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Teacher Name: Eileen Struna

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 5 3 1 0
Digital Assessment Demonstrates use of digital
assessment with students.
Obviously used tool, but is not
explicitly part of presentation
Did not use digital
Data Presentation Presents student results and
clearly explains patterns and
analyzes findings
Presents student results
without detailed analysis of
Does not include students
Instructional Decisions Clearly explains the
instructional decisions made
based on the data presented
and plans for the future.
Presents instructional
decisions but does not
explicitly tie them back to data
Does not clearly state
instructional decisions related
to data.
Time of Presentation Presentation is within 5 -10
minutes in length
Presentation goes over 10
Presentation goes under 5
Oral Presentation Interesting, well-rehearsed
with smooth delivery that
holds audience attention.
Relatively interesting,
rehearsed with a fairly smooth
delivery that usually holds
audience attention.
Delivery not smooth, but able
to hold audience attention
most of the time.
Digital Tool Critique Clearly describes at least 2
pros and 2 cons of the digital
assessment tool.
Briefly addresses the use of the
digital tool. Presents at least
one pro and one con.
Does not address pro or con of
using the assessment tool.
Date Created: Sep 24, 2014 09:35 pm (CDT)
Multimedia Project : Assessment Presentation

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