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QQ International

A. QQ interface:

B. To Add up contacts (students):

Click Search Contacts =

This window will pop up
Enter the 10-digit qq number in this box
then, click SEARCH

*Note: Youll hear a BELL sound when the student or any contact has already added you in their QQ.
C. Chat Box

Another WINDOWS will pop up
Upon clicking Search, then this window
will pop up. Click ADD.
Write your request message in the
Message box. Then click, OK.
Video call
Audio call
Send files
Insert images
Font settings
D. QQ notes

*Note: please submit all QQ notes to: jpnetwork.soundfiles
- Before your shift end for the day.

E. To exit/log out is QQ:

For the QQ notes, just COPY the Chat History from
the QQ chatbox, then PASTE it in the NOTEPAD.
with a filename format: mm.dd.yyyy (C) Students
name_Teachers Name
Click the Penguin Icon, then
select EXIT to log out from QQ.

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