Procedure Geotechnic Tebang

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1. The procedure that will be described next is applicable for soils passing the no 5.00mm sieve.
Prepare a representative batch of the soil to be tested by breaking down soil clumps into
individual particles.

2. Add water (mixing thoroughly) to the soil, until yhe first moisture content is attained (again,
account for hygroscopic moisture as necessary).

3. Weigh the compaction mold and base plate to 1g (0.01lb). Do not include the extension collar in
this weighing.

4. Assemble the extension collar and compaction.

5. The soil sample will be compacted in three equal layers. Each layers is compacted with 27
uniformly distributed blows before the next layers of soil is added. Smooth the surface of the
soil with light tamping and then begin compact the soil with the 2.5kg rammer.

6. After the third layer has been compacted, remove the extension collar from the compaction

7. Using the steel straight edge, trim off the excess soil until the sample is even with the top of the
mould. In the event that a small quantity of soil is lost from the compaction mould during
removal of the collar or during the trimming process, fill the trimmings pressed in with
moderate finger pressure.

8. Weight the compaction mould,base plate,and compacted soil to 1g.
9. Extrude the sample from the mould and retain approximately 100g for a moisture-content
determination.Equal portions of the sample should be obtained from each of the three layers to
ensure representative water content.
10. Break up the extruded sample by hand,and mix with excess soil from the previous compaction
test.Add water,mixing thoroughly,until the water content of the soil has been raised by 2 to 3
11. Repeat steps 4 through 10.Note the consistency of the soil and the total weight of the
mould,collar,and moist soil throughout the 3 trials.
12. Once the water content samples have been dried,determine the water content and dry unit
weight of the soil in each trial.

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