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Script (Part 2)


Cabs: So to start, I have here a question for
Anyone here who has an idea of what an
ECE does?

Luke: (Stands up) An ECE is someone who is
an expert in the field of electromagnetics and

Cabs: (Nods) That is right. But there is more to
that for an electronics and communications

Cabs: (Shows a power point presentation)
ECE is not only a job. It is a passion. Passion
for perfection, passion for excellence, and
most especially, passion for helping other

Cath: So as an ECE, what are the jobs that you
can take?
(Turns to the next slide)
(Shows the list of the jobs)
I have here some of the jobs that you can
choose from when you graduate and
eventually becomes an ECE as well.

Cabs: There are a lot of problems you will be
facing. In all of those, just keep your heads up

Cath: We are actually made for problems. We
were trained to be problem solvers. So
whatever comes your way, just manage it.

Cabs: Moving on, would anyone like to ask a

Kyle: (Stands up) I can see sir your enthusiasm
as an enginner. Was there any experience you
had that you almost wanted to give up?

Cabs: Yes, there were many. But I believe that
everythings a choice so I am now standing in
front of you.

Kyle: I can see that Mr. Caballero. I hope to be
like you years from now.

Stella: (Stands up) I know that nothing comes
easy in life, but I would just like to ask if you
had any trouble managing your time when
you were already working?

Cath: Of course. But trouble is only in the
mind. If you dont look at things that way,
then you wont have any trouble at all.

Stella: (Nods) Thank you for those words,

Luke: (Stands up) Why did you choose this

Cabs: I wanted something different. Beyond
the things that I usually see.

Luke: So you wanted to stand out?

Cabs: I wanted to be someone who is

Cath: Do you still have any questions? So if
Indeed, it is the journey that counts; the
destination is just a bonus. Thus savour every
moment and do everything excellently for all
your efforts and hard work will pay off.

Cabs: To wrap things up, here is Mr. Villaroel

Migs: Your internship will start tomorrow. I
hope that everyone is already inspired to do
things like an ECE would. Good day everyone
and be prepared for tomorrow!

(Everyone stands and is leaving)

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