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Diane McCurley Junior Executive Board

GFWC of Massachusetts Oct. 10, 2014

Director of Junior Clubs GFWC of MA Headquarters

Call to Order/Junior Invocation /Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Jen Nowak
Welcome Diane McCurley, Director
Minutes from June Board Jen Nowak, Recording Secretary
Correspondence Cindy Brogan, Corresponding Secretary
Treasurers Report Nancy Clark, Treasurer


Report of Officers
Director, Diane McCurley
Assistant Director, Martha Casassa
Recording Secretary, Jen Nowak
Corresponding Secretary, Cindy Brogan
Treasurer, Nancy Clark

Report of Counselor to Junior Membership Elfriede Parker, 1
Vice President

Community Service Programs:
Arts: Mary Kemp/Nancy Coughlin

Conservation: Jean Zucker

Education: Ellen Burns/Elaine Mellen

Home Life: Jeanne Dee

International Outreach: Cindy Brogan

Public Issues: Katie Robey

Special Projects:
Advocates for Children: Theresa Frias

Domestic Violence: Samantha Rudd

Advancement Guide Areas:
Leadership: Jen Nowak

Membership: Martha Casassa

Communications/Public Relations: Donna Shibley

Fundraising: T Jablanski/Robin OConnor

Meetings: Marisa Jablanski

Nominating: Diane Murphy

Website: Nancy Clark

District Representatives/District Nominating:

Unfinished Business:
Fall Conference
GFWC Member Database

New Business:
November Board Meeting

October 18 - GFWC of Massachusetts Fall Meeting, Holiday Inn, Boxborough

October 25 Junior Membership Fall Conference, Club Maxines, Union Street, Worcester

October 31-Nov 2 New England Region Conference, Burlington, VT

December 4 Club Institute, GFWC of MA Headquarters, WHRC and Holiday Presentations

Closing Thought:

Next board meeting:
November 12, 2014

Junior Pledge

Living the VOLUNTEER Spirit

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