01 Frederique Kwantes Optical Illusions

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lrederlque kwanLes


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Descr|be what you've found. |ease try to do th|s |n approx|mate|y 200-2S0 words.
l've chosen for opLlcal llluslons. When you see an opLlcal llluslon, you wlll look aL lL longer Lhan aL
anoLher plcLure because you LhoughL you saw someLhlng wrong. 1haL's why l chose opLlcal llluslons
because you really have Lo look aL Lhe plcLure for a whlle Lo undersLand lL. When you see a landscape
you're done looklng aL lL qulLe fasL.
WlLh opLlcal llluslons you can see dlfferenL Lhlngs, Lhe plcLure/arLwork ls mlsleadlng e.g. Lhe plcLure
ls movlng, you can see Lwo dlfferenL Lhlngs and also colours can be mlsleadlng:

?ou see a red recLangle and a brown one. 1hey boLh have a doL ln Lhe mlddle. 1he one on Lhe red
recLangle looks darker Lhan LhaL one on Lhe brown one. lalse! 1hey have Lhe same colour. 8ecause of
Lhe colour on Lhe background Lhe doL on Lhe red recLangle looks darker, LhaL's because red ls a
llghLer colour Lhan brown. ?ou've been mlsled by such a slmple palnLlng.
l Lhlnk lL's crazy LhaL someLhlng so slmple can mlslead us. l llke plcLures wlLh opLlcal llluslons because
you can see Lhere are more sldes Lo a palnLlng, noL [usL one e.g. ln a landscape plcLure you wlll only
see Lhe plcLure from one perspecLlve and ln an opLlcal you wlll see Lwo or more:

lrederlque kwanLes

Why do you th|nk th|s |s re|evant for cu|tura| stud|es?
l Lhlnk Lhls because you see Lhlngs from a whole new perspecLlve. l Lhlnk Lhls because you see Lhlngs
from a whole new perspecLlve. ?ou can see everyLhlng has Lwo sldes Lo lL and LhaL you can see e.g.
Lwo anlmals:

lf you wanL people Lo geL deep lnLo plcLures Lhls ls Lhe besL sub[ecL you can choose because you
won'L sLop looklng aL Lhese plcLures unLll you've found Lhe answer. 1haL ls why l Lhlnk Lhls ls relevanL
for culLural sLudles.

What |s your persona| |nterest |n th|s top|c?
l Lhlnk my personal lnLeresL ln Lhls Loplc ls because of Lhe dlfferenL perspecLlves you can see. lL's
really lnLeresLlng Lo see LhaL Lhlngs have Lwo sldes. l Lhlnk lL's also lnLeresLlng because you can'L [usL
look aL lL, buL you really need Lo Lhlnk abouL whaL you're seelng and wlLh mosL plcLures LhaL's mosL
of Lhe Llme noL Lhe case. lL's very dlfferenL Lo oLher sub[ecLs and LhaL's why l llke lL.

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