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Honoring Diversity in Early learning environments

Art Area YES NO

Paint available in many textures and colours, skin colours

Crayons in different thicknesses for varying skills

Crayons, markers, pencils in many colours, skin colours

Art materials representing the arts and crafts of community

Collage materials representing materials from the community

Opportunities to participate at various skill levels

Materials available that can be taken in by all the senses

Opportunities to use materials in open ended ways

Opportunities to make choices over the use of the materials

Materials reflect the changing needs of the community

Support children and demonstrate positive interactions

Initiate and respond to childrens messages

Model use of the materials

Materials are used in non-stereotypical ways

Support inclusion and adapt to meet needs of individual child

Support opportunities for self expression and self discovery

Opportunities for incorporating experiences of the children

Opportunities to listen, participate and respond

Opportunities to explore functions and features of materials

Flexibility to allow children to reach comfort zone

Atmosphere is pleasant, non-threatening, and talk-friendly

Materials are plentiful with minimal use of food items

Opportunities to participate through observation

Opportunities to progress at own pace
Opportunities to display and talk about materials
Antibiasportfolio/Alka Burman/

Honoring Diversity in Early Learning Environments
Block Area YES NO
Toy people are multiracial and without sex role stereotyping

Toy people are representative of variety of abilities

Toy people are in clothing that are non stereotypical

Animal figures simulate those found in community

Animal figures simulate domestic as well as wild

Toy vehicles are familiar to the classroom community

Building Materials are familiar to the classroom community

Building materials are available in many textures, and colours

Good combination of natural and man made materials

Materials are found in the community

Materials can be manipulated with all the senses

Opportunities to use materials in open ended ways

Opportunities to make choices over the use of the materials

Materials reflect the changing needs of the community

Support children and demonstrate positive interactions

Initiate and respond to childrens messages

Model and use the materials

Materials are used in non-stereotypical ways

Supports inclusion and are adaptable to the needs of child

Supports opportunities for self expression and self discovery

Opportunities for incorporating experiences of the children

Opportunities to listen, participate and respond

Opportunities to explore funcations and features of materials

Opportunities to progress at own pace

Materials have been brought in from the community

Opportunities to interact with materials in different ways

Opportunities to discuss projects and display projects


Honoring Diversity in Early Learning Materials

Book Area YES NO
Book supports and enhances childs basic vocabulary

Books portray ideas and characters that are non stereotypical in nature

Assortment of books including rhyming, wordless, and fantasy

Books depicting themes to familiar to the classroom community

Books representative of different beliefs and ideas

Books portray characters with different abilities

Books portray characters with different lifestyles and living styles

Books portray language either Visual, Braille, tape story, textures

Books available in languages familiar to the classroom community

Books portray different family forms

Book area supports opportunities for adult child interaction

Books are plentiful and in good condition

Books are available in other languages (dual language books)

Illustrations that are natural and depict cultures in a respectful way

Content is inclusive

Opportunities for reflection, prediction, and response to story

Opportunities to participate at all skill levels

Opportunities to make their own choices over books being read

Opportunities for child storytelling

Assortment of child made books and photo albums with words

Materials on shelf are easily accessible to all children

Opportunities to support self expression and interpretation of stories

Books reflect a variety of experiences from the classroom community

Adults model use of the books

Opportunities for spontaneous reading experiences

Books portray children and adults with various abilities

Books depict a variety of racial, ethnic, cultural groups

Books portray rural as well as well as modern lifestyles

Antibiasportfolio/Alka Burman/

Honoring Diversity in Early Learning Materials

Toy Area YES NO
Puzzles reflect community atmospheres (rural and urban)

Puzzles represent occupations of parents and community members

Toy figures, puzzles etc. depict non stereotypical multiracial people

Toy figures, puzzles etc. depict people of various abilities

Toy figures, puzzles etc. avoid sex-role stereotyping

Opportunities for modeling with the materials takes place

Children can progress with materials at their own pace

Children can save their work and continue later

Opportunities to participate at all skill levels

Materials are multisensory in nature

Supports inclusion and adapts to meet needs of individual child

Opportunities to make choices over play

Opportunities to listen, participate, and respond

Opportunities to explore functions and features of materials

Children given time to reach comfort zone

Atmosphere is pleasant, non-threatening, and talk friendly

Children can incorporate own experiences into play

Childrens work is on display

There are opportunities to participate through observation

Materials are a combination of man made and natural

Manipulative activities which include beading, weaving, and others

Materials are incorporated from the classroom community

Opportunities to build upon childrens interests

Opportunities for self directed and independent exploration

Opportunities to collaborate and problem solve

Antibiasportfolio/Alka Burman/

Honoring Diversity in Early Learning Materials
House Area YES NO
Multiracial dolls with non-stereotypical and appropriate features

Contents and arrangement of house area is open ended and changing

Materials are suitable to be used by a variety of ages, abilities

Dolls avoid gender stereotypes

Photographs and albums of the children are included in the area

Kitchen utensils, empty food containers reflect classroom community

Dress up clothes are reflective of the community

Opportunities for families to share and bring in materials

Other materials that children are interested in adding

Opportunities for self directed play are provided

Opportunities for interaction and problem solving are provided

Atmosphere is pleasant and talk friendly

Adult is available to support child directed play

Opportunities to participate through observation

Materials can be used in open ended ways

Opportunities to explore functions and features of materials

Opportunities to listen, participate and respond

Flexibility to allow children to reach their comfort zone

Opportunities to incorporate childs personal experiences

Materials are plentiful with minimal use of real food items

Materials are multisensory in nature

Support children and demonstrate positive interactions

Opportunities to make choices over the use of the materials

Supports Peer interactions

Support children, individually and in groups to express ideas

Inclusive environment adapts to meet the needs of each child

Area is responsive in nature, changes according to childs plan

Antibiasportfolio/Alka Burman/

Honoring Diversity in Early Learning Materials
Music and Movement Area YES NO
Music is representative of the classroom community

Instruments are representative of the classroom community

Children have made instruments and included in the area

Variety of textures and materials have been used to make the instruments

Children are free to bring in materials of their own choice to make sounds

Movement experiences reflective of classroom community

Childs music from home is incorporated

Movement games from classroom community are incorporated

Rhymes are shared from the classroom community

Children have the opportunity to sing songs in their own language

Opportunities to listen using headphones

Opportunities for child to share music he has brought in

Opportunities to listen, participate and respond

Opportunities to explore functions and features of materials

Opportunities to participate at various skill levels

Support opportunities for self expression and self discovery

Opportunities to participate through observation

Opportunities to progress at own pace

Support children and demonstrate positive interactions

Materials are multisensory in nature

Materials are a good mix of natural and man made products

Opportunities to make choices over the materials

Opportunities to incorporate the experiences of the children

Initiate and respond to childrens messages

Model the use of the materials

Antibiasportfolio/Alka Burman/

Honoring Diversity in Early Learning Materials
Outdoor Area YES NO
Staff create a visual environment that supports diversity
Photographs of families from the centre are on display
Photographs of staff from the centre are on display
Staff reflect diverse images of family composition
Rural and Urban is reflected in images and materials
Age is reflected in images and materials
Ethnicity is reflected in images and materials
Physical ability is reflected in images and materials
Males and females are seen doing a variety of activities
Non stereotypical play is promoted on playground
Staff support children and demonstrate positive interactions
Opportunities to use materials in open ended ways
Art materials are available at many textures and colours
Outdoor Materials are representative of childrens interests
Outdoor materials represent interests of classroom community
Materials can be used at various skill levels
Opportunities to make choices over the use of materials
Materials reflect the changing needs of the community
Opportunities for multisensory play
Activities are set up in an accessible manner
Staff initiate and respond to childrens messages
Materials are used in non-stereotypical ways
Staff model use of the materials
Opportunities for incorporating experiences of children
Area supports inclusion and is adaptive to meet needs of child
Opportunities to explore functions and features of materials
Flexibility to allow children to reach comfort zone
Atmosphere is pleasant, non-threatening, and talk friendly
Opportunities to participate through observation

Honoring Diversity in Early Learning Materials
Community Collaboration YES NO
Staff consider the intended audience
Staff make certain that families are included in processes
Staff are aware of family values, beliefs, and practices
All Practices respect family values, beliefs, and practices
Policies respect family values, beliefs, and practices
All communication is presented in a clear fashion
Staff are open to collaboration and listen to families
Format of information is appropriate for audience
Communication with families is adequate and easy to follow
Staff allow opportunities for parental involvement
Centre is welcoming and families feel comfortable to share
Ideas are exchanged between the families and staff
All graphics, illustrations, and photographs are inclusive
All graphics, illustrations, and photographs are anti bias
All images displayed in the centre are non stereotypical
Only reputable translation services are used
Print material is available in other languages on request
Policy and handbook available in other languages on request
Forms are available in other languages on request
Families are given opportunity to participate and observe
Families are given notice of changes effecting child
Families are given time to reach comfort zone with program
Families are welcomed into program
Families are given the opportunity to participate in program
Atmosphere is pleasant, non-threatening, and talk friendly
Staff inquire and gather information in a respectful way
Staff listen, participate and respond to families
Environment is inclusive to all families
Families are able to progress at their own pace with program
Materials on display are representative of the community
Families are given many opportunities to collaborate

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