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Unit 4 Part2.

Question forms-Present Tense

Projects in the blog:
1. ( Activity 2) audio 25 questions and answers.
2. (Activity 7) a google document with your collection of 15 questions.
You can go to the mediateca and check books to find examples for your collection.

Learning tip:
It is better to think of a topic or context to make your collection.
For example:
"What are some of the most common questions a tourist in Mexico city may ask?
What are some of the most common questions guys ask on a date?
What questions do you ask someone to select a place to travel to, a place for a Friday
outing with friends, a place to eat ?
What questions does an interviewer ask a young famous athelete/ singer/movie star
who has won a medal/an award ?
What questions do you ask your friends when in Facebook?
What questions can you include in a survey about life styles/habits?

To help you find the questions for your collection you can:
1. Go to the mediateca and select an audio book or a story book and copy the
questions and answer them.

2. You can also use the pdf at the bottom to select useful questions. Make sure you
understand what they mean.

We are going to practice making questions in simple present.
You need to know the meaning of the most common question words like:
Where, When, How, Who, What , What time, How far, How long,Why.
First answer the following exercises. (unit4 question word)

Activity 7. Read about the use of the question words.
We are going to make a collection of questions.

"What are some of the most common questions tourists may ask?
What are some of the most common questions guys ask on a date?
What questions does your mother ask you?

Think of a context or situation and collect your questions.
A. Create a word document with your collection.
B. Upload it to google docs and send it to your blog. (word order)

UNit 4- Part 3 Questions Frequency words.
Projects for blog:
Video with answers ( activity 2)
A letter to the FutureMe ( activity3)

Activity 2. Then record a video clip with your answers to one of the topics:

What do you have for breakfast?
What do you have for breakfast?
What time do you have breakfast?
Where do you have breakfast?
Who prepares your breakfast?
Do you like breakfast?

Do you like cooking?
What do you like to cook?
Are you good at cooking?

Make sure you include some of these frequency words

Activity 3. A letter to the FutureMe
You are going to write a letter to yourself for the future. What question will you ask
What do you want to ask or tell your future self?
Send your letter to your blog
Look at the following example:

Unit 4 Part 2 Question words.
Activity 1.
Write the correct question word.
____ food do you like?
____ does it take to get to New York from Albany?
____ does the movie begin this evening?
____ is your favorite actor?
____ house does he live in?
____ is Jack like?
____ does she study English with?
____ do the people in your country go for vacation?
____ do you play tennis?
____ sports do you play?

Activity 2.
Select the correct answer and record the questions and answers ( audio file) with your cellph
one .
Send the file to your blog.

1.How often do you play tennis?
a. On Tuesday. b. For two hours. c. Almost every day. d. With John.

2. Where do you usually eat lunch?
a. Sandwich. b. With Jane. c. At 12:00. d. In the cafeteria.

3. How long did you study last night?
a. With Bob. b. In my room. c. English. d. For three hours.

4. What kind of novels do you like?
a. Yes, I do. b. I like spy novels.

5. What kind of work do you do?
a. I work every day. b. I'm a piano teacher. c. I worked for two hours.

6. How many hours a day do you watch TV?
a. About two hours. b. In my living room. c. I watch the news. d. On Tuesday.

7. What is your busiest day of the week?
a. In the morning. b. Every day. c. Tuesday. d. Last week.

8. What does "TV" mean?
a. For one hour. b. Yes c. Television. d. For one hour. e. On Friday.

9. How do you spell "dog"?
a. No b. D-O-G c. No d. I don't e. Cat. f. I have one dog.

10. What did you do yesterday?
a. I am swimming. b. I swim. c. I will swim. d. I swam.

11. What do you like to drink?
a. Coffee. b. Saturday evening. c. Two. d. With my friends.

12. What did you eat last night?
a. At six. b. Spaghetti . c. With my family. d. At home.

13. What are you doing?
a. I'm eating. b. I ate. c. I will be eating. d. I have eaten.

14. What will you do this afternoon?
a. I play soccer. b. I played soccer. c. I'll play soccer. d. I was playing soccer.

15. Where's Mike?
a. At school. b. At eight. c. For three hours. d. No, he isn't.

16. Where do you do your homework?
a. With John. b. In the evening. c. About one hour. d. Every day. e. At home.

17. How many hours a day do you sleep?
a. I have slept 7 hours. b. I am sleeping 7 hours. c. I sleep 7 hours.

18. How often do you write letters?
a. Two pages. b. Two times a week. c. Two people. d. Two hours.

19. Where can I buy beer?
a. When you are twenty years old. b. About two bottles. c. With Jane. d. At a liquor store

20. What's your favorite sport?
a. Swim. b. Swimming.

21. When was the last time you went shopping?
a. Yesterday. b. Tomorrow. c. Near the Station.

22. How often do you speak on the telephone?
a. At least once a day. b. In the evening? c. For about 30 minutes.

23. When's your birthday?
a. November two. b. November twice. c. November second.

24. Where are you from?
a. New York. b. 1982. c. At school.

25. How do you get to school?
a. With train. b. In train. c. By train.

Activity 3. Match the question with the answer.
1. Who are you waiting for? a. No, not yet.
2. What happened to Bob? b. Home.
3. How long does it take you to get there? c. He broke his leg.
4. Can you tell me the time? d. On January 1st, 1960.
5. Why did you call Mr. Brown? e. Two hours.
6. Would you like something to drink? f. Next week.
7. When will you travel to the United States? g. My brother
8. Have you done assignment ? h. A coke, please.
9. Where are you going? i. To invite him to dinner.
10. When were you born? j. It's 2 o'clock.

Activity 4.Select the correct answer.
1. ___ is someone who lifts weight called?

2. ___ do you want to go there?

3. ___ luggage are you going to take?
How many
How much

4. ___ way can we go, up the hill or along the river bank?

5. ___ makes you nervous? The traffic downtown.

6. ___ is the depth of this pool?

7. ___ is the weather like in Mexico City in the spring?

8. ___ books did you read last semester?

9. ___ do we have to go at two o'clock?

Word order.

Wh +verb to be subject

What time


your English class?

Wh + do/ does subject verb
What time do you start
How long does he work?

Who studies French?

Who do you like?

What Use: Asking about things or activities
Examples: What does he do on weekends? What is that?

What kind of / type of Use: Asking about specific things or characteristics
Examples: What type of car do you drive? What kind of person is he?

What time Use: Asking for a specific time
Examples: What time is it? What time does the show begin?

When Use: Asking about general or specific times
Examples: When do you like going out? When does the bus leave?

Where Use: Asking about places
Examples: Where do you live? Where did you go on vacation?

How Use: Combined with many words to ask questions about specific characteristi
qualities, quantities, etc. For example: How much (price, quantity), How long (length), H
often (frequency)
Examples: How often do you go to the movies? How long was the film?
How much does it cost?

Which Use: Asking to specify a thing or person from a number of things or peop
Examples: Which book do you want? Which boy is your brother ?

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