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Printed Pages-2 University Roll No..

B. Tech. IV Year VII Semester, First Term Examination, 2014-15
ECS 702: Digital Image Processing
Time: 01 Hours Total Marks: 60
1. Attempt any three questions from Section-A and any three from
2. Symbols have their usual meanings.

Note: Attempt any three Questions (10*3=30)
I. What do you understand by digital image and its processing? Give
the various application areas of digital image processing.

II. What do you understand by adjacency? Explain 4-,8- and m-
adjacency with an example. Let V={0,1} and compute the length
of the shortest 4-,8-, and m-path between p and q. if a particular
path does not exist between these two points, explain why?

1 1 1 0 1 1 q
0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0
2 1 1 2 1 1
p 1 2 2 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 2

III. A common measure of transmission for digital data is the baud
rate, defined as the number of bits transmitted per second.
Generally, transmission is accomplished in packets consisting of a
start bit, a byte of information and a stop bit. So how many
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minutes would it take to transmit a 1024x1024 image with 256
gray levels at 56K baud?

IV. Discuss the different components of Digital Image Processing

Note: Attempt any three Questions (10*3=30)

I. What do you understand by contrast stretching? Explain linear
stretching with an example.

II. What is the difference between intensity transformation and
intensity filtering? Explain the following transformation
a.) gray level Slicing b.) log transformations

III. Equalize the following histogram:

Gray level(r
) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of Pixels
50 100 100 300 200 200 50 0
IV. Discuss the sharpening spatial filter in detail.

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