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Thief: Deadly Shadows Readme

Copyright 2003-2004 Ion Storm, L.P.; Eidos Inc.

25 My 2004 ! "#rsion $.0
Part 1: Things You Should Know
P%#s# r#d thro&gh th# 'ir#ct( s#ction o) this doc&m#nt. *his s#ction hs in)ormtion
+it% to s&cc#ss)&%%y r&nning Thief: Deadly Shadows on yo&r comp&t#r.
1.1 DirectX Information
*his gm# is optimi,#d )or Microso)t 'ir#ct( -.0. /or high#r0. 1o&r comp&t#r m&st h+#
th# Microso)t 'ir#ct( -.0. r#-distri.&t.%# inst%%#d. It is +i%.%# on th# Thief: Deadly
Shadows disc in th# 2'ir#ct( dir#ctory or .y c%ic3ing on th# 4Inst%% 'ir#ct(5 .&tton in th#
6&tor&n progrm. 1o& m&st %so #ns&r# yo&r comp&t#r hs 'ir#ct( -.0. compti.%#
dri+#rs )or yo&r grphics nd so&nd crds. 1o& cn o.tin th#s# dri+#rs )rom th#
mn&)ct&r#rs7 8#. sit#s. 6 %ist o) th#s# 8#. sit#s is t th# #nd o) this doc&m#nt.
Please note: Neither idos Inc or Ion Storm !ro"ides hardware de"ice dri"ers.
You will need to contact #our hardware "endor for assistance with u!dating #our
1.$ %emor# and Performance
9hi%# th# gm# 8i%% r&n :n# in 25; M< o) =6M, yo&r p%ying #>p#ri#nc# 8i%% .# smooth#r i)
yo& h+# t %#st 5$2 M< o) =6M.
=#grd%#ss o) ho8 m&ch m#mory yo& h+#, yo& cn m>imi,# yo&r +i%.%# m#mory nd
incr#s# th# o+#r%% p#r)ormnc# o) th# gm# #ngin# .y c%osing ny op#n progrms,
inc%&ding syst#m try progrms /%i3# IC?0, nd .y d#)rgm#nting yo&r hrd dri+#. S## prt
2 o) this doc&m#nt )or mor# in)ormtion.
Eidos r#comm#nds tht yo& h+# no oth#r progrms r&nning 8hi%# p%ying Thief: Deadly
Shadows. @th#r progrms, inc%&ding +ir&s ch#c3#rs, syst#m &ti%iti#s, nd scr##n s+#rs
cn c&s# syst#m d#grdtion 8h#n p%ying nd my comp#t# 8ith th# gm# )or syst#m
r#so&rc#s, pot#nti%%y r#s&%ting in inst.i%ity or crsh#s
Aor ddition% in)ormtion on +is&% p#r)ormnc# nd so&nd s#ttings, p%#s# r#)#r to
s#ction 2.5 o) this doc&m#nt.
1.& Known Issues
Thief: Deadly Shadows is not s&pport#d on 9indo8s B* 4.0, 9indo8s -C, 9indo8s
Mi%%#nni&m Edition, nd 9indo8s S#r+#r 2003.
$0DCD$4 Pg# $ o) $E
1. 'irtual %emor# (arnings in (indows $))) and (indows XP
9h#n p%ying Thief: Deadly Shadows 8ith %#ss thn ;00 /M<0 o) +irt&% m#mory
yo& my r#c#i+# %o8 +irt&% m#mory 8rnings. *o +oid th#s# 8rnings, p%#s# m3# s&r#
yo& s#t yo&r +irt&% m#mory s#ttings to t %#st ;00 M<.
*o dF&st yo&r +irt&% m#mory s#ttings )or 9indo8s 2000, p%#s# do th# )o%%o8ingG
$. @p#n th# *ontrol Panel.
2. @p#n th# S#stem contro% pn#%.
3. S#%#ct th# +d"anced t..
4. In th# P#r)ormnc# s#ction, c%ic3 th# Performance ,!tions .&tton.
5. Hnd#r "irt&% m#mory s#ction, c%ic3 th# *hange .&tton.
;. In th# Pging :%# si,# )or s#%#ct#d dri+# s#ction, n#>t to Initi% Si,# /M<0 #ns&r# th#
n&m.#r is t %#st -)).
E. C%ic3 Set.
C. C%ic3 ,K, c%ic3 ,K, c%ic3 ,K.
*o dF&st yo&r +irt&% m#mory s#ttings )or 9indo8s (P, p%#s# do th# )o%%o8ingG
$. @p#n th# *ontrol Panel.
2. @p#n th# S#stem contro% pn#%.
3. S#%#ct th# +d"anced t..
4. In th# P#r)ormnc# s#ction, c%ic3 th# Settings .&tton.
5. S#%#ct th# +d"anced t..
;. Hnd#r th# "irt&% m#mory s#ction, c%ic3 th# *hange .&tton.
E. In th# Pging :%# si,# )or s#%#ct#d dri+# s#ction, n#>t to Initi% Si,# /M<0 #ns&r# th#
n&m.#r is t %#st -)).
C. C%ic3 Set.
-. C%ic3 ,K, c%ic3 ,K, c%ic3 ,K.
$. Shift Ke# Interru!ts .ame.
I) yo& pr#ss th# IShi)tJ 3#y :+# tim#s cons#c&ti+#%y in 9indo8s 2000 nd 9indo8s (P,
yo& 8i%% cti+t# 9indo8s7 4Stic3yK#ys5 )#t&r#. *o pr#+#nt this )rom r#occ&rring )o%%o8
th#s# instr&ctions )or 9indo8s 2000 nd 9indo8s (PG
$. @p#n th# *ontrol Panel.
2. @p#n th# +ccessi/ilit# ,!tions contro% pn#%.
3. In th# Stic3yK#ys s#ction, c%ic3 Settings.
4. In th# K#y.ord Shortc&t s#ction, r#mo+# th# ch#c3 n#>t to 0se Shortcut.
5. C%ic3 ,K, c%ic3 ,K.
&. 1*trl231+lt231Del2 4ree5es *om!uter on (indows $)))
I) ICtr%J-I6%tJ-I'#%J is pr#ss#d d&ring gm# p%y, th# scr##n 8i%% .#com# corr&pt nd
$0DCD$4 Pg# 2 o) $E
som#tim#s th# op#rting syst#m my .#com# &nst.%#. I) this hpp#ns, yo& my pr#ss
IEscp#J to r#t&rn to th# gm#, ho8#+#r it my .# &nst.%#. 9# r#comm#nd tht yo&
r#.oot yo&r comp&t#r nd r#strt Thief: Deadly Shadows. =#)rin )rom trying to cc#ss th#
9indo8s *s3 Mng#r 8hi%# p%ying.
-. +dministrati"e Rights Re6uired to Install7Pla#70ninstall the .ame.
I) yo& r# r&nning 9indo8s 2000 or 9indo8s (P, yo& m&st %og in to n cco&nt 8ith
6dministrtor rights to prop#r%y inst%%, p%y, nd &ninst%% th# gm#.
$0DCD$4 Pg# 3 o) $E
.ra!hics *ard Issues:
$. L#n#r%
. It is importnt to h+# th# most c&rr#nt s#t o) dri+#rs )or yo&r comp&t#r7s
grphics crd. *h#s# dri+#rs cn .# )o&nd on yo&r grphics crd7s
mn&)ct&r#r7s 8#.sit#. S## th# #nd o) this doc&m#nt )or %in3s to mFor
grphics crd +#ndors.
b. Som# grphics crd nd d#+ic# dri+#r com.intions c&s# o+#r-st&rtion
8h#n %ight .%oom is #n.%#d. Light .%oom cn .# dis.%#d thro&gh th# 6D"
c. Light .%oom is incompti.%# 8ith m&%tismp%ing. I) yo& h+# %ight .%oom
s8itch#d on, th#n m&%tismp%ing 8i%% .# s#t to $. I) yo& incr#s#
m&%tismp%ing .o+# $, th#n .%oom 8i%% .# s8itch#d oM.
d. Nigh r#so%&tion t#>t&r#s sho&%d on%y .# #n.%#d on grphics crds 8ith t
%#st $2C M< o) m#mory. I) yo&r comp&t#r7s grphics crd hs %#ss thn this
mo&nt, yo& my #>p#ri#nc# s#+#r# p#r)ormnc# d#grdtion or grphic%
2. 6*I sp#ci:c
a. Thief: Deadly Shadows 8i%% not r&n prop#r%y on 6*I grphics crds &sing th#
dri+#rs o%d#r thn Ct%yst 4.4. 9# sp#ci:c%%y do not support th#s# dri+#rs.
9# strong%y r#comm#nd yo& &s# th# %t#st dri+#rs )rom th# 6*I 8#. sit#.
b. I) yo& r# &sing m&%tip%# monitors on yo&r comp&t#r nd yo& s#t th# s#cond
monitor s th# 4primry disp%y5 &sing th# 'isp%y Prop#rti#s contro% pn#%,
th# gm# 8i%% r&n on th# s#cond monitor, .&t th# gmm s#tting 8i%% .#
incorr#ct%y pp%i#d to th# :rst monitor. *h# 8or3ro&nd is to s#%#ct th# :rst
monitor nd ch#c3 0se this de"ice as the !rimar# monitor in its 'isp%y
c. 9h#n &sing n 6*I =d#on C500 or -200 grphics crd, th# gm#7s mo+i#s
nd introd&ction scr##n my .# s%ight%y distort#d. *his do#s not M#ct
nything #%s# in gm#.
d. I) yo& r# s##ing grphic% distortion d&ring th# intro scr##ns on =d#on
-000 crds, on# possi.%# so%&tion is to go into yo&r Contro% Pn#%D6d+nc#d
s#ttings nd pr#ss th# d#)&%t 3#y &nd#r th# 3
t.. 6s %8ys, p%#s# m3#
s&r# yo& r# &sing th# %t#st +id#o dri+#rs )rom th# 6*I 8#. sit#.
3. B"I'I6 sp#ci:c
. I) yo& r# &sing th# n#8#st B"I'I6 dri+#rs /5;.E2 s o) 6pri%, 20040, yo& my
#>p#ri#nc# grphic% corr&ption i) yo& r# not %so &sing 'ir#ct( -.0.. *h#s#
B"I'I6 dri+#rs r#O&ir# 'ir#ct( -.0. or high#r to )&nction prop#r%y. *h# %in3
to th# 'ir#ct( sit# is s th# #nd o) this doc&m#nt.
b. Crds .s#d on th# B"I'I6 L#Aorc#4 M( chips r# not s&pport#d.
c. I) yo& r# s##ing oth#r grphics or +is&% distortion iss&#s 8hi%# p%ying
*hi#)G '#d%y Shdo8s not co+#r#d in it#ms nd . .o+#, th#n 8#
r#comm#nd +isiting B"I'I6Ps 8#. sit# nd do8n%oding th# %t#st +id#o
dri+#rs )or yo&r +id#o crd.
$0DCD$4 Pg# 4 o) $E
Performance Notes
L#Aorc# A( 5-00
5;.E2 Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on high
L#Aorc# A( 5-50 5;.E2
Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on
L#Aorc# A( 5C00 5;.E2
Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on
L#Aorc# A( 5E00 5;.E2
Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on
L#Aorc# A( 5;00 5;.E2 Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on %o8
L#Aorc# A( 5200 5;.E2
Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on
L#Aorc# 4 5;.E2
Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on
L#Aorc# 3 5;.E2 Bo pro.%#ms r#port#d, gm# rn :n# 8ith d#ti%s on %o8
=d#on -C00 (* 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
high d#ti%
=d#on -C00 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
high d#ti%
=d#on -E00 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
m#di&m d#ti%
=d#on -;00 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
m#di&m d#ti%
=d#on -500 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
m#di&m d#ti%
=d#on -200 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
%o8 d#ti%
=d#on -$00 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
%o8 d#ti%
=d#on -000 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
%o8 d#ti%
=d#on C500 4.4
Pro.%#ms r#port#d in dri+#rs o%d#r thn 4.4. =&ns o3 in
%o8 d#ti%
Performance Issues:
$. I) th# gm# is p#r)orming poor%y, try d#cr#sing som# grphics s#ttings. @n th# +7'
options scr##n, try d#cr#sing th# disp%y r#so%&tion, shdo8ing d#ti%, %ighting c&t-
oM, %#+#% o) d#ti%, nd t&rning oM %ight .%oom or t&rning on hrd8r# so&nd mi>ing.
2. @th#r grphics options my .# t&rn#d oM to h#%p p#r)ormnc#
. Light .%oom - this is 8ht gi+#s th# %ight mor# rdint, g%o8ing %oo3.
*&rning this oM 8i%% impro+# )rm# rt# s%ight%y, nd 8i%% m3# th# gm# %oo3
$0DCD$4 Pg# 5 o) $E
B@*EG I) yo& r# #>p#ri#ncing #>c#ssi+# 4%ights Qic3#ring5, or r#p#t#d
onDoM .%in3ing o) %ights 8ithin th# gm#, th#n yo& sho&%d dis.%# Light
<%oom. C#rtin %ight so&rc#s in Thief: Deadly Shadows r# m#nt to Qic3#r
som#, nd this is norm%. No8#+#r #>c#ssi+# mo&nts o) Qic3#ring or
.%in3ing s&gg#st dis.%ing th# Light <%oom option.
.. "sync - *&rning this oM 8i%% incr#s# )rm# rt# s%ight%y, .&t 8i%% c&s#
+#rtic% t#>t&r#s to Rt#rP 8h#n yo& rott#.
c. M&%tismp%ing - *his is n nti-%ising option. K##ping this s#t to $ 8i%% gi+#
th# )st#st p#r)ormnc#.
3. Hsing I6%tJ-I*.J )&nction%ity to minimi,# nd r#t&rn to th# gm# my %#d to
a. I6%tJ-I*.J my c&s# th# mo&s# to .# non-)&nction% 8ithin m#n&s.
Pr#ssing I6%tJ-I*.J gin som#tim#s corr#cts this .#h+ior, .&t cn %so
%#ds to )&rth#r inst.i%ity.
b. I) yo&r comp&t#r7s d#s3top r#so%&tion is th# sm# s th# gm#7s r#so%&tion,
yo& 8i%% not .# .%# to &s# I6%tJ-I*.J to s8itch .#t8##n th# gm# nd th#
d#s3top. I) th# r#so%&tions r# diM#r#nt, yo& 8i%% .# .%# to s8itch norm%%y.
Hsing I6%tJ-I*.J d&ring th# mo+i# to s8itch to th# d#s3top, sh&t do8n
progrms nd th#n r#t&rn to th# mo+i# 8i%% not n#c#ssri%y h#%p
Please note: 0sing 1+lt231Ta/2 com/ination is not su!!orted.
4. *h# introd&ction nd #ndgm# mo+i#s my p%y t %#ss thn optim% sp##d i) th#r#
r# progrms r&nning in th# .c3gro&nd d&ring or F&st .#)or# th# mo+i#s .#gin.
Aor .#st mo+i# p#r)ormnc#, 8# sh&t do8n %% oth#r progrms before #nt#ring th#
$. Som# 3#y.ords, .oth Hni+#rs% S#ri% <&s /HS<0 nd PSD2, cn c&s# pro.%#ms
8h#n yo& tt#mpt to mo+# Lrr#tt 8hi%# h# is cro&ching. *his hpp#ns .#c&s#
th#y r# not prop#r%y s#nding 3#y.ord #+#nts to th# op#rting syst#m. *his iss&#
is not r#%t#d to Thief: Deadly Shadows. I) yo& h+# pro.%#ms cro&ching 8hi%#
mo+ing digon%%y in th# gm#, yo& my h+# 3#y.ord 8ith this d#:ci#ncy. *o
+#ri)y, op#n Bot#pd nd ho%d do8n th# 797 nd 7'7 3#ys sim&%tn#o&s%y. 9hi%#
ho%ding th#s# 3#ys do8n, pr#ss 7(7. I) n 7(7 do#s not pp#r, yo&r 3#y.ord is not
s#nding prop#r m#ssg#s. *his is hrd8r# iss&# 8ith th# 3#y.ord nd cnnot
$0DCD$4 Pg# ; o) $E
.# corr#ct#d 8ith so)t8r# or d#+ic# dri+#rs. 9# h+# o.s#r+#d this .#h+ior
primri%y 8ith Microso)t Bt&r% nd Microso)t Int#rn#t 3#y.ords, tho&gh it my
hpp#n 8ith oth#r .rnds nd mod#%s. *o 8or3 ro&nd this pro.%#m r#p%c# th#
3#y.ord 8ith on# tht m##ts PC stndrds or r#mp yo&r in-gm# 3#ys to s#t,
8hich do not h+# this iss&#.
.ame !ads:
1. I) yo& r# &sing gm#pd on yo&r PC, yo& my :nd tht not %% o) yo&r gm#pd7s
.&ttons r# ssign#d in Thief: Deadly Shdo8s. *his is .#c&s# th#r# is no stndrd
s#t o) .&ttons on PC gm#pds. *o s#t&p yo&r gm#pd7s .&ttons, strt Thief:
Deadly Shadows. Arom th# min m#n&, s#%#ct ,!tions, th#n s#%#ct In!uts nd
ssign .&ttons norm%%y.
Sound related Issues:
E6( is on%y s&pport#d on Cr#ti+#S 6&digy $ nd 6&digy 2 so&nd crds.
I) yo& h+# moth#r.ord &dio contro%%#r, 8# r#comm#nd tht yo& not #n.%#
Nrd8r# Mi>ing /or ny E6( options0 s doing so my r#s&%t in &dio
.norm%iti#s. 9# on%y r#comm#nd Nrd8r# Mi>ing nd E6( )or comp&t#rs 8ith
compti.%# dd-in &dio crds.
%iscellaneous Issues:
$. *h# gm# 8i%% .#gin p%ying th# introd&ctory mo+i# i) %#)t id%# on th# strt m#n&
scr##n )or n #>t#nd#d p#riod. 1o& cn #>it this mo+i# .y pr#ssing IEnt#rJ or
2. I6%tJ-IA4J hs .##n dis.%#d in this gm#. In ord#r to #>it th# gm#, pr#ss IEscJ
to op#n th# p&s# m#n&. C%ic3 th# .ottom-right-most .&tton, Title %enu. Arom
th# tit%# m#n&, c%ic3 8it to Des9to!. 6 con:rmtion 8indo8 pp#rs .#)or# th#
$0DCD$4 Pg# E o) $E
gm# #>its.
3. I) yo&r comp&t#r hs Microso)t 6cti+#Sync inst%%#d nd r&nning, Thief: Deadly
Shadows 8i%% not %od ny mp. *h# Min M#n& 8i%% com# &p .&t onc# yo& s#%#ct,
Start New .ame or tt#mpt to %od s+#d gm#, th# gm# 8i%% crsh. 6cti+#Sync
hs no m#ns to c%os# or dis.%# th# progrm, so yo& m&st chng# 6cti+#SyncPs
s#ttings so it do#s not int#r)#r# 8ith th# gm#. In 6cti+#Sync, go into th#
con:g&rtion options nd dis.%# %% conn#ction s#ttings.
4. I) yo& shr# yo&r My 'oc&m#nts )o%d#r cross n#t8or3, th# gm# 8i%% sy tht yo&
do not h+# #no&gh spc# to s+# gm#. *h# so%&tion is to not shr# this )o%d#r.
5. I) yo& r#c#i+# th# )o%%o8ing #rror;
4*h# C2P=@L=6M AILES2*NIEA T 'E6'L1
SN6'@9S2S1S*EM2*3M6IB.E(E :%# pp#rs to .# corr&pt.
=#inst%% th# :%#, nd th#n try gin.
1o& h+# inst%%#d th# gm# onto comp&t#r tht hs n &ns&pport#d op#rting
syst#m. *hi#) T '#d%y Shdo8s 8i%% on%y 8or3 on comp&t#r syst#ms tht h+#
9indo8s 2000 or 9indo8s (P.
Ion Storm nd Eidos r# committ#d to pro+iding c&stom#r s&pport )or o&r gm#s on
contin&ing .sis. In tht spirit, th#r# my .# ptch )or Thief: Deadly Shadows
)orthcoming. "isit th# Eidos 8#. sit# /httpGDD888.#idos.comD0 )or mor# in)ormtion.
$0DCD$4 Pg# C o) $E
Part $: Technical Issues
$.1 Installation : Setu!
S#stem Re6uirements
*h# minimum syst#m r#O&ir#m#nts r# s )o%%o8sG
*,%P0TR: I<M PC or $00U compti.%#
,PR+TIN. SYST%: 9indo8s 2000 or 9indo8s (P /-5D-CDMEDB* not
*P0: Int#% P#nti&m I" $.5 LN, /or 6M' 6th%on (P #O&i+%#nt0
%%,RY: 25; M< syst#m m#mory
.R+P;I*S: ;4 M< +id#o m#mory, 'ir#ct3' -.0, nd Pi>#% Shd#r $.$
S,0ND: $00U 'ir#ctSo&nd - compti.%# so&nd crd
;+RD DRI': 3,000 M< )r## hrd dis3 spc#
*D3R,%: ?&d-sp##d C' dri+# or '"' dri+# /'"' r#O&ir#d )or E&rop#n +#rsions0
INP0T D'I*S: K#y.ord nd mo&s#
*h# recommended syst#m r#O&ir#m#nts r# s .o+# 8ith th# )o%%o8ing chng#sG
*P0: Int#% P#nti&m I" 2.0 LN, /or 6M' 6th%on (P #O&i+%#nt0
%%,RY: 5$2 M< syst#m m#mory
.R+P;I*S: $2C M< +id#o m#mory, 'ir#ct3' -.0, nd Pi>#% Shd#r $.$
I) yo& r# &nc#rtin o) yo&r grphics crd7s compti.i%ity 8ith Thief: Deadly Shadows, c%ic3
th# *hec9 .ra!hics .&tton in th# 6&tor&n 8indo8.
Thief: Deadly Shadows does not su!!ort !la# on note/oo9 and la!to! com!uters.
Pre!aring Your ;ard Dri"e
*o #ns&r# tht yo&r inst%%tion is tro&.%# )r##, yo& sho&%d ch#c3 to s## tht yo&r hrd dri+#
nd :%# syst#m r# .oth t&n#d )or optim&m p#r)ormnc#. 9indo8s inc%&d#s &ti%ity
progrms tht :nd nd :> #rrors nd optimi,# yo&r hrd dri+# p#r)ormnc#G Scndis3 nd
'is3 '#)rgm#nt#r. Scndis3 ch#c3s yo&r hrd dri+# )or pro.%#ms nd cn :> most tht it
:nds. @nc# Scndis3 is comp%#t#, yo& sho&%d optimi,# yo&r hrd dri+#7s p#r)ormnc# .y
r&nning 'is3 '#)rgm#nt#r. *his progrm r#rrng#s th# :%#s on yo&r hrd dri+# to
r#d&c# th# tim# n##d#d to %od progrms. Ao%%o8 th#s# instr&ctions to strt th#s#
$. @p#n %# *om!uter
2. =ight-c%ic3 th# dri+# icon yo& 8nt to scn /g#n#r%%y CG0 nd c%ic3 Pro!erties.
3. S#%#ct th# Tools t..
4. C%ic3 *hec9 Now to strt Scndis3; c%ic3 Defragment Now to strt 'is3
$0DCD$4 Pg# - o) $E
Installing Thief: Deadly Shadows
Inst%%ing Thief: Deadly Shadows is #sy. Ins#rt th# :rst disc into yo&r C' or '"' dri+#,
nd th# 6&tor&n progrm sho&%d .#gin &tomtic%%y. S## s#ction 2.2 i) it do#s not. *his
progrm 8i%% g&id# yo& thro&gh th# gm# inst%%tion proc#ss. I) t ny tim# yo& r#
instr&ct#d to r#strt yo&r comp&t#r, do so. Ao%%o8 th# prompts. 1o& 8i%% .# s3#d to s#%#ct
th# dir#ctory 8h#r# th# gm# is inst%%#d. *h# d#)&%t is *:<Program 4iles<Thief 3 Deadl#
Shadows<. 1o& my chng# this i) yo& 8ish.
Starting the .ame
*h#r# r# m&%tip%# 8ys to strt th# gm#. 1o& my do ny o) th# )o%%o8ingG
$. I) yo& s3#d th# inst%%#r to cr#t# d#s3top shortc&t, yo& my do&.%#-c%ic3 it. Its
nm# is Pla# Thief 3 Deadl# Shadows.
$. @p#n th# Start m#n&.
2. @p#n th# Programs )o%d#r /+ll Programs on 9indo8s (P0.
3. @p#n th# idos )o%d#r.
4. @p#n th# Thief 3 Deadl# Shadows )o%d#r.
5. C%ic3 Pla# Thief 3 Deadl# Shadows.
$. Ins#rt th# :rst gm# disc into yo&r comp&t#r7s C' or '"' dri+#. 6)t#r mom#nt,
th# Thief: Deadly Shadows 6&tor&n sho&%d pp#r on th# scr##n. S## s#ction 2.2 i)
6&tor&n do#s not pp#r.
2. C%ic3 th# Pla# .ame .&tton.
0ninstalling Thief: Deadly Shadows
*h#r# r# m&%tip%# 8ys to &ninst%% th# gm#. 1o& my do ny o) th# )o%%o8ingG
$. Ins#rt th# Thief: Deadly Shadows Installation and .ame disc 1 into th# C' or
'"' dri+# to cti+t# th# 6&tor&n progrm. C%ic3 on th# 0ninstall .&tton, nd
th#n c%ic3 on th# Yes .&tton to &ninst%% th# progrm. S## s#ction 2.2 i) 6&tor&n
do#s not pp#r.
$. @p#n th# *ontrol Panel.
2. @p#n th# +dd7Remo"e Programs contro% pn#%.
$0DCD$4 Pg# $0 o) $E
3. S#%#ct Thief 3 Deadl# Shadows )rom th# c&rr#nt%y inst%%#d progrm %ist.
4. C%ic3 th# *hange7Remo"e .&tton
$.$ *D Pro/lems
+utoPla# Issues
(h# doesn=t the +utoPla# feature a!!ear when I insert the Thief: Deadly Shadows
*his my .# hpp#ning .#c&s# +utoPla# is dis.%#d in yo&r op#rting syst#m. En.%ing
nd dis.%ing 6&toP%y in 9indo8s 2000 nd 9indo8s (P r#O&ir#s #diting th# syst#m
r#gistry, topic .#yond th# scop# o) this doc&m#nt. 6s n %t#rnti+# to #n.%ing 6&toP%y,
yo& cn mn&%%y strt &tor&n in t8o 8ys on ny +#rsion o) 9indo8sG
$. @p#n My Comp&t#r, do&.%#-c%ic3 th# Thief: Deadly Shadows C' or '"' icon, nd
do&.%#-c%ic3 th# 6&tor&n progrm.
2. @p#n th# Strt M#n&, c%ic3 =&n. In th# di%og .o> tht pp#rs, typ# D:<autorun
/8h#r# 'G is th# %#tt#r o) th# C' or '"' dri+# 8ith th# gm# disc0 nd c%ic3 @K.
$.& *rashes and ?oc930!s
(hen I start Thief: Deadly Shadows@ m# mouse cursor disa!!ears and m#
com!uter loc9s3u!.
Chnc#s r# yo&r inst%%#d &dio crd dri+#rs r# not compti.%# 8ith 'ir#ct(. *h# on%y
so%&tion is to g#t 'ir#ct( -.0. compti.%# dri+#r )rom yo&r &dio crd mn&)ct&r#r.
(hen I start Thief: Deadly Shadows@ I recei"e the following error message:
"The application T3.exe referenced memory at address xxxx:xxxx that can't be read
Chnc#s r# yo&r inst%%#d grphics crd dri+#rs r# not compti.%# 8ith 'ir#ct(. I)
this is th# cs#, th# so%&tion is to &pgrd# yo&r grphics crd dri+#rs to th# %t#st
+#rsion. Lin3s to th# 8#. sit#s o) mFor grphics crd mn&)ct&r#rs r# +i%.%#
t th# #nd o) this doc&m#nt.
The Installer 9ee!s sto!!ing when a certain !ercentage is com!lete.
$. 1o& my h+# r&n o&t o) )r## spc# on yo&r hrd dri+#. P%#s# r#mo+# &n8nt#d
progrms to )r## &p ddition% spc# )or th# gm#, nd th#n r#inst%% Thief: Deadly
$0DCD$4 Pg# $$ o) $E
2. Ai%#s r# possi.%y .#ing copi#d to corr&pt#d r# o) yo&r hrd dri+#. I) this is so,
yo&7%% n##d to r&n th# Scandis9 progrm nd &s# th# 4ThoroughA option /s##
pr#+io&s it#m0. 6)t#r Scndis3 hs :nish#d r&nning nd hs in)orm#d yo& tht yo&r
dri+# is )r## o) #rrors, try to r#-inst%%.
3. *h#r# my .# dirt or :ng#rprints on th# disc its#%). E>min# th# .ottom o) th# disc;
i) yo& s## ny :ng#rprints or dirt, cr#)&%%y c%#n th# disc &sing c%#n, so)t, %int-
)r## c%oth .y 8iping )rom th# c#ntr# o) th# disc /n#r th# ho%#0 to8rds th# o&t#r
#dg# in stright %in#.
Thief: Deadly Shadows is crashing to the des9to! with no error message.
S#+#r% diM#r#nt things cn c&s# this pro.%#m. N#r#7s %ist o) th# most common c&%pritsG
Ens&r# th# disc is c%#n nd &ndmg#d /ch#c3 )or scrtch#s nd sm&dg#s on th#
r#ding s&r)c#0.
Ens&r# yo& h+# prop#r%y inst%%#d th# gm#.
Ens&r# yo& h+# prop#r%y inst%%#d 'ir#ct( -.0..
Ens&r# yo& h+# th# latest 'ir#ct( -.0. compti.%# dri+#rs )or yo&r grphics nd
so&nd crd.
=&n Scandis9 /s## s#ction 2.$ )or instr&ctions0.
=&n Dis9 Defragmenter /s## s#ction 2.$ )or instr&ctions0.
'#%#t# &nn##d#d t#mporry :%#s in th# CG29indo8s2*#mp or CG29IBB*2*#mp
Ens&r# yo& r# not r&nning nti-+ir&s &ti%iti#s /#.g. Norton Antiirus0 8hi%# p%ying
Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Ens&r# yo& r# not r&nning ny third-prty 9indo8s m#mory mng#m#nt &ti%iti#s
/%i3# !uarterdec" !#$$0.
Ens&r# yo& r# not r&nning ny 3rd prty 9indo8s dis3 cching &ti%iti#s prior to
Ens&r# yo& r# not r&nning Norton %rash &rotector 8hi%# p%ying Thief: Deadly
*ry &ninst%%ing nd r#inst%%ing th# gm#.
$0DCD$4 Pg# $2 o) $E
*ry #>iting th# gm#, r#.ooting yo&r comp&t#r, nd r#-strting th# gm#.
N,T: I) yo&r comp&t#r crsh#s to th# d#s3top 8hi%# p%ying Thief: Deadly Shadows' yo&
sho&%d pro..%y r#.oot .#)or# strting n#8 p%y s#ssion. I) yo& do not r#.oot,
'ir#ct'r8 or 'ir#ctSo&nd my .# in %oc3#d stt# nd th# gm# 8i%% .# &n.%# to &s#
yo&r so&nd or grphics hrd8r#.
$.- DirectX3Related Buestions
*an I !la# without DirectX>
Bo. 1o& m&st h+# 'ir#ct( inst%%#d to p%y Thief: Deadly Shadows.
I cannot use DirectX on m# com!uter. Is there an# other wa# to run Thief: Deadly
Bo. 1o& m&st h+# 'ir#ct( inst%%#d to p%y Thief: Deadly Shadows.
I don=t want to use DirectX C.)/. *an I use an older "ersion of DirectX>
0se of DirectX C.)/ is strongl# recommended. Thief: Deadly Shadows cn 8or3 on
+#rsions o) 'ir#ct( s o%d s C.$. I) yo& choos# to p%y 8ith +#rsion o) 'ir#ct( o%d#r thn
-.0. yo& my #>p#ri#nc# grphics or so&nd nom%i#s or .# #ntir#%y &n.%# to p%y. Thief:
Deadly Shadows 8i%% not 8or3 8ith +#rsions o) 'ir#ct( o%d#r thn C.$ &nd#r ny
$0DCD$4 Pg# $3 o) $E
$.D %anual +dditions
*h# )o%%o8ing in)ormtion sho&%d .# &s#d in conF&nction 8ith yo&r print#d gm# mn&%.
?ow Bualit# Te8tures 3 En.%ing %o8 O&%ity t#>t&r#s 8i%% r#s&%t in p#r)ormnc# gin, t
th# #>p#ns# o) +is&% O&%ity. "id#o crds 8ith ;4M< o) +id#o m#mory or %o8#r sho&%d
#n.%# %o8 O&%ity t#>t&r#s.
+X Sound ,!tions E
6&dio Nrd8r# Mi>ingG *his option &s#s th# so&nd hrd8r# to mi> th# so&nds nd
to p#r)orm th# 3' spti%i,tion. *h# r#s&%t is impro+#d 3' so&nd O&%ity nd )&%%
s&rro&nd so&nd s&pport /)or &s#rs 8ith mor# d+nc#d sp#3#r s#t&ps %i3# 5.$0.
E6( 6d+nc#d N'G *his option /+i%.%# on so&nd crds tht s&pport E6( 3.0 or
high#r0 #n.%#s r#+#r., 8hich c&s#s so&nds to #cho nd r#+#r.#rt# mor#
r#%istic%%y 8ith th# gm# #n+ironm#nt.
E6( M&%tip%# En+ironm#nts /=#+#r.0G *his d+nc#d option /+i%.%# on so&nd
crds tht s&pport E6( 4.0 or high#r0 #n.%#s m&%tip%# sim&%tn#o&s r#+#r.
#n+ironm#nts, 8hich oM#rs #+#n mor# r#%istic &dio mod#%ing o+#r E6( 6d+nc#d
?ight *utoF E *&rning this &p s%ight%y r#d&c#s %ighting O&%ity in #>chng# )or
%ultisam!ling E incr#sing this s#tting 8i%% r#s&%t in smooth#r #dg#s on gm# o.F#cts nd
chrct#rs, t th# #>p#ns# o) p#r)ormnc#. *his sho&%d on%y .# incr#s#d i) yo& h+#
high-#nd +id#o crd.
?e"el of Detail E *&rning this do8n r#d&c#s th# d#ti% on chrct#rs in #>chng# )or
$0DCD$4 Pg# $4 o) $E
$.G Technical Su!!ort
I) yo& n##d )&rth#r t#chnic% ssistnc# )t#r r#ding this doc&m#nt, p%#s# do not h#sitt#
to contct Eidos &sing th# m#thods %ist#d .#%o8.
9h#n contcting Eidos, p%#s# .# pr#pr#d to pro+id# Eidos 8ith s m&ch in)ormtion
.o&t yo&r comp&t#r s possi.%#. Bot# th# #>ct typ# o) hrd8r# in yo&r comp&t#r,
inc%&ding yo&r grphics crd, so&nd crd, C' or '"' dri+#, mo&nt o) syst#m =6M, nd
th# sp##d nd mn&)ct&r#r o) yo&r proc#ssor. 6%so, .# s&r# to inc%&d# th# tit%# nd
+#rsion o) th# gm#, nd d#ti%#d d#scription o) th# pro.%#m.
It 8i%% %so h#%p i) yo& pr#pr# .y cr#ting 'ir#ct( 'ignostic *oo% %og :%# .#)or# yo& c%%.
*o do thisG
$. @p#n th# Start %enu.
2. C%ic3 Run.
3. In th# di%og tht pp#rs, typ# d8diag nd c%ic3 ,K.
4. @nc# th# 'ir#ct( 'ignostic *oo% hs %od#d, c%ic3 th# Sa"e +ll Information
.&tton. *h# comp&t#r my r#O&ir# )#8 mom#nts to cr#t# th# %og :%#. 1o&r
monitor my Qic3#r or r#-sync. S+# th# :%# to p%c# yo& 8i%% r#m#m.#r, %i3# yo&r
comp&t#r7s '#s3top or yo&r My 'oc&m#nts )o%d#r.
9h#n yo& c%% Eidos *#chnic% S&pport, h+# this :%# op#n or h+# print#d copy +i%.%#.
I) yo& s#nd n #mi% O&#ry, p%#s# ttch th# :%# to th# #mi%.
Bot#G Nints nd tips 8i%% not .# gi+#n o&t o+#r th# *#chnic% S&pport %in#s.
Technical Su!!ort *ontact Details H0nited KingdomI
6ddr#ss 9im.%#don <ridg# No&s#
$ Nrt:#%d =od
S9$- 3=H
Phon# 0CE0 -000222
Technical Su!!ort *ontact Details H0nited States of +mericaI
6ddr#ss Eidos C&stom#r S#r+ic#s
;5$ <rnnn Str##t
Sn Arncisco, C6 -4$0E
9#. httpGDD 888.#idos.comDs&pport.htm%
Phon# /4$50 ;$5-;220
A> /4$50 54E-$20$
$0DCD$4 Pg# $5 o) $E
$0DCD$4 Pg# $; o) $E
Dri"ers and Software 0!dates
1o& my :nd h#%p 8ith hrd8r# or d#+ic# dri+#r pro.%#ms on on# o) th# 8#.sit#s
mintin#d .y th# s&pp%i#r, som# o) 8hich r# %ist#d .#%o8G
3' L.s httpGDD888.3d%.s.comD
6*I *#chno%ogi#s httpGDD888.ti.comD
Cr#ti+# L.s
Int#% httpGDDs&
Mtro> httpGDD888.mtro>.comD
Microso)t 'ir#ct( httpGDD888.microso)t.comDdir#ct>D
B"I'I6 httpGDD888.n+idi.comD
*#rrt#c httpGDD888.t#rrt#c.n#tD
Mor# in)ormtion is +i%.%# )rom Eidos7 t#chnic% s&pport 8#. sit#sG
Hnit#d KingdomG httpGDD
Hnit#d Stt#s
nd Borth 6m#ricG httpGDD888.#idosint#rcti+#.comDs&pportD
Arnc#G httpGDD 888.#idos.)rDs&pportD
L#rmnyG httpGDD888.#idosh#%p%in#.d#D
A&rth#r t#chnic% in)ormtion nd dri+#rs )or 9indo8s comp&t#rs cn .# )o&nd t
$0DCD$4 Pg# $E o) $E

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