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RELEASE DATE: October 7, 2014

SUBJECT: Ward named reen and o!d at"!ete #or Se$tember

SOURCE: R%an Broo&'()e*ton, +ead Women,' Soccer Coac", -1.(-7/(-01/
HERKIMER, NY Freshman Teigha Ward was named Green & Gold Female Athlete o the Month in
!e"tem#er$ Ward, an Ed%&ation' (h)si&al Ed%&ation ma*or at Her+imer ,ollege, has hel"ed the women-s
so&&er team sta) nationall) ran+ed all season, as high as se&ond, netting si. game winning goals in nine
games, se&ond #est in the nation$
A resident o Ilion, NY, Ward-s im"a&t was instant, s&oring the team-s irst o%r goals against then
nationall) ran+ed Hol)o+e and /nondaga$ It didn-t sto" there as the orward a&&%m%lated her se&ond hat
tri&+ against North ,o%ntr) ,omm%nit) ,ollege, s&oring a season0high o%r goals against the !aints$
To date Ward has 12 goals whi&h is ith #est in the nation$ !he has s&ored in e3er) game or the
Generals #%t one, netting two or more goals in i3e games this season, #%t more im"ortantl) she has
hel"ed Her+imer remain %ndeeated against 4III &om"etition, #eating o%r ran+ed o""onents d%ring that
5Teigha has gone a#o3e and #e)ond o%r e."e&tations, on and o the ield this season,6 said Head
Women-s !o&&er ,oa&h R)an 7roo+s0Newton$ 5It-s s&ar) to thin+ she is onl) a reshman and what the
%t%re holds or her, hel"ing t%rn this "rogram into a national "ower86
Photo: Attached is an action and head shot of Teigha Ward.

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