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The term anorexia comes from the Greek (anorego), an (denial) and orego ("crave").

It's a
symptom linked to decreased appetite, which can lead to a decrease in food intake.
dissatisfaction with the appearance of the body
The causes are relacinate with the show business, since people see perfect bodies lose control
over what you eat to imitate them and produced them an eating disorder.
However, anorexia can appear with generalized infections, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa
(such as ulcerative colitis), neoplastic processes, drug abuse or psychological disorders such as
depression and anorexia nervosa.
This last disease, anorexia nervosa is a disorder of eating behavior involving a loss of weight
resulting from the own patient and that leads to a State of not eating. Extreme weight loss caused
by anorexia nervosa can cause serious health and even death. ...
Although we said that anorexia refers to the loss of appetite, in reality this etymological meaning
is not true in the case of anorexia nervosa. Those affected often have hunger frequently but,
however, reject the food since they are afraid to clog up and see themselves as fat.

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