e
/articu(ar case.
W*en s/ecia( or genera( (aw re/ea(s t*e ot*er
Ru(e0 W*ere a (ater s/ecia( (aw on a /articu(ar su+'ect is re/ugnant to or inconsistent wit* a /rior genera( (aw on t*e
sa,e su+'ect& a /artia( re/ea( o) t*e (atter is i,/(ied to t*e e3tent o) t*e re/ugnancy or e3ce/tion granted u/on t*e
genera( (aw.
%egis(ative intent to re/ea( ,ust +e s*own in t*e act itse()& t*e e3/(anatory not to t*e +i(( +e)ore its /assage into a
(aw& t*e discussion on t*e )(oor o) t*e (egis(ature and t*e *istory o) t*e two (egis(ations.
Ru(e0 $enera( (aw cannot +e construed to *ave re/ea(ed a s/ecia( (aw +y
,ere i,/(ication.
Ru(e0 I) intention to re/ea( t*e s/ecia( (aw is c(ear& t*e s/ecia( (aw wi(( +e considered as an e3ce/tion to t*e genera(
(aw wi(( not a//(y. S/ecia( (aw is re/ea(ed +y i,/(ication.
E))ects o) re/ea(s
Statute is rendered ino/erative
?oes not undo t*e conse:uences o) t*e o/eration o) t*e statute
w*i(e in )orce
?oes not render i((ega( w*at under t*e re/ea(ed act is (ega(
?oes not (a>e (ega( w*at under t*e )or,er (aw is i((ega(
On 'urisdiction
Eurisdiction to try and decide actions is deter,ined +y t*e (aw in )orce at t*e
ti,e t*e action is )i(ed.
$enera( ru(e0 w*ere t*e court or tri+una( *as a(ready ac:uired and is e3ercising 'urisdiction over a controversy& its
'urisdiction to /roceed to )ina( deter,ination o) t*e cause is not a))ected +y t*e new (egis(ation re/ea(ing t*e statue
w*ic* origina((y con)erred 'urisdiction un(ess t*e re/ea(ing statute /rovides ot*erwise e3/ress(y or +y necessary
On 'urisdiction to try cri,ina( cases
Eurisdiction o) a court to try a cri,ina( case is deter,ined +y t*e (aw in
)orce at t*e ti,e t*e action is instituted.
On actions /ending or ot*erwise
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at t*e re/ea( o) a statue de)eats a(( actions and
/roceedings inc(uding t*ose w*ic* are sti(( /ending.
On vested rig*ts
Re/ea( o) a statute does not destroy or i,/air rig*ts t*at accrued and
+eca,e vested under t*e statute +e)ore its re/ea(.
On contracts
W*en a contract is entered into +y t*e /arties on t*e +asis o) t*e (aw w*en o+taining& t*e re/ea( or a,end,ent o)
said (aw does not a))ect t*e ter,s o) t*e contract not i,/air t*e rig*t o) t*e /arties t*ereunder.
E))ect o) re/ea( o) ta3 (aw
Re/ea(s does not /rec(ude t*e co((ection o) ta3es assessed under t*e o(d (aw
+e)ore its re/ea(s un(ess t*e re/ea(ing statute /rovides ot*erwise
Re/ea( and enact,ent
Si,u(taneous re/ea( and reenact,ent o) a statue does not a))ect t*e rig*ts and (ia+i(ities w*ic* *ave accrued under
t*e origina( statute since t*e reenact,ent neutra(i9es t*e re/ea( and continues t*e (aw in )orce wit*out interru/tion.
E))ect o) re/ea( o) /ena( (aws
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Re/ea( wit*out :ua(i)ication o) /ena( (aw de/rived t*e court o) t*e 'urisdiction to /unis* /ersons c*arged wit* a
vio(ation o) t*e o(d (aw /rior to its re/ea(.
W*ere re/ea( is a+so(ute& cri,e no (onger e3ists.
T*e re/ea(ing act reenacts t*e statute and /ena(i9es t*e sa,e act /revious(y /ena(i9ed under t*e re/ea(ed (aw& t*e act
co,,itted +e)ore t*e reenact,ent continues to +e a cri,e.
W*ere t*e re/ea(ing act contains a saving c(ause /roviding t*at /ending actions s*a(( not +e a))ected& t*e (atter wi((
continue to +e /rosecuted in accordance wit* t*e o(d (aw.
?istinction as to e))ect o) re/ea( and e3/iration o) (aw
In a+so(ute re/ea(& t*e cri,e is o+(iterated
In e3/iration o) /ena( (aw +y its own )orce does not *ave t*at e))ect
E))ect o) re/ea( o) ,unici/a( c*arter
Su/erceding o) t*e o(d c*arter +y a new one *as t*e e))ect o) a+o(is*ing t*e
o))ices under t*e o(d c*arter.
Re/ea( or nu((ity o) re/ea(ing (aw
%aw )irst re/ea(ed s*a(( not +e revived un(ess e3/ress(y /rovided
W*ere a re/ea(ing statute is dec(ared unconstitutiona(& it wi(( *ave no e))ect
o) re/ea(ing t*e )or,er statute.
unda,enta( (aw w*ic* sets u/ a )or, o) govern,ent and de)ines and
de(i,its /owers t*ereo).
Is su/re,e& i,/erious& a+so(ute and una(tera+(e e3ce/t +y t*e aut*ority
)ro, w*ic* it e,anates
Aut*ority o) w*ic* e,anates )ro, t*e sovereign /eo/(e
#;25 Constitution
Act o) US CongressBTydings=Mcdu))ie %aw aut*ori9ed t*e /eo/(e o) ".I. to
ado/t a Constitution
# ?ra)ting and a//rova( o) t*e Constitutiona( Convention
1 Certi)ication o) t*e US "resident
2 Rati)ication +y t*e i(i/ino /eo/(e= May #4& #;25
#;75 Constitution
R.A. 6#21 N ca(( )or a convention to /ro/ose a,end,ents o) t*e #;25
Aug 14& #;7@= e(ection o) de(egates
Se/t 1#& #;71= dec(aration o) Martia( %aw
Ean #7& #;72= #;72 Constitution is /roc(ai,ed rati)ied
reedo, Constitution
Marc* 15& #;A6=e+ 1& #;A7
#;A7 Constitution
To ascertain intent or /ur/ose o) t*e )ra,ers o) t*e Constitution as e3/ressed in t*e (anguage o) t*e )unda,enta(
(aw& and t*erea)ter to assure rea(i9ation.
Te3tua(B%itera( inter/retationB"(ain=,eaning
Ter,s ,ust +e construed in t*eir genera( and ordinary sense
$enera( /revai(s over t*e restricted un(ess t*e (i,ited sense is
?rawing in)erences )ro, t*e arc*itecture o) t*e Constitution
Construction as a w*o(e
A /rovision in t*e Constitution s*ou(d not +e construed in
iso(ation rat*er as a w*o(e and a//arent(y con)(icting /rovisions s*ou(d +e reconci(ed and *ar,oni9ed in a ,anner
t*at ,ay give to a(( o) t*e, )u(( o) )orce and e))ectD
!istorica( Re(ying on circu,stances& *istorica( events and ideo(ogica(
/ositions u/on t*e ado/tion o) t*e Constitution
"roceedings o) t*e Convention
?e+ates& inter/retations& and o/inions e3/ressed concerning
/articu(ar /rovisions yie(d additiona( insig*t on t*e intent and ,eaning t*ereo) +ut are not a+so(ute and conc(usive
)or t*e Constitution does not derive its )orce )ro, t*e convention +ut )ro, t*e /eo/(e w*o rati)ied it. Moreover&
o/inions e3/ressed +y so,e individua(s during t*e convention& do not necessari(y re)(ect t*e state o) ,ind o) t*ose
w*o did not e3/ress t*eir o/inion.
?octrina(B"revious (aws and 'udicia( ru(ings
Re(ying on esta+(is*ed /recedents
Courts are +ound to /resu,e t*at t*e /eo/(e ado/ting a
constitution are )a,i(iar wit* t*e /revious and e3isting (aws u/on t*e su+'ects to w*ic* its /rovisions re(ate and
u/on w*ic* t*ey e3/ress t*eir 'udg,ent and o/inion in its ado/tion
Conte,/oraneous construction and writing
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Re(ying on construction o) t*e (egis(ative and e3ecutive
W*ere a (egis(ature *as revised a statute a)ter a constitution
*as +een ado/ted& suc* a revision is to +e regarded as a
(egis(ative construction.
C*anges in "*raseo(ogy
A c*ange in /*raseo(ogy o) t*e /resent Constitution ,ay
indicate an intent t ,odi)y or c*ange t*e ,eaning o) t*e o(d
/rovision and t*us re)(ect a di))erent intent
Conse:uence o) a(ternative constructions
W*ere a constitutiona( /rovision is a,+iguous& t*at
construction w*ic* (ead to a+surd& i,/ossi+(e or ,isc*ievous
conse:uences ,ust +e re'ected
Constitution construed as a w*o(e
A /rovision in t*e Constitution s*ou(d not +e construed in
iso(ation rat*er as a w*o(e and a//arent(y& con)(icting
s*ou(d +e reconci(ed and *ar,oni9ed in a ,anner t*at ,ay
o) t*e, )u(( )orce and e))ect.
Mandatory or ?irectory
T*e esta+(is*ed ru(e is t*at constitutiona( /rovisions are
to +e construed as ,andatory& un(ess +y e3/ress /rovision or
necessary i,/(ication& a di))erent intention is ,ani)ested. It is
agenera( ru(e to regard constitutiona( /rovisions as ,andatory
not to (eave any discretion to t*e wi(( o) a (egis(ature to o+ey
to disregard t*e,. T*is /resu,/tion as to ,andatory :ua(ity is
usua((y )o((owed un(ess it is un,ista>a+(y ,ani)est t*at t*e
/rovisions are intended to +e ,ere(y directory. T*e reason w*y
/rovision o) t*e constitution are genera((y regarded as
t*at in a constitution& t*e sovereign itse() s/ea>s and is (aying down t*e ru(es w*ic* )or t*e ti,e +eing at (east are to
contro( a(i>e t*e govern,ent and t*e governed. Its /rovisions are +inding
u/on a(( de/art,ents o) t*e govern,ent.
"ros/ective or Retroactive
T*e ru(e is t*at a constitution s*ou(d o/erate /ros/ective(y
on(y& un(ess t*e words e,/(oyed s*ow a c(ear intention t*at it
s*ou(d *ave a retroactive e))ect.
A//(ica+i(ity o) Statutory Construction to Constitutiona( Construction
So,e o) t*e ru(es in statutory construction are a//(ica+(e to
t*e construction o) t*e Constitution
$enera((y& "rovisions o) t*e Constitution are se()=e3ecuting in nature
T*e genera( ru(e is t*at constitutiona( /rovisions are se()=
e3ecuting& e3ce/t w*en t*e /rovisions t*e,se(ves e3/ress(y
(egis(ations to i,/(e,ent t*e, or w*en& )ro, t*eir (anguage
tenure& t*ey are ,ere(y dec(arations o) /o(icies and /rinci/(es.
Ase()=e3ecuting /rovision is one w*ic* is co,/(ete +y itse() and
+eco,es o/erative wit*out t*e aid o) su//(e,entary or
(egis(ation& or w*ic* su//(ies su))icient ru(e +y ,eans o) w*ic*
rig*t it grants ,ay +e en'oyed or /rotected. T*e ru(e is t*at in case o) dou+t& t*e Constitution s*ou(d +e considered
se()= e3ecuting
rat*er t*an non=se()=e3ecuting
A+so(uta sententia e3/ositore non indiget
W*en t*e (anguage o) (aw is c(ear& no e3/(anation o) it is re:uired. -/.#17.
Ae:uitas nun:ua, contravenit (egis
E:uity never acts in contravention o) t*e (aw. -/.#1A.
Casus o,issus /ro o,isso *a+endus est
A /erson& o+'ect& or t*ing o,itted )ro, an enu,eration ,ust +e *e(d to *ave
+een o,itted intentiona((y. -/.12#.
Cessante ratione (egis& cessat et i/sa (e3
W*en t*e reason o) t*e (aw ceases& t*e (aw itse() ceases. -/.#41.
Conte,/oranea e3/ositio est o/ti,a et )ortissi,a in (ege
T*e conte,/orary construction is strongest in (aw. -/.##@.
?ura (e3 sed (e3
T*e (aw ,ay +e *ars*& +ut t*at is t*e (aw. -/.#17 and /.1;A.
Ea est acci/ienda inter/retatio :uae vitio caret
T*at inter/retation is to +e ado/ted w*ic* is )ree )ro, evi( or in'ustice. -/.#52
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
E3 do(o ,a(o non oritur action
No ,an can +e a((owed to )ound a c(ai, u/on *is own wrongdoing. -/.#74.
E3 necessitate (egis
8y necessary i,/(ication o) (aw. -g(ossary.
ro, t*e necessity o) t*e (aw. -/.#64.
E3/ressio unius est e3c(usio a(terius
T*e e3/ress ,ention o) one /erson& t*ing& or conse:uence i,/(ies t*e e3c(usion
o) a(( ot*ers. -/.111.
a(sa de,onstratio non nocet& cu, de cor/ore constat
a(se descri/tion does not /rec(ude construction nor vitiate t*e ,eaning o) t*e
statute. -g(ossary.
a(se descri/tion does not /rec(ude construction nor vitiate t*e ,eaning o) t*e
statute w*ic* is ot*erwise unc(ear. -/.#6#.
iat 'usticia& ruat coe(u,
%et rig*t +e done& t*oug* t*e *eavens )a((. -/.#54.
!oc :uide, /er:ua, duru, est& sed ita (e3 scri/ta est
It is e3ceeding(y *ard +ut so t*e (aw is written. -/.#17.
I+i :uid genera(iter conceditur< inest *aec e3ce/tio& si non a(i:uid sit contras 'us
W*ere anyt*ing is granted genera((y& t*is e3ce/tion is i,/(ied< t*at not*ing s*a((
+e contrary to (aw and rig*t. -/.#6#.
I,/ossi+i(iu, nu((a o+(igatio est
T*ere is no o+(igation to do an i,/ossi+(e t*ing. -/.#61.
In eo :uod /(us sit& se,/er inest et ,inus
T*e greater inc(udes t*e (esser. -/.#64.
In /ari de(icto /otior est conditio de)endentis -/.#74.
-in t*e +oo>& t*is ,a3i, a//ears to ,ean FNo ,an s*ou(d +e a((owed to ta>e
advantage o) *is own wrong&H +ut t*at is a(so t*e ,eaning o) Nu((us co,,odu,
/otest de in'uria /ro/riasua.
Inde3 ani,i ser,o -/.#14.
Inde3 ani,i ser,o est -g(ossary.
S/eec* is t*e inde3 o) intention.
Interest rei/u+(icae ut sit )inis (itiu,
T*e interest o) t*e State de,ands t*at t*ere +e an end to (itigation. -/.#11.
"u+(ic interest re:uires t*at +y t*e very nature o) t*ings t*ere ,ust +e an end
to a (ega( controversy. -g(ossary and /.24@.
Inter/retatio )ienda est ut res ,agis va(eat :ua, /ereat
T*at inter/retation as wi(( give t*e t*ing e))icacy is to +e ado/ted. -/.#2#.
A (aw s*ou(d +e inter/reted wit* a view to u/*o(ding rat*er t*an destroying it.
-g(ossary and /.156.
Inter/retatio ta(is in a,+iguis se,/er )ienda est ut evitetur inconveniens et
a+surdu, -/.#4A and g(ossary.
Inter/retato ta(is in a,+iguis se,/er )rienda est& ut evitatur inconveniens et
a+surdu, -/.#51.
W*ere t*ere is a,+iguity& suc* inter/retation as wi(( avoid inconvenience and
a+surdity is to +e ado/ted.
Eure naturae ae:uu, est ne,ine, cu, a(terius detri,ento et in'uria )ieri
T*e )act t*at a statute is si(ent& o+scure& or insu))icient wit* res/ect to a
:uestion +e)ore t*e court wi(( not 'usti)y t*e (atter )ro, dec(ining to render
'udg,ent t*ereon. -/.#57.
%egis inter/retatio (egis vi, o+tinet-g(ossary.
%egis inter/retato (egis vi, o+tinet- /.67.
T*e aut*oritative inter/retation o) t*e court o) a statute ac:uires t*e )orce o) (aw
+y +eco,ing a /art t*ereo). -g(ossary.
T*e aut*oritative inter/retation o) t*e Su/re,e Court o) a statute ac:uires t*e
)orce o) (aw +y +eco,ing a /art t*ereo). -/.67.
%e3 /ros/icit& non res/icit
T*e (aw (oo>s )orward& not +ac>ward. -/.6A and /.251.
Ma(edicta est e3/ositio :uae corru,/it te3tu,
It is dangerous construction w*ic* is against t*e te3t. -/.#16.
Ne,o tenetur ad i,/ossi+i(e
T*e (aw o+(iges no one to /er)or, an i,/ossi+i(ity. -/.#61.
Nu((us co,,odu, /otest de in'uria /ro/riasua -g(ossary.
Nu((us co,,odu, ca/ere /otest de in'uria sua /ro/ria-/.#74.
No ,an s*ou(d +e a((owed to ta>e advantage o) *is own wrong.
O+iter dictu,
An o/inion e3/ressed +y a court on so,e :uestion o) (aw w*ic* is not necessary
to t*e decision o) t*e case +e)ore it. -/.#11.
O/ti,us inter/res reru, usus
T*e +est inter/reter o) t*e (aw is usage. -/.##4.
Iuando a(i:uid /ro*i+etur e3 directo& /ro*i+etur et /er o+(i:uu,
W*at is /ro*i+ited direct(y is /ro*i+ited indirect(y. -g(ossary.
W*at cannot& +y (aw& +e done direct(y cannot +e done indirect(y. -/.#76.
Rati*a+ito ,andato a:ui/aratur -g(ossary.
Rati*a+itio ,andato ae:ui/aratur -/.#1@.
%egis(ative rati)ication is e:uiva(ent to a ,andate
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Ratio (egis
Inter/retation according to s/irit. -g(ossary.
Inter/retation according to t*e s/irit or reason o) t*e (aw. -/.#21.
Ratio (egis est ani,a (egis -g(ossary.
Ratio (egis est ani,a-/.#41.
T*e reason o) t*e (aw is its sou(.
Stare decisis et non :uieta ,overe
o((ow /ast /recedents and do not distur+ w*at *as +een sett(ed. -g(ossary.
One s*ou(d )o((ow /ast /recedents and s*ou(d not distur+ w*at *as +een sett(ed.
Su,,u, 'us& su,,a in'uria
T*e rigor o) t*e (aw wou(d +eco,e t*e *ig*est in'ustice. -/.#61.
Sur/(usagiu, non nocet -g(ossary.
Sur/(usagiu, non noceat-/.#5;.
Sur/(usage does not vitiate a statute.
U+i 'us& u+i re,ediu,
W*ere t*ere is a rig*t& t*ere is a re,edy. -g(ossary.
W*ere t*ere is a rig*t& t*ere is a re,edy )or vio(ation t*ereo). -/.#66.
Uti(e /er inuti(e non vitiatur
T*e use)u( is not vitiated +y t*e non=use)u(. -/.#5;.
Ver+a intentioni& non e contra& de+ent inservire
Words oug*t to +e ,ore su+servient to t*e intent and not t*e intent to t*e
words. -/.#22.
Ver+a (egis
"(ain=,eaning ru(e. -/.#14.
Ver+a (egis non est recedendu,
ro, t*e words o) t*e statute t*ere s*ou(d +e no de/arture. -/.#14.
"ost=Midter,s -C*a/ters 5=#@.
Actus ,e invito )actus non est ,eus actus
An act done +y ,e against ,y wi(( is not ,y act. -/.1;1.
Actus non )acit reu, nisi ,ens sit rea
T*e act itse() dos not ,a>e a ,an gui(ty un(ess *is intention were so. -/.1;1.
Ad /ro3i,u, antecedens )iat re(atio nisi i,/ediatur sententia(
Re(ative words re)er to t*e nearest antecedents& un(ess t*e conte3t ot*erwise
re:uires. -/.121.
Argu,entu, a contrario
Negative=o//osite doctrine -/.112.
Casus o,issus /ro o,isso *a+endus est
A /erson& o+'ect& or t*ing o,itted )ro, an enu,eration ,ust +e *e(d to *ave
+een o,itted intentiona((y. -/.12#.
?issi,i(u, dissi,i(is est ratio
O) t*ings dissi,i(ar& t*e ru(e is dissi,i(ar. -/.1@4.
?istingue te,/ora et concorda+is 'ura
?istinguis* ti,es and you wi(( *ar,oni9e (aws. -/.17#.
?ura (e3 sed (e3
T*e (aw ,ay +e *ars*& +ut t*at is t*e (aw. -/.#17 and /.1;A.
E'usde, generis
O) t*e sa,e >ind or s/ecie. -/.1#2.
E3ce/tio )ir,at regu(a, in casi+us non e3ce/tis
A t*ing not +eing e3ce/ted ,ust +e regarded as co,ing wit*in t*e /urview o)
t*e genera( ru(e. -//.111=112.
E3/ressio unius est e3c(usion a(terius
T*e e3/ress ,ention o) one /erson& t*ing& or conse:uence i,/(ies t*e e3c(usion
o) a(( ot*ers. -/. and /.111.
E3/ressu, )acit cessare tacitu,
W*at is e3/ressed /uts an end to w*at is i,/(ied. -/.111.
avora+i(ia sunt a,/(ianda& adiosa restringenda-/.26@.
avores a,/(iandi sunt< odia restringenda-g (ossary .
"ena( (aws w*ic* are )avora+(e to t*e accused are given retroactive e))ect.
$enera(e dictu, genera(iter est inter/retandu,
A genera( state,ent is understood in a genera( sense. -/.#A2.
$enera(ia s/ecia(i+us non derogant
A genera( (aw does not nu((i)y a s/eci)ic or s/ecia( (aw. -/.4#5.
$enera(ia ver+a sunt genera(iter inte(iigenda
W*at is genera((y s/o>en s*a(( +e genera((y understood. -/.#A2.
Interest rei/u+(icae ut sit )inis (itiu,
T*e interest o) t*e State de,ands t*at t*ere +e an end to (itigation. -/.#11.
"u+(ic interest re:uires t*at +y t*e very nature o) t*ings t*ere ,ust +e an end
to a (ega( controversy. -g(ossary and /.24@.
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Vena V. Verga and Aris S. Manguera
Inter/retare et concordare (eges (egi+us est o/ti,us inter/retandi ,odus
Inter/otare et concordare (egi+us est o/ti,us inter/otandi ,odus-g (ossary .
T*e +est ,et*od o) inter/retation is t*at w*ic* ,a>es (aws consistent wit* ot*er
(aws. -/.16A.
Every statute ,ust +e so construed and *ar,oni9ed wit* ot*er statutes as to
)or, uni)or, syste, o) (aw. -g(ossary.
Inter/retatio )ienda est ut res ,agis va(eat :ua, /ereat
T*at inter/retation as wi(( give t*e t*ing e))icacy is to +e ado/ted. -/.#2#.
A (aw s*ou(d +e inter/reted wit* a view to u/*o(ding rat*er t*an destroying it.
-g(ossary and /.156.
%eges /osteriores /riores contrarias a+rogant %ater statute re/ea(s /rior ones
w*ic* are re/ugnant t*ereto -/.4#2.
A (ater (aw re/ea(s a /rior (aw on t*e sa,e su+'ect w*ic* is re/ugnant t*ereto.
%e3 de )uturo& 'ude3 de /raeterito
T*e (aw /rovides )or t*e )uture& t*e 'udge )or t*e /ast. -/.251.
%e3 /ros/icit& non res/icit
T*e (aw (oo>s )orward& not +ac>ward. -/.6A and /.251.
Noscitur a sociis
Words construed wit* re)erence to acco,/anying or associated words. -/.1@6.
Nova constitutio )uturis )or,a, i,/onere de+et non /raeteritis
A new statute s*ou(d a))ect t*e )uture& not t*e /ast. -/.252.
Nu((u, cri,en sine /oena& nu((a /oena sine (egis
T*ere is no cri,e wit*out a /ena(ty& and t*ere is no /ena(ty wit*out a (aw.
Nu((u, te,/us occurrit regi-/.2@7.
Nu((u, te,/us occurit-g(ossary.
T*ere can +e no (ega( rig*t as against t*e aut*ority t*at ,a>es t*e (aw on w*ic*
t*e rig*t de/ends.
O/ti,a statuti inter/retatri3 est i/su, statutu,
T*e +est inter/reter o) a statute is t*e statute itse(). -/.14A.
"ari ,ateria
Re(ating to sa,e ,atter -/.16A.
"otior est in te,/oe& /otior est in 'ure
!e w*o is )irst in ti,e is /re)erred in rig*t. -/.22A.
"rivi(egia reci/iunt (arga, inter/retatione, vo(untati consona, concedentis
"rivi(egia reci/rint (argan inter/retatione, vo(untate consonan concedentis
"rivi(eges are to +e inter/reted in accordance wit* t*e wi(( o) *i, w*o grants
Reddendo singu(a singu(is
Re)erring eac* to eac*< re)erring eac* /*rase or e3/ression to t*e a//ro/riate
o+'ect< or (et eac* +e /ut in its /ro/er /(ace. -/.124.
Sa(us /o/u(i est su/re,a (e3
T*e voice o) t*e /eo/(e is t*e su/re,e (aw. -/.1AA.
Statuta /ro /u+(ico co,,odo (ate inter/retantur
Statutes enacted )or t*e /u+(ic good are to +e construed (i+era((y. -/.1AA.
U+i (e3 non distinguit& nec nos distinguere de+e,us
W*ere t*e (aw does not distinguis*& we s*ou(d not distinguis*. -/.#;7.
Ver+a acci/ienda sunt secundu, su+'ecta, ,ateria,-g(ossary.
Ver+a acci/ienda sunt secundu, ,ateria,-/.#;6.
A word is to +e understood in t*e conte3t in w*ic* it is used.
Vigi(anti+us et non dor,ienti+us 'ura su+veniunt
T*e (aws aid t*e vigi(ant& not t*ose w*o s(u,+er on t*eir rig*ts. -/.22A.

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