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Nathan Levin

3216 Marnat Road

Baltimore, MD 21208
410.580.0388 (home)
443.3!.!361 ("ell)
Warehouse Manager and IT Support
High energy Warehouse Manager and IT Support professional with 15 years experience in the Medical Supply and
IT industries. Excellent interpersonal, leadership, and technical sills with flexi!ility to support all !usiness
depart"ents including purchasing, custo"er ser#ice, !illing, and IT. Seeing position to support operational
functions of an organi$ation in the %alti"ore "etro area.
Professional Experience
MED Inc./Advanced Medical Concepts& 'wings Mills, M( )**1 + )*1,
Purchasing Agent/Warehouse Manager
Prepared purchase orders and reviewed requisitions for goods and services daily.
Purchased the highest quality merchandise at the lowest possible price and in correct amounts.
Researched and evaluated suppliers based on price, quality, selection, service, support, availability,
reliability, production and distribution capabilities, and the supplier's reputation and history as needed.
Negotiated, renegotiated, and administered contracts with suppliers, vendors, and other
Analyzed price proposals, and other data and information to determine reasonable prices.
aintained and review computerized or manual records of items purchased, costs, deliveries, product
performance, and inventories.
!rote and reviewed product speci"cations, maintaining a wor#ing technical #nowledge of the goods or
services to be purchased.
$ommunicated with customers, employees, and other individuals to answer questions, disseminate or
e%plain information, and to ta#e orders on a regular basis.
&upervised warehouse activities'technicians daily.
(nitiated and trac#ed return authorizations when necessary.
Provided price quotes for facilities and private pay customers when requested.
$ompleted repair wor#, deliveries, and scheduling duties as needed.
onitored and followed applicable laws and regulations.
ASC!& %alti"ore, M( 1--. + )**1
Quality Assurance
)ested system modi"cations to prepare for implementation daily.
*ocumented software defects, using a bug trac#ing system, and report defects to software developers.
(denti"ed, analyzed, and documented problems with program function, output, online screen, or
onitored bug resolution e+orts and trac# successes.
$reated or maintained databases of #nown test defects.
Planned test schedules or strategies in accordance with pro,ect scope or delivery dates.
Participated in product design reviews to provide input on functional requirements, product designs,
schedules, or potential problems.
Reviewed software documentation to ensure technical accuracy, compliance, or completeness, or to
mitigate ris#s.
Technical S"ills
/roficient in Windows operating syste", Microsoft Word and Excel, %rightree, 0ast Trac, 'utloo, 1uic!oos
/oint of contact for teleco""unications and IT issues
2tili$ed Medicare3Medicaid34o""ercial coding and allowa!le 5H4/46
Professional Training and Education
4ertification through /ride Mo!ility, In#acare, and /er"o!il Trainings, yearly
4oursewor at 4o""unity 4ollege of %alti"ore 4ounty, ,* credits

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