Consecration First

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Connect Group Discussion Notes

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Ask people for:
a) updates on things youve previously prayed together about
b) prayer requests for people. Make a note in the space below so
you can followup next week.
Open by praying for things that have arisen in your conversations today,
then transition to praying for peoples requests.
Remember this week:
Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for
special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do
any good work . 2 Timothy 2:21
Every Nation London Group LIFE

Crossing Over
A 6 week series for Connect Groups

3. Consecration First

Then Joshua said to the people, Consecrate yourselves, for
tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.
Joshua 3v5

In this 6 week series we are looking at the story of the Israelites crossing over
the Jordan into the long-awaited promised land. Today we look at how if we
desire to enter inro Gods promises tomorrow we need to respond by being
consecrated today.
Connect Group Discussion Notes
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What is your most treasured possession and why?
What is the dirtiest youve ever been and how did it happen?
Share a bad habit you used to have that youve managed to

Watch: Session 3 Consecration First (8 minutes)
Read: Joshua 3:5 and Timothy 2:15-22
What does it mean for us to be consecrated? What does this mean
for our head (thoughts), heart (desires), and hands (actions)?
What must we let go of? What must we cling on to?
Why is consecration so important if we want to experience Gods
So What
Why do we find it hard to live consecrated lives?
If we are to live as a consecrated people in our daily life, what should
be different about us compared to the world around us?
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Would your neighbours and work colleagues recognize that you are
different? Why or why not?
Why is it so important to make sure we are pursuing Gods future,
not just fleeing our past? Can you give an example of when pursuing
Gods future helped you be free of the past?
Think of something you used to struggle with but now dont. How
did you get free?
Paul instructs Timothy to flee youthful passions and pursue Godly
living together with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
Why is it so important to run together with other people? How can
we do this?
Now What
What are some things you need to let go of and some things you
need to lay hold of in order to live a consecrated life?
Who are you running with that is helping you to live a consecrated
life? Do you have what you need in this area. If so, how does this
help? If not, what can you do to develop this?
What is one thing that God has been speaking to you about today,
and how will you respond this week?

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