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Roles Associated with Access Policies

Every Access Policy has five Roles. You associate Users and Groups with each of these Roles. The
available roles are:
Grants the specified Users and Groups the right to view the title and description of any obect to which
the policy is applied.
!olders or discussions: people assigned this role can list the ite"s.
#ocu"ents and "essages: people assigned this role can read and download the contents.
$t is not good practice to give the sa"e user of group "ultiple roles. !or e%a"ple& if a user should be
able to read and edit a docu"ent& you should "a'e the person an Editor but not a Reader.
Grants the specified Users and Groups the right to put content in folders& cabinets& and discussions to
which the access policy is applied. (Putting ite"s) includes pasting lin's to obects in other conte%ts&
and creating sub*folders. Use the +ontributor role to allow selected people to contribute to a shared
space& but not to "odify anything that anyone else puts there. +ontributors can only "odify or ,edit,
content that they have added to the syste".
Grants all of the rights of the +ontributor role& plus it allows the specified users to re"ove folders&
docu"ents& "essages& and other obects fro" the folder or discussion to which the policy is applied. A
co""on practice is to assign the role to a particular group of people who are collaborating
in a space& and All Users /a default Group0 the Reader role. Then one can change who has per"ission
to write in that space by changing who is a "e"ber of that Group.
Grants full control e%cept for the right to change the ite"1s access policy. $n addition to the rights
granted by the Reader& +ontributor& and roles& the Editor role includes:
!or docu"ents& 2eb pages& and "essages: the rights to edit the title and other properties&
replace the contents& and delete the ite".
!or folders& cabinets& and discussions: the rights to edit the title and other properties& and
delete the folder itself.
Grants full access& including the right to change the access policy of ite"s to which it is applied. !or
e%a"ple& Publishers "ay "a'e a private docu"ent readable by others by replacing one policy with
another. The -wner of an obect is auto"atically assigned the Publisher role on that obect. A
Publisher can also change the -wner.

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