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Learning TASK: Model Evaluation

Biological Cycles

1. This model illustrates how nature recycles what natural resource? What is your evidence?

2. Name two ways that carbon (usually in the form of CO
) enters the atmosphere.

3. Process D on the model uses CO
from the atmosphere.
a) Label D on the model with the name of this process.
b) What organisms carry out the process identified in Part (a)?

4. Name three different types of organisms that release carbon into the atmosphere. What is
your evidence from the model?

Co2, it shows that many of the things either take in or use the Co2.
It enters the atmosphere by Resperation and by Combustion.
A) Photosynthesis
B) feeding, respiration, and death.
Plants release carbon into the atmosphere because of respiration auto and factory emissions release it from
Combustion, and Coal, oil, natural gas because of combustion.
4. Wastes and dead organisms must be broken down in order for their components to be used
a) What organisms in the model carry out this process?

b) What would happen if decomposition did not occur?

5. Not all dead organisms are acted upon by decomposers. Instead of being immediately
recycled, the carbon from some organisms is kept in a type of long-term storage, or carbon
sink. Using the model, answer the questions below about this long-term storage.
a) List four materials that contain this stored carbon.

b) What is the collective term for these four materials?

c) How do humans use the materials in the carbon sink?

d) What is the scientific name for the process listed in part (c)?

6. List five examples of combustion in your everyday life.

7. Many of the carbon-based fuels are categorized as fossil fuels because they formed from
decayed organisms over millions of years. List as many examples of fossil fuels as you can.

8. How does our use of these carbon stores affect the amount of CO
in the atmosphere?

*Based upon Nutrient Cycles from POGIL Activities for High School Biology.

It wouldn't go into the ground it would just sit there and not go into the ground so the plants wouldn't get the
nutrition that they need.
Death, Fungi, bacteria, and worms.
coal, oil, phones, cars, and phone chargers.
coal oil peat and natural gasses
Oil, coal, natural gasses, petroleum, and nuclear power
Carbon Sink
we use it in cars and res and release it into the atmosphere
It a"ects it by, all of the CO2 in the air is a lot more than what it would be because it would be
a lot more CO2

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